Russians Insult Obama Naming Black Goat After Him

"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

If you are an American....... You are disgusting and a traitor. Or maybe you are an immigrant from Russia making a living here in US.
I think you are intelligent person but you are stupid. I have people like you working for me with masters and some from MIT........ but they are stupid and poor like you.
Obama installed EIS in Poland front of Putin thugs face........ I don't call that pussy.

Being called that by a moron like you doesn't faze me in the least. Putin (and rightfully so) stopped a war with Syria after Barrypuppet drew that line in the sand. This is a chess match whether it is being staged or not but Putin seems to always be two moves ahead. BTW, I am not the only one that sees that.

Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Despite sanctions, Pootie has built his military up in the last 3 years when our military cannot get spare parts anymore. Checkmate.......seriously? too, play checkers like Obie.
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"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

If you are an American....... You are disgusting and a traitor. Or maybe you are an immigrant from Russia making a living here in US.
I think you are intelligent person but you are stupid. I have people like you working for me with masters and some from MIT........ but they are stupid and poor like you.
Obama installed EIS in Poland front of Putin thugs face........ I don't call that pussy.

Being called that by a moron like you doesn't faze me in the least. Putin (and rightfully so) stopped a war with Syria after Barrypuppet drew that line in the sand. This is a chess match whether it is being staged or not but Putin seems to always be two moves ahead. BTW, I am not the only one that sees that.

Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Wow! What a ruffian that Barrypuppet is. Russia, China dn quite a few other major economies have formed their own alliance so they can bypass the worthless fiat "Merican" dollar. Barrypuppet sure showed him! USA.INC has abused it's status as the world's reserve currency with a printing press that runs 24/7 spitting out worthless debt notes. Barryouppet's proxy army got it's ass kicked by Putin thus denying Barrypuppet's masters to the resources of Syria....but what the fuck.....Russia has "SANCTIONS"!!!! Good job, tough guy....(snicker)

BTW, I know that anyone that makes fun of Barrypuppet is deemed a racist by a leftard and that never fails to make me chuckle. Bush was a POS as well as a puppet.....these are the kinds of people that get selected and morons like you "vote" for. Looks like I kick your ass yet again..
Apparently not since you can't cite the government calling them an enemy.

YOU are the one claiming that they are the enemy,....who put that idea in your head? Where could you have possibly of gotten that impression? Did you come up with it all on your own that Russia is working to take down USA.INC???? Obviously you got that from somewhere. Your Barrypuppet was pissed about Crimea deciding to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U.......we were told that Russian troops were crossing the border of the Ukraine when that was a total load of bullshit. USA.INC was pissed that Assad brought in help from Russia to take on ISIS/al qaeda which is fight a war for USA.INC........but yeah, I'm are right...Barrypuppet good...Putin bad. (snicker)
I claimed they are our enemy. I never said I got that from the government. That's just you... well... jumping to wrong conclusions again. They've been our enemy since the 40's. The Cold War never ended. It seemed to subside while Gorbachev was in power and he tried to westernize the Soviet Union. But then the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Russia returned to their old ways with Putin, and they currently spend more on their military as a percentage of GDP than we do.

There couldn't have been a USSR without Wall Street and the corporate "gubermint". They funded the Bolshevik revolution. Trotsky was working on Wall Street when he was sent to can you not know that? The Russian people have USA.INC to "thank" for communist oppression. USA.INC sent aid and manufacturing capabilities over to Russia in order to build them into an opponent because the American people need to have something to be afraid of. USA.INC is filled with rich commies that want to model the world under a totalitarian communist "gubermint" with the rich elite in charge. It's not a surprise to me that you don't have a fucking clue about the real history since 1900. I can back up everything I contend with facts and data.....I will send your ass packing. Don't fuck with me. I spend 90 percent of my time reading and researching. You get your info from MSNBC. You don't know diddly squat.....fuck your Marxist Barrypuppet and anyone that defends that piece of shit.
What's to fuck with? You're a moron. You didn't even address my point, which is that that Russia is our enemy, the cold war is still on and we're in an arms race with them. Instead, you make an idiot of yourself going off on an unrelated tangent, during which, you switch your own empty rhetoric from saying I get my information from the government to saying I get it from MSNBC.

Which establishes you wrong again. And you're wrong again because you continuously leap to erroneous conclusions. :cuckoo:

Hey, moron....if you don't understand the past, you can't understand the present and you have proven that you don't know anything. USA.INC and their NATO pals have been the aggressors and provokers and that is a fact. Hell, for all I know this could all be just theater. I don't know....but the whole "Cold War" thing was orchestrated from the start. Russia is your enemy but they aren't mine. They haven't tried to place Russian troops on our border like NATO has by usurping the duly elected government of Ukraine.Once again your ignorance is exposed.
Now I remember you -- you're that idiot who likes to argue about things no one is even discussing when you can't refute the arguments on the table.

And here you are doing it again. :cuckoo:
Had they named it Barry Dumbo Ears our agitator-in-chief would be plenty mad.
YOU are the one claiming that they are the enemy,....who put that idea in your head? Where could you have possibly of gotten that impression? Did you come up with it all on your own that Russia is working to take down USA.INC???? Obviously you got that from somewhere. Your Barrypuppet was pissed about Crimea deciding to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U.......we were told that Russian troops were crossing the border of the Ukraine when that was a total load of bullshit. USA.INC was pissed that Assad brought in help from Russia to take on ISIS/al qaeda which is fight a war for USA.INC........but yeah, I'm are right...Barrypuppet good...Putin bad. (snicker)
I claimed they are our enemy. I never said I got that from the government. That's just you... well... jumping to wrong conclusions again. They've been our enemy since the 40's. The Cold War never ended. It seemed to subside while Gorbachev was in power and he tried to westernize the Soviet Union. But then the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Russia returned to their old ways with Putin, and they currently spend more on their military as a percentage of GDP than we do.

There couldn't have been a USSR without Wall Street and the corporate "gubermint". They funded the Bolshevik revolution. Trotsky was working on Wall Street when he was sent to can you not know that? The Russian people have USA.INC to "thank" for communist oppression. USA.INC sent aid and manufacturing capabilities over to Russia in order to build them into an opponent because the American people need to have something to be afraid of. USA.INC is filled with rich commies that want to model the world under a totalitarian communist "gubermint" with the rich elite in charge. It's not a surprise to me that you don't have a fucking clue about the real history since 1900. I can back up everything I contend with facts and data.....I will send your ass packing. Don't fuck with me. I spend 90 percent of my time reading and researching. You get your info from MSNBC. You don't know diddly squat.....fuck your Marxist Barrypuppet and anyone that defends that piece of shit.
What's to fuck with? You're a moron. You didn't even address my point, which is that that Russia is our enemy, the cold war is still on and we're in an arms race with them. Instead, you make an idiot of yourself going off on an unrelated tangent, during which, you switch your own empty rhetoric from saying I get my information from the government to saying I get it from MSNBC.

Which establishes you wrong again. And you're wrong again because you continuously leap to erroneous conclusions. :cuckoo:

Hey, moron....if you don't understand the past, you can't understand the present and you have proven that you don't know anything. USA.INC and their NATO pals have been the aggressors and provokers and that is a fact. Hell, for all I know this could all be just theater. I don't know....but the whole "Cold War" thing was orchestrated from the start. Russia is your enemy but they aren't mine. They haven't tried to place Russian troops on our border like NATO has by usurping the duly elected government of Ukraine.Once again your ignorance is exposed.
Now I remember you -- you're that idiot who likes to argue about things no one is even discussing when you can't refute the arguments on the table.

And here you are doing it again. :cuckoo:

You gave me nothing TO refute. I know history a lot better than you do. I know more about the current geo-political scene than you do because this is what I do. You live in Bizarro World, I live in reality. You believe choke down everything you are fed by your "gubermint" sponsored corporate media and declare it as being the's not....not at all.
I'm not saying that Putin is a saint or even a good guy...but neither is the Barrypuppet but they do have one huge difference.

Putin calls the shots in Russia...Barrypuppet does as he is told by the ones that control him and own him. Thems be the facts.
I claimed they are our enemy. I never said I got that from the government. That's just you... well... jumping to wrong conclusions again. They've been our enemy since the 40's. The Cold War never ended. It seemed to subside while Gorbachev was in power and he tried to westernize the Soviet Union. But then the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Russia returned to their old ways with Putin, and they currently spend more on their military as a percentage of GDP than we do.

There couldn't have been a USSR without Wall Street and the corporate "gubermint". They funded the Bolshevik revolution. Trotsky was working on Wall Street when he was sent to can you not know that? The Russian people have USA.INC to "thank" for communist oppression. USA.INC sent aid and manufacturing capabilities over to Russia in order to build them into an opponent because the American people need to have something to be afraid of. USA.INC is filled with rich commies that want to model the world under a totalitarian communist "gubermint" with the rich elite in charge. It's not a surprise to me that you don't have a fucking clue about the real history since 1900. I can back up everything I contend with facts and data.....I will send your ass packing. Don't fuck with me. I spend 90 percent of my time reading and researching. You get your info from MSNBC. You don't know diddly squat.....fuck your Marxist Barrypuppet and anyone that defends that piece of shit.
What's to fuck with? You're a moron. You didn't even address my point, which is that that Russia is our enemy, the cold war is still on and we're in an arms race with them. Instead, you make an idiot of yourself going off on an unrelated tangent, during which, you switch your own empty rhetoric from saying I get my information from the government to saying I get it from MSNBC.

Which establishes you wrong again. And you're wrong again because you continuously leap to erroneous conclusions. :cuckoo:

Hey, moron....if you don't understand the past, you can't understand the present and you have proven that you don't know anything. USA.INC and their NATO pals have been the aggressors and provokers and that is a fact. Hell, for all I know this could all be just theater. I don't know....but the whole "Cold War" thing was orchestrated from the start. Russia is your enemy but they aren't mine. They haven't tried to place Russian troops on our border like NATO has by usurping the duly elected government of Ukraine.Once again your ignorance is exposed.
Now I remember you -- you're that idiot who likes to argue about things no one is even discussing when you can't refute the arguments on the table.

And here you are doing it again. :cuckoo:

You gave me nothing TO refute. I know history a lot better than you do. I know more about the current geo-political scene than you do because this is what I do. You live in Bizarro World, I live in reality. You believe choke down everything you are fed by your "gubermint" sponsored corporate media and declare it as being the's not....not at all.
I'm not saying that Putin is a saint or even a good guy...but neither is the Barrypuppet but they do have one huge difference.

Putin calls the shots in Russia...Barrypuppet does as he is told by the ones that control him and own him. Thems be the facts.
While you remain a legend in your own mind, your non-sequiturs do nothing to refute what I said -- which is that Russia is an enemy and engaged in an arms race with us.
There couldn't have been a USSR without Wall Street and the corporate "gubermint". They funded the Bolshevik revolution. Trotsky was working on Wall Street when he was sent to can you not know that? The Russian people have USA.INC to "thank" for communist oppression. USA.INC sent aid and manufacturing capabilities over to Russia in order to build them into an opponent because the American people need to have something to be afraid of. USA.INC is filled with rich commies that want to model the world under a totalitarian communist "gubermint" with the rich elite in charge. It's not a surprise to me that you don't have a fucking clue about the real history since 1900. I can back up everything I contend with facts and data.....I will send your ass packing. Don't fuck with me. I spend 90 percent of my time reading and researching. You get your info from MSNBC. You don't know diddly squat.....fuck your Marxist Barrypuppet and anyone that defends that piece of shit.
What's to fuck with? You're a moron. You didn't even address my point, which is that that Russia is our enemy, the cold war is still on and we're in an arms race with them. Instead, you make an idiot of yourself going off on an unrelated tangent, during which, you switch your own empty rhetoric from saying I get my information from the government to saying I get it from MSNBC.

Which establishes you wrong again. And you're wrong again because you continuously leap to erroneous conclusions. :cuckoo:

Hey, moron....if you don't understand the past, you can't understand the present and you have proven that you don't know anything. USA.INC and their NATO pals have been the aggressors and provokers and that is a fact. Hell, for all I know this could all be just theater. I don't know....but the whole "Cold War" thing was orchestrated from the start. Russia is your enemy but they aren't mine. They haven't tried to place Russian troops on our border like NATO has by usurping the duly elected government of Ukraine.Once again your ignorance is exposed.
Now I remember you -- you're that idiot who likes to argue about things no one is even discussing when you can't refute the arguments on the table.

And here you are doing it again. :cuckoo:

You gave me nothing TO refute. I know history a lot better than you do. I know more about the current geo-political scene than you do because this is what I do. You live in Bizarro World, I live in reality. You believe choke down everything you are fed by your "gubermint" sponsored corporate media and declare it as being the's not....not at all.
I'm not saying that Putin is a saint or even a good guy...but neither is the Barrypuppet but they do have one huge difference.

Putin calls the shots in Russia...Barrypuppet does as he is told by the ones that control him and own him. Thems be the facts.
While you remain a legend in your own mind, your non-sequiturs do nothing to refute what I said -- which is that Russia is an enemy and engaged in an arms race with us.

So what you are saying is that Russia shouldn't try and defend themselves and allow USA.INC to stay on top of the heap with their weapons because USA.INC is good and just? Seriously? This country has never spread "freedom" one country whose "gubermint" they have taken out that ever left the people better off than they were just one. Russia may be a enemy to the international bankers that own USA.INC, but they are not an enemy of mine. You don't have a fucking clue about the dirty dealings this corporate entity has done in your name. You wouldn't even be able to wrap your mind around it. Grow up and take off the fucking blinders.
What's to fuck with? You're a moron. You didn't even address my point, which is that that Russia is our enemy, the cold war is still on and we're in an arms race with them. Instead, you make an idiot of yourself going off on an unrelated tangent, during which, you switch your own empty rhetoric from saying I get my information from the government to saying I get it from MSNBC.

Which establishes you wrong again. And you're wrong again because you continuously leap to erroneous conclusions. :cuckoo:

Hey, moron....if you don't understand the past, you can't understand the present and you have proven that you don't know anything. USA.INC and their NATO pals have been the aggressors and provokers and that is a fact. Hell, for all I know this could all be just theater. I don't know....but the whole "Cold War" thing was orchestrated from the start. Russia is your enemy but they aren't mine. They haven't tried to place Russian troops on our border like NATO has by usurping the duly elected government of Ukraine.Once again your ignorance is exposed.
Now I remember you -- you're that idiot who likes to argue about things no one is even discussing when you can't refute the arguments on the table.

And here you are doing it again. :cuckoo:

You gave me nothing TO refute. I know history a lot better than you do. I know more about the current geo-political scene than you do because this is what I do. You live in Bizarro World, I live in reality. You believe choke down everything you are fed by your "gubermint" sponsored corporate media and declare it as being the's not....not at all.
I'm not saying that Putin is a saint or even a good guy...but neither is the Barrypuppet but they do have one huge difference.

Putin calls the shots in Russia...Barrypuppet does as he is told by the ones that control him and own him. Thems be the facts.
While you remain a legend in your own mind, your non-sequiturs do nothing to refute what I said -- which is that Russia is an enemy and engaged in an arms race with us.

So what you are saying is that Russia shouldn't try and defend themselves and allow USA.INC to stay on top of the heap with their weapons because USA.INC is good and just? Seriously? This country has never spread "freedom" one country whose "gubermint" they have taken out that ever left the people better off than they were just one. Russia may be a enemy to the international bankers that own USA.INC, but they are not an enemy of mine. You don't have a fucking clue about the dirty dealings this corporate entity has done in your name. You wouldn't even be able to wrap your mind around it. Grow up and take off the fucking blinders.
Did I say they shouldn't?

Why, of course I didn't. You're just an ignorant buffoon who can't keep up. That's why you rely on non-sequiturs. Dealing with what people actually post, as opposed to what your defective brain translates their posts into, is beyond your alligator-arms reach.
Hey, moron....if you don't understand the past, you can't understand the present and you have proven that you don't know anything. USA.INC and their NATO pals have been the aggressors and provokers and that is a fact. Hell, for all I know this could all be just theater. I don't know....but the whole "Cold War" thing was orchestrated from the start. Russia is your enemy but they aren't mine. They haven't tried to place Russian troops on our border like NATO has by usurping the duly elected government of Ukraine.Once again your ignorance is exposed.
Now I remember you -- you're that idiot who likes to argue about things no one is even discussing when you can't refute the arguments on the table.

And here you are doing it again. :cuckoo:

You gave me nothing TO refute. I know history a lot better than you do. I know more about the current geo-political scene than you do because this is what I do. You live in Bizarro World, I live in reality. You believe choke down everything you are fed by your "gubermint" sponsored corporate media and declare it as being the's not....not at all.
I'm not saying that Putin is a saint or even a good guy...but neither is the Barrypuppet but they do have one huge difference.

Putin calls the shots in Russia...Barrypuppet does as he is told by the ones that control him and own him. Thems be the facts.
While you remain a legend in your own mind, your non-sequiturs do nothing to refute what I said -- which is that Russia is an enemy and engaged in an arms race with us.

So what you are saying is that Russia shouldn't try and defend themselves and allow USA.INC to stay on top of the heap with their weapons because USA.INC is good and just? Seriously? This country has never spread "freedom" one country whose "gubermint" they have taken out that ever left the people better off than they were just one. Russia may be a enemy to the international bankers that own USA.INC, but they are not an enemy of mine. You don't have a fucking clue about the dirty dealings this corporate entity has done in your name. You wouldn't even be able to wrap your mind around it. Grow up and take off the fucking blinders.
Did I say they shouldn't?

Why, of course I didn't. You're just an ignorant buffoon who can't keep up. That's why you rely on non-sequiturs. Dealing with what people actually post, as opposed to what your defective brain translates their posts into, is beyond your alligator-arms reach.

I can't keep up????? Do you even read the bullshit that you post as if you actually have a grip on the situation? "Russia is an enemy because they are creating arms to defend themselves against USA.INC so that makes them my enemy!!!" Says Faun....yeah, I guess Russia should just lay down like all those third world countries that USA.INC was behind the regime change of.....leaders that would play ball with USA.INC's multi-national corporations that wanted to help themselves to that country's natural resources. How DARE Putin not roll over on his back and offer his belly to USA.INC...what a bastard, eh?

HOLY fuck but are you utterly stupid. Let's be honest, you are just pissed that Putin has hurt Barrypuppet's status in Europe and for some reason that hurts your fucking pride...get over it. It;'s not about you....OK?
Now I remember you -- you're that idiot who likes to argue about things no one is even discussing when you can't refute the arguments on the table.

And here you are doing it again. :cuckoo:

You gave me nothing TO refute. I know history a lot better than you do. I know more about the current geo-political scene than you do because this is what I do. You live in Bizarro World, I live in reality. You believe choke down everything you are fed by your "gubermint" sponsored corporate media and declare it as being the's not....not at all.
I'm not saying that Putin is a saint or even a good guy...but neither is the Barrypuppet but they do have one huge difference.

Putin calls the shots in Russia...Barrypuppet does as he is told by the ones that control him and own him. Thems be the facts.
While you remain a legend in your own mind, your non-sequiturs do nothing to refute what I said -- which is that Russia is an enemy and engaged in an arms race with us.

So what you are saying is that Russia shouldn't try and defend themselves and allow USA.INC to stay on top of the heap with their weapons because USA.INC is good and just? Seriously? This country has never spread "freedom" one country whose "gubermint" they have taken out that ever left the people better off than they were just one. Russia may be a enemy to the international bankers that own USA.INC, but they are not an enemy of mine. You don't have a fucking clue about the dirty dealings this corporate entity has done in your name. You wouldn't even be able to wrap your mind around it. Grow up and take off the fucking blinders.
Did I say they shouldn't?

Why, of course I didn't. You're just an ignorant buffoon who can't keep up. That's why you rely on non-sequiturs. Dealing with what people actually post, as opposed to what your defective brain translates their posts into, is beyond your alligator-arms reach.

I can't keep up????? Do you even read the bullshit that you post as if you actually have a grip on the situation? "Russia is an enemy because they are creating arms to defend themselves against USA.INC so that makes them my enemy!!!" Says Faun....yeah, I guess Russia should just lay down like all those third world countries that USA.INC was behind the regime change of.....leaders that would play ball with USA.INC's multi-national corporations that wanted to help themselves to that country's natural resources. How DARE Putin not roll over on his back and offer his belly to USA.INC...what a bastard, eh?

HOLY fuck but are you utterly stupid. Let's be honest, you are just pissed that Putin has hurt Barrypuppet's status in Europe and for some reason that hurts your fucking pride...get over it. It;'s not about you....OK?
Again, because you're too dumb to understand the first time -- I never posited Russia shouldn't do what they can to keep up with us militarily. Who knows why you repeated that idiotic projection after I dispelled it the first time? And again, I am not alone in considering Russia an enemy of the U.S. Again, Russia is considered the second greatest enemy by Americans. Not that you understand that either given your fondness for America's enemies.
You gave me nothing TO refute. I know history a lot better than you do. I know more about the current geo-political scene than you do because this is what I do. You live in Bizarro World, I live in reality. You believe choke down everything you are fed by your "gubermint" sponsored corporate media and declare it as being the's not....not at all.
I'm not saying that Putin is a saint or even a good guy...but neither is the Barrypuppet but they do have one huge difference.

Putin calls the shots in Russia...Barrypuppet does as he is told by the ones that control him and own him. Thems be the facts.
While you remain a legend in your own mind, your non-sequiturs do nothing to refute what I said -- which is that Russia is an enemy and engaged in an arms race with us.

So what you are saying is that Russia shouldn't try and defend themselves and allow USA.INC to stay on top of the heap with their weapons because USA.INC is good and just? Seriously? This country has never spread "freedom" one country whose "gubermint" they have taken out that ever left the people better off than they were just one. Russia may be a enemy to the international bankers that own USA.INC, but they are not an enemy of mine. You don't have a fucking clue about the dirty dealings this corporate entity has done in your name. You wouldn't even be able to wrap your mind around it. Grow up and take off the fucking blinders.
Did I say they shouldn't?

Why, of course I didn't. You're just an ignorant buffoon who can't keep up. That's why you rely on non-sequiturs. Dealing with what people actually post, as opposed to what your defective brain translates their posts into, is beyond your alligator-arms reach.

I can't keep up????? Do you even read the bullshit that you post as if you actually have a grip on the situation? "Russia is an enemy because they are creating arms to defend themselves against USA.INC so that makes them my enemy!!!" Says Faun....yeah, I guess Russia should just lay down like all those third world countries that USA.INC was behind the regime change of.....leaders that would play ball with USA.INC's multi-national corporations that wanted to help themselves to that country's natural resources. How DARE Putin not roll over on his back and offer his belly to USA.INC...what a bastard, eh?

HOLY fuck but are you utterly stupid. Let's be honest, you are just pissed that Putin has hurt Barrypuppet's status in Europe and for some reason that hurts your fucking pride...get over it. It;'s not about you....OK?
Again, because you're too dumb to understand the first time -- I never posited Russia shouldn't do what they can to keep up with us militarily. Who knows why you repeated that idiotic projection after I dispelled it the first time? And again, I am not alone in considering Russia an enemy of the U.S. Again, Russia is considered the second greatest enemy by Americans. Not that you understand that either given your fondness for America's enemies.

How and the fuck is Russia an "enemy" when it has been USA.INC and NATO that have been poking them? Is it because Russia pushed back after the coup-de'etat that happened in the Ukraine and the fact that the people in Crimea didn't want to cast their lot with the E.U? Can you blame them? Countries want out of the E.U because it is a debt slavery system and they have no say over their sovereignty.......would you like to see America in a E.U type situation where we had no say on how were governed? You are not intelligent enough to even discuss this. Like I said, you are butthurt because Putin has more influence than USA.INC in that region and we shouldn't even be over there to begin with deciding policy for other countries when we have our own fucking problems that are not being dealt with. I would never, EVER support deploying troops to defend the boundaries of the Ukraine...would you? If so? Go join up, son......knock yourself out.
While you remain a legend in your own mind, your non-sequiturs do nothing to refute what I said -- which is that Russia is an enemy and engaged in an arms race with us.

So what you are saying is that Russia shouldn't try and defend themselves and allow USA.INC to stay on top of the heap with their weapons because USA.INC is good and just? Seriously? This country has never spread "freedom" one country whose "gubermint" they have taken out that ever left the people better off than they were just one. Russia may be a enemy to the international bankers that own USA.INC, but they are not an enemy of mine. You don't have a fucking clue about the dirty dealings this corporate entity has done in your name. You wouldn't even be able to wrap your mind around it. Grow up and take off the fucking blinders.
Did I say they shouldn't?

Why, of course I didn't. You're just an ignorant buffoon who can't keep up. That's why you rely on non-sequiturs. Dealing with what people actually post, as opposed to what your defective brain translates their posts into, is beyond your alligator-arms reach.

I can't keep up????? Do you even read the bullshit that you post as if you actually have a grip on the situation? "Russia is an enemy because they are creating arms to defend themselves against USA.INC so that makes them my enemy!!!" Says Faun....yeah, I guess Russia should just lay down like all those third world countries that USA.INC was behind the regime change of.....leaders that would play ball with USA.INC's multi-national corporations that wanted to help themselves to that country's natural resources. How DARE Putin not roll over on his back and offer his belly to USA.INC...what a bastard, eh?

HOLY fuck but are you utterly stupid. Let's be honest, you are just pissed that Putin has hurt Barrypuppet's status in Europe and for some reason that hurts your fucking pride...get over it. It;'s not about you....OK?
Again, because you're too dumb to understand the first time -- I never posited Russia shouldn't do what they can to keep up with us militarily. Who knows why you repeated that idiotic projection after I dispelled it the first time? And again, I am not alone in considering Russia an enemy of the U.S. Again, Russia is considered the second greatest enemy by Americans. Not that you understand that either given your fondness for America's enemies.

How and the fuck is Russia an "enemy" when it has been USA.INC and NATO that have been poking them? Is it because Russia pushed back after the coup-de'etat that happened in the Ukraine and the fact that the people in Crimea didn't want to cast their lot with the E.U? Can you blame them? Countries want out of the E.U because it is a debt slavery system and they have no say over their sovereignty.......would you like to see America in a E.U type situation where we had no say on how were governed? You are not intelligent enough to even discuss this. Like I said, you are butthurt because Putin has more influence than USA.INC in that region and we shouldn't even be over there to begin with deciding policy for other countries when we have our own fucking problems that are not being dealt with. I would never, EVER support deploying troops to defend the boundaries of the Ukraine...would you? If so? Go join up, son......knock yourself out.
You're too fucking deranged. :cuckoo: Which is why this is going nowhere. That was evident the moment you deluded yourself into believing Putin somehow embarrassed Obama over a goat.

Try harder.
"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

If you are an American....... You are disgusting and a traitor. Or maybe you are an immigrant from Russia making a living here in US.
I think you are intelligent person but you are stupid. I have people like you working for me with masters and some from MIT........ but they are stupid and poor like you.
Obama installed EIS in Poland front of Putin thugs face........ I don't call that pussy.

Being called that by a moron like you doesn't faze me in the least. Putin (and rightfully so) stopped a war with Syria after Barrypuppet drew that line in the sand. This is a chess match whether it is being staged or not but Putin seems to always be two moves ahead. BTW, I am not the only one that sees that.

Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Despite sanctions, Pootie has built his military up in the last 3 years when our military cannot get spare parts anymore. Checkmate.......seriously? too, play checkers like Obie.

Yeah right......... How is life and prices in Russia comrade? Have you check it out lately? Russian is probably the only country in this world that the population is declining. Checkmate.

Lights Out for the Putin Regime
So what you are saying is that Russia shouldn't try and defend themselves and allow USA.INC to stay on top of the heap with their weapons because USA.INC is good and just? Seriously? This country has never spread "freedom" one country whose "gubermint" they have taken out that ever left the people better off than they were just one. Russia may be a enemy to the international bankers that own USA.INC, but they are not an enemy of mine. You don't have a fucking clue about the dirty dealings this corporate entity has done in your name. You wouldn't even be able to wrap your mind around it. Grow up and take off the fucking blinders.
Did I say they shouldn't?

Why, of course I didn't. You're just an ignorant buffoon who can't keep up. That's why you rely on non-sequiturs. Dealing with what people actually post, as opposed to what your defective brain translates their posts into, is beyond your alligator-arms reach.

I can't keep up????? Do you even read the bullshit that you post as if you actually have a grip on the situation? "Russia is an enemy because they are creating arms to defend themselves against USA.INC so that makes them my enemy!!!" Says Faun....yeah, I guess Russia should just lay down like all those third world countries that USA.INC was behind the regime change of.....leaders that would play ball with USA.INC's multi-national corporations that wanted to help themselves to that country's natural resources. How DARE Putin not roll over on his back and offer his belly to USA.INC...what a bastard, eh?

HOLY fuck but are you utterly stupid. Let's be honest, you are just pissed that Putin has hurt Barrypuppet's status in Europe and for some reason that hurts your fucking pride...get over it. It;'s not about you....OK?
Again, because you're too dumb to understand the first time -- I never posited Russia shouldn't do what they can to keep up with us militarily. Who knows why you repeated that idiotic projection after I dispelled it the first time? And again, I am not alone in considering Russia an enemy of the U.S. Again, Russia is considered the second greatest enemy by Americans. Not that you understand that either given your fondness for America's enemies.

How and the fuck is Russia an "enemy" when it has been USA.INC and NATO that have been poking them? Is it because Russia pushed back after the coup-de'etat that happened in the Ukraine and the fact that the people in Crimea didn't want to cast their lot with the E.U? Can you blame them? Countries want out of the E.U because it is a debt slavery system and they have no say over their sovereignty.......would you like to see America in a E.U type situation where we had no say on how were governed? You are not intelligent enough to even discuss this. Like I said, you are butthurt because Putin has more influence than USA.INC in that region and we shouldn't even be over there to begin with deciding policy for other countries when we have our own fucking problems that are not being dealt with. I would never, EVER support deploying troops to defend the boundaries of the Ukraine...would you? If so? Go join up, son......knock yourself out.
You're too fucking deranged. :cuckoo: Which is why this is going nowhere. That was evident the moment you deluded yourself into believing Putin somehow embarrassed Obama over a goat.

Try harder.

You lack the intellect to deal with what is really going on. You defend that worthless piece of shit that tries to pretend to be a "leader"....what a friggin' joke. He is a puppet......don't you get it? No, you don't...tis a pity.
Did I say they shouldn't?

Why, of course I didn't. You're just an ignorant buffoon who can't keep up. That's why you rely on non-sequiturs. Dealing with what people actually post, as opposed to what your defective brain translates their posts into, is beyond your alligator-arms reach.

I can't keep up????? Do you even read the bullshit that you post as if you actually have a grip on the situation? "Russia is an enemy because they are creating arms to defend themselves against USA.INC so that makes them my enemy!!!" Says Faun....yeah, I guess Russia should just lay down like all those third world countries that USA.INC was behind the regime change of.....leaders that would play ball with USA.INC's multi-national corporations that wanted to help themselves to that country's natural resources. How DARE Putin not roll over on his back and offer his belly to USA.INC...what a bastard, eh?

HOLY fuck but are you utterly stupid. Let's be honest, you are just pissed that Putin has hurt Barrypuppet's status in Europe and for some reason that hurts your fucking pride...get over it. It;'s not about you....OK?
Again, because you're too dumb to understand the first time -- I never posited Russia shouldn't do what they can to keep up with us militarily. Who knows why you repeated that idiotic projection after I dispelled it the first time? And again, I am not alone in considering Russia an enemy of the U.S. Again, Russia is considered the second greatest enemy by Americans. Not that you understand that either given your fondness for America's enemies.

How and the fuck is Russia an "enemy" when it has been USA.INC and NATO that have been poking them? Is it because Russia pushed back after the coup-de'etat that happened in the Ukraine and the fact that the people in Crimea didn't want to cast their lot with the E.U? Can you blame them? Countries want out of the E.U because it is a debt slavery system and they have no say over their sovereignty.......would you like to see America in a E.U type situation where we had no say on how were governed? You are not intelligent enough to even discuss this. Like I said, you are butthurt because Putin has more influence than USA.INC in that region and we shouldn't even be over there to begin with deciding policy for other countries when we have our own fucking problems that are not being dealt with. I would never, EVER support deploying troops to defend the boundaries of the Ukraine...would you? If so? Go join up, son......knock yourself out.
You're too fucking deranged. :cuckoo: Which is why this is going nowhere. That was evident the moment you deluded yourself into believing Putin somehow embarrassed Obama over a goat.

Try harder.

You lack the intellect to deal with what is really going on. You defend that worthless piece of shit that tries to pretend to be a "leader"....what a friggin' joke. He is a puppet......don't you get it? No, you don't...tis a pity.
Great, more derangement from you. I point out you're a brainless imbecile for thinking a Russian naming their goat after Obama is Putin embarrassing Obama; and you moronically equate that to me defending Obama.

"Goat" in Russian is an insult used for obtuse, obstinate and headstrong people.

That would more accurately describe ignorant, trailer trash, inbred, racist, human garbage - like the OP.

For that matter, it also describes RWNJ traitors who side against their own country and worship Pooting - like the OP.

Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

If you are an American....... You are disgusting and a traitor. Or maybe you are an immigrant from Russia making a living here in US.
I think you are intelligent person but you are stupid. I have people like you working for me with masters and some from MIT........ but they are stupid and poor like you.
Obama installed EIS in Poland front of Putin thugs face........ I don't call that pussy.

Being called that by a moron like you doesn't faze me in the least. Putin (and rightfully so) stopped a war with Syria after Barrypuppet drew that line in the sand. This is a chess match whether it is being staged or not but Putin seems to always be two moves ahead. BTW, I am not the only one that sees that.

Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Wow! What a ruffian that Barrypuppet is. Russia, China dn quite a few other major economies have formed their own alliance so they can bypass the worthless fiat "Merican" dollar. Barrypuppet sure showed him! USA.INC has abused it's status as the world's reserve currency with a printing press that runs 24/7 spitting out worthless debt notes. Barryouppet's proxy army got it's ass kicked by Putin thus denying Barrypuppet's masters to the resources of Syria....but what the fuck.....Russia has "SANCTIONS"!!!! Good job, tough guy....(snicker)

BTW, I know that anyone that makes fun of Barrypuppet is deemed a racist by a leftard and that never fails to make me chuckle. Bush was a POS as well as a puppet.....these are the kinds of people that get selected and morons like you "vote" for. Looks like I kick your ass yet again..

As I previously said opinion from a racist bastard like you doesn't mean a didly shit.
BTW Putin thugs goal in Syria is to make sure Assad dictator will remain in power. Assad senior and Assad junior has been murdering his own people for many many years. Assad is an sponsor of terrorism supported by Putin. Both of these murderous thugs should be charge of war crimes killing Syrians. Russia is not gaining any allies even with his own neighbors that are scared of getting invaded. Russia's reputation in this planet is no better than North Korea. Check mate.
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Wow, seem really upset. Putin has made Barrypuppet look weak and it should embarrass all the leftards that stand behind this clown. Don't be mad at Putin for punking mad because Barrypuppet is just a joke.
Think of it as a "wake up" call.

If you are an American....... You are disgusting and a traitor. Or maybe you are an immigrant from Russia making a living here in US.
I think you are intelligent person but you are stupid. I have people like you working for me with masters and some from MIT........ but they are stupid and poor like you.
Obama installed EIS in Poland front of Putin thugs face........ I don't call that pussy.

Being called that by a moron like you doesn't faze me in the least. Putin (and rightfully so) stopped a war with Syria after Barrypuppet drew that line in the sand. This is a chess match whether it is being staged or not but Putin seems to always be two moves ahead. BTW, I am not the only one that sees that.

Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Despite sanctions, Pootie has built his military up in the last 3 years when our military cannot get spare parts anymore. Checkmate.......seriously? too, play checkers like Obie.

Yeah right......... How is life and prices in Russia comrade? Have you check it out lately? Russian is probably the only country in this world that the population is declining. Checkmate.

Lights Out for the Putin Regime

Must be because they protect their borders...unlike USA.INC that allows Mexico to invade and their weapon of choice is the uterus of their women...but I digress....once the BRICS system is put in place what is left of the dollar is going to tank because they will not need this worthless fiat currency to trade. The days of the worthless buck being the world's reserve currency is on it's last legs and USA.INC is powerless to stop it. They could strong arm countries like Iraq and Libya from asking for gold backed currency for their oil but China and Russia has basically told USA.INC to go fuck themselves. I hope you have prepared because the feces is gonna hit the oscillating blades. I see it as a good thing when it collapses because maybe it will wake up the sheeple to the fact that they have been screwed over by this corporate entity that tried to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body. One can only hope.......but it's gonna happen....just as sure as God made little green apples.
I can't keep up????? Do you even read the bullshit that you post as if you actually have a grip on the situation? "Russia is an enemy because they are creating arms to defend themselves against USA.INC so that makes them my enemy!!!" Says Faun....yeah, I guess Russia should just lay down like all those third world countries that USA.INC was behind the regime change of.....leaders that would play ball with USA.INC's multi-national corporations that wanted to help themselves to that country's natural resources. How DARE Putin not roll over on his back and offer his belly to USA.INC...what a bastard, eh?

HOLY fuck but are you utterly stupid. Let's be honest, you are just pissed that Putin has hurt Barrypuppet's status in Europe and for some reason that hurts your fucking pride...get over it. It;'s not about you....OK?
Again, because you're too dumb to understand the first time -- I never posited Russia shouldn't do what they can to keep up with us militarily. Who knows why you repeated that idiotic projection after I dispelled it the first time? And again, I am not alone in considering Russia an enemy of the U.S. Again, Russia is considered the second greatest enemy by Americans. Not that you understand that either given your fondness for America's enemies.

How and the fuck is Russia an "enemy" when it has been USA.INC and NATO that have been poking them? Is it because Russia pushed back after the coup-de'etat that happened in the Ukraine and the fact that the people in Crimea didn't want to cast their lot with the E.U? Can you blame them? Countries want out of the E.U because it is a debt slavery system and they have no say over their sovereignty.......would you like to see America in a E.U type situation where we had no say on how were governed? You are not intelligent enough to even discuss this. Like I said, you are butthurt because Putin has more influence than USA.INC in that region and we shouldn't even be over there to begin with deciding policy for other countries when we have our own fucking problems that are not being dealt with. I would never, EVER support deploying troops to defend the boundaries of the Ukraine...would you? If so? Go join up, son......knock yourself out.
You're too fucking deranged. :cuckoo: Which is why this is going nowhere. That was evident the moment you deluded yourself into believing Putin somehow embarrassed Obama over a goat.

Try harder.

You lack the intellect to deal with what is really going on. You defend that worthless piece of shit that tries to pretend to be a "leader"....what a friggin' joke. He is a puppet......don't you get it? No, you don't...tis a pity.
Great, more derangement from you. I point out you're a brainless imbecile for thinking a Russian naming their goat after Obama is Putin embarrassing Obama; and you moronically equate that to me defending Obama.


You got your ass bounced all over the place and I played you like a "Whack-A -Mole" never had a chance.

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