Russian MoD Names Curator of Pentagon-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine, Releases Original Docs

Both the U.S. and Ukraine have also signed a treaty vowing never to produce or use biological weapons.

But we know Biden, Obama, and Fauci regularly lie their asses off. This being so, if snagged lying and violating the treaty to not build bioweapons (you know Covid and others) wouldn't you say that the whole group belongs in prison. Remember Epstein, Gates, and Google have also been tied to these bioweapons AND THEIR LABS.
You parrot the baselessly ideological paranoidal poo poo quite well..

When will it cross over into reality and Republican Senators and/or Congressmen treat it seriously and impanel investigative committees?

These goobers spent years trying to contrive a pretext to "Lock her up! Lock her up!" so it may take a while.
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Whatever it is that you are sniffing is your problem.

Hapless dupes spreading this manure are unwittingly, witlessly, working for Russia and China.

It was a lurid and difficult to believe claim: that Ukraine was developing biological weapons with the assistance of the U.S. government. In fact, U.S. assistance to Ukrainian biological labs has been targeted at strengthening public health measures. Both the U.S. and Ukraine have also signed a treaty vowing never to produce or use biological weapons.
But unlike most Russian efforts to spread false narratives justifying its invasion of Ukraine, this one found a receptive audience in the United States among far-right social media channels, Fox News and followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory.


"It's clearly a case where the U.S. government has been lying; it has mounted a disinformation campaign, if you will, designed to cover up what it is doing," said Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently. He did not offer specific evidence to back that claim.
The biolab conspiracy theory is an example of how Russian narratives can be seized on and refined by conspiracy theorists in the U.S., who can often spread false narratives far more effectively than Russia's own efforts...

Obviously you missed post #2, complete with links showing in 2010, DOD funded a bunch of biolab initiatives in the Ukraine. Wasn't the Obama in charge then?
Whatever it is that you are sniffing is your problem.

Hapless dupes spreading this manure are unwittingly, witlessly, working for Russia and China.

It was a lurid and difficult to believe claim: that Ukraine was developing biological weapons with the assistance of the U.S. government. In fact, U.S. assistance to Ukrainian biological labs has been targeted at strengthening public health measures. Both the U.S. and Ukraine have also signed a treaty vowing never to produce or use biological weapons.
But unlike most Russian efforts to spread false narratives justifying its invasion of Ukraine, this one found a receptive audience in the United States among far-right social media channels, Fox News and followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory.


"It's clearly a case where the U.S. government has been lying; it has mounted a disinformation campaign, if you will, designed to cover up what it is doing," said Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently. He did not offer specific evidence to back that claim.
The biolab conspiracy theory is an example of how Russian narratives can be seized on and refined by conspiracy theorists in the U.S., who can often spread false narratives far more effectively than Russia's own efforts...

Look show showed up right on cue to mock the truth. Schmidlap the paid shill.
Whatever it is that you are sniffing is your problem.

Hapless dupes spreading this manure are unwittingly, witlessly, working for Russia and China.

It was a lurid and difficult to believe claim: that Ukraine was developing biological weapons with the assistance of the U.S. government. In fact, U.S. assistance to Ukrainian biological labs has been targeted at strengthening public health measures. Both the U.S. and Ukraine have also signed a treaty vowing never to produce or use biological weapons.
But unlike most Russian efforts to spread false narratives justifying its invasion of Ukraine, this one found a receptive audience in the United States among far-right social media channels, Fox News and followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory.


"It's clearly a case where the U.S. government has been lying; it has mounted a disinformation campaign, if you will, designed to cover up what it is doing," said Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently. He did not offer specific evidence to back that claim.
The biolab conspiracy theory is an example of how Russian narratives can be seized on and refined by conspiracy theorists in the U.S., who can often spread false narratives far more effectively than Russia's own efforts...

Under Sec State admitted the labs are real

That make you a tool
Obviously you missed post #2, complete with links showing in 2010, DOD funded a bunch of biolab initiatives in the Ukraine. Wasn't the Obama in charge then?
A shameless Trump shill is not a credible source. Unwitting Putin tools eagerly betraying America must stop allowing their ideological zealotry to befoul whatever loyalty to the United States they are attempting to suppress.

As part of its latest attempts to justify its invasion of Ukraine, Russian officials are once again pushing a false narrative that the Eastern European country is developing biological weapons with the assistance of the U.S.
On March 6, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed it had obtained evidence Ukraine and the U.S. had collaborated to develop biological weapons.
The claim was made by Major General Igor Konashenkov and widely reported in Russian media. Konashenkov alleged that pathogens for deadly diseases such as the plague, anthrax and cholera were being created to be used for biological warfare in Ukrainian laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Defense.
This follows on from previous false claims peddled by Russia ahead of its invasion of Ukraine that the country was planning on developing so-called "dirty bombs."
According to a February 24 report by fact-checking website Snopes, Russian propaganda claiming the planned attack of Ukraine was actually to target secret U.S. biolabs in the country was also being widely shared on social media.
As noted by Snopes, the false claim that there exists U.S.-funded labs in Ukraine developing germ warfare capabilities has been pushed by Russia since 2018, and remerged in the wake of the outbreak of the coronavirus.

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Leave the board forever when I post Nuland admitting US biolabs in Ukraine, OK?
Stop being a Putin tool. See Post #31.

The US government has admitted there are a number of such facilities in Ukraine funded by Washington that do research on deadly pathogens, albeit from a preventative perspective rather than to create a weapon... Russia has claimed without evidence the US is developing biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine and that it discovered efforts to clean up these programmes when it launched its so-called “special military operation”, an invasion that has led to thousands of deaths and indiscriminate targeting of civilian targets.
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Putin's people seem hellbent on promoting Russian propaganda - fake claims of U.S. biological weapons labs in Ukraine.

They may wish to breathe slowly into a paper bag, and then ask themselves why, if there were any validity whatever for Putin's lie they are pushing, would Putin wantonly bomb to unleash them upon humankind.
We have a real problem here and we know that the MSM won't do much investigating of this matter as they are water carriers for the deep state.

This really smells of the deep state with those labs.

The Russian military began to pull back the curtain on the scale and scope of the network of Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine last week. US officials and media initially dismissed these revelations as “Russian disinformation,” but were forced to correct the narrative after undersecretary of state Nuland admitted that such labs do in fact exist.
The Russian Ministry of Defence has released fresh details about the US military-funded biolabs operating in Ukraine, including a trove of original documentation. The MoD also revealed that Joanna Wintrol, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s liason officer at the US Embassy in Kiev, has been serving as one of the programme’s curators.​
Commenting on a trove of papers released in a presentation Thursday, Russian Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence Troops chief Igor Kirillov pointed to a document dated 6 March 2015 which he said confirmed in no uncertain terms that components of biological weapons were being created in Ukraine with direct US involvement and financing.​
“An analysis of the information received suggests that Ukrainian specialists have not been made aware of the potential risks involved in the transfer of biomaterials, and that they are essentially being used and kept in the dark, and have no real idea about the true goals of the ongoing research,” Kirillov said at a briefing in Moscow.​
Kirillov shed light on a major project worth tens of millions of dollars and involving Ukraine’s top biolabs. The research, known as Project UP-8, was “directed at the study of pathogens of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis and hantaviruses,” according to the RCB Defence Troops chief. It is “no coincidence” that Ukraine-based facilities were chosen by the DTRA and contractor Black & Veatch to execute the project, the officer said, given that these pathogens have natural foci in both Ukraine and Russia.​

This post mentions CCHF. We mentioned it on 10 Mar, post #12:
We have a real problem here and we know that the MSM won't do much investigating of this matter as they are water carriers for the deep state.

This really smells of the deep state with those labs.

The Russian military began to pull back the curtain on the scale and scope of the network of Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine last week. US officials and media initially dismissed these revelations as “Russian disinformation,” but were forced to correct the narrative after undersecretary of state Nuland admitted that such labs do in fact exist.
The Russian Ministry of Defence has released fresh details about the US military-funded biolabs operating in Ukraine, including a trove of original documentation. The MoD also revealed that Joanna Wintrol, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s liason officer at the US Embassy in Kiev, has been serving as one of the programme’s curators.​
Commenting on a trove of papers released in a presentation Thursday, Russian Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence Troops chief Igor Kirillov pointed to a document dated 6 March 2015 which he said confirmed in no uncertain terms that components of biological weapons were being created in Ukraine with direct US involvement and financing.​
“An analysis of the information received suggests that Ukrainian specialists have not been made aware of the potential risks involved in the transfer of biomaterials, and that they are essentially being used and kept in the dark, and have no real idea about the true goals of the ongoing research,” Kirillov said at a briefing in Moscow.​
Kirillov shed light on a major project worth tens of millions of dollars and involving Ukraine’s top biolabs. The research, known as Project UP-8, was “directed at the study of pathogens of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis and hantaviruses,” according to the RCB Defence Troops chief. It is “no coincidence” that Ukraine-based facilities were chosen by the DTRA and contractor Black & Veatch to execute the project, the officer said, given that these pathogens have natural foci in both Ukraine and Russia.​

You are late, OP. Black and Veatch for Missouri was mentioned weeks ago. We linked the 2009 date, above, to Missouri on 2022 Mar 17, post #148, and Missouri Heartland virus is the link to the Beijing CDC virologist that links to the Australian virologist, the latter mentioned on Edward Hooper's AIDS Origins website.
'....2009 goda....'

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever viruses are identical, the one from Crimea and the one from the Congo. It also infects wild boars and we have already posted the name of the Ukrainian lab director involved with CCHF and posted his address in Kiev so that Russians can ask him some questions.
We can understand Vickie's worry: a rocket busting open containers. In such a scenario, Putin's drug bust could easily turn into an epidemic without vaccine:
CCHF Vaccine

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's journalism in Bulgaria furthered this expose. That's why the Pentagon sent its black puppet, Austin, to Sofia. Astonishingly enough, as the puppet was in transit to Sofia, Putin fired a hypersonic missile that whacked a puppet-theater town absolutely linked to the Pentagon, Ivano-Frankivsk. Punch and Judy.
Both the U.S. and Ukraine have also signed a treaty vowing never to produce or use biological weapons.

But we know Biden, Obama, and Fauci regularly lie their asses off. This being so, if snagged lying and violating the treaty to not build bioweapons (you know Covid and others) wouldn't you say that the whole group belongs in prison. Remember Epstein, Gates, and Google have also been tied to these bioweapons AND THEIR LABS.
Lol....yeah a treaty.... bwahhhhhhhahahahahaaaaaah.
Treaty .... Snicker

A shameless Trump shill is not a credible source. Unwitting Putin tools eagerly betraying America must stop allowing their ideological zealotry to befoul whatever loyalty to the United States they are attempting to suppress.

As part of its latest attempts to justify its invasion of Ukraine, Russian officials are once again pushing a false narrative that the Eastern European country is developing biological weapons with the assistance of the U.S.
On March 6, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed it had obtained evidence Ukraine and the U.S. had collaborated to develop biological weapons.
The claim was made by Major General Igor Konashenkov and widely reported in Russian media. Konashenkov alleged that pathogens for deadly diseases such as the plague, anthrax and cholera were being created to be used for biological warfare in Ukrainian laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Defense.
This follows on from previous false claims peddled by Russia ahead of its invasion of Ukraine that the country was planning on developing so-called "dirty bombs."
According to a February 24 report by fact-checking website Snopes, Russian propaganda claiming the planned attack of Ukraine was actually to target secret U.S. biolabs in the country was also being widely shared on social media.
As noted by Snopes, the false claim that there exists U.S.-funded labs in Ukraine developing germ warfare capabilities has been pushed by Russia since 2018, and remerged in the wake of the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Your shameless Trump shill posted DOD/ Ukraine documents 'wiped' from the US Embassy. However, they screwed up and let them become archived and were retrieved for the world to see. All paid for and done on the Obama watch.

MSM covering ass for the Obama?

List of Ukraine Biolabs documents removed by US Embassy

Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.

All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet.
If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed.
List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy | Sharyl Attkisson
What this means is Putin could explode a bioweapon by just hitting these labs with a few cruise missiles. That's just super. Is Fauci involved with the Ukrainian labs, too?
It looks like it at this point, because of Fau Chi's sugarplum dream to create an HIV vaccine. Chumakov's suggestions must be tempered with Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud on the origins of SARS-CoV-2. We have the current Russian biolab report for Chumakov, here is an English one from earlier on, from the Englehardt Molecular Biology Institute, Moscow, and this is an Australian newpaper, linking to Yong-Zhen Zhang's virologist buddy in Australia, the one Hooper mentions on his HIV website:

2020 Ap 24 Chumakov
'....during their attempted development of a vaccine for HIV.'
The URL is correctly transcribed. Retrieve via "Microbiologist Claims the Coronavirus Was Man-Made in Wuhan Lab."

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