Russian State TV Hails Lauren Boebert For Refusing To Stand For War Hero Zelensky

Stalin was better than democrats. Mao was better than democrats. Caligula was better than democrats. Idi Amin and Charles Taylor, both better than democrats. Bin Laden was better than democrats as was Saddam Hussain. Fidel Castro was better than democrats. Kim Jong Un is miles better than democrats.

If you want to know why I won't condemn Russia, this is why.

There you have it folks.
You seem to miss key words there - "not necessarily".

He also said "know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril".

You seem to be ignorant of who our enemies are. Just as Sun Tzu was, when he was defeated by Qin-Chu forces in his last battle.
I know an enemy is one who attacks us (election disinformation, stealing DNC emails, etc.) and seeks to undermine our democracy. That seems to fit Russia far better than Ukraine.
I'm curious to see how many of our GOP brothers will support our Russian enemies? They've already made their distain for democracy obvious so this would be a logical extension of their hate for the USA.
We did they become the enemy? You leftists used to worship them. Bernie had his honeymoon over there.
We did they become the enemy? You leftists used to worship them. Bernie had his honeymoon over there.
I can't speak for anyone else but I never loved, hated, or feared the USSR, I only felt sorry for the Russian people. They made themselves my enemy when they interfered with our elections and distributed disinformation.
I can't speak for anyone else but I never loved, hated, or feared the USSR, I only felt sorry for the Russian people. They made themselves my enemy when they interfered with our elections and distributed disinformation.
They have interfered in our elections for decades. Russian Soviet immigrants created the Communist Party of the USA as far back as around 1930. Today there are more commies in the USA than Russia. BTW if you are talking about 2016 the media in the USA, FBI, CIA etc interfered a million times more than Russia.
So funny, who the hell is trying to get into North KOREA!
How do you know?

I have no Russian friends but I would have a Russian friend before I'd have a democriminal friend.

My partner's family was from Ukraine. They considered themselves Russian, spoke Russian and thought breakaway Ukrainians Nazi sympathizers who sucked up to western Europe.

That, however, never influenced my opinion of the conflict or Zelensky. Frankly, we pay Zelensky too much to keep the war going. His entire financial interest is in keeping the war going. There are also troubling rumors of his selling the arms we give him to gangs in Africa and pocketing the money. Zelensky has been called the laundress of Washington DC because of the way he launders money to give to democrats, who then vote to give him more aid. The war in Ukraine started out with all kinds of heroic nobility. It has lost that which makes democrats even more evil than usual. Are all these people dying because of the money laundering Zelensky is doing?
Boebert, MTG, Tucker, Gaetz, all big heroes in Putin's Kremlin.

Make Putin Great Again.

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