Russians turning?

And Holland should NOT back down because they lost the most.

What we should be doing is pressuring Putin to call of his dogs so the independent investigation that he, himself, called for can be done instead of slapping him on the wrist and using popular stupidity of the American public to make this a closed case. Ditto for the Ukraine. They need to turn over the damn tower recording and radar data.

I agree; still no access to Dutch investigators though:

The Ukrainian government and pro-Russian rebels are fighting over control of eastern Ukraine. Dutch investigators in Ukraine did not mention mines but announced Wednesday that unsafe conditions kept their contingent from visiting the crash site for the fourth straight day. CNN could not independently confirm the veracity of the statement by the Ukrainian officials, though CNN's Nick Paton Walsh traveled to and from the debris field safely Wednesday. The dangers in the area make the work of international experts "impossible," the Ukrainian defense council said. Workers with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe made the same call and avoided traveling to the crash site Wednesday. Ertrugrul Apakan, chief monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, said he would like to see a cease-fire between combatants so investigators can work. It was the fourth straight day the OSCE has joined the 50-strong team of Dutch and Australian investigators in declaring the region too dangerous to work in. Dutch investigators have yet to lay eyes on the wreckage or the human remains believed still to be strewn across the huge debris field near the town of Torez.

There has to be some incentive for all the combatants involved for a cease fire to take place. Right now there isn't any.

Another thread on this in POLITICS; the incentive may be removal of EU sanctions, Russia agrees to isolate the rebels, the EU puts pressure on Ukraine to stabilze. Russia can see petroleum anywhere, but the delivery costs are higher the farther way from Europe it must travel.
Are the people of Russia turning against that horse back riding little guy whose feet barely reach the stirrups? Those sanctions I hoped would make him unpopular may be doing so:

Mr. Toughtalk may meet his match with his latest foul ups.

"Mr. Toughtalk" — Obama??? :badgrin:

No, Putin. And as Holland, Australia, and even Malaysia all were trading with Europe while Stalin was letting his people starve, only time will tell about sanctions. No nation in the EU is willing to go around the latest sanctions, voted in yesterday:

UCR Today: EU Sanctions Against Russia a Historic Moment

The measures mark the start of a new phase in the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War, which worsened dramatically after the downing of Malaysian flight MH17 over rebel-held territory on July 17 by what Western countries say was a Russian-supplied missile.

"If Russia continues on this current path, the costs on Russia will continue to grow," President Barack Obama said in Washington.

"Russia's actions in Ukraine and the sanctions that we've already imposed have made a weak Russian economy even weaker," he said.

In Brussels, diplomats said ambassadors from the 28-member European bloc agreed to restrictions on trade of equipment for the oil and defense sectors, and "dual use" technology with both defense and civilian purposes. Russia's state run banks would be barred from raising funds in European capital markets. The measures would be reviewed in three months.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had been reluctant to step up sanctions before the crash because of her country's trade links with Russia, said the latest EU measures were "unavoidable".
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Are the people of Russia turning against that horse back riding little guy whose feet barely reach the stirrups? Those sanctions I hoped would make him unpopular may be doing so:

Mr. Toughtalk may meet his match with his latest foul ups.

"Mr. Toughtalk" — Obama??? :badgrin:

No, Putin. And as Holland, Australia, and even Malaysia all were trading with Euriope while Stalin was letting his people starve, only time will tell about sanctions. No nation in the EU is willing to go around the latest sanctions, voted in yesterday:

UCR Today: EU Sanctions Against Russia a Historic Moment

The measures mark the start of a new phase in the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War, which worsened dramatically after the downing of Malaysian flight MH17 over rebel-held territory on July 17 by what Western countries say was a Russian-supplied missile.

"If Russia continues on this current path, the costs on Russia will continue to grow," President Barack Obama said in Washington.

"Russia's actions in Ukraine and the sanctions that we've already imposed have made a weak Russian economy even weaker," he said.

In Brussels, diplomats said ambassadors from the 28-member European bloc agreed to restrictions on trade of equipment for the oil and defense sectors, and "dual use" technology with both defense and civilian purposes. Russia's state run banks would be barred from raising funds in European capital markets. The measures would be reviewed in three months.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had been reluctant to step up sanctions before the crash because of her country's trade links with Russia, said the latest EU measures were "unavoidable".

Putin doesn't talk — and he doesn't play golf.

He walks — and tranquilizes Siberian tigers.
"Mr. Toughtalk" — Obama??? :badgrin:

No, Putin. And as Holland, Australia, and even Malaysia all were trading with Euriope while Stalin was letting his people starve, only time will tell about sanctions. No nation in the EU is willing to go around the latest sanctions, voted in yesterday:

UCR Today: EU Sanctions Against Russia a Historic Moment

The measures mark the start of a new phase in the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War, which worsened dramatically after the downing of Malaysian flight MH17 over rebel-held territory on July 17 by what Western countries say was a Russian-supplied missile.

"If Russia continues on this current path, the costs on Russia will continue to grow," President Barack Obama said in Washington.

"Russia's actions in Ukraine and the sanctions that we've already imposed have made a weak Russian economy even weaker," he said.

In Brussels, diplomats said ambassadors from the 28-member European bloc agreed to restrictions on trade of equipment for the oil and defense sectors, and "dual use" technology with both defense and civilian purposes. Russia's state run banks would be barred from raising funds in European capital markets. The measures would be reviewed in three months.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had been reluctant to step up sanctions before the crash because of her country's trade links with Russia, said the latest EU measures were "unavoidable".

Putin doesn't talk — and he doesn't play golf.

He walks — and tranquilizes Siberian tigers.

He doesn't seem....happy in this photo:

Europe agrees on tough new sanctions against Russia - CBS News

Bet he is tranquilized on vodka, and has been for the last 12 days.
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Another thread on this in POLITICS; the incentive may be removal of EU sanctions, Russia agrees to isolate the rebels, the EU puts pressure on Ukraine to stabilze. Russia can see petroleum anywhere, but the delivery costs are higher the farther way from Europe it must travel.
"Pressure the Ukraine to Stabilize"?

Did you know the whole Ukraine Government resigned 6 days ago?

Collapse of Ukraine Government: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk Resigns amidst Pressures Exerted by the IMF | Global Research

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his resignation in the Rada (Parliament) and that of the entire Cabinet on Thursday, July 24.

On July 24th, the Rada failed to support the government’s bill pertaining to the 2014 budget sequestration, which had been demanded by the IMF on behalf of Kiev’s external creditors. The disbursement by the IMF of the “Second Tranche” of a 17 billion dollar policy based loan was conditional upon the prior adoption of this legislation.
You see what the REAL Problem is? The IMF!

Bankers are the problem NOT Putin!
Another thread on this in POLITICS; the incentive may be removal of EU sanctions, Russia agrees to isolate the rebels, the EU puts pressure on Ukraine to stabilze. Russia can see petroleum anywhere, but the delivery costs are higher the farther way from Europe it must travel.
"Pressure the Ukraine to Stabilize"?

Did you know the whole Ukraine Government resigned 6 days ago?

Collapse of Ukraine Government: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk Resigns amidst Pressures Exerted by the IMF | Global Research

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his resignation in the Rada (Parliament) and that of the entire Cabinet on Thursday, July 24.

On July 24th, the Rada failed to support the government’s bill pertaining to the 2014 budget sequestration, which had been demanded by the IMF on behalf of Kiev’s external creditors. The disbursement by the IMF of the “Second Tranche” of a 17 billion dollar policy based loan was conditional upon the prior adoption of this legislation.
You see what the REAL Problem is? The IMF!

Bankers are the problem NOT Putin!

Yes, the government resigned, that is why I wrote of the need to stabilize. As for the IMF, the Fund does not ship arms. And the state owns HALF of all industries in the nation, so much for free markets.
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Another thread on this in POLITICS; the incentive may be removal of EU sanctions, Russia agrees to isolate the rebels, the EU puts pressure on Ukraine to stabilze. Russia can see petroleum anywhere, but the delivery costs are higher the farther way from Europe it must travel.
"Pressure the Ukraine to Stabilize"?

Did you know the whole Ukraine Government resigned 6 days ago?

Collapse of Ukraine Government: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk Resigns amidst Pressures Exerted by the IMF | Global Research

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his resignation in the Rada (Parliament) and that of the entire Cabinet on Thursday, July 24.

On July 24th, the Rada failed to support the government’s bill pertaining to the 2014 budget sequestration, which had been demanded by the IMF on behalf of Kiev’s external creditors. The disbursement by the IMF of the “Second Tranche” of a 17 billion dollar policy based loan was conditional upon the prior adoption of this legislation.
You see what the REAL Problem is? The IMF!

Bankers are the problem NOT Putin!

Yes, the government resigned, that is why I wrote of the need to stabilize. As for the IMF, the Fund does not ship arms.

No--It just blackmails countries. Not a real stabilizing factor.
"Pressure the Ukraine to Stabilize"?

Did you know the whole Ukraine Government resigned 6 days ago?

Collapse of Ukraine Government: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk Resigns amidst Pressures Exerted by the IMF | Global Research

You see what the REAL Problem is? The IMF!

Bankers are the problem NOT Putin!

Yes, the government resigned, that is why I wrote of the need to stabilize. As for the IMF, the Fund does not ship arms.

No--It just blackmails countries. Not a real stabilizing factor.

Poor Russia, only 50% of the economy is run by the Kremlin; Putin has stated the breakup of the USSR was wrong..........he longs for the "good old days".
Putin on the 'tragedy' of the end of the USSR:

"He gave us notice of his strategy seven or eight years ago when he said, in what is now one of the most frequently repeated quotes from his leadership in Russia, when he said, ‘The breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.’

"It’s clear he wants to re-establish Russian hegemony within the space of the former Soviet Union. Ukraine is the biggest prize, that’s what he’s after. The occupation of the Crimea is a step in that direction."

We wanted to know if Bolton correctly characterized Putin’s comments. We reached out to Bolton through his political action committee and the American Enterprise Institute, where he is a senior fellow, but did not hear back.

Putin’s 2005 speech to Russians

Putin, a veteran of the Soviet spy agency called the KGB, made the comments Bolton cites in an April 2005 state of the nation address to the country’s top politicians and parliament. A version is available in English from the Kremlin archives. Putin’s words vary depending on the translation, but the idea remains the same.

Bolton served in the last Bush Administration of course.
First those of you on the left who keep posting this Republicans love Putin stuff are showing what true idiots you are seriously grow up. As to the topic of the OP Putin like most hard line dictators will survive as long as he has the military behind him and he will make sure they are the ones taken care of first no matter what sanctions are enacted. Sanctions may get him to back off somewhat but they won't stop him from trying to fulfill his dream which is to rebuild as much of the old Soviet Union as he can.
First those of you on the left who keep posting this Republicans love Putin stuff are showing what true idiots you are seriously grow up. As to the topic of the OP Putin like most hard line dictators will survive as long as he has the military behind him and he will make sure they are the ones taken care of first no matter what sanctions are enacted. Sanctions may get him to back off somewhat but they won't stop him from trying to fulfill his dream which is to rebuild as much of the old Soviet Union as he can.

Acknowledging his desire to return to the Soviet system is the first step in preventing it. Georgia is his, parts of Crimea, and his sights are on Ukraine.
Are the people of Russia turning against that horse back riding little guy whose feet barely reach the stirrups? Those sanctions I hoped would make him unpopular may be doing so:

As Sanctions Pile Up, Russians' Alarm Grows Over Putin's Tactics

More frequent and prominent critics are saying that Mr. Putin and the hard-line leaders in the Kremlin overreached by suggesting that Russia, far more dependent than the old Soviet Union on international trade and financial markets, could thrive without the West.

“They were not anticipating the West to make radical moves, costly moves,” said Nikolai Petrov, an independent political analyst. “What is happening is different from what they wanted and what they expected.”

He and others pointed to the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over embattled southeastern Ukraine on July 17 as upsetting the balancing act that Mr. Putin had managed to pull off to maintain support from the public, hard-line nationalists, the security services, the oligarchs and the more liberal business community.

Mr. Toughtalk may meet his match with his latest foul ups.

Your dumb ass President is about to start a war. A really, really big one.

Are the people of Russia turning against that horse back riding little guy whose feet barely reach the stirrups? Those sanctions I hoped would make him unpopular may be doing so:

As Sanctions Pile Up, Russians' Alarm Grows Over Putin's Tactics

More frequent and prominent critics are saying that Mr. Putin and the hard-line leaders in the Kremlin overreached by suggesting that Russia, far more dependent than the old Soviet Union on international trade and financial markets, could thrive without the West.

“They were not anticipating the West to make radical moves, costly moves,” said Nikolai Petrov, an independent political analyst. “What is happening is different from what they wanted and what they expected.”

He and others pointed to the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over embattled southeastern Ukraine on July 17 as upsetting the balancing act that Mr. Putin had managed to pull off to maintain support from the public, hard-line nationalists, the security services, the oligarchs and the more liberal business community.

Mr. Toughtalk may meet his match with his latest foul ups.

The Russian Mafia may be mad...and that ain't good for Putin's health.
Are the people of Russia turning against that horse back riding little guy whose feet barely reach the stirrups? Those sanctions I hoped would make him unpopular may be doing so:

As Sanctions Pile Up, Russians' Alarm Grows Over Putin's Tactics

More frequent and prominent critics are saying that Mr. Putin and the hard-line leaders in the Kremlin overreached by suggesting that Russia, far more dependent than the old Soviet Union on international trade and financial markets, could thrive without the West.

“They were not anticipating the West to make radical moves, costly moves,” said Nikolai Petrov, an independent political analyst. “What is happening is different from what they wanted and what they expected.”

He and others pointed to the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over embattled southeastern Ukraine on July 17 as upsetting the balancing act that Mr. Putin had managed to pull off to maintain support from the public, hard-line nationalists, the security services, the oligarchs and the more liberal business community.

Mr. Toughtalk may meet his match with his latest foul ups.

Your dumb ass President is about to start a war. A really, really big one.


I see. President Obama reacts to Russia invading weaker nations, and he is the aggressor? You have a very strange concept of who is starting this fight.
Your president and his neocon advisers started the coup in the Ukraine you fucking imbecile.

You shouldn't be allowed to post on the internet you insignificant little fuck.
Are the people of Russia turning against that horse back riding little guy whose feet barely reach the stirrups? Those sanctions I hoped would make him unpopular may be doing so:

As Sanctions Pile Up, Russians' Alarm Grows Over Putin's Tactics

More frequent and prominent critics are saying that Mr. Putin and the hard-line leaders in the Kremlin overreached by suggesting that Russia, far more dependent than the old Soviet Union on international trade and financial markets, could thrive without the West.

“They were not anticipating the West to make radical moves, costly moves,” said Nikolai Petrov, an independent political analyst. “What is happening is different from what they wanted and what they expected.”

He and others pointed to the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over embattled southeastern Ukraine on July 17 as upsetting the balancing act that Mr. Putin had managed to pull off to maintain support from the public, hard-line nationalists, the security services, the oligarchs and the more liberal business community.

Mr. Toughtalk may meet his match with his latest foul ups.

Your dumb ass President is about to start a war. A really, really big one.


I see. President Obama reacts to Russia invading weaker nations, and he is the aggressor? You have a very strange concept of who is starting this fight.

Yes, and the fact the system is still much like the old USSR, as government controls most industries, passes over the Putinistas heads.
Your dumb ass President is about to start a war. A really, really big one.


I see. President Obama reacts to Russia invading weaker nations, and he is the aggressor? You have a very strange concept of who is starting this fight.

Yes, and the fact the system is still much like the old USSR, as government controls most industries, passes over the Putinistas heads.

If Obama and his neocons keep poking the bear it only encouraged the bear to poke back.
I see. President Obama reacts to Russia invading weaker nations, and he is the aggressor? You have a very strange concept of who is starting this fight.

Yes, and the fact the system is still much like the old USSR, as government controls most industries, passes over the Putinistas heads.

If Obama and his neocons keep poking the bear it only encouraged the bear to poke back.

The cub has already poked, time to feed the cub less.

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