Russian Scientists: Global Cooling on Horizon


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
What are the progressive/liberal/socialist/commies going to say about the scientists from da motherland...:confused:


Russian Scientists: Global Cooling on Horizon

Monday, May 06, 2013
Caitlin Burke and Efrem Graham

It's been an exceptionally cold April throughout much of the country. It's also brought record levels of snow to some areas from Minnesota to Colorado.

Russians scientists say the Earth may be headed for a period of global cooling and it could last 200 to 250 years.

The Voice of Russia reports that belief comes from scientists at an observatory in Saint Petersburg.

They say the sun is heading into a less-active cycle that will affect different aspects of the climate on Earth and over time could lead to cooler average temperatures.


What if global cooling really is the next trend in the climate? Bastardi says "that's far worse than global warming" because among other things, it's harder for plants and crops to grow when it's colder.


Russian Scientists: Global Cooling on Horizon - Health & Science - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
What do idiots like you have to say concerning real science? Since the last decade has been the hottest on record, guess we will have to wait a couple of decades to see if these predictions are worth squat.
What do idiots like you have to say concerning real science? Since the last decade has been the hottest on record, guess we will have to wait a couple of decades to see if these predictions are worth squat.

And so they don't study "real science" in Russia? oldsocks, you are showing your anti-science nature and talking about science again.. Science that doesn't agree with your religion, is just as viable as any other.
What do idiots like you have to say concerning real science? Since the last decade has been the hottest on record, guess we will have to wait a couple of decades to see if these predictions are worth squat.

What does the paleo record tell us the climate was like leading up to the point where the earth fell into the little ice age? Think for just once in your life rocks...just once.
Anybody else notice that the extreme envrironmentalist crowd comes off the hook whenever any research is presented that doesnt fit the established narrative? Its fucking fascinating. They go on like anything counter to their views came out of a cracker jack box.

But I think all the anger and miseray is because these people have been banging their heads up against the wall for damn near 20 years, throwing bomb after bomb and not moving the goalposts a fucking inch.:2up: These suckers are like the Chicago Cubs of the science world.:funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao:

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