Russians Insult Obama Naming Black Goat After Him

Great, more derangement from you. I point out you're a brainless imbecile for thinking a Russian naming their goat after Obama is Putin embarrassing Obama; and you moronically equate that to me defending Obama.


You got your ass bounced all over the place and I played you like a "Whack-A -Mole" never had a chance.

Yeah, sure I did.

Slobbers the moron who think Putin embarrassed Obama because some Russian named their goat after our president. :cuckoo:

Faun = Ass kicked FACT!

No dumb shit...... WE are kicking your ass.

You have a mouse in your pocket????? Does he scramble out of there and watch you as you type your fool-fueled rants? I think that is just "precious"......(snicker)
No, Faun was kicking your butt until he went offline and now charwin is kicking your butt by himself. Everyone kicks your butt all the time. Keep mocking our flag and bets are you will get your butt kicked clear out of here soon. People like me will fuck with your traitor ass for sport, and enjoy it. Keep mocking our flag you POS.
Again, because you're too dumb to understand the first time -- I never posited Russia shouldn't do what they can to keep up with us militarily. Who knows why you repeated that idiotic projection after I dispelled it the first time? And again, I am not alone in considering Russia an enemy of the U.S. Again, Russia is considered the second greatest enemy by Americans. Not that you understand that either given your fondness for America's enemies.

How and the fuck is Russia an "enemy" when it has been USA.INC and NATO that have been poking them? Is it because Russia pushed back after the coup-de'etat that happened in the Ukraine and the fact that the people in Crimea didn't want to cast their lot with the E.U? Can you blame them? Countries want out of the E.U because it is a debt slavery system and they have no say over their sovereignty.......would you like to see America in a E.U type situation where we had no say on how were governed? You are not intelligent enough to even discuss this. Like I said, you are butthurt because Putin has more influence than USA.INC in that region and we shouldn't even be over there to begin with deciding policy for other countries when we have our own fucking problems that are not being dealt with. I would never, EVER support deploying troops to defend the boundaries of the Ukraine...would you? If so? Go join up, son......knock yourself out.
You're too fucking deranged. :cuckoo: Which is why this is going nowhere. That was evident the moment you deluded yourself into believing Putin somehow embarrassed Obama over a goat.

Try harder.

You lack the intellect to deal with what is really going on. You defend that worthless piece of shit that tries to pretend to be a "leader"....what a friggin' joke. He is a puppet......don't you get it? No, you don't...tis a pity.

I feel sorry for your discombobulated brain. Because of your hatred and racism ........................ You rather support a foreign crooked leader that has done nothing for you than your own.
How did Putin accumulated billions? How did Obama became a puppet?

CNN: Putin's net worth is $200 billion says Russia's once largest foreigner investor (VIDEO)

Hey, stupid fuck...I don't support anything or anyone but the truth. I am not gonna stand by POS like the Bush, Clinton or Obama crime families just because we are on the same continent. I don't salute their corporate flag. I don't need their permission to exist on this planet nor do I have to "support" a group of fascist thieves that have not only stolen from us but from people all over the globe that didn't have the means to fend off USA.INC....get it now?

You don't support anything? Are you fucking kidding me? You mouth is bubbling from foaming desperately defending Putin thugs. Now you are looking for excuses. You don't support your presidents but you support thief like Putin.
What truth? Your conspiracy bullshit?
All in all, it was a most successful night of posting here. Faun, charwin, lil Joe and others took a monumental ass kicking and it was done so with minimal effort. I was doing this while posting on FB about other topics....I can's a gift.

I don't want to give them the beat down that I did tonight...but I felt like I owed it to them. I hope the experience will motivate them to do a little researching and arm themselves before they step into the ring. What they may find is that what they have been programmed to believe doesn't match reality. I tried the nice guy approach and it just wasn't working. Perhaps by pissing them off and embarrassing them as I did will spur them on to the truth.

Big time kudos to those that privately e-mail me and tell me that I am helping them understand what we are facing. It definitely motivates me to continue. What it all boils down to is that if we want change, we have to be the change and it starts with all of us....good on ya.
Being called that by a moron like you doesn't faze me in the least. Putin (and rightfully so) stopped a war with Syria after Barrypuppet drew that line in the sand. This is a chess match whether it is being staged or not but Putin seems to always be two moves ahead. BTW, I am not the only one that sees that.

Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Despite sanctions, Pootie has built his military up in the last 3 years when our military cannot get spare parts anymore. Checkmate.......seriously? too, play checkers like Obie.

Yeah right......... How is life and prices in Russia comrade? Have you check it out lately? Russian is probably the only country in this world that the population is declining. Checkmate.

Lights Out for the Putin Regime

Must be because they protect their borders...unlike USA.INC that allows Mexico to invade and their weapon of choice is the uterus of their women...but I digress....once the BRICS system is put in place what is left of the dollar is going to tank because they will not need this worthless fiat currency to trade. The days of the worthless buck being the world's reserve currency is on it's last legs and USA.INC is powerless to stop it. They could strong arm countries like Iraq and Libya from asking for gold backed currency for their oil but China and Russia has basically told USA.INC to go fuck themselves. I hope you have prepared because the feces is gonna hit the oscillating blades. I see it as a good thing when it collapses because maybe it will wake up the sheeple to the fact that they have been screwed over by this corporate entity that tried to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body. One can only hope.......but it's gonna happen....just as sure as God made little green apples.

Here's your tissue........ What is Mexico or currency has anything to do with Russia's miserable life.
That's the way that loser "debates." When he's losing an argument, he tries to steer the conversation into other directions with non-sequiturs.
Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Wow! What a ruffian that Barrypuppet is. Russia, China dn quite a few other major economies have formed their own alliance so they can bypass the worthless fiat "Merican" dollar. Barrypuppet sure showed him! USA.INC has abused it's status as the world's reserve currency with a printing press that runs 24/7 spitting out worthless debt notes. Barryouppet's proxy army got it's ass kicked by Putin thus denying Barrypuppet's masters to the resources of Syria....but what the fuck.....Russia has "SANCTIONS"!!!! Good job, tough guy....(snicker)

BTW, I know that anyone that makes fun of Barrypuppet is deemed a racist by a leftard and that never fails to make me chuckle. Bush was a POS as well as a puppet.....these are the kinds of people that get selected and morons like you "vote" for. Looks like I kick your ass yet again..

As I previously said opinion from a racist bastard like you doesn't mean a didly shit.
BTW Putin thugs goal in Syria is to make sure Assad dictator will remain in power. Assad senior and Assad junior has been murdering his own people for many many years. Assad is an sponsor of terrorism supported by Putin. Both of these murderous thugs should be charge of war crimes killing Syrians. Russia is not gaining any allies even with his own neighbors that are scared of getting invaded. Russia's reputation in this planet is no better than North Korea. Check mate.

Hey, douchebag....."diddly" has two d's......dumb ass. What do you care if Assad stays in power or not? USA.INC has put brutal despots and dictators in place that make Assad seem tame by comparison. USA.INC doesn't give a flying fuck about how he treats his people....they want the resources and they want to put a central bank there. It's one of the last hold outs. USA.INC is the biggest sponsor of terrorism on the planet. HOLY fuck, son...,they funded ISIS/al qaeda...they always have. They are nothing but mercenaries trained and paid by the CIA, Mossad, Saudi Intel and MI6 (British Intelligence...because I know you don't know what that is). It wasn't Assad that chemically attacked his was al qaeda/ have been played for a friggin chump. You don't know shit...but hey...keep waving that corporate banner while getting all misty-eyed when you hear the national anthem....don't forget to put your hand over your heart. (rolls eyes)

Look dumbshit....... What do I care about Syria? You brought it up dumbfuck. You talked too much with all your conspiracy theories bullshit that make you more and more look stupid. Which doesn't mean a DIDLY SHIT. Try again.

Obviously Barrypuppet cared about Assad not staying in power because he wanted to go to war....Putin stepped in...Barrypuppet stepped out.......fact. At the end of the day...I simply know more than you...infinitely more and it seems to gall you. Don't be pissed...learn from it. I should be charging you all for the things I have diligently researched but here I am......foolishly offering it for the taking...what a bunch of ungrateful fucks.

There is nothing to learn from your conspiracy theories.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering their own people for many many years. Someone has to step in to stop the massacre and atrocities committed by these murderers. And that is Obama. From your own word................ Obama wants to go to war.......... Obama is not a pussy after all. I kick your ass again.
Great, more derangement from you. I point out you're a brainless imbecile for thinking a Russian naming their goat after Obama is Putin embarrassing Obama; and you moronically equate that to me defending Obama.


You got your ass bounced all over the place and I played you like a "Whack-A -Mole" never had a chance.

Yeah, sure I did.

Slobbers the moron who think Putin embarrassed Obama because some Russian named their goat after our president. :cuckoo:

Faun = Ass kicked FACT!

No dumb shit...... WE are kicking your ass.

You have a mouse in your pocket????? Does he scramble out of there and watch you as you type your fool-fueled rants? I think that is just "precious"......(snicker)

With all your dumb stupid bullshit conspiracy........ That's all you've got.
Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Despite sanctions, Pootie has built his military up in the last 3 years when our military cannot get spare parts anymore. Checkmate.......seriously? too, play checkers like Obie.

Yeah right......... How is life and prices in Russia comrade? Have you check it out lately? Russian is probably the only country in this world that the population is declining. Checkmate.

Lights Out for the Putin Regime

Must be because they protect their borders...unlike USA.INC that allows Mexico to invade and their weapon of choice is the uterus of their women...but I digress....once the BRICS system is put in place what is left of the dollar is going to tank because they will not need this worthless fiat currency to trade. The days of the worthless buck being the world's reserve currency is on it's last legs and USA.INC is powerless to stop it. They could strong arm countries like Iraq and Libya from asking for gold backed currency for their oil but China and Russia has basically told USA.INC to go fuck themselves. I hope you have prepared because the feces is gonna hit the oscillating blades. I see it as a good thing when it collapses because maybe it will wake up the sheeple to the fact that they have been screwed over by this corporate entity that tried to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body. One can only hope.......but it's gonna happen....just as sure as God made little green apples.

Here's your tissue........ What is Mexico or currency has anything to do with Russia's miserable life.
That's the way that loser "debates." When he's losing an argument, he tries to steer the conversation into other directions with non-sequiturs.

Sort of like playing the race card, right?
Opinion from a racist moron like you are worthless. Obama slap Putin face with sanctions......... Installed missile systems next to your comrade Putin thugs ass............ That is called checkmate. Stupid.

Despite sanctions, Pootie has built his military up in the last 3 years when our military cannot get spare parts anymore. Checkmate.......seriously? too, play checkers like Obie.

Yeah right......... How is life and prices in Russia comrade? Have you check it out lately? Russian is probably the only country in this world that the population is declining. Checkmate.

Lights Out for the Putin Regime

Must be because they protect their borders...unlike USA.INC that allows Mexico to invade and their weapon of choice is the uterus of their women...but I digress....once the BRICS system is put in place what is left of the dollar is going to tank because they will not need this worthless fiat currency to trade. The days of the worthless buck being the world's reserve currency is on it's last legs and USA.INC is powerless to stop it. They could strong arm countries like Iraq and Libya from asking for gold backed currency for their oil but China and Russia has basically told USA.INC to go fuck themselves. I hope you have prepared because the feces is gonna hit the oscillating blades. I see it as a good thing when it collapses because maybe it will wake up the sheeple to the fact that they have been screwed over by this corporate entity that tried to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body. One can only hope.......but it's gonna happen....just as sure as God made little green apples.

Here's your tissue........ What is Mexico or currency has anything to do with Russia's miserable life.
That's the way that loser "debates." When he's losing an argument, he tries to steer the conversation into other directions with non-sequiturs.
Dale is an obnoxious lonely delusional fool. At least the retards found here are entertaining. He has become just an annoyance and his traitorous rants go over the line when he mocks our flag.
All in all, it was a most successful night of posting here. Faun, charwin, lil Joe and others took a monumental ass kicking and it was done so with minimal effort. I was doing this while posting on FB about other topics....I can's a gift.

I don't want to give them the beat down that I did tonight...but I felt like I owed it to them. I hope the experience will motivate them to do a little researching and arm themselves before they step into the ring. What they may find is that what they have been programmed to believe doesn't match reality. I tried the nice guy approach and it just wasn't working. Perhaps by pissing them off and embarrassing them as I did will spur them on to the truth.

Big time kudos to those that privately e-mail me and tell me that I am helping them understand what we are facing. It definitely motivates me to continue. What it all boils down to is that if we want change, we have to be the change and it starts with all of us....good on ya.
How sad.

Folks who are truly smart don't have to tell others how smart they are; others can judge for themselves.

Folks who kick ass don't have to claim they kicked ass; other will be the judge of that as well.

Sadly, you're so insecure, you feel compelled to do both.

Sprinkle in correcting others' spelling (another sign of desperation) and delirium over thinking Putin embarrassed Obama because some Russian named their goat, "Obama," and the complete picture of how demented you truly are, surfaces.

Btw, that Russian naming their goat, "Obama," is no more embarrassing to Obama by Putin; than Obama would be embarrassing you if I named a cockroach, "Dale Smith."

Despite sanctions, Pootie has built his military up in the last 3 years when our military cannot get spare parts anymore. Checkmate.......seriously? too, play checkers like Obie.

Yeah right......... How is life and prices in Russia comrade? Have you check it out lately? Russian is probably the only country in this world that the population is declining. Checkmate.

Lights Out for the Putin Regime

Must be because they protect their borders...unlike USA.INC that allows Mexico to invade and their weapon of choice is the uterus of their women...but I digress....once the BRICS system is put in place what is left of the dollar is going to tank because they will not need this worthless fiat currency to trade. The days of the worthless buck being the world's reserve currency is on it's last legs and USA.INC is powerless to stop it. They could strong arm countries like Iraq and Libya from asking for gold backed currency for their oil but China and Russia has basically told USA.INC to go fuck themselves. I hope you have prepared because the feces is gonna hit the oscillating blades. I see it as a good thing when it collapses because maybe it will wake up the sheeple to the fact that they have been screwed over by this corporate entity that tried to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body. One can only hope.......but it's gonna happen....just as sure as God made little green apples.

Here's your tissue........ What is Mexico or currency has anything to do with Russia's miserable life.
That's the way that loser "debates." When he's losing an argument, he tries to steer the conversation into other directions with non-sequiturs.

Sort of like playing the race card, right?
You be sure to let me know if I did that. k?
All in all, it was a most successful night of posting here. Faun, charwin, lil Joe and others took a monumental ass kicking and it was done so with minimal effort. I was doing this while posting on FB about other topics....I can's a gift.

I don't want to give them the beat down that I did tonight...but I felt like I owed it to them. I hope the experience will motivate them to do a little researching and arm themselves before they step into the ring. What they may find is that what they have been programmed to believe doesn't match reality. I tried the nice guy approach and it just wasn't working. Perhaps by pissing them off and embarrassing them as I did will spur them on to the truth.

Big time kudos to those that privately e-mail me and tell me that I am helping them understand what we are facing. It definitely motivates me to continue. What it all boils down to is that if we want change, we have to be the change and it starts with all of us....good on ya.

This just show how you twisted things. You don't even have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
Kicking ass with minimal effort....... Dude look at your very long post almost like bullshit bible trying very hard to prove your self. We kicked your ass.
And you are stupid enough to reveal that someone is helping you. Because either they are scared or coward to come forward or they feel sorry for you that you are getting kick on your face.
Daleshit........... I am going to bed. Because I am going for a short sail tomorrow plus fishing with my live in house sitter but I will be back.
Camp, Charred-ass, and Faun..........lil' neo-con creeps who cling to the cold war like babies on a nipple. Geo-politics, especially concerning Russia, is way below their yer' keystrokes Dale, as they're stuck in a brainwashed time-warp from the last century. :rofl:

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