Russians Mock Obama With Racist Laser Projection On U.S. Embassy In Moscow

I don't want to stereotype, but my experience has been that talking to Russian guys about black people almost always turns out to be like talking to a 1960's redneck from Philadelphia, Mississippi. What went on in Moscow was not about our President being dumb like a monkey. It was about him being dumb like a n word.
Russians do not have the same concept of racial slurs as we do. The depiction wasn't racist because the meaning isn't the same in Russia as it is here. There are very few black people in Russia. The ones that are there haven't played the race card.

Your an idiot that has never been to Russia and don't know Russian people.

I know plenty of people who have been to Russia and many were born in Russia. Russian people here don't have the same concept of racism as we do. Russians who have never seen a black person or seen one very infrequently aren't going to have the same concept of racial slurs as people who are used to everything being racist.
See, this is what normal America is up against...

...the modern American conservative thinking that refraining from the use of racial slurs is now somehow giving people of color 'special treatment'.

...and still the RWnuts can't figure out why conservatism always loses in the long run...

your problem, in my eyes, is that you are wrapped up in the race of our President.

It does not mean that every knock on him is racially motivated.

If I were to call him an idiot, you would say "only a racist thinks all black men are idiots"

If I were to say "he is as dumb as a monkey", You would say "it is racist to compare a black man to a monkey"

If I were to say "The President has some poor people in his administration. He need to clean house", you would say "what are you saying? Because he is black he should clean peples houses?"

Now you can deny it......but that Is EXACTLY what you do.

If I do that then it should be easy for you to cite the posts where I've done it.

Throughout this thread.

FYI...I am a conservative. I do not have a racial bone in my body.
I don't talk to my sister who called me a racist when I did not vote for Obama (even though she knows I am a conservative). It bothered me THAT much. Still refuse to give her the time of day.

I live in NY. Outside the city. I was brought up in an environment that was completely desegregated and race was never an issue. I ran business in Manhattan and race was never an issue.

And you have been generalizing and claiming we are all racists.

So fuck off.
I'm still finding it hard to believe that conservatives applauded Putin for shooting down that plane.

Which conservatives ? I don't remember anyone applauding such action, maybe a stray person or two, but you make it sound like conservatives in general did.
The latest feature of Conservatopia now manifests itself:

Comparing a liberal person of color to a primate is not a racial slur...

...but calling a conservative person of color an uncle tom is!

Comedy at its best.

When chimpanzee is can be racial or it can mean "stupid"

When Uncle Tom is means only one thing....unless the guys name is tom and he is an uncle.

You truly are as dumb as a monkey.

(I hope you are not black or I just showed an act of racism!)

So I guess Robert Byrd was right when he once claimed that using the word ****** was not racist because there was such a thing as a white ******?

Goddam you people get worse every day.

No...he wasn't right.

Fuck off asshole. You don't have a fucking clue. To you, anyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

To you, anyone who does not see racism where YOU think it exists is a racist.

So fuck off and take your accusations and hyper sensitive attitude and deal with the other whackos on here that call our President a Marxist, socialist, Kenyan monkey.

Don't point that shit toward me.
Russians do not have the same concept of racial slurs as we do. The depiction wasn't racist because the meaning isn't the same in Russia as it is here. There are very few black people in Russia. The ones that are there haven't played the race card.

Your an idiot that has never been to Russia and don't know Russian people.

I know plenty of people who have been to Russia and many were born in Russia. Russian people here don't have the same concept of racism as we do. Russians who have never seen a black person or seen one very infrequently aren't going to have the same concept of racial slurs as people who are used to everything being racist.
^More bullshit. A little research proves that you are talking out of your ass, again.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Living with race hate in Russia
When chimpanzee is can be racial or it can mean "stupid"

When Uncle Tom is means only one thing....unless the guys name is tom and he is an uncle.

You truly are as dumb as a monkey.

(I hope you are not black or I just showed an act of racism!)

So I guess Robert Byrd was right when he once claimed that using the word ****** was not racist because there was such a thing as a white ******?

Goddam you people get worse every day.

No...he wasn't right.

Fuck off asshole. You don't have a fucking clue. To you, anyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

To you, anyone who does not see racism where YOU think it exists is a racist.

So fuck off and take your accusations and hyper sensitive attitude and deal with the other whackos on here that call our President a Marxist, socialist, Kenyan monkey.

Don't point that shit toward me.

...They don't like it when a person they like is perceived as being targeted. We are witnessing that right now with their overreaction to this strip. These same people threw a hissy fit last year when the liberal leaning New Yorker magazine displayed a magazine cover of Obama and Michelle in a black radical fashion. Liberals are very thin skinned. They are good at dishing it out, but they need to practice on being able to take it. Funny how liberals that are so upset over this comic strip didn't protest Jesse Jackson when he called Obama a ****** not even a year ago. Now that I think about it, Al Sharpton himself even said that Obama wasn't "authentically" black or "black enough". How soon they forget. It was a black liberal editor from the Los Angeles Times by the name of David Ehrenstein that wrote the story about Obama entitled the "MAGIC NEGRO". These all are examples of Obama's authenticity being questioned by his fellow liberals. They're was no protests nor "outrage" over these racial attacks on Barack Obama. This is why I say this whole flack over the New York Post's cartoon has a lot to do about absolutely nothing. Give the oversensitive racial crybabies their bottles,and hopefully they will back to sleep and leave the rest of us alone...Wake up Black America: Race pimps and dead chimps part 1
Okay, let's look at it rationally.

If comparing a black person to a chimpanzee or the like is NOT a racial slur, as most of you RWnuts are claiming, i.e., it's not racist...

what IS a racial slur?

Or are you implying there's no such thing?

Name some imagery or caricature that is in fact racist.
Oh, it's a racial slur, alright.

That's as obvious as the complete and total Russian lack of respect for Obama.

In the end, this isn't about racial slurs.

In the end, it's about Obama's weakness, both real and perceived.

And the adverse ways in which that impacts upon America's well-being and its place in the world.

Yes we get it. You miss the Cowboy bring-it-on mentality of Bush and the neocon warmongers,

because that worked out so well...

No... I don't think that you DO 'get it'.

What does any of that have to do with Obama's weakness - perceived and/or real - and Russia's lack of respect for a (perceived?) weak US President - and how that impacts upon our own well-being on the international scene, and our place in the world?

Stop deflecting.

Shrub was a clusterphukk in his own right.

He has also not been President for 5-1/2 years now.

Enough already.

We are now talking about Obumble, and his weakness, and the insults the Russians feel free to heap upon him.

Let's stay in the present, shall we, and deal with the Failed Messiah's sins, not those of a predecessor.
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I'm still finding it hard to believe that conservatives applauded Putin for shooting down that plane.

Which conservatives ? I don't remember anyone applauding such action, maybe a stray person or two, but you make it sound like conservatives in general did.

Putin didn't shoot down any plane so the whole statement was silly. An attempt to deflect from President Putin's correct depiction of obama eating a banana. Anything that mocks or insults obama is acceptable. The image should have been of obama getting buggered by a gorilla.
Russians do not have the same concept of racial slurs as we do. The depiction wasn't racist because the meaning isn't the same in Russia as it is here. There are very few black people in Russia. The ones that are there haven't played the race card.

Your an idiot that has never been to Russia and don't know Russian people.

I know plenty of people who have been to Russia and many were born in Russia. Russian people here don't have the same concept of racism as we do. Russians who have never seen a black person or seen one very infrequently aren't going to have the same concept of racial slurs as people who are used to everything being racist.

Russians aren't virgins to racism when they come here. Racism doesn't have to be about black and white. There are about 30 different ethnic groups in the Russian Confederation. They all speak their own languages, have their own traditions and cultures and are ethnically different enough to be easily identified by appearance. Russia is a land where people go from blond hair and blue eyed Europeans to dark skinned and brown eyed Asians.
I'm still finding it hard to believe that conservatives applauded Putin for shooting down that plane.

Which conservatives ? I don't remember anyone applauding such action, maybe a stray person or two, but you make it sound like conservatives in general did.

Putin didn't shoot down any plane so the whole statement was silly. An attempt to deflect from President Putin's correct depiction of obama eating a banana. Anything that mocks or insults obama is acceptable. The image should have been of obama getting buggered by a gorilla.

And regardless of who was responsible for shooting it down, I don't remember anyone applauding it.
The latest feature of Conservatopia now manifests itself:

Comparing a liberal person of color to a primate is not a racial slur...

...but calling a conservative person of color an uncle tom is!

Comedy at its best.

Want to make a republican see racism? All you have to do is say something to a CONSERVATIVE black person and suddenly republicans will see racism. Like Roddy Piper in They Live. The person cant be only black they have to be CONSERVATIVE
It's OK for Americans to insult and make fun of the President. Just like it is OK to lecture and scold your kids. But it not OK for outsiders to insult and make fun of our President just like it is not OK for outsiders to lecture and scold your kids.
I can punch my brother when he acts like a jerk, but you can't.
Allowing outsiders to show disrespect is a sign of weakness. Russian propaganda is concentrating on portraying the US as weak. They are preparing their population for at minimum, economic war and at worst, conventional war. Support and encouragement of disrespect towards America, or it's leadership by Americans aids and abets the Russian cause. It reinforces the propaganda issued by the Russian state information operations and programs to the Russian people.
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Who are you trying to convince with this? :eusa_boohoo:

I'm not trying to convince anyone, and I could care less what you believe. Russia and the Ukraine have my blessing to work out their differences. We don't live there, let them decide their future.

Sure you dont care thats why you had to say you werent taking sides then avoided that by saying "let them decide their future" like thats what we are talking about here :lol:

But my point is, since I'm not siding with Russia over the Ukraine issue, thus I'm not siding with Putin over the Obama sanctions, and the friction between the two.
All of this stems from the Ukraine issue, and since I believe it's their problem and issue, I simply do not have a stake in the ongoing Putin/Obama feud.

Do I believe this laser image is racist ? It certainly would be in our culture, and I'm going to assume it is there as well.
Am I going to get butthurt about it ? Noooooo, I couldn't care less what they think of our president.
It's disrespectful as hell for one nation to act in this matter about another major nations leader. However, it appears this was done by some students, and not an official message from the Russian government.

It is amusing to see libs upset about this, since you guys did the same for eight years to Bush.
It's a big fuck you suck on some karma kind of thing. :D
So I guess Robert Byrd was right when he once claimed that using the word ****** was not racist because there was such a thing as a white ******?

Goddam you people get worse every day.

No...he wasn't right.

Fuck off asshole. You don't have a fucking clue. To you, anyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

To you, anyone who does not see racism where YOU think it exists is a racist.

So fuck off and take your accusations and hyper sensitive attitude and deal with the other whackos on here that call our President a Marxist, socialist, Kenyan monkey.

Don't point that shit toward me.

...They don't like it when a person they like is perceived as being targeted. We are witnessing that right now with their overreaction to this strip. These same people threw a hissy fit last year when the liberal leaning New Yorker magazine displayed a magazine cover of Obama and Michelle in a black radical fashion. Liberals are very thin skinned. They are good at dishing it out, but they need to practice on being able to take it. Funny how liberals that are so upset over this comic strip didn't protest Jesse Jackson when he called Obama a ****** not even a year ago. Now that I think about it, Al Sharpton himself even said that Obama wasn't "authentically" black or "black enough". How soon they forget. It was a black liberal editor from the Los Angeles Times by the name of David Ehrenstein that wrote the story about Obama entitled the "MAGIC NEGRO". These all are examples of Obama's authenticity being questioned by his fellow liberals. They're was no protests nor "outrage" over these racial attacks on Barack Obama. This is why I say this whole flack over the New York Post's cartoon has a lot to do about absolutely nothing. Give the oversensitive racial crybabies their bottles,and hopefully they will back to sleep and leave the rest of us alone...Wake up Black America: Race pimps and dead chimps part 1

I am going to derail this thread because I have had enough of this crap.

I have a question....When? When what? Follow me.....

When I owned my business, I had a company Bar B Q at my house. My number 1, Rita (ultimately took the company off my hands) is a progressive. To this day we laugh at how well we got along and succeeded despite our ideological differences. She was reviewing the menu I prepared and questioned whether I thought it would be deemed as insensitive to our black employees to have watermelon.

When?...Follow me.....

I have been a conservative my entire adult life. My family is well aware of it (bless their liberal souls). But when my sister asked me who I voted for and I responded "McCain", her immediate response was "I knew you were too much of a racist to vote for a black man".

So tell me......when?

When can I live my life not worrying about the color of the person and simply treat them as I would treat anyone else? When can I not vote for a black man because I didn't like his politics? When can I serve watermelon despite the color of anyone at the party?

When can I stop walking on eggshells. When can I stop identifying the race of a person FIRST so I can determine how to treat him or her?

When can I treat a black man the same as I treat a white man?

I'm not trying to convince anyone, and I could care less what you believe. Russia and the Ukraine have my blessing to work out their differences. We don't live there, let them decide their future.

Sure you dont care thats why you had to say you werent taking sides then avoided that by saying "let them decide their future" like thats what we are talking about here :lol:

But my point is, since I'm not siding with Russia over the Ukraine issue,

See the deflection? Starts a racist thread then tries to talk about something completely different. Did you notice every response starts with "I'm not taking sides" Like who do you think you are fooling? :eusa_shhh:

Do I believe this laser image is racist ? It certainly would be in our culture, and I'm going to assume it is there as well.
Am I going to get butthurt about it ? Noooooo, I couldn't care less what they think of our president.

No you careless about racism and instead post it as "funny". Showing what side you are on.

It is amusing to see libs upset about this, since you guys did the same for eight years to Bush.
It's a big fuck you suck on some karma kind of thing. :D

Libs were racist against Bush. Not only do you post racist shit thinking its funny, but you acknowledge it IS racist the start equivocating why this isnt bad after you said it was by throwing Bush into it because...Bush is black...??!?

No...he wasn't right.

Fuck off asshole. You don't have a fucking clue. To you, anyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

To you, anyone who does not see racism where YOU think it exists is a racist.

So fuck off and take your accusations and hyper sensitive attitude and deal with the other whackos on here that call our President a Marxist, socialist, Kenyan monkey.

Don't point that shit toward me.

...They don't like it when a person they like is perceived as being targeted. We are witnessing that right now with their overreaction to this strip. These same people threw a hissy fit last year when the liberal leaning New Yorker magazine displayed a magazine cover of Obama and Michelle in a black radical fashion. Liberals are very thin skinned. They are good at dishing it out, but they need to practice on being able to take it. Funny how liberals that are so upset over this comic strip didn't protest Jesse Jackson when he called Obama a ****** not even a year ago. Now that I think about it, Al Sharpton himself even said that Obama wasn't "authentically" black or "black enough". How soon they forget. It was a black liberal editor from the Los Angeles Times by the name of David Ehrenstein that wrote the story about Obama entitled the "MAGIC NEGRO". These all are examples of Obama's authenticity being questioned by his fellow liberals. They're was no protests nor "outrage" over these racial attacks on Barack Obama. This is why I say this whole flack over the New York Post's cartoon has a lot to do about absolutely nothing. Give the oversensitive racial crybabies their bottles,and hopefully they will back to sleep and leave the rest of us alone...Wake up Black America: Race pimps and dead chimps part 1

I am going to derail this thread because I have had enough of this crap.

I have a question....When? When what? Follow me.....

When I owned my business, I had a company Bar B Q at my house. My number 1, Rita (ultimately took the company off my hands) is a progressive. To this day we laugh at how well we got along and succeeded despite our ideological differences. She was reviewing the menu I prepared and questioned whether I thought it would be deemed as insensitive to our black employees to have watermelon.

When?...Follow me.....

I have been a conservative my entire adult life. My family is well aware of it (bless their liberal souls). But when my sister asked me who I voted for and I responded "McCain", her immediate response was "I knew you were too much of a racist to vote for a black man".

So tell me......when?

When can I live my life not worrying about the color of the person and simply treat them as I would treat anyone else? When can I not vote for a black man because I didn't like his politics? When can I serve watermelon despite the color of anyone at the party?

When can I stop walking on eggshells. When can I stop identifying the race of a person FIRST so I can determine how to treat him or her?

When can I treat a black man the same as I treat a white man?


Kind of selfish that you want to derail a thread just because you lack the skills needed to socialize in an integrated environment. Sounds like you are blaming outside forces and influences for your self inflicted problems or situation, since it is not against the law to be racist.
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Sure you dont care thats why you had to say you werent taking sides then avoided that by saying "let them decide their future" like thats what we are talking about here :lol:

But my point is, since I'm not siding with Russia over the Ukraine issue,

See the deflection? Starts a racist thread then tries to talk about something completely different. Did you notice every response starts with "I'm not taking sides" Like who do you think you are fooling? :eusa_shhh:

Do I believe this laser image is racist ? It certainly would be in our culture, and I'm going to assume it is there as well.
Am I going to get butthurt about it ? Noooooo, I couldn't care less what they think of our president.

No you careless about racism and instead post it as "funny". Showing what side you are on.

It is amusing to see libs upset about this, since you guys did the same for eight years to Bush.
It's a big fuck you suck on some karma kind of thing. :D

Libs were racist against Bush. Not only do you post racist shit thinking its funny, but you acknowledge it IS racist the start equivocating why this isnt bad after you said it was by throwing Bush into it because...Bush is black...??!?


I knew it wouldn't take long, the other day you were ranting on about not using the race card. Lol your limit was reached a long time ago.
...They don't like it when a person they like is perceived as being targeted. We are witnessing that right now with their overreaction to this strip. These same people threw a hissy fit last year when the liberal leaning New Yorker magazine displayed a magazine cover of Obama and Michelle in a black radical fashion. Liberals are very thin skinned. They are good at dishing it out, but they need to practice on being able to take it. Funny how liberals that are so upset over this comic strip didn't protest Jesse Jackson when he called Obama a ****** not even a year ago. Now that I think about it, Al Sharpton himself even said that Obama wasn't "authentically" black or "black enough". How soon they forget. It was a black liberal editor from the Los Angeles Times by the name of David Ehrenstein that wrote the story about Obama entitled the "MAGIC NEGRO". These all are examples of Obama's authenticity being questioned by his fellow liberals. They're was no protests nor "outrage" over these racial attacks on Barack Obama. This is why I say this whole flack over the New York Post's cartoon has a lot to do about absolutely nothing. Give the oversensitive racial crybabies their bottles,and hopefully they will back to sleep and leave the rest of us alone...Wake up Black America: Race pimps and dead chimps part 1

I am going to derail this thread because I have had enough of this crap.

I have a question....When? When what? Follow me.....

When I owned my business, I had a company Bar B Q at my house. My number 1, Rita (ultimately took the company off my hands) is a progressive. To this day we laugh at how well we got along and succeeded despite our ideological differences. She was reviewing the menu I prepared and questioned whether I thought it would be deemed as insensitive to our black employees to have watermelon.

When?...Follow me.....

I have been a conservative my entire adult life. My family is well aware of it (bless their liberal souls). But when my sister asked me who I voted for and I responded "McCain", her immediate response was "I knew you were too much of a racist to vote for a black man".

So tell me......when?

When can I live my life not worrying about the color of the person and simply treat them as I would treat anyone else? When can I not vote for a black man because I didn't like his politics? When can I serve watermelon despite the color of anyone at the party?

When can I stop walking on eggshells. When can I stop identifying the race of a person FIRST so I can determine how to treat him or her?

When can I treat a black man the same as I treat a white man?


Kind of selfish that you want to derail a thread just because you lack the skills needed to socialize in an integrated environment. Sounds like you are blaming outside forces and influences for your self inflicted problems or situation, since it is not against the law to be racist.

this is a debate board. It is where we offer our sentiments and debate the responses. It is not selfish to offer these sentiments of mine in a thread that has numerous people generalizing and referring to all conservatives (myself included) as racist....and to take some of the things I said and tell me it implies racism.

It would have been nice if you responded with your sentiments as it pertains to the crux of my post as opposed to criticize me for expressing them. I do, after all, usually show respect to your responses...even if I disagree with them.

But you are entitled to do what you do.

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