Russian Have Started Retreating

The irony of it all is the fact that eastern european countries could only flock to NATO precisely because of Russia's behavior, because of a russian leader who dismantled the Iron Curtain without bloodshed.

It's ironic that the formerly enslaved nations trust NATO and don't trust their enslaver.
More Putin nonsense. Gorbachev dissolved the USSR because it was no longer viable and the west did what it could to help Russia try to become a democracy with a free market economy, but even as Russia experimented with democracy, strong nationalist forces led by people like Putin tried to undermine those efforts and to regain dominion over the former soviet states. The US was wise not to trust Putin and if France and Germany had been wiser this war would never have happened.
Whoever takes Putin's place in Russia won't be any more sympathetic to the existence of a hostile military alliance on Russia's border.
But maybe they won't be hell bent to kill Ukrainian civilians including children or raping Ukrainian girls or destroying infrastructure just for meanness.

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