Russian State TV Hails Lauren Boebert For Refusing To Stand For War Hero Zelensky

How many of the USMB pro-Russia consort agree w/her?

You know what the absolute pinnacle of exemplary anti-fascist thinking is?

Sorting people into binaries, bypassing anything even slightly resembling nuanced thought, and reducing a complicated foreign policy crisis into something tantamount to "If you agree with X person, you are automatically evil and I will ridicule you and attempt to shame you into submission!"

Congratulations to striving for such a lofty standard, you are an inspiration to all.
So you agree w/Boebert?

I don't agree with headline, for several reasons, with Zelensky being a "war hero" as main one.

I wouldn't stand for dictators who eliminated all political opposition, jailed journalists, and kill civilians.

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. This one certainly is not.
Was Poland bombed by Russia or Ukraine? Does Zelensky get to bomb Poland just to make up for Russia?
Yes idiot. Poland was invaded TWICE By Russia. Do they teach nothing in Russobot training camp? Poles hate Russians.

On the positive if their accelerated military plans are in place, they'll be able to kick wholesale Russian ass with or without NATO.
Yes idiot. Poland was invaded TWICE By Russia. Do they teach nothing in Russobot training camp? Poles hate Russians.

On the positive if their accelerated military plans are in place, they'll be able to kick wholesale Russian ass with or without NATO.

You are correct, Poles hate Russians.
In fact, they were invaded by Germany AND Russia at the same time, then they divided it in between themselves.
Honoring their guarantee of Poland's borders, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. Question for you is, why they didn't declare war on Russia?

There are still parts of Ukraine and Belarus that used to be part of Poland, and I am sure they're itching to get it back. But even with all the weapons they bought from us, beating Ruskies is a pipe dream.
Yes idiot. Poland was invaded TWICE By Russia. Do they teach nothing in Russobot training camp? Poles hate Russians.

On the positive if their accelerated military plans are in place, they'll be able to kick wholesale Russian ass with or without NATO.
Think of the WORST that Russia has done. Go one further, think of the worst, most heinous acts anyone has ever done. They were STILL better than democrats.
I'm curious to see how many of our GOP brothers will support our Russian enemies? They've already made their distain for democracy obvious so this would be a logical extension of their hate for the USA.
Our democracy now guarantees that Progs are dictators whenever in the ruling majority and has the Presidency. Democracy is just a word.
Think of the WORST that Russia has done. Go one further, think of the worst, most heinous acts anyone has ever done. They were STILL better than democrats.
Very offtopic as this is not about Democrats but Russian genocide. We can start with the tens of millions of Ukrainians that died in the Holdomor.
Very offtopic as this is not about Democrats but Russian genocide. We can start with the tens of millions of Ukrainians that died in the Holdomor.
Stalin was better than democrats. Mao was better than democrats. Caligula was better than democrats. Idi Amin and Charles Taylor, both better than democrats. Bin Laden was better than democrats as was Saddam Hussain. Fidel Castro was better than democrats. Kim Jong Un is miles better than democrats.

If you want to know why I won't condemn Russia, this is why.
Of course Putin says he likes bob-bit, She supports hate of Americans by other Americans. Anything to divide us further.

How rich coming from the side that just few months was proposing jailing Americans who refuse to be jabbed, refusing them travel and services and wishing they all die.
Stalin was better than democrats. Mao was better than democrats. Caligula was better than democrats. Idi Amin and Charles Taylor, both better than democrats. Bin Laden was better than democrats as was Saddam Hussain. Fidel Castro was better than democrats. Kim Jong Un is miles better than democrats.

If you want to know why I won't condemn Russia, this is why.
If you think Kim Jong is miles better than Democrats, You should consider doing a little more reading, So you can clue the rest of us in on the wonderful things he offers like minded people like you.
If you think Kim Jong is miles better than Democrats, You should consider doing a little more reading, So you can clue the rest of us in on the wonderful things he offers like minded people like you.
He protects his borders. He doesn't open the country up to savages to prey upon North Korean Citizens. He is miles better than democrats.
Our democracy now guarantees that Progs are dictators whenever in the ruling majority and has the Presidency. Democracy is just a word.
I think of dictatorships as government forced on the majority by a minority. In this country's presidential elections, thanks to the electoral college, that generally means republicans, not dems.
Gee, should I listen to you or a philosopher who has been studied for over 2,000 years? Tough decision...

You seem to miss key words there - "not necessarily".

He also said "know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril".

You seem to be ignorant of who our enemies are. Just as Sun Tzu was, when he was defeated by Qin-Chu forces in his last battle.
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