Russian State TV Hails Lauren Boebert For Refusing To Stand For War Hero Zelensky

Stalin was better than democrats. Mao was better than democrats. Caligula was better than democrats. Idi Amin and Charles Taylor, both better than democrats. Bin Laden was better than democrats as was Saddam Hussain. Fidel Castro was better than democrats. Kim Jong Un is miles better than democrats.

If you want to know why I won't condemn Russia, this is why.

This post is proof positive that you have absolutely nothing of value to contribute to any discussion and that you're a fucking idiot.
Like many others of his generation, my Dad lied to the recruiter about his age and claimed to be a year older than he actually was.

He then spent the next 19 months on his life aboard US Navy ships, mostly the USS Hancock which was the target of a Kamikaze attack Oct 1944. He saw shipmates killed at the age many are graduating high school and ready for College. We never knew he was awarded a Purple Heart until 60 years later.

My Dad and his generation were war "heroes"
This post is proof positive that you have absolutely nothing of value to contribute to any discussion and that you're a fucking idiot.
And there is fuck all jack shit that you can do but scratch your balls and cry.
Enemy democrats aren't good enough for a gulag. It was a mistake for Russia to give the black drug smuggler a prison sentence.
You really are a piece of work, I don't know if I should take you seriously or not. Smugglers usually try to smuggle more than a single gram of product.
Stalin was better than democrats. Mao was better than democrats. Caligula was better than democrats. Idi Amin and Charles Taylor, both better than democrats. Bin Laden was better than democrats as was Saddam Hussain. Fidel Castro was better than democrats. Kim Jong Un is miles better than democrats.

If you want to know why I won't condemn Russia, this is why.
so why dont you go and live in N.Korea?...
How many of the USMB pro-Russia consort agree w/her?
I'm curious to see how many of our GOP brothers will support our Russian enemies? They've already made their distain for democracy obvious so this would be a logical extension of their hate for the USA.
I guess MTG is just a Putin bitch for free and feeling left out by the Russian government.
Agreed. Why are you supporting the Russians then?

When you Derps run with this kind of idiotic trash gaslighting people that not supporting getting involved in a foreign war that does not involve us, not sending tens of billions of dollars in weapons to a guy who has a history of nazi-like aggression and oppression against his own people, especially when we already have huge problems of our own here at home needing addressed, as if you think you will goad or shame us into complying somehow equates to people liking and supporting Putin or Russia, all you really do is destroy any credibility you had.
When you Derps run with this kind of idiotic trash gaslighting people that not supporting getting involved in a foreign war that does not involve us, not sending tens of billions of dollars in weapons to a guy who has a history of nazi-like aggression and oppression against his own people, especially when we already have huge problems of our own here at home needing addressed, as if you think you will goad or shame us into complying somehow equates to people liking and supporting Putin or Russia, all you really do is destroy any credibility you had.
So you agree w/Boebert?
So you agree w/Boebert?
  • Name me a country that doesn't take care of its own problems first?

  • Name me a country or business that lends money it doesn't even have, which it has to borrow and pay interest on, with no expectation of being ever repaid the principle on much less the interest?

  • Name me a country which ignores supporting, helping or defending people after people, nation after nation, then uses the excuse that they MUST support one particular war to the exclusion of all else just because they criminally launder money for our politicians?

  • Name me a country that spends 60 billion on a war it isn't even fighting or involved in, so that the conflict can go on for a year killing thousands of its people that wouldn't have died if we had just stayed out of it?

  • Name me a country that takes it upon itself to take in every mistreated and unhappy person on the planet to support them, then funds and fights every conflict on the planet for someone else with no return that you think will still be around in 50 years? 25 years?
  • Name me a country that doesn't take care of its own problems first?

  • Name me a country or business that lends money it doesn't even have, which it has to borrow and pay interest on, with no expectation of being ever repaid the principle on much less the interest?

  • Name me a country which ignores supporting, helping or defending people after people, nation after nation, then uses the excuse that they MUST support one particular war to the exclusion of all else just because they criminally launder money for our politicians?

  • Name me a country that spends 60 billion on a war it isn't even fighting or involved in, so that the conflict can go on for a year killing thousands of its people that wouldn't have died if we had just stayed out of it?

  • Name me a country that takes it upon itself to take in every mistreated and unhappy person on the planet to support them, then funds and fights every conflict on the planet for someone else with no return that you think will still be around in 50 years? 25 years?
Your reluctance to answer the simple and direct question is duly noted.

That said, where should we start w/spending money on America's problems?
Your reluctance to answer the simple and direct question is duly noted.
Gotta be pretty damn stupid to call a 186 word reply a "reluctance to answer."

That said, where should we start w/spending money on America's problems?
Take your pick, we have so many now since Biden was put into the Oval Office!

Here's just one assessment of Jumping Joe Biden only 100 days into his presidency:

The last thing we need is more spending with Joe trying to outspend Roosevelt's New Deal already by 700%.
I'm curious to see how many of our GOP brothers will support our Russian enemies? They've already made their distain for democracy obvious so this would be a logical extension of their hate for the USA.
How much money have you gave to Ukraine? If none, then shut the fuck up.
  • Name me a country that doesn't take care of its own problems first?

  • Name me a country or business that lends money it doesn't even have, which it has to borrow and pay interest on, with no expectation of being ever repaid the principle on much less the interest?

  • Name me a country which ignores supporting, helping or defending people after people, nation after nation, then uses the excuse that they MUST support one particular war to the exclusion of all else just because they criminally launder money for our politicians?

  • Name me a country that spends 60 billion on a war it isn't even fighting or involved in, so that the conflict can go on for a year killing thousands of its people that wouldn't have died if we had just stayed out of it?

  • Name me a country that takes it upon itself to take in every mistreated and unhappy person on the planet to support them, then funds and fights every conflict on the planet for someone else with no return that you think will still be around in 50 years? 25 years?
Any country that has learned the lessons of isolationism.

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