Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

It wasn't just other countries voicing their preferences like it has been for years and years.. What has happened is a country hacked into our internet to cause complete chaos in the cracks that was already there previously..


Whose vote was changed?

I am not looking at the election at all, I really don't care about that now.. I am looking at years of trouble ahead with the division that it caused..
Our own leadership has refused to say this is happening.. It has been proven by our own intelligence

our previous leadership also refused to admit it was happening and his actions driving a lot of it.

DON'T SHOOT - HANDS UP - they found to be fake. yet many people believe it today still and the fake news during this caused a HUGE divide among people.

the only way to get past it is to stop dividing ourselves.

I believe that we have been manipulated for along time.. most of us are trusting and in the past what we read was trustworthy .

and we have to relearn all of that from all "major" brands. we also have to realize site that go hard and heavy in an attempt to make you think/feel something, that's likely "fake" or strongly biased. when i read a "news" article that is more emotionally based, it's no longer news but PR for a given side.

Look at how the US commercials are all manipulating people.. thank God for DVR's .. I get so mad at the fear that they try to put on people if they don't take a drug.. or use their product.. this has been going on for a long long time..

Congress came within 2 votes of unanimously deciding to put sanctions on Russia.
Trump refuses to do it or even address it.
This fact proves Putin has something big on him.
Our intelligence chiefs just told us yesterday they’re sure Russia meddled in the 2016 election to get Trump elected and are already subverting our democracy in the upcoming midterms.
Trump continues his dereliction of duty to protect us.
Yet for some unknown bizarre reason, his sheep take his side on this against the United States of America.
Trump and his blind followers are true traitors to this country.
See what I mean.. Putin has got his wish by people like you..

How so? I dumped the Democrats long before Putin was on the scene, and I have long stated that I do not consider Democrats to be American by any foundational definition. They have devolved into an equivalent of foreign interlopers within our constitutional system

Well I prove my point...Putin saw a way into the dysfunctions and cracks..and he is seceding..

There has been hate for years of the other side, but to support a country hacking us, and not calling it what it is...
A Terrorist Attack ..


I noticed the hate on both sides, not just one and that is the bigger issue. The two parties trust Russia more than they trust the other party.

The two party’s have created this mess with Russia, call it like it is and quit playing partisan games, that is the only way to rid ourselves of outside influence.

Stop making this a right /left thing distracting what is happening, if you look at my comments I have said that we have been manipulated for a long time. Russia saw that crack, and is using it against Americans...Period..

When they stole the American identities to use of the Gov. website, they stole from both republican and democrats

Stop trying to mix them up...

Hacking military or banks is one thing...

Hacking the corruption by a politician and releasing it to the public is another.

The only way to stop Russia from meddling in our election is just don't be so damn corrupt.

Yes, there is so much corruption ... the only ones that get hurt are the trusting Americans... causing hate between the people and throwing in chaos keeps everyone distracted..

If it helped Hillary, you would be praising Putin. So fuck off.

More likely, they'd call accusations of russian influence just another right wing conspiracy theory.
" CIA, FBI, NSA: Don't Use Chinese-Made Smarphones... " Link on Drudge

As FBI director Chris Wray told the committee:

“We’re deeply concerned about the risks of allowing any company or entity that is beholden to foreign governments that don’t share our values to gain positions of power inside our telecommunications networks. That provides the capacity to exert pressure or control over our telecommunications infrastructure. It provides the capacity to maliciously modify or steal information. And it provides the capacity to conduct undetected espionage.”

In response to the intelligence officials warnings, a spokesperson for Huawei said:

“Huawei is aware of a range of U.S. government activities seemingly aimed at inhibiting Huawei’s business in the U.S. market. Huawei is trusted by governments and customers in 170 countries worldwide and poses no greater cybersecurity risk than any ICT vendor, sharing as we do common global supply chains and production capabilities.”
Only 3 hand picked agencies were used. I know this hurts but you'll be ok.
A rather large New York Times correction

Along with Dan Coats [Director of national intelligence] also answering questions from lawmakers were CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers, as well as the heads of the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley and Robert Cardillo, respectively.

The intelligence bosses were asked to restate their support for the 2017 report that concluded Russia had waged a campaign of what spies call "active measures" against the 2016 election. All of them did.

Russian Threat To Elections To Persist Through 2018, Spy Bosses Warn Congress
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.
I don't believe Putin. Nor do I believe the Democrats.

Paranoia much?..........and you don;t believe our own intelligence agencies, and the entire fucking planet.......EXCEPT......Hannity, Jones and of course, Trump, correct?
Posting on Twitter and Facebook is not "hacking our internet".

I didn't know the US owned the internet. Do you think we do because Al Gore invented it?

Are Tweeter and Facebook American companies, yes or no?
Well I prove my point...Putin saw a way into the dysfunctions and cracks..and he is seceding..

There has been hate for years of the other side, but to support a country hacking us, and not calling it what it is...
A Terrorist Attack ..


Idiot. Who created this dysfunction? Of course you'll blame it on the right but the left literally hates this country, it's people, and everything it stands for.
Yeah and you are probably a troll trying to discredit the facts..

I never blamed this on the Republicans you moron..

You said that putin exploited the dysfunctions and cracks. Well, I think the left and their brainwashing propaganda mainstream media are the ones who created this dysfunction.

Of course you do...try looking at this not as a party but as an American.. This is not a conspiracy , this is happening right in front of us..
Again look at the threat and not the election..

Why Americans Should Care About Russian Hacking - Center for American Progress

Hacking in general is a problem and not only when it supposedly comes from Russia. Also, if the DNC wasn't playing dirty pool, then their server being hacked would not have been a big deal.

The DNC let us down.. it made so many people angry..

Now , to be fair...Ryan hated Trump and was trying to get him out of the primaries but couldn't because people were watching him like a hawk..
I am sure there were plenty nasty emails in the GOP going on then too..

This hate seriously needs to end, so that we can focus on the true threats coming into America..

First step is to acknowledge it is even happening, and fight as a country to end it..

If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
You are simply lying. You claim has been debunked on this site many times already.

Obama political operative James Clapper (whose blatant perjury infuriated Edward Snowden so much that he was compelled to release reams of classified information to wikileaks) does not = 17 intelligence agencies, jackass.

And saying that Russia "meddled" in the 2016 election is like saying that my frequent criticisms of Angela Merkel on a German message board constitutes meddling in the German elections. So fucking what? It certainly doesn't justify Chinese style censorship of the internet.
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What is Putin's wish?
How do you know what Putin is wishing for?
Are you a Russian spy?

OK, nitwit.......

Do you think that Putin's wish was for MORE sanctions to be imposed on Russia as the Congress voted for?.............Yes or No?

Did Trump impose those additional sanctions? Yes or No?
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.

No the enemy of my enemy is my friend ...

You libtards are the enemy with in.

With Trump’s dereliction of duty to protect us from Russia’s influence, we’re never going to know if any election is valid in this country as long as he’s in office.
This is a sad state of affairs.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?

"Democrats" don't "believe" Russia meddled "in" our elections. If "you" did, "you'd want to" investigate "Russia" instead of Trump. "You're just" liars.

Speaking of your rampant overuse of punctuation:

If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.

No the enemy of enemy is my friend ...

You libtards are the enemy with in.
You’re a fucking idiot and traitor to this country taking putin’s puppet’s side against the USA.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?

"Democrats" don't "believe" Russia meddled "in" our elections. If "you" did, "you'd want to" investigate "Russia" instead of Trump. "You're just" liars.

Speaking of your rampant overuse of punctuation:


Our intelligence agencies are doing just that.. but without any leadership from the top stopping Russia will not get done.
View attachment 176638 With Trump’s dereliction of duty to protect us from Russia’s influence, we’re never going to know if any election is valid in this country as long as he’s in office.
This is a sad state of affairs.

What for?

Russia saved the supreme court from the libtards for another 40 years ...

Russia did an excellent job at helping defeat the moral degenerate libtards of the USA who want to import millions more illegal broke ass Mexicans.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
which ever side you're on, i'm on the other one.
Yes you’ve clearly decided to be on the side of an enemy of the United States.
You trumpidiots are that fucked in the head.

No the enemy of my enemy is my friend ...

You libtards are the enemy with in.

You just said Russia is your friend.
You’re not a well man. Maybe you should move to your friend’s country.

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