Russian veteran recalls his communist army rape war- crimes in Germany

... makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty. ...

Germans never voted Hitler into power. And good to know that you are responsible for all crimes of all US-American presidents.
Can't be bothered arguing -

Your other comment makes no sense either!

Wrong cut & paste -

Í don't see a big sense in this article. Very confused article with much to many pictures and low informatrion - as far as I can see.

In 1932 the Nazis - a totally new political power - got 33.1% of all votes. Mostly on reason of protest, I guess. They had lost 4.2%. This had been the last really free unmanipulated elections. And the "boss" in Germany was not the chancellor of Germany at this time of history - it had been the president. President Hindenburg made Hitler to the chancellor of Germany.

No Hitler was not Chancellor till his Nazi party was elected as the largest party, Did deals with other right-wing parties, and had a majority in the Reichstag. Every British government I can remember was elected with only around 35% of the vote. When there are multiple parties on the ballot sheet nobody is going to get much more.
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.

And there IS an excuse for what the Nazis did to the citizens of every country they invaded?

This thread is just foolish.


What measn your "funny" comment to my post #49? I interpret this as a collective symptom of a psychological deseaese of the masses in teh anglo-american world. You ignore the wrong doing of your own culture. This seems to lead to a lack of rationality. By trhe way: Also US-American soliders raped many women during world war 2 - specially in France.
Nazis abused many Jewish children

What's nonsense. The Nazis were darwinists. Heinrich Himmler - the boss of all policemen and all members of the SS - saw in Jews a superior race. It was in his eyes the only other superior race, which was able to rule the world. So he liked to eliminate all Jews biologically. The holocaust was an industrialized form of mass-murder.

Too bad the Russians did not eviscerate every German city to ash

You spoke your own judgement about yourselve and all mankind with this sentence. With people like you all mankind has not any chanceo to survive. You are sad about not to share the deep perversity of the devilish might to do with other human beings whatever you like to do with them.

It is by the way said Hitler liked to burn down Paris compleltelly. He took a look over Paris in the night and decided - on whatever reason - not to do so. Compared with this single picture of one evening of one day of history you are much more worse than Hitler was.
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... makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty. ...

Germans never voted Hitler into power. And good to know that you are responsible for all crimes of all US-American presidents.
Can't be bothered arguing -

Your other comment makes no sense either!

Wrong cut & paste -

Í don't see a big sense in this article. Very confused article with much to many pictures and low informatrion - as far as I can see.

In 1932 the Nazis - a totally new political power - got 33.1% of all votes. Mostly on reason of protest, I guess. They had lost 4.2%. This had been the last really free unmanipulated elections. And the "boss" in Germany was not the chancellor of Germany at this time of history - it had been the president. President Hindenburg made Hitler to the chancellor of Germany.

No Hitler was not Chancellor till his Nazi party was elected as the largest party, id deals with other right-wing parties, and had a majority in the Reichstag. Every British government I can remember was elected with only around 35% of the vote. When there are multiple parties on the ballot sheet nobody is going to get much more.

In Germany never a single party governs. We don't have the anglo-american system "the winner takes it all".
What's wrong with you? Drugs?
I don’t do drugs lol
Then you are lost in hate and the unablity to feel and to think.
They did kill tens of millions
Sorry - But Germany never did do anything bad to the USA and you murdered millions of Germans and had destroyed Germany completely. And because you did do so you hate Germany. You went in war in Iraq and murdered people there - and because Germany did not do so you hate Germany ...
In 70 years the future may not look back kindly on the black man's practice of hunting and killing the elderly..
There's no excusing what the Russians did to German women and girls after the war.
Yes, there is every excuse but the Russians didn't need any except what the Nazis did across eastern Europe. The German women got off lightly all things considered.
That's why the world didn't really care. Live by Hitler's sword then die by it!

Ah, a true piece of shit speaks up for his commie heroes. 'German women got off lightly', did they? Scumbag.
Yes, they did!
Along with all the other Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, etc etc etc who not only supported Hitler but even formed some of his Eizatszgrupen death squads and worked as guards at Treblinka and Sobibor.
Of course, Neo-Nazi vermin like you and obsessive OP Litwin know that Naziism can never raise its ugly demonic head again or gain political power unless you can convince the world that others were far worse.
The truth is no regime in human history can even begin to compare with the evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No regime in human history industrialised the mass murder of over 6 million innocents just because they belonged to a different religion. The fact that they involved German society widely, that bid for contracts to make and install Gas Chambers and Crematoria makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty.
As for the likes of 'Irma Grese', who made lampshades out of the tattooed skin of any prisoner who had a design she liked and made paperweights out of Russian soldiers shrunken heads, I couldn't give a crap how her and her mates were treated because however bad it sounds we all know that the vast majority of Nazi butchers, Mengele, for example, got away with the worst genocide the world has ever seen.

So I suggest both you and Litwin take your Nazi sob stories and fuck right off!
this tool you marxists you have been using for 1000 years already , does not work anymore
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our topic , "

Russian veteran recalls his communist army rape war- crimes in Germany


your position is that pedophilic - rape (from eight ) is ok as long as Muscovite - Marxist hordemen were on the top, its noted . question, would your personally punish Hungarian , Belarusian (B. lost more people then any other state during WW2, T. Snyder ) , Polish, German, Rumanian, Baltic , etc. children this way as well? why Soviet women were raped by Muscovite hordemen? what they did wrong " Red Army, soon discovered that rape victims were not just Germans. Polish women also suffered. So did young Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian women who had been sent back to Germany by the Wehrmacht for slave labour. "Liberated Soviet girls quite often complain that our soldiers rape them," he noted. "One girl said to me in tears: 'He was an old man, older than my father'." "

'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books ... › books › may › news.features11

May 1, 2002 — The rape of Soviet women and girls seriously undermines Russian attempts to justify Red Army behaviour on the grounds of revenge for German ...

" Nuns, young girls, old women, pregnant women and mothers who had just given birth were all raped without pity. "
A father on the Clyde in Scotland who was working a night shift got home to find his entire family of 7 had perished in the blitz. his apartment block
home demolished after a nazi bomb fell through a skylight, everybody killed he had to go and identify the bodies and was ok until he came across his 8-year-old daughter at who's sight caused him to stagger, - her face and the front of her head had been blown off.
What had she got to do with Hitler's war? And why that night was the Nazi's bombing a civilian area and not the docks where ships were being built?
What your basically saying is war is a messy inhumane business, well guess what we know! It has been repeated many times since.
Hitler launched a war not just of conquest but of total annihilation of those he considered Untermensch (sub-human). So why are you surprised when the Untermensch got the upper hand that some should behave ...well like Untermensch and ignored the Geneva Convention?

The RAF bombed Dresden, Cologn, and Hamburg, etc. Thousands perished. I hope those women who voted Hitler into power, waved their swastika flags, and gave the Nazi salute to their troops marching off to war remembered that as they and their children got sucked into the firestorm flames.
For every atrocity committed in WWll there is only one person to blame -
Adolf Hitler and those stupid enough to follow him.

You have posted umpteen of these threads (in fact you never post anything else) and to date have received little support apart from the odd Neo-Nazi fruitcake. Don't you think it's time to visit a shrink who may be able to help with your questionable mental state? What happened, happened and I would of thought by now you'd realise that trying to make out the Nazis were the good guys is never going to wash. Besides, there is no Soviet Union anymore.

Faggots like yourself don't care about any of that, so quit pretending you do. you already shouted out your misogynistic homo pedophile 'feelings on the subject. You love the idea of 10 and 12 year old girls getting raped to death; all sexual deviant commies do.
look like dirty Marxists here suffered from pedo - rape fantasies ....not just support this massive the crime against humanity , but cover Moscow´s pedo - sex predators
They sound a lot like our Marxists.
America’s Marxists, hope to someday rape and murder all the patriots of America.
" America’s Marxists, hope to someday rape and murder all the patriots of America." no chance they can rule only over primitive afro - asian part of the world. USA is to sophisticated for Marxist´s slave utopia

You just don't get it do you?
Nobody gives a flying crap about what the Russians did to the Nazi bitches and their collaborators. Whatever they did was nowhere near bad enough. So go do one and that is the end of the matter and this thread!

You just don't get it do you? without USA armies , Russians ´d do the same things your wife, kids , mother etc. by the way did you tell your neighbors about your pedophile sympathies? they must know...
'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books ... › books › may › news.features11

May 1, 2002 — The subject of the Red Army's mass rapes in Germany has been so ... He even went on to boast that "two million of our children were born" in ...



knowing all this UK/USA wanted to liberate Europe from your satanic sadistic hordesmen Marxist buddies
I don’t care about the Germans obliterating Europeans or even Americans!!
... makes every German who voted Hitler into power equally guilty. ...

Germans never voted Hitler into power. And good to know that you are responsible for all crimes of all US-American presidents.
Can't be bothered arguing -

Your other comment makes no sense either!

Wrong cut & paste -

Í don't see a big sense in this article. Very confused article with much to many pictures and low informatrion - as far as I can see.

In 1932 the Nazis - a totally new political power - got 33.1% of all votes. Mostly on reason of protest, I guess. They had lost 4.2%. This had been the last really free unmanipulated elections. And the "boss" in Germany was not the chancellor of Germany at this time of history - it had been the president. President Hindenburg made Hitler to the chancellor of Germany.

No Hitler was not Chancellor till his Nazi party was elected as the largest party, Did deals with other right-wing parties, and had a majority in the Reichstag. Every British government I can remember was elected with only around 35% of the vote. When there are multiple parties on the ballot sheet nobody is going to get much more.

much like commie buddies, N - socialist working party never had majority " so are you posting from a cave in Moscow ?
Hard Times Return | Facing History and Ourselves › chapter-4 › hard-times-return

Both the Communists and the Nazis made significant gains in the Reichstag ... British, and American capitalists are exploiting German workers to get rich themselves. ... the Nazis were never able to win a majority of the seats in the Reichstag.


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