Russians Caught On Film; Committing Atrocities In Mariopul

Please feel obligated to use a universal translator to convert your babbling bullshit into something marginally coherent.
My bad… Didn’t know you weren’t an English speaking, American. Not that itmatters
Did it ever occur to you first, that this aid might have going to the Ukrainians who've been sympathetic to Russia for the last 8 years? Also, can you explain why Russia walked in and declared Crimea to be theirs, AND began funding and otherwise assisting Ukrainian separatists in the east? We keep hearing about the "Nazis" and their depredations for the last 8 years but none of you mention the fact that those Nazis never invaded Russia nor did they attack civilians until Russia started and fueled the insurrection.
So they did attack civilians, Mariupol's civilians, their own civilians and it sits well with you, right?
Please feel obligated to use a universal translator to convert your babbling bullshit into something marginally coherent.
I wonder if a universal translator would convert the same bald claim made over and over again into a citation of the original source with a coherent argument proving the bald claim was true in the first place.

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