Russian Stooge: Trump Signs Sweeping Sanctions Bill Against Russia, Iran, North Korea

You did read the signing statements, did you not? (First time I've ever seen a signing statement in which the POTUS slams Congress for not getting a different bill done AND pimping his own businesses.) Anyway, read the signing statements and tell me that President Trump is going to follow the law.

Text of signing statement Trump issued alongside the Russian sanctions bill
Trump supporters are pretending that Trump is happy. They are sick of the puppet being called a puppet.
A mere falling out among thieves.

No, the fake news ..

The King of Fake News

You know, both myself and my roomie laughed our asses off when we heard Trump blame Congress for the failing relations with Russia.

You guys tired of winning yet?

Yeah- bizarre isn't it?

Trump slams Congress for the Russian sanctions- that Trump signed.

Imagine if he was really against the sanctions and used his veto.........

He knew that he had to sign it because of the current Russia investigation. If he had refused to sign or if he'd vetoed it, people would be thinking even more than they currently do that Trump is in cahoots with Putin.

Me? I'm glad that when Trump came back from the G20 and started talking about lifting sanctions on Russia that Congress was smart enough to read the tea leaves and head him off at the pass.

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