Russian Military Tactics in Ukraine

The Ukrainians are sitting ducks for Russian Military Tactical speriority:

Have a nice day, comrade
Have a nice day, comrade

You guys are both comrades?! :dunno:

Seriously, W6, did you read your links? Aside from them all making claims with little documentation in support of their claims of any actual proof of their factuality (making them as much or more specious than an analysis from an avowed military expert), at best, all this says is that FOR NOW, Ukraine is still fighting back, not that they are WINNING.

More to the point, your one article says: "Thousands of [Russian] civilians have died in the war, which Russia started with a full-scale invasion on Ukraine in February 2022. Millions of Ukrainians have also been lost, while their cities and villages have become piles of rubble."

Doesn't exactly sound to me like Ukraine is winning anything.
You guys are both comrades?!
Ain't that a kicker?! :)
Seriously, W6, did you read your links?
I really don't think he did.
Aside from them all making claims with little documentation in support of their claims of any actual proof of their factuality (making them as much or more specious than an analysis from an avowed military expert), at best, all this says is that FOR NOW, Ukraine is still fighting back, not that they are WINNING.
Funny ain't it? Just a lot of, "You are this!" and "You are that!" plus tons of insuations that have no logical support.
Doesn't exactly sound to me like Ukraine is winning anything.
Now that you mention it ....... :sad:

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