Russian Sub Skirts Coast

Oh shaddap, you scaremongering neocon nobody....Go polish your oak leaf clusters.
So tell us all here about the advances in Russian SLBMs and nuclear warheads in the last 10 years...we're not talking 1950s, Cleatus.

Russia is modernizing their weapon systems while Obamination talks about getting us down to 300 or less nukes, which is fucking insane. I see this shit at work while you are doing nothing compared to me. I was talking with a missile systems expert at work today and we were discussing Russia and other countries....but of course you know more than us with no classified information.

Bombers are one thing compared to subs that can park nukes right off our coast without detection.

They can't hide their bombers from us but they are hiding their subs from us and that is what we don't like.

For now only Russia is the one threat in the world with subs, but China is working on being a threat within the next 10 years.

Oh, but it is all just made up...right?
Oh, blow it out you ass, General Ripper.

Subs have been a part of the strategic nuclear triad since the 1950s....Nothing but neocon scarmongering here.

Tell us your knowledge of ASW, Captain Nemo.
It's above your clearance level and this board....I just wanted to see what you uneducated morons say for a laugh.

It is dealing with people knowing inside information to see your swing and miss answers without really letting you know how close or far you are just for fun.

Putin started doing the bomber runs and sub runs once Obamination took office, hmmmmm....

So tell us all here about the advances in Russian SLBMs and nuclear warheads in the last 10 years...we're not talking 1950s, Cleatus.

Russia is modernizing their weapon systems while Obamination talks about getting us down to 300 or less nukes, which is fucking insane. I see this shit at work while you are doing nothing compared to me. I was talking with a missile systems expert at work today and we were discussing Russia and other countries....but of course you know more than us with no classified information.

Oh, blow it out you ass, General Ripper.

Subs have been a part of the strategic nuclear triad since the 1950s....Nothing but neocon scarmongering here.

Tell us your knowledge of ASW, Captain Nemo.
Wow....a Military Channel groupie showing off oak leak cluster knowledge. :eusa_whistle:

You can go to a pawn shop near any Army base and dress up to be a soldier. Hell, they even might have live grenades for you.

Oh shaddap, you scaremongering neocon nobody....Go polish your oak leaf clusters.
It's above your clearance level and this board....I just wanted to see what you uneducated morons say for a laugh.

It is dealing with people knowing inside information to see your swing and miss answers without really letting you know how close or far you are just for fun.

Putin started doing the bomber runs and sub runs once Obamination took office, hmmmmm....
I still don't know what I can and can't talk about 25 years after my separation debriefing, you bellicose blowhard...Yet you come around here blabbering in ways that would've made anyone a security risk back when Chrome Dome was operational.

I smell bullshit artist.....Probably not even ever an officer.
Your Secret clearance 25 years ago is nothing. You don't know shit....but keep talking, it is funny.

Oh, anyone that claims the US isn't worried about Russian subs sneaking around our coastline with nukes a lying sack of shit claiming to be former military.

It's above your clearance level and this board....I just wanted to see what you uneducated morons say for a laugh.

It is dealing with people knowing inside information to see your swing and miss answers without really letting you know how close or far you are just for fun.

Putin started doing the bomber runs and sub runs once Obamination took office, hmmmmm....
I still don't know what I can and can't talk about 25 years after my separation debriefing, you bellicose blowhard...Yet you come around here blabbering in ways that would've made anyone a security risk back when Chrome Dome was operational.

I smell bullshit artist.....Probably not even ever an officer.
So tell us all here about the advances in Russian SLBMs and nuclear warheads in the last 10 years...we're not talking 1950s, Cleatus.

You tell us about how it's advanced past our own level of technology when it comes to SLBM's and Nuclear Warheads.

Russia is modernizing their weapon systems while Obamination talks about getting us down to 300 or less nukes, which is fucking insane. I see this shit at work while you are doing nothing compared to me. I was talking with a missile systems expert at work today and we were discussing Russia and other countries....but of course you know more than us with no classified information.

Ok, I'm sure that's some sort of fallacy- what does the reduction of our nuclear arsenal have to do with modernizing weapon systems? More importantly, we're taking our already superior weapon systems and improving on them. The United States Military doesn't simply sit on it's hands when it comes to research & development. What with constant tests of Rail Guns, Laser systems, having the best grasp of Stealth Coatings, shaping, etc, etc. And isn't the whole reducing the number of Nukes an initiative shared by the UN...meaning Russia would be held to the same standards? Like all the START initiatives and such?

Anyhow, we don't have the largest Military Budget in the world for shits and giggles. We were doing Stealth aircraft back when Russia thought Dog Fighting was cool, and just now they're trying to catch up with the F-22 we've had designed since the Cold War.
It's above your clearance level and this board....I just wanted to see what you uneducated morons say for a laugh.

It is dealing with people knowing inside information to see your swing and miss answers without really letting you know how close or far you are just for fun.

Putin started doing the bomber runs and sub runs once Obamination took office, hmmmmm....

So tell us all here about the advances in Russian SLBMs and nuclear warheads in the last 10 years...we're not talking 1950s, Cleatus.

Russia is modernizing their weapon systems while Obamination talks about getting us down to 300 or less nukes, which is fucking insane. I see this shit at work while you are doing nothing compared to me. I was talking with a missile systems expert at work today and we were discussing Russia and other countries....but of course you know more than us with no classified information.

Tell us your knowledge of ASW, Captain Nemo.

Bullshit....pure unadulterated bullshit
It's above your clearance level and this board....I just wanted to see what you uneducated morons say for a laugh.

It is dealing with people knowing inside information to see your swing and miss answers without really letting you know how close or far you are just for fun.

Putin started doing the bomber runs and sub runs once Obamination took office, hmmmmm....
I still don't know what I can and can't talk about 25 years after my separation debriefing, you bellicose blowhard...Yet you come around here blabbering in ways that would've made anyone a security risk back when Chrome Dome was operational.

I smell bullshit artist.....Probably not even ever an officer.

He was probably a sonar buoy UT on a P-3B....his only job to pick up the sonar buoys and push them out the belly slot. Makes him an E X P E R T.....
Will have more flexability for Russian subs when Obama wins Comrade.

yep.. just think of how easy it will be for the rooskies once obam doesn't have to suffer the constraints of pre-election public opinion.
Your Secret clearance 25 years ago is nothing. You don't know shit....but keep talking, it is funny.

Oh, anyone that claims the US isn't worried about Russian subs sneaking around our coastline with nukes a lying sack of shit claiming to be former military.
You're either a posuer or a disgrace to the uniform that you (claim to) wear.

I pray for my nation that it's the former....If it's the latter, I pray that you get scooped up and sent away for a long, long time.
Russian Sub Skirts Coast
Washington Free Beacom ^ | 11/6/12 | Bill Gertz

Russian attack sub detected near East Coast | Washington Free Beacon

A Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine cruised within 200 miles of the East Coast recently in the latest sign Russia is continuing to flex its naval and aerial power against the United States, defense officials said.

The submarine was identified by its NATO designation as a Russian Seirra-2 class submarine believed to be based with Russia’s Northern Fleet. It was the first time that class of Russian submarine had been detected near a U.S. coast, said officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of anti-submarine warfare efforts.

One defense official said the submarine was believed to have been conducting anti-submarine warfare efforts against U.S. ballistic and cruise missile submarines based at Kings Bay, Georgia.

USAF interceptors in Alaska, on a a nearly daily basis, used to scramble to intercept Bear bombers, which "inadvertently "strayed into American airspace back in the day.

Cold War is over...Better the Rooskis continue wasting money on such exercises than us.

wasting money? You're kidding right? why don't you just let them walk in to DC? Hell obam has let in the chinee... might as well let the entire world get an edge.
I am sure that there is one or two US Navy attack subs close to Russian shores.
Bombers are one thing compared to subs that can park nukes right off our coast without detection.

They can't hide their bombers from us but they are hiding their subs from us and that is what we don't like.

For now only Russia is the one threat in the world with subs, but China is working on being a threat within the next 10 years.

Oh, but it is all just made up...right?
Oh, blow it out you ass, General Ripper.

Subs have been a part of the strategic nuclear triad since the 1950s....Nothing but neocon scarmongering here.

well-stated, Neville.
Russian Sub Skirts Coast
Washington Free Beacom ^ | 11/6/12 | Bill Gertz

Russian attack sub detected near East Coast | Washington Free Beacon

USAF interceptors in Alaska, on a a nearly daily basis, used to scramble to intercept Bear bombers, which "inadvertently "strayed into American airspace back in the day.

Cold War is over...Better the Rooskis continue wasting money on such exercises than us.

wasting money? You're kidding right? why don't you just let them walk in to DC? Hell obam has let in the chinee... might as well let the entire world get an edge.
Nuclear subs don't carry people who could walk into DC.

The nuclear sub/bomber cat and mouse game is older than the hula hoop.
Sure, irrelevant shithead. :eusa_whistle:

You peeled veggies in the military 25 years ago and that makes you an expert on all things DoD. :clap2:

A lot has changed in 25 years, imagine that.

Your Secret clearance 25 years ago is nothing. You don't know shit....but keep talking, it is funny.

Oh, anyone that claims the US isn't worried about Russian subs sneaking around our coastline with nukes a lying sack of shit claiming to be former military.
You're either a posuer or a disgrace to the uniform that you (claim to) wear.

I pray for my nation that it's the former....If it's the latter, I pray that you get scooped up and sent away for a long, long time.
This subject came up at work today when we were discussing threats to the US. Of course, losertarians and liberals believe the world is just one happy family and Russia, China, Iran, etc aren't really building up their weapon systems to attack us or our allies someday.

I saw Kings Bay in the article, I went out on the USS Maryland for about a week as an exchange officer back in the 90s...I couldn't live on a submarine for months and months....special people do that job.

If Obama wins, Iran will, no doubt, move on Israel, fast! :flameth: :Boom2:


If Romney wins, they won't! :eusa_whistle:

Iran is unlikely to do anything in either case. They know they'd get stomped. You need to learn the difference between real threats and bluster.
300 nukes. Hmmm....... Are there 300 targets in the world worth a nuke? And what would setting off 300 nukes where ever in the world do to us here?

Wasn't this the whole idea of the MAD policy? That the idea of a full nuclear exchange would have only losers? This is also what is the primary deterant to small players like India, Pakistan, and North Korea, that an agressive strike against another nation would result in incoming from three directions.

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