Russian State TV Hails Lauren Boebert For Refusing To Stand For War Hero Zelensky

They are the heads of states they need a military to support them and they need a population two them. And they need both if one doesn’t support them there’s chaos.
In the US the President is also the commander in chief. He is the military head and any soldier that disobeys if guilty of treason. I don't know Russia but Putin is an autocrat and likely has put his people in charge of their military.
Putin was elected too. What's your point? Zelensky has banned opposition political parties, muzzled the press, sanctioned the assassination of foreign civilians who criticized him, sanctioned the torture and murder of POWs. That is not something this country should be supporting. Supporting scum has failed in the past, every single time. This will be no different.
I don't think anyone considers the most recent election of Putin to have been free and fair and his opponents tend to fall out of windows or get poisoned. Zelensky has banned opposition political parties and muzzled the press under marital law after the Russians invaded. Apples and oranges.

I found nothing on sanctioned assassination or torture and murder of POWs so I consider your accusation to be Russian disinformation unless you can provide some evidence.
One dictator invades another dictator. Democrats side with one of them. America is getting invaded by multiple countries at our border. Democrats side with the invaders.
I don't think anyone considers the most recent election of Putin to have been free and fair and his opponents tend to fall out of windows or get poisoned. Zelensky has banned opposition political parties and muzzled the press under marital law after the Russians invaded. Apples and oranges.

I found nothing on sanctioned assassination or torture and murder of POWs so I consider your accusation to be Russian disinformation unless you can provide some evidence.
Why not? It's only democracy if you say so? I don't think so.

It's not apples and oranges, it despotic and contrary to American values. You rubes got took.

There is plenty of evidence, sadly you rubes call anything you don't want to hear 'Russian disinformation'. Western propaganda outfits like YouTube, Facebook, and until recently Twitter scrub the evidence to push the Western narrative. I'll find you some, then you'll whine it's fake because it's not from your approved propaganda outfits. It's almost pointless discussing global affairs with people too lazy to check multiple sources. Russia has taken their evidence to the UN. Not one Western propaganda outfit reported on it. I give you the opportunity to educate yourself, you won't like the results if I have to do it for you.
Hey brother that’s not the case Tucker was a Democrat for over 20 years. He came out eventually against the Iraq war as well. No there’s something else going on here man we might just be wrong for supporting Ukraine. Like how years later we second-guessed our decisions in Vietnam in Korea and in Iraq.

To be fair to your point and to history Russia is more liberal than a number of our Middle Eastern allies. What about that.? How old are the controversies in Russia compared to say the controversies in Israel or Brazil or Kenya ? Looking at common sense in the grand scheme of things invading a country like Russia has invaded Ukraine does not make a country immoral. This is because over history many countries have invaded other countries. And this war seems to be like a Civil War as a percentage of Ukraine is pro Russia the question is what percent?

It’s important for us to think for ourselves on these things. Just because somebody in the media or a politician says something doesn’t mean that they are right. We have freedom of speech here in America we have our right to agree or disagree with supporting Ukraine. Russia is not an evil country so it’s only normal to say wait a minute we should be neutral in this war or even support Russia.
As difficult as it is to address that scatter brained word salad it is appropriate to help defend Ukraine on both strategic and moral grounds.
Russia is not an evil country

Perhaps most of the people there aren't. But their leader is. And it's his policies we are forced to deal with. Policies leading to undeniable war crimes perpetrated on civilians even as we speak.
It never fails to amaze that the crappy Russian propaganda machine still manages to motivate the American left.
I'm sure you can find a more appropriate thread for your delusions.

It never fails to amaze that the crappy Russian propaganda machine still manages to motivate the American left.
It is the far right like MTG and Gaetz that swoon over Poootin. Traitors...everyone of the maga...poootin humpers.
Why not? It's only democracy if you say so? I don't think so.

It's not apples and oranges, it despotic and contrary to American values. You rubes got took.

There is plenty of evidence, sadly you rubes call anything you don't want to hear 'Russian disinformation'. Western propaganda outfits like YouTube, Facebook, and until recently Twitter scrub the evidence to push the Western narrative. I'll find you some, then you'll whine it's fake because it's not from your approved propaganda outfits. It's almost pointless discussing global affairs with people too lazy to check multiple sources. Russia has taken their evidence to the UN. Not one Western propaganda outfit reported on it. I give you the opportunity to educate yourself, you won't like the results if I have to do it for you.
I note you provided no links to follow.

I would agree that one of us is deluded but I don't think it is me:
United Nations — The U.N.'s 15-nation Security Council voted down on Wednesday a proposal by Russia to create a commission to investigate Moscow's unsubstantiated claims of a joint U.S.-Ukrainian "military biological" program. Russia has leveled allegations since March that programs in Ukraine sponsored by the U.S. Defense Department were in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention, an international law regulating weaponized toxins.​
Moscow has offered no verifiable proof of such work, and the U.S. Defense Department, the White House and Ukraine have consistently refuted the allegations. The U.N.'s disarmament chief, Izumi Nakamitsu, said in March that while the global body did not have the capacity to investigate, the U.N. was not aware of any biological weapons program in Ukraine.​
I note you provided no links to follow.

I would agree that one of us is deluded but I don't think it is me:
United Nations — The U.N.'s 15-nation Security Council voted down on Wednesday a proposal by Russia to create a commission to investigate Moscow's unsubstantiated claims of a joint U.S.-Ukrainian "military biological" program. Russia has leveled allegations since March that programs in Ukraine sponsored by the U.S. Defense Department were in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention, an international law regulating weaponized toxins.​
Moscow has offered no verifiable proof of such work, and the U.S. Defense Department, the White House and Ukraine have consistently refuted the allegations. The U.N.'s disarmament chief, Izumi Nakamitsu, said in March that while the global body did not have the capacity to investigate, the U.N. was not aware of any biological weapons program in Ukraine.​
Wow! The Russian stance sure sounds like the MAGA stance in the US, accusations and conspiracies without evidence.
I note you provided no links to follow.

I would agree that one of us is deluded but I don't think it is me:
United Nations — The U.N.'s 15-nation Security Council voted down on Wednesday a proposal by Russia to create a commission to investigate Moscow's unsubstantiated claims of a joint U.S.-Ukrainian "military biological" program. Russia has leveled allegations since March that programs in Ukraine sponsored by the U.S. Defense Department were in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention, an international law regulating weaponized toxins.​
Moscow has offered no verifiable proof of such work, and the U.S. Defense Department, the White House and Ukraine have consistently refuted the allegations. The U.N.'s disarmament chief, Izumi Nakamitsu, said in March that while the global body did not have the capacity to investigate, the U.N. was not aware of any biological weapons program in Ukraine.​
Was I talking about biological labs? Indeed not. What a pathetic off topic deflection. You are a disingenuous and ignorant fool.

All you have to do is look, or is Newsweek and NYT Russian disinformation to you ignorant clowns?
Was I talking about biological labs? Indeed not. What a pathetic off topic deflection. You are a disingenuous and ignorant fool.
You claimed that Russia has taken their evidence to the UN and this was all I could find. Hardly off-topic and I note you have not backed up your claim.

All you have to do is look, or is Newsweek and NYT Russian disinformation to you ignorant clowns?
While I'd never condone war crimes, war is certainly hell and neither side are paragons of virtue. There have been accusations of war crimes committed by Russian soldiers too. I doubt if Putin told the Russian soldiers to murder civilians any more than Zelensky did. US soldiers committed their share of atrocities in Vietnam.

What I do know is that Russia is targeting Ukraine's infrastructure and that is a direct attack on the civilians of Ukraine.
You claimed that Russia has taken their evidence to the UN and this was all I could find. Hardly off-topic and I note you have not backed up your claim.

While I'd never condone war crimes, war is certainly hell and neither side are paragons of virtue. There have been accusations of war crimes committed by Russian soldiers too. I doubt if Putin told the Russian soldiers to murder civilians any more than Zelensky did. US soldiers committed their share of atrocities in Vietnam.

What I do know is that Russia is targeting Ukraine's infrastructure and that is a direct attack on the civilians of Ukraine.
The Russian army has no choice. They cannot defeat the Ukrainian army, so they torture civilians. That is a war crime.

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