Rut-roh!! Blackjack no more!!


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!

Jim who???​

Yet another Republican, one whom we didn't expect, is also planning to run for the GOP nomination:

Former Va. Gov Jim Gilmore Tells Paper He s Running for President - NBC News

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore says he's planning to announce a run for the GOP presidential nomination.

"I bring to the table experience that others don't have," Gilmore said in an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch. He told the paper that he'll make his announcement during the first week of August.

He served as Virginia's governor from 1998 to 2002.

With Walker and Kasich also in the mix, that will then be SEVENTEEN GOPers and FIVE Democrats: 22 instead of 21.

Blackjack no more...

Now, before you ask "Jim who?" - he briefly ran in 2008 and dropped out quickly for lack of funds.

He also got his ass whipped by Mark Warner in the VA Senate race, 65 to 34.

More information:

Jim Gilmore - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

One interesting tidbit about no-name Gilmore:

Gilmore created the nation's first state Secretary of Technology, a position first held by Donald Upson. Together they established a statewide technology commission, and signed into law the nation's first comprehensive state Internet policy.

Gilmore says he will run for president - Richmond Times-Dispatch Virginia Politics

He is planning his formal announcement for August. Is this the dark horse everyone is looking for??? LOL!

Jim Gilmore Former Virginia Governor Enter 2016 Presidential Race

Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore To Run For President Because Why Not



Discuss. Who here knows Gilmore?
He might well be smarter than all the other GOP candidates combined.

His fundraising will be even less this time around, as he is even less known than he was the first time.

Not a terrible guy, but not a strong candidate by any means. A bit soft and mushy.
Actually it shows how little they care about what you have to say about it.

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