Russian Ships / Subs Spotted Near Pipeline, Explosions Detected Prior To Pipeline Leaks

Nah, 100 is not needed. The people in this thread saying only a sophisticated military could have pulled off this attack know they are lying.

They have guided depth charges these days, and of course an ROV could have been used.

The spin to say that this had to be a high tech sophisticated attack is wrong.

An underwater drone, ROV or Depth Charge could be used. It's not that hard like some are trying to make it.

That seems to be more of a political statement where the goal is to pin the blame on a nation with sophisticated military technology when the job could be accomplished without such sophistication, and done cheaply.

You could have built an ROV in your garage and armed it with explosives.

But why? You can buy one to do the job for just $1,500.

You people crack me up.

Here, go to Amazon. You can buy an underwater ROV capable of diving 330 feet with a 4K underwater camera.

Steal a fishing boat, go to the pipeline, drop your ROV overboard, do your deed and leave.

For $3,000 you can get the same type with a robotic claw that you could use to place a magnetic mine on the pipeline.

View attachment 703537
Amazon product ASIN B09LYPC1GL

Okay, I'll play your silly game. Yes, the ROV is rated to reach a depth of 300 ft., so, MAYBE it would be able to make it to the pipeline 200 ft down. But, it only travels at 3kts, which means that it would take at least an hour or two to reach your objective, and that is only if it's in calm seas (hate to tell you, but the water up in that area of the world can be quite rough, I've sailed it with the US Navy in the middle of Feb, and saw spray coming OVER the flight deck that froze an A-6 to the deck. A carrier's flight deck is 90 ft off the water btw). Total run time for the drone is a max of 6 hours, and that time will be significantly shortened if you are using it to carry something.

Then, let's talk about the weight of the drone itself. It's only around 9 lbs total weight, meaning that if you try to carry something that weighs more than it, it won't be controlled, as it will sink, so you can only carry up to a maximum of 9 lbs of explosives. BTW, the arm on that thing is only rated for 100N (newtons), meaning it can only grab something that is less than 22 lbs. But, as previously stated, the ROV itself only weighs 9 lbs, so neutral buoyancy (and control) with anything heavier goes out the window. Still limited to only 9lbs of explosive. Probably less, as you also have to include the detonating device to make the explosive go boom.

And, considering that those pipes are made out of steel that is surrounded by concrete which is capable of withstanding the pressures of that depth, it's gonna take a lot more than just 9 lbs of explosive (even if you use high grade military explosive, which is hard to come buy) to blow a hole in that pipeline.

Got any more bullshit you want to try to pass along?
Oh..............and by the way Original Tree, I only covered the problems with the ROV itself. Wanna also talk about the fact that it gets pretty damn dark rather quickly? Yeah, sunlight on a bright sunny day might make it down to that level, but the ability to see what you are doing is going to be greatly impacted, meaning you'd also have to have separate radar and sonar operating to make sure you guided your 9 lbs of explosive to the proper area. That would require a bit more than just a fishing trawler with a ROV. I've been down to 45 ft in SCUBA gear, and I can tell you that it's pretty damn dim down there even with sunny blue skies above.
If Biden greenlit this sabotage, he must be removed from office.

This is an act of war against Russia. We could have WW3 because of the Potato in Chief.
The Russians were always the good guys, like being against dictators like Khang Kai Shek, Syngman Rhee, Diem, Batista, Samosa, etc.
The US invaded countries all the time.
Try to name a single country that Russia invaded?

Try to name a single country that Russia invaded?

Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Latvia Lithuania and Estonia.

Is it bad that I named more than one?
Okay, I'll play your silly game. Yes, the ROV is rated to reach a depth of 300 ft., so, MAYBE it would be able to make it to the pipeline 200 ft down. But, it only travels at 3kts, which means that it would take at least an hour or two to reach your objective, and that is only if it's in calm seas (hate to tell you, but the water up in that area of the world can be quite rough, I've sailed it with the US Navy in the middle of Feb, and saw spray coming OVER the flight deck that froze an A-6 to the deck. A carrier's flight deck is 90 ft off the water btw). Total run time for the drone is a max of 6 hours, and that time will be significantly shortened if you are using it to carry something.

Then, let's talk about the weight of the drone itself. It's only around 9 lbs total weight, meaning that if you try to carry something that weighs more than it, it won't be controlled, as it will sink, so you can only carry up to a maximum of 9 lbs of explosives. BTW, the arm on that thing is only rated for 100N (newtons), meaning it can only grab something that is less than 22 lbs. But, as previously stated, the ROV itself only weighs 9 lbs, so neutral buoyancy (and control) with anything heavier goes out the window. Still limited to only 9lbs of explosive. Probably less, as you also have to include the detonating device to make the explosive go boom.

And, considering that those pipes are made out of steel that is surrounded by concrete which is capable of withstanding the pressures of that depth, it's gonna take a lot more than just 9 lbs of explosive (even if you use high grade military explosive, which is hard to come buy) to blow a hole in that pipeline.

Got any more bullshit you want to try to pass along?
That is a bottom of the barrel budget ROV you can purchase straight from Amazon no questions asked.

Have you ever detonated 9 lbs of plastic explosives?

Just 20 grams of plastic in a crude shaped charge can punch a hole in 1 inch thick steel plate.

You are completely wrong about your assertion that you would need more than 9lbs of plastic explosives. And you argued that the ROV could carry 22lbs.

Also your math is way off on the weight of the ROV vs how much of a load it can carry as you completely ignore thrust, and the best part is, that you don't have to bring it back up. You are just traveling down to the pipeline and detonating the explosive.

People are going to ridiculous lengths to try to say only a high tech sophisticated attack on the pipeline was possible.

Take a look at this. Just 100 grams of plastic explosives.

1lb of Plastic Explosive is 453 grams. So that explosion would be 4 times stronger than this video.

First explosion is just 1 ounce of plastic, cutting through 1 inch thick steel plate. Just 28 grams of plastic were used.

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That is a bottom of the barrel budget ROV you can purchase straight from Amazon no questions asked.

Have you ever detonated 9 lbs of plastic explosives?

You are completely wrong about your assertion that you would need more than 9lbs of plastic explosives. And you argued that the ROV could carry 22lbs.

Also your math is way off on the weight of the ROV vs how much of a load it can carry as you completely ignore thrust, and the best part is, that you don't have to bring it back up. You are just traveling down to the pipeline and detonating the explosive.

People are going to ridiculous lengths to try to say only a high tech sophisticated attack on the pipeline was possible.

Take a look at this. Just 100 grams of plastic explosives.

1lb of Plastic Explosive is 453 grams. So that explosion would be 4 times stronger than this video.

First explosion is just 1 ounce of plastic, cutting through 1 inch thick steel plate. Just 28 grams of plastic were used.

No, I didn't say that the ROV could carry 22 lbs. I said that the arm is rated for 22 lbs, but the weight of the ROV is only 9lbs, so anything larger than 9 lbs would affect buoyancy and it would no longer be neutral, it would be sinking, and therefore hard to control, especially in the water in that area of the world. Like I said, the pipeline is thick steel surrounded by concrete which can handle the depth it is at, meaning it's pretty damn strong, and 9 lbs of explosive ain't gonna do any kind of damage to it, even if it was attached to the pipeline itself.

As far as the videos you showed? Those are explosions in air, meaning ABOVE the water. And, water has a tendency to absorb force quite well, meaning an explosion in the air is going to do more damage than one underwater. And, the deeper you go, the more the pressure and the dampening force increases.

But, keep on with the simplistic understanding you think you have. It's kinda amusing to see what kind of wild ass schemes you think up, sorta like watching Will E. Coyote's plans for catching the roadrunner.
That is a bottom of the barrel budget ROV you can purchase straight from Amazon no questions asked.

Have you ever detonated 9 lbs of plastic explosives?

Just 20 grams of plastic in a crude shaped charge can punch a hole in 1 inch thick steel plate.

You are completely wrong about your assertion that you would need more than 9lbs of plastic explosives. And you argued that the ROV could carry 22lbs.

Also your math is way off on the weight of the ROV vs how much of a load it can carry as you completely ignore thrust, and the best part is, that you don't have to bring it back up. You are just traveling down to the pipeline and detonating the explosive.

People are going to ridiculous lengths to try to say only a high tech sophisticated attack on the pipeline was possible.

Take a look at this. Just 100 grams of plastic explosives.

1lb of Plastic Explosive is 453 grams. So that explosion would be 4 times stronger than this video.

First explosion is just 1 ounce of plastic, cutting through 1 inch thick steel plate. Just 28 grams of plastic were used.

The cult wants to blame Russia so badly.

Utter brainwashed morons.
You're certainly too stupid to know.
You know nothing about explosives btw. None of you do. Learn a little bit about them and come back when you are an adult to discuss this.
You need very little explosives to do a lot of damage particularly if you used a directional charge.

No, I didn't say that the ROV could carry 22 lbs. I said that the arm is rated for 22 lbs, but the weight of the ROV is only 9lbs, so anything larger than 9 lbs would affect buoyancy and it would no longer be neutral, it would be sinking, and therefore hard to control, especially in the water in that area of the world. Like I said, the pipeline is thick steel surrounded by concrete which can handle the depth it is at, meaning it's pretty damn strong, and 9 lbs of explosive ain't gonna do any kind of damage to it, even if it was attached to the pipeline itself.

As far as the videos you showed? Those are explosions in air, meaning ABOVE the water. And, water has a tendency to absorb force quite well, meaning an explosion in the air is going to do more damage than one underwater. And, the deeper you go, the more the pressure and the dampening force increases.

But, keep on with the simplistic understanding you think you have. It's kinda amusing to see what kind of wild ass schemes you think up, sorta like watching Will E. Coyote's plans for catching the roadrunner.
Go learn a bit about explosives. You do not need a lot of plastic to do a tremendous amount of damage especially if you are using a focused shaped charge and you place the device on the pipeline itself. In fact, if the explosive is placed on the pipeline correctly the water actually would magnify the force of the explosion towards the pipeline acting as a sort of backboard. Doubtful there was any water between the charge and pipeline. Water all around but not between the charge and pipeline.
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Go learn a bit about explosives. You do not need a lot of plastic to do a tremendous amount of damage especially if you are using a focused shaped charge and you place the device on the pipeline itself. In fact, if the explosive is placed on the pipeline correctly the water actually would magnify the force of the explosion towards the pipeline acting as a sort of backboard. Doubtful there was any water between the charge and pipeline. Water all around but not between the charge and pipeline.

You're the one that sounds like they need to learn about explosives, especially since all of your videos are explosions that happen in air. Underwater explosions are much different.

Now you want to talk about focused shaped charges? Really? How in the hell are you going to place them? Hate to tell you, but using a ROV ain't gonna be the way to place them with any effectiveness. And, if there wasn't any water between the charge and the pipeline, how were they able to remove it? Again, with the suppositions that you've just posted, (shaped charges, no water between the charge and the pipeline), your ROV idea goes straight out the window, as there is zero chance of doing that with something you can buy on Amazon as you suggested.
You're the one that sounds like they need to learn about explosives, especially since all of your videos are explosions that happen in air. Underwater explosions are much different.

Now you want to talk about focused shaped charges? Really? How in the hell are you going to place them? Hate to tell you, but using a ROV ain't gonna be the way to place them with any effectiveness. And, if there wasn't any water between the charge and the pipeline, how were they able to remove it? Again, with the suppositions that you've just posted, (shaped charges, no water between the charge and the pipeline), your ROV idea goes straight out the window, as there is zero chance of doing that with something you can buy on Amazon as you suggested.
A freaking magnet or anyway you have to attach an explosive designed as a shaped charge with very little explosives is all that is required to do this.
You don't have to recover the drone so just pilot it into the pipe and put it on hover mode.

You seem to be emotionally invested in proving that it took some kind of technological sophistication to accomplish this.

It does not, and you are tragically wrong.

I showed you that for very little money you could have an ROV with a claw that can go to 300 feet deep.

I showed you that it does not take a large amount of explosives to do a lot of damage.

Do you honestly think the people that did this only had $3,000 to spend?

You would have to be an idiot to believe that with all the Billions Joe Biden is dumping into Ukraine.

Anyone with a little bit of cash and motivation could pull this off, and it does not have to be a military superpower, or some heavy hitter or a submarine.

Some pissed off Ukrainians could have easily done this. Anyone could have done this.

It's completely doable without high tech military equipment, and completely doable for not a lot of money.

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