Russian Ships / Subs Spotted Near Pipeline, Explosions Detected Prior To Pipeline Leaks

The Russians were always the good guys, like being against dictators like Khang Kai Shek, Syngman Rhee, Diem, Batista, Samosa, etc.
The US invaded countries all the time.
Try to name a single country that Russia invaded?
Afghanistan, Ukraine, Czecholslovakia, etc...

Now you're going to make some bizarre distinction between Russia and the USSR. Nobody buys it. But for pure comedic value...please proceed.
Today Democrats are backing pro-Nazi Ukrainians in a war that doesn't benefit Americans. Oh the Pelosis, Romneys, Bidens, and Kerrys, all have family members balls deep in the Ukrainian energy sector, with high paying no show jobs, but the average citizen gets nothing. As Americans watch illegals flood this country Democrats are spending billions to protect Ukraine’s borders, silver lining, apparently they suck at protecting borders wherever they are. As Americans suffer the Biden recession they see billions of dollars flowing to a country most folks couldn't find on a map without Google.
You don't think it benefits Americans to have Russia be put down when they try to invade a friendly nation?

Yeah, you're a special type of stupid.
This has nothing to do with supporting Russia. The Ukraine thing was simply never a valid US interest.
Yet amazingly you're supporting Russia.
You know nothing about explosives btw. None of you do. Learn a little bit about them and come back when you are an adult to discuss this.
You need very little explosives to do a lot of damage particularly if you used a directional charge.

Twerp, I've offered no expertise on explosives.
Man this guy hits it out of this world.

“Joe Biden” and his regime of Satanic degenerates will just have to lump it. They will have lost Europe’s loyalty by the foolish Nord Stream caper.

Dems fellated Russia from the Revolution until Hillary lost.....what changed?

Oh yeah, they hacked the DNC

It's awful when the truth about Dems gets revealed.
Dem lies must remain hidden. Dem lies must never be exposed.
There ought to be a law, eh comrade?

So now you bleed Russian red

Sorry Charlie, the commies still suck.
Now about that collusion.......LOL!

This is the level of stupidity of today's Republicans.

Democrats did NOT "fellate" Russia at any time in their history, despite what you've been told by lying Republicans.

It's awful when the Republican lies get repeated endlessly because the weak minded believe them. If Dem lies are "hidden", how did you manage to find them??? Yes, there ought to be a law which requires Republicans come up with solutions to problems instead of just attacking and smearing Democrats with lies.

"Criminal Hillary" has yet to be charged with a single crime, which Donald Trump is looking at spending the rest of his life in prison.
This is the level of stupidity of today's Republicans.

Democrats did NOT "fellate" Russia at any time in their history, despite what you've been told by lying Republicans.

It's awful when the Republican lies get repeated endlessly because the weak minded believe them. If Dem lies are "hidden", how did you manage to find them??? Yes, there ought to be a law which requires Republicans come up with solutions to problems instead of just attacking and smearing Democrats with lies.

"Criminal Hillary" has yet to be charged with a single crime, which Donald Trump is looking at spending the rest of his life in prison.

Libs smear Rs every second of the day and thank God we don't live in your authoritarian utopia where everyone is arrested and jailed for speaking.
Libs smear Rs every second of the day and thank God we don't live in your authoritarian utopia where everyone is arrested and jailed for speaking.

No they don't. The Democratic Party actually has a platform they use to promote policies they intend to enact. They spend their time promoting these policies, while Republicans do crazy shit like attack school boards over CRT.

You've obviously never been to Canada and know nothing about the country. Nobody in Canada is "arrested" or "jailed" for "speaking". They get arrested and jailed for defying court orders which told them to stand down on their all night protests, their destruction of national monuments, and disruptions of the lives of Ottawa citizens.

You wanted left wing protestors in the USA shot for less, and have made it legal in some right wing states, to run down protestors in the streets. Something that a number of loons on both sides seem to be doing.
No they don't. The Democratic Party actually has a platform they use to promote policies they intend to enact. They spend their time promoting these policies, while Republicans do crazy shit like attack school boards over CRT.

You've obviously never been to Canada and know nothing about the country. Nobody in Canada is "arrested" or "jailed" for "speaking". They get arrested and jailed for defying court orders which told them to stand down on their all night protests, their destruction of national monuments, and disruptions of the lives of Ottawa citizens.

You wanted left wing protestors in the USA shot for less, and have made it legal in some right wing states, to run down protestors in the streets. Something that a number of loons on both sides seem to be doing.

No, we saw how vile the canadian govt was during the lockdowns.
Joe said he was going to stop nord2. Did he lie? Keep deflecting. We know the answer.

Biden did stop the pipeline, and he did it with sanctions. Later, he went to Germany and asked for them to help with Ukraine, and said that he would lift the sanctions if they did. Germany agreed, and Biden lifted the sanctions, on the condition that they would side with Ukraine and not Russia. If Germany had decided to side with Russia, Biden would have kept or reimposed the sanctions, stopping the pipeline again.
Biden did stop the pipeline, and he did it with sanctions. Later, he went to Germany and asked for them to help with Ukraine, and said that he would lift the sanctions if they did. Germany agreed, and Biden lifted the sanctions, on the condition that they would side with Ukraine and not Russia. If Germany had decided to side with Russia, Biden would have kept or reimposed the sanctions, stopping the pipeline again.

No, he didn't stop it by sanctions. Trump told merkel that making deals with russia was a fools errand but they laughed. Not laughing now are they?

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