Russian MoD Names Curator of Pentagon-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine, Releases Original Docs

The only thing we find that may have not been kosher to acknowledge was fear of Russia getting their hands on the viruses. Rubio has had plenty of time to know that's bullshit. How's the White Russian coming along, comrade?
The only thing we find that may have not been kosher to acknowledge was fear of Russia getting their hands on the viruses. Rubio has had plenty of time to know that's bullshit. How's the White Russian coming along, comrade?

I think he did. He reacted when she mentioned that stuff.

Ahh, very tasty.
I think he did. He reacted when she mentioned that stuff.

Ahh, very tasty.
How would both benfit if Rubio faked the reaction? Chang's review now, the first thing noticed is that Chinese have trouble metabolizing diazepam. Where this may lead for virology connections is currently unknown.
Rubio is a neo-nazi as is Nuland. Kameltoe swore in Avril Haines. Ridiculous. Not supriosed then, that it was Rubio and Nuland in conversation for a media photo-op.
Do you have any credible sources for your Putin propaganda with which to attack America?

- Either confirmation of biological weapons labs in Ukraine, or that the Jewish President of Ukraine is a Nazi?

These lies seem to be spread by the Weird Worshipers, the Q-balls in particular.
How can you determine it is a lie?
Yet Nuland, in public testimony before congress stressed the US Gov'ts concern of what is/was in those biolabs, falling into Russian hands.
That says loads.
If you want biolabs to fall into Russian hands, that would explain your spewing Putin propaganda and smearing America.

You are unable to provide any responsible individual ever indicating that biolabs in Ukraine deal with biological or chemical weapons, yet you persist in being a Putin tool.

Do you have any credible sources for your Putin propaganda with which to attack America?

- Either confirmation of biological weapons labs in Ukraine, or that the Jewish President of Ukraine is a Nazi?

These lies seem to be spread by the Weird Worshipers, the Q-balls in particular.
That's why the CIA has created the new neo-nazi. This hybrid is not a hitlerist hybrid. The design, by default, is made with theological underpinnings so that discourse about it ends up in conspiracy theory. We will quote from Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci.
Rubio is a neo-nazi as is Nuland.
Putin's propagandists who eagerly swallow and regurgitate his scat will be mystified if their hero suddenly cuts and runs, leaving his imaginary biological weapons labs under the control of his imaginary Jewish Nazis.
29 March 2022​
Vladimir Medinsky, the head of the Russian delegation at the Ukraine talks in Istanbul, told reporters that an announcement would be made “in a few hours” about the results of the negotiations. Mykhailo Podolyak, an aide to Ukraine’s president, said the talks concerned possible international security guarantees for Ukraine and a possible cease-fire.
Why do you believe the Russians? That is what is really telling.

I guess you keep ignoring the fact that Nuland testified to it.

So, our government is working for pootey now?
Putin's propagandists who eagerly swallow and regurgitate his scat will be mystified if their hero suddenly cuts and runs, leaving his imaginary biological weapons labs under the control of his imaginary Jewish Nazis.
29 March 2022​
Vladimir Medinsky, the head of the Russian delegation at the Ukraine talks in Istanbul, told reporters that an announcement would be made “in a few hours” about the results of the negotiations. Mykhailo Podolyak, an aide to Ukraine’s president, said the talks concerned possible international security guarantees for Ukraine and a possible cease-fire.

Spewing the same bullshit over and over just shows you to be an incompetent propagandist.
Those labs were intended to protect the West from biowarfare.

Putin never said a word about biolabs until after his "denazification" bullshit fell flat. He never once mentioned biolabs when he invaded.

Stop drinking Putin's piss.
They were anti bioweapon labs? Amazing
Putin's propagandists who eagerly swallow and regurgitate his scat will be mystified if their hero suddenly cuts and runs, leaving his imaginary biological weapons labs under the control of his imaginary Jewish Nazis.
29 March 2022​
Vladimir Medinsky, the head of the Russian delegation at the Ukraine talks in Istanbul, told reporters that an announcement would be made “in a few hours” about the results of the negotiations. Mykhailo Podolyak, an aide to Ukraine’s president, said the talks concerned possible international security guarantees for Ukraine and a possible cease-fire.
They were anti bioweapon labs? Amazing
Yes, astonishing in fact.
I guess you keep ignoring the fact that Nuland testified to it.
Neither Nuland nor any other government official testified that there were or are biolabs in Ukraine engaged in bioweapon or chemical weapon research or development.

The Putin propagandists are unable to cite her or any other official having ever said any such thing.

Don't become churlish. Your impotence in contriving such documentation is obvious.
One should look back at the timeline for Russian forces approaching Kharkiv (the bird flu lab and undoubtedly CCHF lab). USMB threads were happening on 9 Mar. Even if Putin already knew, they could not be mentioned until after arrival at Kharkiv.
The impotence involved is not being educated about CCHF labs, which were being uncovered by the Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva at Tbilisi. Russia knows that Dilyana is pro-Russian because of the history of Russian sacrifice in Bulgaria. Dilyana is fired from her job at the newspaper, Russian diplomats expelled from Sofia, then two days later Pentagon's black puppet Austin heads for Sofia. While the marionette is in transit, Putin hits Ivan-Frankivsk, undoubtedly a Pentagon "Sister City" as well as the location of an annual Ukrainian Vertep Parade (vertep: mobile puppet theater) on Viche Maidan, symbolically linked to Kievan CIA-sponsored Euromaidan.
Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 9.00.35 AM.png

In order to shut down all bioweapons labs run by Jewish Nazis in Ukraine as if
they were bankrupt Trump® casinos, the Weird Worshipers have a solution:

Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 9.05.02 AM.png

Do you have any credible sources for your Putin propaganda with which to attack America?

- Either confirmation of biological weapons labs in Ukraine, or that the Jewish President of Ukraine is a Nazi?

These lies seem to be spread by the Weird Worshipers, the Q-balls in particular.
You know that all this BS began with trump. He has been crying voter fraud and spreading conspiracy theories since before the 2020 election. He is a traitor and cares nothing about the repub party. He will probably bully his way into the 2024 repub nomination for President again...and lose again. And we will have a repeat of January 6th, except it will be more violent and more widespread.

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