Russian Ships / Subs Spotted Near Pipeline, Explosions Detected Prior To Pipeline Leaks

He did not lie. He did stop Nord2. My link proves he did it in February 2022.

The cia even warned germany sometime during the summer that the nord2 pipeline would likely be a target of sabotage. Germany was still receiving natural gas into june and july from russia. Joe didn't stop anything in february.
The cia even warned germany sometime during the summer that the nord2 pipeline would likely be a target of sabotage. Germany was still receiving natural gas into june and july from russia. Joe didn't stop anything in february.
Not from Nord2. It was never operational. You are poorly informed. Read the link and get a clue. I’m trying to help you.
How do we know the reports of "Russian Subs" in the area is not a fabricated lie coming from The Biden Administration?
Why would Russia blow up their own pipeline, when they could simply turn a valve and cut off gas delivery?

It doesn't take a sub to blow up a pipeline. A simple low tech depth charge could be dropped from an unassuming fishing vessel.
The pipeline is 700 miles long, and The Baltic Sea covers 145,000 square miles, so who exactly was in the right place at the right time to even see this?

Not buying it.

This is just another lie coming from The O-Biden Regime and their moles and cronies who fed us a continuous stream of lies during their Treasonous COUP attempt codenamed Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane which is still an ongoing operation today.

Russia is their go to villain whenever they are covering something up.

They did the same thing when it was The Clinton Campaign that hacked Trump Tower Servers and then hacked Russia Alpha Bank and planted a ping between the two servers, then reported that to The FBI as "suspicious activity."

Did the same thing when they paid Putin for The Dirty Dossier and launched The Moscow Mueller Investigation and a Smear Campaign and two impeachments trying to overthrow our Democracy and Overturn our Election.

Did the same thing when they claimed Russia hacked The DNC server when it was their own Pakistani Hackers from the inside that gained access to Podesta's emails when they found out that The DNC rigged their own primaries against Sanders and they being Bernie Bros decided to expose the ugly truth about The DNC, gave the emails to Seth Rich who gave them to, who then gave them to Julian Assange.

Seth Rich was murdered and Julian Assange's life is ruined and he will never see the light of day again.
You really are off your rocker aren’t ya?!
No, you're trying to subterfuge and obfuscate. Germany had already signed deals with russia on nord 2. That it was ready but yet not operational is irrelevant.
Those deals were all on hold. We stopped Nord2 in February without touching it. Biden did just as he said he would do.

You’re trying to start WW3.
This is the level of stupidity of today's Republicans.

Democrats did NOT "fellate" Russia at any time in their history, despite what you've been told by lying Republicans.

It's awful when the Republican lies get repeated endlessly because the weak minded believe them. If Dem lies are "hidden", how did you manage to find them??? Yes, there ought to be a law which requires Republicans come up with solutions to problems instead of just attacking and smearing Democrats with lies.

"Criminal Hillary" has yet to be charged with a single crime, which Donald Trump is looking at spending the rest of his life in prison.

Democrats did NOT "fellate" Russia at any time in their history, despite what you've been told by lying Republicans.


Obama was still blowing Putin in 2012 when Putin was "out of power".
Remember when Ted Kennedy tried to get Andropov to help him beat Reagan?
When Bernie spent his honeymoon in the USSR?

If Dem lies are "hidden", how did you manage to find them???

The lies in the DNC emails were leaked.

Yes, there ought to be a law which requires Republicans come up with solutions to problems instead of just attacking and smearing Democrats with lies.

What should the punishment be when Republicans attack and smear Democrats with the truth.
No, biden and the globalists are pushing us into ww3 and total destruction. Make no mistake, it will be their fault and their legacy of shame.
You’re the one screaming nonsense about Biden blowing stuff up. That kind of crazy shit is going to cause WW3.
if we don’t help Ukraine, they’d easily fall to an authoritarian dictatorship.

It not our problem. The official story was that we invaded iraq because of their dictator, lol......... then we left and china took the oil contracts. We go across the globe and start a war and then we condemn a nation for doing the same? Talk about some hypocrites.
You know, even just 30 years ago, I never would have heard Americans defending Russia over their actions. Now? I hear lots of people on this board defending Russia and blaming America for this pipeline.

Times change I guess, and not always for the better, or even how I could have possibly imagined when I was a young adult.
You know, even just 30 years ago, I never would have heard Americans defending Russia over their actions. Now? I hear lots of people on this board defending Russia and blaming America for this pipeline.

Times change I guess, and not always for the better, or even how I could have possibly imagined when I was a young adult.

You never heard liberals defending Russia and blaming America?
How old are you? That was the liberal position for a long time.
It not our problem. The official story was that we invaded iraq because of their dictator, lol......... then we left and china took the oil contracts. We go across the globe and start a war and then we condemn a nation for doing the same? Talk about some hypocrites.
You think the world is better off with dictators doing whatever they want?

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