Russian platoon surrenders to Ukranian military

Show me where the that was written so I can read it for myself because if some idiot claimed the Ukrainian people are Nazis then they are as retarded as you!

Also Putin is not a Nazi but just your run of the mill megalomaniac that you would lust for had he only been a Democrat!

Finally, even if True the Ukraine isn’t going to survive and sooner than later Russia will take them and next is Poland…

Oh, I am not rooting for Putin but stating my opinion!

You hurt Poindexter's fweelings
True, and the sad part my Grandfather was a Nazi, so it make me wonder why Buffy is so hateful by describing that sinister bastard to today Ukrainian people?
I had a great uncle in the Wehrmacht. No SS on his uniform though.
We are probably all descended from people who have done bad things. Humans used to be BASTARDS to each other in most places at one time or another. Torture, slavery, injustice, rape, murder, false imprisonment or imprisonment without a trial.... It's all happened everywhere at some point. Sometimes it runs in families, sometimes it is isolated to individuals.
Mine was an actual Nazi, and even though I am ashamed of what he did the fact is I am not him and neither are the Ukrainian people!
We here must avoid that. For it is easy to be seduced in a bad time when a movement takes life.

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