Russian State TV Hails Lauren Boebert For Refusing To Stand For War Hero Zelensky

You mean the J6 trespassers? I thought the GOP was tough on crime?

I think you miss a fundamental difference here. Rounding up people for what they believe is different than rounding up people for what they did.

Yeah A little Fascism never hurt anybody!

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Don't be modest, I don't think you're just a little Fascist.

As for these ladies, I don't see any broken windows or trampled barriers so I not clue what your point is.
You mean after Nancy gave the Capitol police the order to “let them in!”?
How many of the USMB pro-Russia consort agree w/her?

Why would I be against the Russian people. These are fellow Christians. Russia did not invade America it invaded Ukraine. and when we invaded Iraq Russia did not give assistance to Iraq all the more reason to stay neutral at most of this war. Why do we never consider a pro Russia position. I remember Hillary Clinton and Putin hitting the reset button a few years ago….what went wrong ?

Remember how the war in Iraq was at first popular but then later on lost a lot of support. This is what may happen with this war in Ukraine. It’s just that right now I see what’s going on in Ukraine it’s been a similarity to America’s involvement in Iraq. There’s a few common sense things here yes the invasion may have been unnecessary …but Russia they say it was necessary like we said it was necessary for us to go to Vietnam and so many other places. I’ve had to mention all the other wars and famine going on in the world. All the money we give the Ukraine we could be giving that to African nations we could’ve been doing that for decades why haven’t we done that? So just in case someone in the government or media wants to tell us this is about moral reasons that’s a tough sell man….. if it was about morality I think we would have solved homelessness in America.
I'm curious to see how many of our GOP brothers will support our Russian enemies? They've already made their distain for democracy obvious so this would be a logical extension of their hate for the USA.
I don't give a fuck what happens over there. Why should I? I can't do jack about it. So post some more bullshit already.
Why would I be against the Russian people. These are fellow Christians. Russia did not invade America it invaded Ukraine. and when we invaded Iraq Russia did not give assistance to Iraq all the more reason to stay neutral at most of this war. Why do we never consider a pro Russia position. I remember Hillary Clinton and Putin hitting the reset button a few years ago….what went wrong ?

Remember how the war in Iraq was at first popular but then later on lost a lot of support. This is what may happen with this war in Ukraine. It’s just that right now I see what’s going on in Ukraine it’s been a similarity to America’s involvement in Iraq. There’s a few common sense things here yes the invasion may have been unnecessary …but Russia they say it was necessary like we said it was necessary for us to go to Vietnam and so many other places. I’ve had to mention all the other wars and famine going on in the world. All the money we give the Ukraine we could be giving that to African nations we could’ve been doing that for decades why haven’t we done that? So just in case someone in the government or media wants to tell us this is about moral reasons that’s a tough sell man….. if it was about morality I think we would have solved homelessness in America.
People across the left — including me — routinely lambaste Fox News megastar Tucker Carlson for his alarming right-wing populist screeds. But this past week, as Carlson downplayed concerns about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine up until Moscow began a full-fledged incursion, something striking happened: Critics began to deem him a “traitor.”

For some activists, lawmakers and commentators, Carlson’s decision to minimize Russia's imminent invasion and push back against critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin meant he was siding with Russia against the U.S. But that’s a misread. Carlson isn’t in favor of Russia over America or angling to aid Russia in dominating or controlling the U.S. — he wants the U.S. to be like Russia. And in accordance with paleoconservative and white nationalist principles, he has an aversion to foreign interventionism so American militarism can grow at home. Carlson's ideas are dangerous and must be fought, but loyalty rhetoric misses the real problem.

Why would I be against the Russian people. These are fellow Christians. Russia did not invade America it invaded Ukraine. and when we invaded Iraq Russia did not give assistance to Iraq all the more reason to stay neutral at most of this war. Why do we never consider a pro Russia position. I remember Hillary Clinton and Putin hitting the reset button a few years ago….what went wrong ?

Remember how the war in Iraq was at first popular but then later on lost a lot of support. This is what may happen with this war in Ukraine. It’s just that right now I see what’s going on in Ukraine it’s been a similarity to America’s involvement in Iraq. There’s a few common sense things here yes the invasion may have been unnecessary …but Russia they say it was necessary like we said it was necessary for us to go to Vietnam and so many other places. I’ve had to mention all the other wars and famine going on in the world. All the money we give the Ukraine we could be giving that to African nations we could’ve been doing that for decades why haven’t we done that? So just in case someone in the government or media wants to tell us this is about moral reasons that’s a tough sell man….. if it was about morality I think we would have solved homelessness in America.
Our friends don't interfere with our elections. Our friends don't use social media to undermine our society. Our friends don't allow cyber criminals to operate on their territory with their blessing.
People across the left — including me — routinely lambaste Fox News megastar Tucker Carlson for his alarming right-wing populist screeds. But this past week, as Carlson downplayed concerns about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine up until Moscow began a full-fledged incursion, something striking happened: Critics began to deem him a “traitor.”

For some activists, lawmakers and commentators, Carlson’s decision to minimize Russia's imminent invasion and push back against critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin meant he was siding with Russia against the U.S. But that’s a misread. Carlson isn’t in favor of Russia over America or angling to aid Russia in dominating or controlling the U.S. — he wants the U.S. to be like Russia. And in accordance with paleoconservative and white nationalist principles, he has an aversion to foreign interventionism so American militarism can grow at home. Carlson's ideas are dangerous and must be fought, but loyalty rhetoric misses the real problem.

Hey brother that’s not the case Tucker was a Democrat for over 20 years. He came out eventually against the Iraq war as well. No there’s something else going on here man we might just be wrong for supporting Ukraine. Like how years later we second-guessed our decisions in Vietnam in Korea and in Iraq.

To be fair to your point and to history Russia is more liberal than a number of our Middle Eastern allies. What about that.? How old are the controversies in Russia compared to say the controversies in Israel or Brazil or Kenya ? Looking at common sense in the grand scheme of things invading a country like Russia has invaded Ukraine does not make a country immoral. This is because over history many countries have invaded other countries. And this war seems to be like a Civil War as a percentage of Ukraine is pro Russia the question is what percent?

It’s important for us to think for ourselves on these things. Just because somebody in the media or a politician says something doesn’t mean that they are right. We have freedom of speech here in America we have our right to agree or disagree with supporting Ukraine. Russia is not an evil country so it’s only normal to say wait a minute we should be neutral in this war or even support Russia.
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Our friends don't interfere with our elections. Our friends don't use social media to undermine our society. Our friends don't allow cyber criminals to operate on their territory with their blessing.
It’s an issue that goes both ways. Really it’s a worldwide issue
Was this before or after the mob broke windows? Never heard this and frankly, don't think it has the ring of truth. Why wouldn't she want to see Biden certified? :link:

The orders to "let them in" came before or are you really that dense?

You know the Capitol has magnetic locks that only open from the inside right?
Gee, what an odd response to Russia using a Repub's failure to support their enemy as propaganda.
Russia knows who its friends are.

Russia Once Again Using Tucker Carlson in Its Propaganda
How so? I never supported the corrupt monkey in Kiev. It has nothing to do with Russia. It has everything to do with Ukraine not being an interest to the US. We have our own problems to solve, pissing away billions of dollars on the Ukraine doesn't do anything to help ourselves. Yet morons think if they wrap a foreign blue and yellow rag across their shoulders they are somehow patriotic. The only flag I support is Old Glory. I begin to question the loyalty of those that put foreign rags on equal footing.
Our friends don't interfere with our elections. Our friends don't use social media to undermine our society. Our friends don't allow cyber criminals to operate on their territory with their blessing.

You're right - Democrats are NOT our friends.

Friends don't violate the Constitution, the Rule of Law, the Patriot Act, defraud the FISA Court, and illegall spy on us.

Friends don't initiate the largest criminal political scandals in US history, attempt failed coups, conduct criminal, failed, treasonous Impeachments, and use the govt to Censor and silence Americans, and push propaganda and disinformation ... which they call a threat to our republic.

Friends don't threaten the lives of our USSC Justices, call for violence against them, incite attempted political assassinations, refuse to enforce laws intended to protect them, undermine them, and call for actual 'insurrections' when they don't get their way.

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