Russian Tank Divisions On The Move - City Streets - Toward Poland / Lithuania Borders WWIII is coming

Tanks and other heavy armor is now on-the-move in Grodno, Belarus, moving toward the borders of Poland and Lithuania. These tanks are on city streets moving in the open!
Belarus as a nation has close ties and great relations with Russia. Thus, that these tanks are moving toward the border of NATO members Poland and Lithuania, is quite an explicit message to NATO. Clearly, the deteriorating situation in Ukraine is set to explode with direct conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Today tanks

Tomorrow nukes

Thanks, great job, Mr fake 'president' and election thief Scary Joe!
By the way Joe will hide himself in a bunker, it's difficult to believe his cretins supporters will be invited there too.


What else did you thing with coward Joe at the helm. If he has a few of his thugs with him he might muster the courage to tell Putin he will take him out behind the gym and beat him up. But only from behind his wire.
Tanks and other heavy armor is now on-the-move in Grodno, Belarus, moving toward the borders of Poland and Lithuania. These tanks are on city streets moving in the open!
Belarus as a nation has close ties and great relations with Russia. Thus, that these tanks are moving toward the border of NATO members Poland and Lithuania, is quite an explicit message to NATO. Clearly, the deteriorating situation in Ukraine is set to explode with direct conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Today tanks

Tomorrow nukes

Thanks, great job, Mr fake 'president' and election thief Scary Joe!
By the way Joe will hide himself in a bunker, it's difficult to believe his cretins supporters will be invited there too.


Right after Biden insulted Putin by calling him a killer and threatening Russia, Putin said there would be consequences. Biden made no attempt to apologize or smooth things over.
JOJO does not realize that V.Putin has almost absolute power in Russia Several other Russian officials also demanded an apology. JOJO Dumbass has started another Cold War.

And all the trolls of course like shills toddsterparrot and shillian will all blame it on trump of course :cuckoo:

Why would I blame a failure of a Dem administration on Trump?
Is it because you're a moron?
Biden made no attempt to apologize or smooth things over.
JOJO does not realize that V.Putin has almost absolute power in Russia Several other Russian officials also demanded an apology. JOJO Dumbass has started another Cold War
So what? Why should anyone care what Putin and his cronies demand? That is ridiculous. The Cold War 2 was going to start in any case.
Tanks and other heavy armor is now on-the-move in Grodno, Belarus, moving toward the borders of Poland and Lithuania.

WE CALL IT THE BIDEN EFFECT. It's what you get when you steal a national election to install a hapless, senile hand-puppet no one respects or fears.

The world knows two clowns

1. Litwin aka Happy Slappy
2. Biden aka Scary Joe

Tanks and other heavy armor is now on-the-move in Grodno, Belarus, moving toward the borders of Poland and Lithuania. These tanks are on city streets moving in the open!
Belarus as a nation has close ties and great relations with Russia. Thus, that these tanks are moving toward the border of NATO members Poland and Lithuania, is quite an explicit message to NATO. Clearly, the deteriorating situation in Ukraine is set to explode with direct conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Today tanks

Tomorrow nukes

Thanks, great job, Mr fake 'president' and election thief Scary Joe!
By the way Joe will hide himself in a bunker, it's difficult to believe his cretins supporters will be invited there too.


What else did you thing with coward Joe at the helm. If he has a few of his thugs with him he might muster the courage to tell Putin he will take him out behind the gym and beat him up. But only from behind his wire.

Tanks and other heavy armor is now on-the-move in Grodno, Belarus, moving toward the borders of Poland and Lithuania. These tanks are on city streets moving in the open!
Belarus as a nation has close ties and great relations with Russia. Thus, that these tanks are moving toward the border of NATO members Poland and Lithuania, is quite an explicit message to NATO. Clearly, the deteriorating situation in Ukraine is set to explode with direct conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Today tanks

Tomorrow nukes

Thanks, great job, Mr fake 'president' and election thief Scary Joe!
By the way Joe will hide himself in a bunker, it's difficult to believe his cretins supporters will be invited there too.


Right after Biden insulted Putin by calling him a killer and threatening Russia, Putin said there would be consequences. Biden made no attempt to apologize or smooth things over.
JOJO does not realize that V.Putin has almost absolute power in Russia Several other Russian officials also demanded an apology. JOJO Dumbass has started another Cold War.

We're headed for a hot war.

The hot war can begin very soon.
NWO servants Putin and Biden want to eliminate humanity due to their diabolic agenda.
Jewish Putin send the entirely Russian Patriotic Opposition behind bar ( or murdered ), all offices are run by his Jewish tribesmen.
The Russian Orthodox Church became practically a KGB - Filial through his governance.
The same is Biden, how many patriotic white christian Americans are around him?

Never heard about the NWO depopulation agenda?

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