Russian veteran recalls his communist army rape war- crimes in Germany

There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.

Some 3.1 million Soviet prisoners perished in German captivity: about 500,000 were shot; the remaining 2.6 million died of starvation and hunger-related disease.

Sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result.

In the Soviet Union women were kidnapped by German forces for prostitution; one report by the International Military Tribunal stated that "in the city of Smolensk the German Command opened a brothel for officers in one of the hotels into which hundreds of women and girls were driven; they were mercilessly dragged down the street by their arms and hair."

General Orders of The Wehrmacht during Operation Barbarossa (the Nazi Invasion of Russia) included the following:
  • "The partisans are to be ruthlessly eliminated in battle or during attempts to escape", and all attacks by the civilian population against Wehrmacht soldiers are to be "suppressed by the army on the spot by using extreme measures, till [the] annihilation of the attackers;
  • "Every officer in the German occupation in the East of the future will be entitled to perform execution(s) without trial, without any formalities, on any person suspected of having a hostile attitude towards the Germans", (the same applied to prisoners of war);
  • "If you have not managed to identify and punish the perpetrators of anti-German acts, you are allowed to apply the principle of collective responsibility. 'Collective measures' against residents of the area where the attack occurred can then be applied after approval by the battalion commander or higher level of command";
  • German soldiers who commit crimes against humanity, the USSR and prisoners of war are to be exempted from criminal responsibility, even if they commit acts punishable according to German law.

Ah, so you think the Soviets would have been nice guys if it weren't for German atrocities or something? lol rubbish. They were brutal and nasty for many centuries before WW II. In fact, so were Jews.


Muscovite hordemen always, kill, rape, loot


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There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.

Some 3.1 million Soviet prisoners perished in German captivity: about 500,000 were shot; the remaining 2.6 million died of starvation and hunger-related disease.

Sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result.

In the Soviet Union women were kidnapped by German forces for prostitution; one report by the International Military Tribunal stated that "in the city of Smolensk the German Command opened a brothel for officers in one of the hotels into which hundreds of women and girls were driven; they were mercilessly dragged down the street by their arms and hair."

General Orders of The Wehrmacht during Operation Barbarossa (the Nazi Invasion of Russia) included the following:
  • "The partisans are to be ruthlessly eliminated in battle or during attempts to escape", and all attacks by the civilian population against Wehrmacht soldiers are to be "suppressed by the army on the spot by using extreme measures, till [the] annihilation of the attackers;
  • "Every officer in the German occupation in the East of the future will be entitled to perform execution(s) without trial, without any formalities, on any person suspected of having a hostile attitude towards the Germans", (the same applied to prisoners of war);
  • "If you have not managed to identify and punish the perpetrators of anti-German acts, you are allowed to apply the principle of collective responsibility. 'Collective measures' against residents of the area where the attack occurred can then be applied after approval by the battalion commander or higher level of command";
  • German soldiers who commit crimes against humanity, the USSR and prisoners of war are to be exempted from criminal responsibility, even if they commit acts punishable according to German law.
" Smolensk the German Command opened a brothel for officers in one of the hotels into which hundreds of women and girls were driven; they were mercilessly dragged down the street by their arms and hair." "

stalinist propaganda, if G has opened a brothel in Smalensk it´d a huge line to work there, just for food. you dont know how poor was (is) Smalensk after 300 years of Moscow occupation, collectivization, and Stalin and Yezhov Order No. 00447

Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia › wiki › Joseph_Stalin

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who ruled the ... That month, Stalin and Yezhov signed Order No. 00447 ... In June 1941, he ordered a scorched earth policy of destroying infrastructure and food ...

You are a Jew, what G. did to the Jews is terrible, but it does not mean you have to whitewash here Koba´s hordes crimes against humanity

Having a hard time mustering up sympathy for The Nazis...

View attachment 452782
whats about millions Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Rumanians, Balts, etc.?

The Littlest Enemies': Children of the Stalinist Era | The View East

You mean the same people who turned in their Jewish neighbors to The Nazis?

Or, in the case of thousands of Jews in those countries, killed Jews FOR The Nazis?

What about them?

I'm no fan of Stalin or Communism, but the fact that he went medieval on The Nazis and their stooges at the end of the war is a gold star in my book.
Having a hard time mustering up sympathy for The Nazis...

View attachment 452782
whats about millions Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Rumanians, Balts, etc.?

The Littlest Enemies': Children of the Stalinist Era | The View East

You mean the same people who turned in their Jewish neighbors to The Nazis?

Or, in the case of thousands of Jews in those countries, killed Jews FOR The Nazis?

What about them?

I'm no fan of Stalin or Communism, but the fact that he went medieval on The Nazis and their stooges at the end of the war is a gold star in my book.
"You mean the same people who turned in their Jewish neighbors to The Nazis?" Not really, there have been living different people some " turned in their Jewish neighbors to The Nazis" some hided and helped the Jews (risking their families´s lives)

when you support here Muscovite barbaric terror against civilians (women - children) , you giving a card to those who support Arab- Palestinian terror against Israeli/Jewish civilians. don't do it, its just wrong.

"thousands of Jews in those countries, killed Jews FOR The Nazis?" we can start the thread about it as well , dont fool yourself Koba fought Hitler not in order to save the Jews from the Nazi death camps but in order to enslave the entire our planet

World revolution - Wikipedia › wiki › World_revolution

World revolution is the Marxist concept of overthrowing capitalism in all countries through the conscious revolutionary action of the organized working class.

Stalin and antisemitism - Wikipedia › wiki › Stalin_and_antisemitism

The extent to which Joseph Stalin was antisemitic is widely discussed by historians. Although part of a movement that included Jews and rejected antisemitism, .
...that's what humans do
No, only Muscovite barbarians
..most people don't know shit about the ''well known''' things of WW2---so most people don't know about the Russians in Germany....this is 2021....most people don't know the dates of Pearl Harbor or when Germany invaded Poland
i think people consume to much WW2 crap , they ´d real more about cold war, stalinism, grunwald and ww1 instead
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!

lol fuck off, commie; you dream about sucking off Nazi leather bois in your sleep like most fags. Your misogyny is duly noted, gimp.
Having a hard time mustering up sympathy for The Nazis...

View attachment 452782
whats about millions Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Rumanians, Balts, etc.?

The Littlest Enemies': Children of the Stalinist Era | The View East

You mean the same people who turned in their Jewish neighbors to The Nazis?

Or, in the case of thousands of Jews in those countries, killed Jews FOR The Nazis?

What about them?

I'm no fan of Stalin or Communism, but the fact that he went medieval on The Nazis and their stooges at the end of the war is a gold star in my book.

As would be any scum who massacred goys.
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!

lol fuck off, commie; you dream about sucking off Nazi leather bois in your sleep like most fags. Your misogyny is duly noted, gimp.
Ha ha ha and now we know where your Nazi fantasies are generated!

Sick sad bitch!
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!

lol fuck off, commie; you dream about sucking off Nazi leather bois in your sleep like most fags. Your misogyny is duly noted, gimp.
Ha ha ha and now we know where your Nazi fantasies are generated!

Sick sad bitch!

Go find some little girls to beat up, sick fuck.
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!
this tool you marxists you have been using for 1000 years already , does not work anymore

our topic , "

Russian veteran recalls his communist army rape war- crimes in Germany


your position is that pedophilic - rape (from eight )
is ok as long as Muscovite - Marxist hordemen were on the top, its noted . question, would your personally punish Hungarian , Belarusian (B. lost more people then any other state during WW2, T. Snyder ) , Polish, German, Rumanian, Baltic , etc. children this way as well? why Soviet women were raped by Muscovite hordemen? what they did wrong " Red Army, soon discovered that rape victims were not just Germans. Polish women also suffered. So did young Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian women who had been sent back to Germany by the Wehrmacht for slave labour. "Liberated Soviet girls quite often complain that our soldiers rape them," he noted. "One girl said to me in tears: 'He was an old man, older than my father'." "

'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books ... › books › may › news.features11

May 1, 2002 — The rape of Soviet women and girls seriously undermines Russian attempts to justify Red Army behaviour on the grounds of revenge for German ...

" Nuns, young girls, old women, pregnant women and mothers who had just given birth were all raped without pity. "
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!
this tool you marxists you have been using for 1000 years already , does not work anymore
View attachment 453296

our topic , "

Russian veteran recalls his communist army rape war- crimes in Germany


your position is that pedophilic - rape (from eight ) is ok as long as Muscovite - Marxist hordemen were on the top, its noted . question, would your personally punish Hungarian , Belarusian (B. lost more people then any other state during WW2, T. Snyder ) , Polish, German, Rumanian, Baltic , etc. children this way as well? why Soviet women were raped by Muscovite hordemen? what they did wrong " Red Army, soon discovered that rape victims were not just Germans. Polish women also suffered. So did young Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian women who had been sent back to Germany by the Wehrmacht for slave labour. "Liberated Soviet girls quite often complain that our soldiers rape them," he noted. "One girl said to me in tears: 'He was an old man, older than my father'." "

'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books ... › books › may › news.features11

May 1, 2002 — The rape of Soviet women and girls seriously undermines Russian attempts to justify Red Army behaviour on the grounds of revenge for German ...

" Nuns, young girls, old women, pregnant women and mothers who had just given birth were all raped without pity. "
A father on the Clyde in Scotland who was working a night shift got home to find his entire family of 7 had perished in the blitz. his apartment block
home demolished after a nazi bomb fell through a skylight, everybody killed he had to go and identify the bodies and was ok until he came across his 8-year-old daughter at who's sight caused him to stagger, - her face and the front of her head had been blown off.
What had she got to do with Hitler's war? And why that night was the Nazi's bombing a civilian area and not the docks where ships were being built?
What your basically saying is war is a messy inhumane business, well guess what we know! It has been repeated many times since.
Hitler launched a war not just of conquest but of total annihilation of those he considered Untermensch (sub-human). So why are you surprised when the Untermensch got the upper hand that some should behave ...well like Untermensch and ignored the Geneva Convention?

The RAF bombed Dresden, Cologn, and Hamburg, etc. Thousands perished. I hope those women who voted Hitler into power, waved their swastika flags, and gave the Nazi salute to their troops marching off to war remembered that as they and their children got sucked into the firestorm flames.
For every atrocity committed in WWll there is only one person to blame -
Adolf Hitler and those stupid enough to follow him.

You have posted umpteen of these threads (in fact you never post anything else) and to date have received little support apart from the odd Neo-Nazi fruitcake. Don't you think it's time to visit a shrink who may be able to help with your questionable mental state? What happened, happened and I would of thought by now you'd realise that trying to make out the Nazis were the good guys is never going to wash. Besides, there is no Soviet Union anymore.
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!
this tool you marxists you have been using for 1000 years already , does not work anymore
View attachment 453296

our topic , "

Russian veteran recalls his communist army rape war- crimes in Germany


your position is that pedophilic - rape (from eight ) is ok as long as Muscovite - Marxist hordemen were on the top, its noted . question, would your personally punish Hungarian , Belarusian (B. lost more people then any other state during WW2, T. Snyder ) , Polish, German, Rumanian, Baltic , etc. children this way as well? why Soviet women were raped by Muscovite hordemen? what they did wrong " Red Army, soon discovered that rape victims were not just Germans. Polish women also suffered. So did young Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian women who had been sent back to Germany by the Wehrmacht for slave labour. "Liberated Soviet girls quite often complain that our soldiers rape them," he noted. "One girl said to me in tears: 'He was an old man, older than my father'." "

'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books ... › books › may › news.features11

May 1, 2002 — The rape of Soviet women and girls seriously undermines Russian attempts to justify Red Army behaviour on the grounds of revenge for German ...

" Nuns, young girls, old women, pregnant women and mothers who had just given birth were all raped without pity. "
A father on the Clyde in Scotland who was working a night shift got home to find his entire family of 7 had perished in the blitz. his apartment block
home demolished after a nazi bomb fell through a skylight, everybody killed he had to go and identify the bodies and was ok until he came across his 8-year-old daughter at who's sight caused him to stagger, - her face and the front of her head had been blown off.
What had she got to do with Hitler's war? And why that night was the Nazi's bombing a civilian area and not the docks where ships were being built?
What your basically saying is war is a messy inhumane business, well guess what we know! It has been repeated many times since.
Hitler launched a war not just of conquest but of total annihilation of those he considered Untermensch (sub-human). So why are you surprised when the Untermensch got the upper hand that some should behave ...well like Untermensch and ignored the Geneva Convention?

The RAF bombed Dresden, Cologn, and Hamburg, etc. Thousands perished. I hope those women who voted Hitler into power, waved their swastika flags, and gave the Nazi salute to their troops marching off to war remembered that as they and their children got sucked into the firestorm flames.
For every atrocity committed in WWll there is only one person to blame -
Adolf Hitler and those stupid enough to follow him.

You have posted umpteen of these threads (in fact you never post anything else) and to date have received little support apart from the odd Neo-Nazi fruitcake. Don't you think it's time to visit a shrink who may be able to help with your questionable mental state? What happened, happened and I would of thought by now you'd realise that trying to make out the Nazis were the good guys is never going to wash. Besides, there is no Soviet Union anymore.
did you tell to your neighbors that you support pedophilic ravage mass - rapes, and cover on the forums Marxist barbaric pedophiles ? whats your address i post it on a polish forum , do you really believe that all Poles, Belarusians, Hungarians deserved to be raped and killed ? you are sick , i dont care about your father live , we have had it way WAY worst than you Scots
for neo - Stalinist - Marxist - Moscow´s Imperial thugs he was a " liar " for the civilization he is a hero , with massive bolls who dared challenge Putin´s imperialism neo - stalinism .

" In 1960 Rabichev became a member of the Artists' Union of the USSR.[1] Together with his wife Victoria Shumilina Rabichev traveled on cargo ships along taiga rivers of the Russian North (such as Sukhona and Northern Dvina).[2] Rabichev's graphic works were exhibited several times in Moscow.[2] In 1993 he became a member of the Writers' Union of Moscow.[1] In 2005, Rabichev's war memoirs Voyna vsyo spishet (The War Will Excuse Everything) were published in the Russian literary magazine Znamya. Rabichev is an important documented witness, promoting claims of the Red Army's mass rape and genocide of the inhabitants of Königsberg during the Soviet invasion.[3] "

question to western Marxists here, are you also think that the real (not putin´s vytiran) WW2 VET Leonid Nikolayevich Rabichev was a " liar ?
Having a hard time mustering up sympathy for The Nazis...

View attachment 452782

What you do here shows by the way very clear that you are a structural Nazi, who has absolutely nothing to do with Jews - or do you really think any criminal of the Red army - including their criminal leader Stalin - asked a German Jewish woman, whether they have the right to rape her or not?
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