Russian Hacking: Read the full declassified Intelligence Report here


Vyacheslav Molotov, Stalin’s foreign minister, once remarked while on a trip to Berlin in the early days of the Cold War, “The trouble with free elections is that you never know how they will turn out.”

On the morning of November 9th, Molotov’s grandson, Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of the Russian Duma’s foreign-affairs committee, announced to the parliament, “Three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the American Presidential elections. And just this second Donald Trump began his speech as President-elect.” The Duma members cheered and applauded.

In the days to come, there were more declarations of acid satisfaction among the Russian élite. Dmitri Kiselyov, the host of “News of the Week,” a popular current-affairs show on state-controlled television, gloated over Trump’s victory and Barack Obama’s inability to prevent it. Obama, he said, was a “eunuch.” Trump was an “alpha male”—and one who showed mercy to his vanquished rival. “Trump could have put the blonde in prison, as he’d threatened in the televised debates,” Kiselyov said on his show. “On the other hand, it’s nothing new. Trump has left blond women satisfied all his life.” Kiselyov further praised Trump because the concepts of democracy and human rights “are not in his lexicon.” In India, Turkey, Europe, and now the United States, he declared, “the liberal idea is in ruins.”

Vladimir Putin did not showboat, but he, too, made his satisfaction plain. His spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, told reporters that the similarity between Trump and Putin’s “conceptual approach to foreign policy” was “phenomenal.” Trump’s victory was the basis for Russia’s “moderate optimism”; now both sides could discuss how “to clear out the Augean stables in our bilateral relations.”

Putin’s resentment of Clinton was always manifest; it is almost as severe as Trump’s. Putin saw the Clinton Administration of the nineties as having taken advantage of Russian weakness after the fall of the Soviet Union, twenty-five years ago. He viewed Hillary Clinton as a foreign-policy hawk who wanted regime change from Baghdad to Kiev to Moscow. In 2011, Putin, who lives in fear of spontaneous uprisings, events like the Arab Spring and the “color revolutions” in Ukraine and Georgia, accused Clinton of giving “a signal” to urge thousands of Russians to come out on the streets of Moscow to protest parliamentary-election “irregularities” and Putin’s intention to return once more to the Kremlin as President.

Strobe Talbott, who was Bill Clinton’s closest adviser on Russia, told me recently that the hack of the D.N.C. and Putin’s other moves in Europe—including the annexation of Crimea, the Russian military presence in eastern Ukraine, and the financial support of nationalists like Marine Le Pen, of France—were part of a larger strategy intended to weaken the E.U. and nato.

“I try to be careful about superlatives,” Talbott said, “but I cannot think, going back to the Soviet Union or since, that there’s been a Moscow-Kremlin-instigated gambit that was so spectacularly successful as what they have done with our democracy. All of those assets that they tried to use on us over the years were far less by comparison; this was like winning seventeen jackpots all at once.”

More: Trump, Putin, and the Big Hack

There is no doubt that Russia waged an influence campaign to undermine Hillary in favor of Trump. Russians are delighted. NaziCons are delighted. Propaganda is the new WMD.


Wow you clearly didn't read a single fucking word of the report. I keep forgetting that if Trump didn't tweet it, it's not real to you embarrassing rubes.

Yeah, politically motivated assumptions are so educational, get back to me when the FBI computer forensics techs finish their examination of the servers that were supposedly hacked. Oh, WAIT, the DNC won't allow them to do that will they? Your dear leader has given you your marching orders and you rubes will never question his motivations, I sincerely feel sorry for you.

BTW, I don't have a twitter account.
^ pathetic.

Even Trump had to make a move on the reports. You'd know if you had a twitter account. You dumb fucking rube.

Poor thing, can't even come up with an original derogatory term. LMAO
If it wasn't so spot on I'd try to think of a better one... not sure there is a better one

So once again you prove your line of work ain't think'n.

Assange keeps telling us his source was a leaker within the DNC and not a Russian hacks. At this point what difference does it make

So in the end, what ALL of these people are insisting is--------> President Barack, Millhouse, Obysmal did NOT save us from getting hacked, again screwed the pooch in foreign affairs, when he said there was no problem with the election he was lying, as with everything else, has no clue what he is talking about, and you people want us to support his outrage at his current failure!

No way Jose. When we get a REAL President in there, then we will worry about it. Right now, recycling the same failed President to solve his ignored problems would be dumb, and why am I not surprised that you BRILLIANT lefties, want to allow him to do it, lol!

Vyacheslav Molotov, Stalin’s foreign minister, once remarked while on a trip to Berlin in the early days of the Cold War, “The trouble with free elections is that you never know how they will turn out.”

On the morning of November 9th, Molotov’s grandson, Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of the Russian Duma’s foreign-affairs committee, announced to the parliament, “Three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the American Presidential elections. And just this second Donald Trump began his speech as President-elect.” The Duma members cheered and applauded.

In the days to come, there were more declarations of acid satisfaction among the Russian élite. Dmitri Kiselyov, the host of “News of the Week,” a popular current-affairs show on state-controlled television, gloated over Trump’s victory and Barack Obama’s inability to prevent it. Obama, he said, was a “eunuch.” Trump was an “alpha male”—and one who showed mercy to his vanquished rival. “Trump could have put the blonde in prison, as he’d threatened in the televised debates,” Kiselyov said on his show. “On the other hand, it’s nothing new. Trump has left blond women satisfied all his life.” Kiselyov further praised Trump because the concepts of democracy and human rights “are not in his lexicon.” In India, Turkey, Europe, and now the United States, he declared, “the liberal idea is in ruins.”

Vladimir Putin did not showboat, but he, too, made his satisfaction plain. His spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, told reporters that the similarity between Trump and Putin’s “conceptual approach to foreign policy” was “phenomenal.” Trump’s victory was the basis for Russia’s “moderate optimism”; now both sides could discuss how “to clear out the Augean stables in our bilateral relations.”

Putin’s resentment of Clinton was always manifest; it is almost as severe as Trump’s. Putin saw the Clinton Administration of the nineties as having taken advantage of Russian weakness after the fall of the Soviet Union, twenty-five years ago. He viewed Hillary Clinton as a foreign-policy hawk who wanted regime change from Baghdad to Kiev to Moscow. In 2011, Putin, who lives in fear of spontaneous uprisings, events like the Arab Spring and the “color revolutions” in Ukraine and Georgia, accused Clinton of giving “a signal” to urge thousands of Russians to come out on the streets of Moscow to protest parliamentary-election “irregularities” and Putin’s intention to return once more to the Kremlin as President.

Strobe Talbott, who was Bill Clinton’s closest adviser on Russia, told me recently that the hack of the D.N.C. and Putin’s other moves in Europe—including the annexation of Crimea, the Russian military presence in eastern Ukraine, and the financial support of nationalists like Marine Le Pen, of France—were part of a larger strategy intended to weaken the E.U. and nato.

“I try to be careful about superlatives,” Talbott said, “but I cannot think, going back to the Soviet Union or since, that there’s been a Moscow-Kremlin-instigated gambit that was so spectacularly successful as what they have done with our democracy. All of those assets that they tried to use on us over the years were far less by comparison; this was like winning seventeen jackpots all at once.”

More: Trump, Putin, and the Big Hack

There is no doubt that Russia waged an influence campaign to undermine Hillary in favor of Trump. Russians are delighted. NaziCons are delighted. Propaganda is the new WMD.

Yeah, politically motivated assumptions are so educational, get back to me when the FBI computer forensics techs finish their examination of the servers that were supposedly hacked. Oh, WAIT, the DNC won't allow them to do that will they? Your dear leader has given you your marching orders and you rubes will never question his motivations, I sincerely feel sorry for you.

BTW, I don't have a twitter account.
^ pathetic.

Even Trump had to make a move on the reports. You'd know if you had a twitter account. You dumb fucking rube.

Poor thing, can't even come up with an original derogatory term. LMAO
If it wasn't so spot on I'd try to think of a better one... not sure there is a better one

So once again you prove your line of work ain't think'n.

Assange keeps telling us his source was a leaker within the DNC and not a Russian hacks. At this point what difference does it make

So in the end, what ALL of these people are insisting is--------> President Barack, Millhouse, Obysmal did NOT save us from getting hacked, again screwed the pooch in foreign affairs, when he said there was no problem with the election he was lying, as with everything else, has no clue what he is talking about, and you people want us to support his outrage at his current failure!

No way Jose. When we get a REAL President in there, then we will worry about it. Right now, recycling the same failed President to solve his ignored problems would be dumb, and why am I not surprised that you BRILLIANT lefties, want to allow him to do it, lol!

The Big L thinks my comment is funny, but consider----------> who does the left fault for allowing the 9-11 attacks? That is correct, GW! So if GW let the 9-11 attacks happen, then certainly Barack, Millhouse, Obysmal allowed the hacks, yes! You can't have it both ways, can you? And when you add to that he allowed San Bernadino and Florida, we see his policies are pretty incompetent, now aren't they.

And so, who is to blame for the hacks folks? Who screwed up this election if it was screwed up? Who was the Commander and Chief? Who knew about the hacks for almost a year, and did NOTHING? (as usual) And now, after the fact, he wants to talk crap, lolol.

I call phony baloneys, all of you! You need to go talk to the skinny community organizer, used to be President. He did it, with your blessing. You all screwed yourselves, and didn't even use KY, lol. You elected that BRILLIANT guy, he will soon be YOUR problem, and good luck to you-)
Blaming Hillary's loss on hacking is like blaming the police for uncovering a series of crimes. The method of discovery is not the problem.
Blaming Hillary's loss on hacking is like blaming the police for uncovering a series of crimes. The method of discovery is not the problem.

The report doesn't "blame" Hillary's loss on the hacking - just that it was done maliciously to influence the election in Trump's favor by Putin and Assange.
What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.

Well except for one minor problem.... NOT one US official in Law Enforcement or the Intelligence Community actually investigated the servers or computers involved the DNC and Podesta REFUSED them access. So other then magic how EXACTLY do they know any such thing?

Quit spreading fake news. FBI never asked for access. Instead, they used a private cybersecurity firm called CrowdStrike to examine them.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (DC) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,”Eric Walker, the DNC’s deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News in an email.

The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

Report: FBI had private company examine DNC's hacked servers isn't hacking.

It's an "influence campaign".

Like nobody ever did Debbie Wasserbutt Shultz.
It was hacking you dumb shit. And a whole lot more.

That's not what the report summarizes it as.

Hacking the DNC is not hacking the election.
Oh wow looky there they hacked something. You idiot. Thanks for defeating your own argument you dumb shit.
Now Now, no need to get salty.
Oh wow looky there they hacked something. You idiot. Thanks for defeating your own argument you dumb shit.
Gotta love idiot progressives. No need to get the facts straight. Just proclaim the election was "hacked" and when someone points out that is false - just cry out "well something was hacked". :eusa_doh:

Something? Are you serious? Something?!? Yeah - something was hacked genius. Sheryl Atkinson's laptop by the Obama Administration. The DoD under Obama by our enemies. And every single American because Obama expanded the Patriot Act which he denounced under Bush.
What did the report say?

The report said Russia's actions included hacking into the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and individual Democrats including Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

It said Russia had also used state-funded propaganda and paid "trolls" to make nasty comments on social media platforms:

"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or 'trolls'."

The report said the Russian effort was both political and personal.

"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

The report said Mr Putin likely wanted to discredit Mrs Clinton because he blames her for inciting mass protests against his regime in 2011 and 2012, and resents her for disparaging comments she has made about him.

More: What does the US intelligence report into election hacking say? - ABC

This little snippet sums it up nicely.

So they hacked the DNC, not the election.

Glad we got that cleared up.
How many more of these russian hacking threads do you regressives have in the pipeline? You've already posted a butt load, it's really getting monotonous.

How many? A countless amount. For the whole duration of Trump's reign. It needs to be drilled into people's heads so this can never happen again. I hope our system of checks and balances is strong enough to withstand Trump for potentially 4 years.

It withstood Obama.

I can withstand Trump.
How many more of these russian hacking threads do you regressives have in the pipeline? You've already posted a butt load, it's really getting monotonous.

How many? A countless amount. For the whole duration of Trump's reign. It needs to be drilled into people's heads so this can never happen again. I hope our system of checks and balances is strong enough to withstand Trump for potentially 4 years.

It withstood Obama.

I can withstand Trump.

Of course it withstood Obama. He put the ship back together. Now Trump has promised to get hammered and steer it towards the foreboding black clouds.

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