Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.

No the enemy of enemy is my friend ...

You libtards are the enemy with in.
You’re a fucking idiot and traitor to this country taking putin’s puppet’s side against the USA.

Once again the enemy of my enemy is my friend..

And you are an enemy to the United States of America.


Contemplate this latest revelation and tell us who was right......

Netanyahu corruption probes: What you need to know - CNN -
20 hours ago - Jerusalem (CNN)Israeli police said Tuesday there was "sufficient evidence" to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on criminal charges in two corruption cases. ... Why is Netanyahubeing investigated? ... In Case 2000, police have investigated conversations Netanyahu had with Arnon ...

Corruption Charges Suggested for Netanyahu - The New York Times
21 hours ago - JERUSALEM — The Israeli police recommended on Tuesday that Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu be charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust, casting a pall over the future of a tenacious leader who has become almost synonymous with his country. The announcement instantly raised doubts ...

Israeli police recommend charging Benjamin Netanyahu with bribery ... › News
21 hours ago - Police also recommended charging Mr Netanyahu with fraud and breach of trust. The final decision on whether not to bring charges against the prime minister lies with Israeli attorney general Avichai Mandelblit and it may be some time before he decides what to do. Mr Netanyahu has repeatedly denied ...

Israeli Police Recommend Prime Minister Netanyahu Be Indicted On ...
22 hours ago - He could face indictment after a monthslong investigation into two separate allegations of corruption.

Israeli Police Recommend Charging Netanyahu With Bribery, Fraud ...
9 hours ago - Israeli police recommended charging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with bribery,fraud and breach of trust in a move that could lead to a formal indictment and is likely to further dent the leader's popularity and threaten his ruling coalition.

Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu should be charged for corruption, police ...
21 hours ago - JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should be indicted in twocorruption cases on suspicion of accepting bribes, fraud and breach of trust, police recommended Tuesday, ramping up pressure on the leader who has served more than a decade in office. After more than a year of ...

The corruption scandals plaguing Netanyahu and his family ...

The corruption scandals plaguing Netanyahu and his family, explained...
After winning four Israeli elections, will Netanyahu be done in by his own misdeeds (or is it prosecutorial overreach)? Here's a primer on the string of scandals and what they mean for the prime minister.Netanyahu is under investigation for receiving gifts and taking bribes. The two main corruptionscandals involving ...

Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud -- report | The Times of ...

Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud — report
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a National Security College graduation at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, July 28, 2009. (Abir Sultan/Flash90). Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has reportedly approved a full criminal investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into allegations of briberyand fraud.

Israeli police recommend corruption charges for Netanyahu - VICE News

Page not found - VICE News...
20 hours ago - Israel police officially recommended indicting Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahuon bribery and fraud charges Tuesday, following a months-long investigation into two separate cases of alleged corruption. The investigation, dubbed Case 1000 and Case 2000, accuses the 68-year-old Israeli leader ...

Israeli Police to Recommend Corruption Indictment of Prime Minister ...
7 days ago - Netanyahu is also under investigation in a separate case ("Case 2,000") for reportedly striking a quid pro quo deal with an Israeli newspaper publisher to weaken a competing paper in exchange for favorable coverage. Police are divided on whether there is enough evidence to proceed with an indictment.
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Russia has been a disappointment ever since they refused to do anything about making obama the next James Byrd.

That said, the Russians in Russian government are still better than democrats.
It think that the only way that we are going to get to the truth of just how bad this hacking is, and how we as Americans are personally affected by what the Russians are doing..Is to educate and keep the democrat/republican division out of it..

People don't pay attention, and get their feathers all ruffled ready to pounce... no one can learn a thing when they are fighting and angry..
These damn news stations keep everyone in an uproar..

I learn visually.. for anyone who learns this way YouTube is excellent...

If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.

No the enemy of my enemy is my friend ...

You libtards are the enemy with in.

You just said Russia is your friend.
You’re not a well man. Maybe you should move to your friend’s country.

No I said the enemy of my enemy is my friend and once again you are an enemy to the United States of America

Take your socialist crap to Sweden along with you high heels and prom dresses and just leave
View attachment 176638 With Trump’s dereliction of duty to protect us from Russia’s influence, we’re never going to know if any election is valid in this country as long as he’s in office.
This is a sad state of affairs.

What for?

Russia saved the supreme court from the libtards for another 40 years ...

Russia did an excellent job at helping defeat the moral degenerate libtards of the USA who want to import millions more illegal broke ass Mexicans.
Your serial sex offender is the moral degenerate. He takes the abusers side against women, ie. Ailes, O Reilly, Roy Moore, Porter etc.
Yes the Supreme Court will make sure that elections will be decided by the highest bidder.
I see that’s what you want.
You’ve a very sick man and disgust me.
Russia has been a disappointment ever since they refused to do anything about making obama the next James Byrd.

That said, the Russians in Russian government are still better than democrats.

And this is exactly what Putin wants... for you to trust his lies more..seriously look at that .
View attachment 176638 With Trump’s dereliction of duty to protect us from Russia’s influence, we’re never going to know if any election is valid in this country as long as he’s in office.
This is a sad state of affairs.

What for?

Russia saved the supreme court from the libtards for another 40 years ...

Russia did an excellent job at helping defeat the moral degenerate libtards of the USA who want to import millions more illegal broke ass Mexicans.
Your serial sex offender is the moral degenerate. He takes the abusers side against women, ie. Ailes, O Reilly, Roy Moore, Porter etc.
Yes the Supreme Court will make sure that elections will be decided by the highest bidder.
I see that’s what you want.
You’ve a very sick man and disgust me.

If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
I want Uncle Vlad to swing a Republican supermajority in congress. Please (spasiba I think)!
View attachment 176638 With Trump’s dereliction of duty to protect us from Russia’s influence, we’re never going to know if any election is valid in this country as long as he’s in office.
This is a sad state of affairs.

What for?

Russia saved the supreme court from the libtards for another 40 years ...

Russia did an excellent job at helping defeat the moral degenerate libtards of the USA who want to import millions more illegal broke ass Mexicans.
Your serial sex offender is the moral degenerate. He takes the abusers side against women, ie. Ailes, O Reilly, Roy Moore, Porter etc.
Yes the Supreme Court will make sure that elections will be decided by the highest bidder.
I see that’s what you want.
You’ve a very sick man and disgust me.

Dude you really can't figure out I really can't stand the alt left can you ? If you guys want sanctuary cities and states , if you guys continue to want grown men in little girls bathrooms, if you guys continue to piss on the flag and military graves..

Then I will continue to approve of Russia hacking elections so democrats continue to lose.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?

"Democrats" don't "believe" Russia meddled "in" our elections. If "you" did, "you'd want to" investigate "Russia" instead of Trump. "You're just" liars.

Speaking of your rampant overuse of punctuation:


They are investigating the hacking... they know 100% who it was, now they are trying to find ways to stop the hackers, but they are so far infiltrated , it may be impossible.

I never said that tard. Steele has publicly admitted in the Vanity article and others that he used Russian intelligence assets as his source.

Of course, Steele used "Russian intelligence assets"...How fucking else could he have discovered trump's connections to Russian oligarchs?
This picture was drawn by an 11 year old boy.
Even he can see what you mentally retarded boneheads can’t see.
That Putin is playing Trump like a Stradivarius.
And thus you assholes.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?

"Democrats" don't "believe" Russia meddled "in" our elections. If "you" did, "you'd want to" investigate "Russia" instead of Trump. "You're just" liars.

Speaking of your rampant overuse of punctuation:


Our intelligence agencies are doing just that.. but without any leadership from the top stopping Russia will not get done.

So you're "reasonable" and you expect Trump to assist an investigation set up and run by Democrats to go after him because "Russia."

And in 18 months of investigation, they haven't gotten shit on Trump, so now they're trying to fabricate obstruction charges.

Hmm ... this is some use of the term "reasonable" I hadn't previously heard before ...

If this is about Russia, call on Democrats to stop investigating Trump and actually investigate Russia. So far the only evidence turned up was against Democrats, obviously they aren't going to do that ...
Russia has been a disappointment ever since they refused to do anything about making obama the next James Byrd.

That said, the Russians in Russian government are still better than democrats.

And this is exactly what Putin wants... for you to trust his lies more..seriously look at that .

Democrats lie about EVERYTHING. They are a plague upon the nation and upon the people of this nation. They are a virus. If Russia has an antibiotic, they should share.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.

No the enemy of enemy is my friend ...

You libtards are the enemy with in.
You’re a fucking idiot and traitor to this country taking putin’s puppet’s side against the USA.

Once again the enemy of my enemy is my friend..

And you are an enemy to the United States of America.

View attachment 176639
Disrespecting and even burning the flag is protected under the First Amendment.
If you don’t respect and honor the Constitution you’re a traitor to this country.
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.

No the enemy of enemy is my friend ...

You libtards are the enemy with in.
You’re a fucking idiot and traitor to this country taking putin’s puppet’s side against the USA.

Once again the enemy of my enemy is my friend..

And you are an enemy to the United States of America.

View attachment 176639
Disrespecting and even burning the flag is protected under the First Amendment.
If you don’t respect and honor the Constitution you’re a traitor to this country.

I don't give a fuck... burn it in front of me and find out what will happen.

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