Russian Stooge: Trump Signs Sweeping Sanctions Bill Against Russia, Iran, North Korea

What does a super-credulous, willfully blind, parroting tard sound like? Oh, here comes one now!

...Obamas nonexistent sanctions against Russia...

Ukraine and Russia Sanctions

Executive Order 13660, signed on March 6, 2014, authorizes sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, or for stealing the assets of the Ukrainian people. These sanctions put in place restrictions on the travel of certain individuals and officials and showed our continued efforts to impose a cost on Russia and those responsible for the situation in Crimea.

Executive Order 13661, issued on March 17, 2014, under the national emergency with respect to Ukraine that find that the actions and policies of the Russian government with respect to Ukraine -– including through the deployment of Russian military forces in the Crimea region of Ukraine –- undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets.

A new Executive Order, "Blocking Property of Additional Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine," issued on March 20, 2014, expanded the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13660 of March 6, 2014, and expanded by Executive Order 13661 of March 16, 2014, finding that the actions and policies of the Government of the Russian Federation, including its purported annexation of Crimea and its use of force in Ukraine, continue to undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets, and thereby constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.

Executive Order 13685 was also issued. Utilizing these Executive Orders, the United States has steadily increased the diplomatic and financial costs of Russia’s aggressive actions towards Ukraine. We have designated a number of Russian and Ukrainian entities, including 14 defense companies and individuals in Putin’s inner circle, as well as imposed targeted sanctions limiting certain financing to six of Russia’s largest banks and four energy companies. We have also suspended credit finance that encourages exports to Russia and financing for economic development projects in Russia, and are now prohibiting the provision, exportation, or reexportation of goods, services (not including financial services), or technology in support of exploration or production for deepwater, Arctic offshore, or shale projects that have the potential to produce oil in the Russian Federation, or in maritime area claimed by the Russian Federation and extending from its territory, and that involve five major Russian energy companies.

These actions, in close coordination with our EU and international partners, send a strong message to the Russian government that there are consequences for their actions that threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The United States, together with international partners, will continue to stand by the Ukrainian government until Russia abides by its international obligations. The United States is prepared to take additional steps to impose further political and economic costs. A secure Ukraine, integrated with Europe and enjoying good relations with all its neighbors, is in the interests of the United States, Europe, and Russia.

Executive Orders

Russia sanctions announced by White House, Obama ejects diplomats -
copy cat ...

Trump’s Renewed Russia Sanctions Look A Lot Like Obama’s


Carol E. Lee
May 25, 2017 7:07 p.m. ET

President Donald Trump is leaning toward maintaining sanctions against Russia that were adopted by the Obama administration in response to Moscow’s alleged interference in the U.S. presidential election, a senior administration official said Thursday.

Mr. Trump has said he will keep sanctions on Russia imposed by the U.S. and its allies following Moscow’s intervention in Ukraine in 2014.
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The Russian ambassador to the US, Donald Trump, had to sign the sanctions bill or suffer the humiliating embarrassment of having BOTH parties override his veto.
If only Trump had put Obamas nonexistent sanctions against Russia in place!
In what special cave have you been living in in which you only receive Fox News so that you can parrot this ridiculous lie?
I guess your head has been too far up Obamas ass to notice.

Frustrated Dems say Obama botched Russia response
Romney Called and said he wants his Cold War back!

Exactly why are we ramping up hostility against Russia?

And why is that more important than plugging the Black Hole Money Pit of Obamacare which threatens to destroy 1/6th of our economy?
Maybe this will bring on the shooting war with Russian that the left wing so seemingly wants. They would go to war with Russia just to make Trump look bad. Not that they need to they just seem like that is what they want.
Romney Called and said he wants his Cold War back!

Exactly why are we ramping up hostility against Russia?

And why is that more important than plugging the Black Hole Money Pit of Obamacare which threatens to destroy 1/6th of our economy?
I'm so old I remember the left fainting from the vapors when a President called the Soviet Union an evil empire.
Aaaand just like that, libs are fans of Russia and Putin AGAIN.
The Russian ambassador to the US, Donald Trump, had to sign the sanctions bill or suffer the humiliating embarrassment of having BOTH parties override his veto.
If only Trump had put Obamas nonexistent sanctions against Russia in place!
In what special cave have you been living in in which you only receive Fox News so that you can parrot this ridiculous lie?
I guess your head has been too far up Obamas ass to notice.

Frustrated Dems say Obama botched Russia response
Moving the goalposts now, eh? :lol:

That's what you tards do when your manufactured bullshit blows up in your faces.

You claimed Obama did not enact any sanctions against Russia. He did. Your claim was obliterated.

As for "botching" the response to Russian meddling, Obama did fuck up. He let Trump's bullshit claims about the election being "rigged" cause him to move more cautiously here at home so as not to feed into Trump's paranoia. We all know if he had acted more boldly, every last one of you parroting tards would have screamed Obama was rigging the election.

However, Obama did act boldly trying to offer help to the states to prevent further attacks on their voting registation databases. Most states refused. Just like they are refusing Trump's attempts to get their data.

So I guess you could say Trump is totally botching his response to his imaginary five million illegal Mexicans who somehow managed to vote without getting caught.
Romney Called and said he wants his Cold War back!

Exactly why are we ramping up hostility against Russia?

And why is that more important than plugging the Black Hole Money Pit of Obamacare which threatens to destroy 1/6th of our economy?
I'm so old I remember the left fainting from the vapors when a President called the Soviet Union an evil empire.
That's right. But look at you pseudocons and Trump now. Look how you are quivering in your slippers about hurting Russia's feelings by enacting sanctions against Russia for meddling in our election.

Trump has yet to say a single cross word about Putin for ejecting our diplomats, and neither have you pussies.

This is why I posted this yesterday:

Reagan had real spine. He called Russia "The Evil Empire". He told Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the wall. He threatened to put MX missiles in Europe to get the Soviets to the bargaining table. He ramped up our defense posture, bigly. He initiated the Star Wars program. He helped repel the Soviets in Afghanistan.

In short, Reagan kicked the Soviets in the nuts until they puked.

Trump is a fucking spineless pussy-grabbing whoremongering chickenshit. He can't even muster up one of his fucking puny tweets against Putin.

And his pseudocon lickspittles are the most yellow-bellied cowards to ever stink up the Republican brand.
Putin hits back at sanctions bill by gutting US missions

The same day, the Russian stooge tweets:

Putin invades Georgia, Trump says nothing. He was too busy going on fake news channel CNN to call for Bush's impeachment and demanding we cut-and-run from Iraq every chance he got.

Putin tortures a lawyer who exposed a tax fraud racket being pulled off by Putin's friends. For a solid year, Putin has him tortured. Then he has him beaten to death. Trump demands Obama produce his birth certificate.

Putin murders reporters. Trump tweets that he hopes Putin will become his new best friend.

Putin ejects US diplomats. Trump tweets its a great day at the White House!

Congress passes a sanctions bill. Trump sulks in his signing statement.

Trump is putting Russia First.

I challenge anyone to find a single cross word about Putin from Trump. Ever.

The traitor is so far up Putin's ass, only the tips of his shoes are showing.
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The Left only hates Russia now, when they used to suck Stalin's Dick then, because Russia abandoned Communism and adopted Democracy, and not only that, Russia rejects Globalism & Global Warming, and believe more in Capitalism than Wealth Redistribution.
Trump signed the bill because if he didn't or tried to veto it, it would have been political suicide. Why? If he didn't sign it or if he'd vetoed it, Congress would have over ridden his veto. Not only that, but if he didn't sign the bill into law, it would make it look even more like he's in the tank for Putin.

But, based on his signing statement that went along with the bill, we already know he is, because he made it clear he didn't think the bill was right.
Reagan called Russia the Evil Empire, and cleared brush on his ranch for relaxation when he was President!

Over and over and over, Trump asked all through the campaign why we couldn't be friends with Russia. To relax, he grabs pussy.

That's because the morbidly obese fuck is a New York limousine liberal.
When the Senate is 98 to two,
and the House is four hundred and something to three,
You can't blame it on the Democrats.

Major DUH!
When the Senate is 98 to two,
and the House is four hundred and something to three,
You can't blame it on the Democrats.

Major DUH!

*squawwwk!* DEEP STATE! DEEP STATE! *squawwwwk!*
Wait, this can't be right. According to snowflakes Trump is bestest buddies with Vlad and would never agree to do this. You sure he did not Veto it?

Another liberal column holding up the fake news snowflake collusion story crumbles...


A mere falling out among thieves.

Putin didn't quite get the bargain he paid for.
How dare Trump think Russia, Iran and North Korea are not acting in our own best interests!
They do have their own interests. That doesn´t make them enemies. If you don´t like nuclear threats, don´t pose one. Simple as can be.
America is threatening people with nukes. Good fascist Leftard. You have to go to a university to learn to be that stupid.
Gee, who woulda thunk the left has no problem with the worlds biggest concentration camp that tortures and murders people every day?
There are labor camps. Certainly not 5 star sites. But we know the propaganda machine makes thinks far worse than they are in reality.

Please go check them out personally and bring us back those photos

When the Senate is 98 to two,
and the House is four hundred and something to three,
You can't blame it on the Democrats.

Major DUH!

nope, but you can say the measure has a major flaw like he did ...

he cant do business with the KGB/Russian Mob any more.
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