Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Liberal Lioness of The Supreme Court

Geeez Wasted on you apparently because you're obviously unable to comprehend the issue that I raised. What was Citizens United?? was it based on evidence. Was it based on the constitution? Or was it partisan advocacy? Get fucking real!

Liberals Want to Overturn Citizens United. A New Study Shows Conservatives Do Too

Citizens United is the most important defense of the 1st Amendment in a hundred years. You seek to overturn CU because you seek to end the 1st Amendment - simple as that.
Thank you for proving my point. You (stupidly - but that is beside the point) agree with Citizens United, so that is not "legislating from the bench-or judicial activism, and if it is, it's ok in this case.
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!

I know the people of Venezuela are sure digging you "progressives"

I mean, think of all those people who would never have had the pleasure of watching their children starve to death without your leftist policies.

Now you want to treat America to the same!
Your assignment if you wish to accept it :

Compare and contrast the social, political, and economic conditions in the United States vs, Venezuela in recent history with consideration for the difference between a democratic socialist system and a central government that strictly controls the economy ?Take your time

A recently prosperous nation, rich in natural resources with a high tech infrastructure is brought to utter poverty with chil
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!

I know the people of Venezuela are sure digging you "progressives"

I mean, think of all those people who would never have had the pleasure of watching their children starve to death without your leftist policies.

Now you want to treat America to the same!
Your assignment if you wish to accept it :

Compare and contrast the social, political, and economic conditions in the United States vs, Venezuela in recent history with consideration for the difference between a democratic socialist system and a central government that strictly controls the economy ?Take your time

A recently prosperous nation, rich with natural resources including an abundance of oil. A land with technological advances, a well educated middle class thriving in the global markets.

But in less than two decades, this once prosperous land is reduced to a place where children literally starve to death in the streets, where people are so desperate they break into zoos to eat the animals. Where billions in oil sales vanishes into the pockets of crooks.

What could possibly happen to destroy an nation in such a short time?


And you have the same plan for America.

Thanks socialism! In Venezuela, people eat ZOO animals to survive - Americas - International - News - Catholic Online
I asked to compare and contrast the political, social and economic aspects of Venezuela and the US, Not for a blurb on natural resources. You can't just bleat about how it was all the fault of progressive policies without explaining how, and without considering it the context of other variables, and be taken seriously. And let me remind you that this thread is about Ginsberg
Thank you for that brilliant, eloquent and well thought out commentary. Clearly your one of the valued members here who consistently go all out to raise the level of intellectual discourse. You are a blessing.

Your "brilliance is shining through here".....

Buh LIEVE it

BTW...if the SC was full of your beloved idiot clones, we'd all be poverty stricken by now and in a Jihad with all the ME friends she would have allowed in and China would be our masters.

You'RE such a first class ignoramus. Seriously.
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.
Also known as the notorious RBG, Justice Ginsburg, at 85 is showing no sign of slowing down or letting up on opposing the conservatives on the high court. On Monday, she delivered a scathing dissenting opinion on the narrowly decided labor relations case.

As she did on Monday in an important employee wage dispute, Ginsburg dons her classic dissenting collar -- black with silver crystal accents -- over her robe when she is about to take the unusual step of protesting a majority decision from the bench.
"Nothing compels the destructive result the court reaches today," she said, adding in her written opinion that the majority was "egregiously wrong," retrenching on 80 years of federal labor law that sought "to place employers and employees on more equal footing."

Here is more:

This Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dissent Is An Unforgettable Defense Of Workers' Rights In America

On Monday, the so-called Notorious RBG opposed the majority of her colleagues in a landmark decision that inhibits the ability for employees with mandatory arbitration contracts to collectively sue their employers. In a fiery dissent on workers' rights, Ruth Bader Ginsburg lambasted the conservative justices that decided in favor of bolstering mandatory arbitration clauses that frequently appear in employment contracts, describing the ruling as "egregiously wrong."

As part of her dissent, RBG warned that inhibiting the right for workers to collectively sue their employers for compensation-related issues, or other workplace problems, could pitch U.S. labor rights back nearly a century. "The end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th was a tumultuous era in the history of our Nation’s labor relations," Ginsburg wrote. "Under economic conditions then prevailing, workers often had to accept employment on whatever terms employers dictated."

Where are "worker's rights" in the U.S. Constitution? That sounds like Marxism


The workers rights are in the liberal use of the term 'all who are born here' and the noteworthy lack of the phrase 'white, male, landowners' when The Constitution describes who can participate in the country created by that document.

Any attempt to advantage any 'person', be they flesh and blood with a Social Security Number or a corporate taxpayer with a senator on the payroll, over the rest of us is what's unconstitutional.
I have NO IDEA what you're talking about> Who are the rest of us?

All of us.

Not just one of y'all, all y'all.
Thank you for that brilliant, eloquent and well thought out commentary. Clearly your one of the valued members here who consistently go all out to raise the level of intellectual discourse. You are a blessing.

Your "brilliance is shining through here".....

Buh LIEVE it

BTW...if the SC was full of your beloved idiot clones, we'd all be poverty stricken by now and in a Jihad with all the ME friends she would have allowed in and China would be our masters.

You'RE such a first class ignoramus. Seriously.
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

You keep using this phrase "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" I don't think it means what you think it means.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first. That's EXACTLY why we're the world's Number One Economy and Superpower. There's no great mystery to it.

The countries like these "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" all put government first and they are without exception some form of Hell on Earth. The days of dealing with your lying bullshit with niceties are over. You don't get to put your failed system on our American principles
Last edited:
That ol RaT bitch can barely stay awake. She didn't write shit, her clerks did.

I have to agree. The last time I saw her she looked like a corpse. She slept through the State of the Union. The old bag should retire before she expires in that chair.

What a waste of space on the SC.
Also known as the notorious RBG, Justice Ginsburg, at 85 is showing no sign of slowing down or letting up on opposing the conservatives on the high court. On Monday, she delivered a scathing dissenting opinion on the narrowly decided labor relations case.

As she did on Monday in an important employee wage dispute, Ginsburg dons her classic dissenting collar -- black with silver crystal accents -- over her robe when she is about to take the unusual step of protesting a majority decision from the bench.
"Nothing compels the destructive result the court reaches today," she said, adding in her written opinion that the majority was "egregiously wrong," retrenching on 80 years of federal labor law that sought "to place employers and employees on more equal footing."

Here is more:

This Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dissent Is An Unforgettable Defense Of Workers' Rights In America

On Monday, the so-called Notorious RBG opposed the majority of her colleagues in a landmark decision that inhibits the ability for employees with mandatory arbitration contracts to collectively sue their employers. In a fiery dissent on workers' rights, Ruth Bader Ginsburg lambasted the conservative justices that decided in favor of bolstering mandatory arbitration clauses that frequently appear in employment contracts, describing the ruling as "egregiously wrong."

As part of her dissent, RBG warned that inhibiting the right for workers to collectively sue their employers for compensation-related issues, or other workplace problems, could pitch U.S. labor rights back nearly a century. "The end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th was a tumultuous era in the history of our Nation’s labor relations," Ginsburg wrote. "Under economic conditions then prevailing, workers often had to accept employment on whatever terms employers dictated."

Where are "worker's rights" in the U.S. Constitution? That sounds like Marxism


The workers rights are in the liberal use of the term 'all who are born here' and the noteworthy lack of the phrase 'white, male, landowners' when The Constitution describes who can participate in the country created by that document.

Any attempt to advantage any 'person', be they flesh and blood with a Social Security Number or a corporate taxpayer with a senator on the payroll, over the rest of us is what's unconstitutional.
I have NO IDEA what you're talking about> Who are the rest of us?

All of us.

Not just one of y'all, all y'all.
So unless you're a white male, landowner who was born here you have no workers rights? You forgot "Christian" It would seen that you are not playing with full deck bubba
Justice Ginsburg, at 85 is showing no sign of slowing down

The Old Crow, she is just a waste of skin with half her brain cells dead and hopefully will croak any time now. ITMT, Kennedy is said to have one foot out the door. Trump better start shopping around for another SCOTUS pick soon.
Thank you for that brilliant, eloquent and well thought out commentary. Clearly your one of the valued members here who consistently go all out to raise the level of intellectual discourse. You are a blessing.

Your "brilliance is shining through here".....

Buh LIEVE it

BTW...if the SC was full of your beloved idiot clones, we'd all be poverty stricken by now and in a Jihad with all the ME friends she would have allowed in and China would be our masters.

You'RE such a first class ignoramus. Seriously.
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first.

LOL- because of course we put the 'Creator'- who is the Donald Trump? first......

Despite the efforts of Trump and you Fascists- we do still put the American people first.
Thank you for that brilliant, eloquent and well thought out commentary. Clearly your one of the valued members here who consistently go all out to raise the level of intellectual discourse. You are a blessing.

Your "brilliance is shining through here".....

Buh LIEVE it

BTW...if the SC was full of your beloved idiot clones, we'd all be poverty stricken by now and in a Jihad with all the ME friends she would have allowed in and China would be our masters.

You'RE such a first class ignoramus. Seriously.
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

You keep using this phrase "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" I don't think it means what you think it means.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first. That's EXACTLY why we're the world's Number One Economy and Superpower. There's no great mystery to it.

The countries like these "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" all put government first and they are without exception some form of Hell on Earth. The days of dealing with your lying bullshit with niceties are over. You don't get to put your failed system on our American principles

You keep saying “we the people “ But I don’t think that you know what it really mean. The government is supposed to represent, and protect the people as per the constitution, the purpose of which is to establish the basic rights of all American citizens and provide direction on how the government should work. The Constitution also provides the framework for law and order and describes the roles of the government's federal judiciary branch, legislative branch and executive branch.

That is what “we the people means. A government of the people. What you actually seem to mean by we the people is something between Libertarianism and Anarchy which would result in a government of the corporation, by the corporations and for the corporations-and oligarchs .

Yes this country is great in many ways, largely due to the accomplishments and influence of the progressive movement which dates to about 1901 and Teddy Roosevelt. Without that THIS country would be Hell on Earth for working people, for women, for minorities and for the poor. To compare the brand of American progressivism and democratic socialism to the autocratic systems that destroyed other countries like Cuba and The USSR is just fucking as stupid as stupid gets. The days of dealing with your lying bullshit with niceties are over.

Yes, a government for the people. Try to understand what that really means and calm the fuck down.
Your "brilliance is shining through here".....

Buh LIEVE it

BTW...if the SC was full of your beloved idiot clones, we'd all be poverty stricken by now and in a Jihad with all the ME friends she would have allowed in and China would be our masters.

You'RE such a first class ignoramus. Seriously.
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first.

LOL- because of course we put the 'Creator'- who is the Donald Trump? first......

Despite the efforts of Trump and you Fascists- we do still put the American people first.

How can you possibly put first that which you do not know?
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first.

LOL- because of course we put the 'Creator'- who is the Donald Trump? first......

Despite the efforts of Trump and you Fascists- we do still put the American people first.

How can you possibly put first that which you do not know?

That is the conundrum that Donald Trump and the Fascists have.
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first.

LOL- because of course we put the 'Creator'- who is the Donald Trump? first......

Despite the efforts of Trump and you Fascists- we do still put the American people first.

How can you possibly put first that which you do not know?

That is the conundrum that Donald Trump and the Fascists have.

Obviously not.
Your "brilliance is shining through here".....

Buh LIEVE it

BTW...if the SC was full of your beloved idiot clones, we'd all be poverty stricken by now and in a Jihad with all the ME friends she would have allowed in and China would be our masters.

You'RE such a first class ignoramus. Seriously.
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

You keep using this phrase "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" I don't think it means what you think it means.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first. That's EXACTLY why we're the world's Number One Economy and Superpower. There's no great mystery to it.

The countries like these "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" all put government first and they are without exception some form of Hell on Earth. The days of dealing with your lying bullshit with niceties are over. You don't get to put your failed system on our American principles

You keep saying “we the people “ But I don’t think that you know what it really mean. The government is supposed to represent, and protect the people as per the constitution, the purpose of which is to establish the basic rights of all American citizens and provide direction on how the government should work. The Constitution also provides the framework for law and order and describes the roles of the government's federal judiciary branch, legislative branch and executive branch.

That is what “we the people means. A government of the people. What you actually seem to mean by we the people is something between Libertarianism and Anarchy which would result in a government of the corporation, by the corporations and for the corporations-and oligarchs .

Yes this country is great in many ways, largely due to the accomplishments and influence of the progressive movement which dates to about 1901 and Teddy Roosevelt. Without that THIS country would be Hell on Earth for working people, for women, for minorities and for the poor. To compare the brand of American progressivism and democratic socialism to the autocratic systems that destroyed other countries like Cuba and The USSR is just fucking as stupid as stupid gets. The days of dealing with your lying bullshit with niceties are over.

Yes, a government for the people. Try to understand what that really means and calm the fuck down.

There's no nice way to say it, you're totally fucked in the head and think that government comes first and should run everything. Even after whole countries fall to ruin as recently as TODAY! in Venezuela. You still believe it
Jesus fucking Christ! Liberals -Progressive made this country great. !! They created the middle class which the fascist conservative oligarchs are trying to destroy through wealth and income disparity. You are either wealthy or a fucking moron.!
You're out of your fucking mind. Progressives have destroyed everything country they've ever run: Greece, Cuba, USSR, Communist China, Venezuela, it's one clusterfuck after another. That you dare to give credit for free market and Conservative principles to "Progressives " is laughable
You're out of YOUR fucking mind. You seem to be oblivious of the difference between communist dictatorships and social democratic principles. It is indicative of your ridged and concrete thought process and intellectual limitations. Typical of a conservative.

You keep using this phrase "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" I don't think it means what you think it means.

It's all about who is in control: the government, or We the People. Despite Soros's and his Democrat Gestapo's best attempts to undo it, we're still the only country that put We the People -- and the Creator -- first. That's EXACTLY why we're the world's Number One Economy and Superpower. There's no great mystery to it.

The countries like these "communist dictatorships and social democratic principles" all put government first and they are without exception some form of Hell on Earth. The days of dealing with your lying bullshit with niceties are over. You don't get to put your failed system on our American principles

You keep saying “we the people “ But I don’t think that you know what it really mean. The government is supposed to represent, and protect the people as per the constitution, the purpose of which is to establish the basic rights of all American citizens and provide direction on how the government should work. The Constitution also provides the framework for law and order and describes the roles of the government's federal judiciary branch, legislative branch and executive branch.

That is what “we the people means. A government of the people. What you actually seem to mean by we the people is something between Libertarianism and Anarchy which would result in a government of the corporation, by the corporations and for the corporations-and oligarchs .

Yes this country is great in many ways, largely due to the accomplishments and influence of the progressive movement which dates to about 1901 and Teddy Roosevelt. Without that THIS country would be Hell on Earth for working people, for women, for minorities and for the poor. To compare the brand of American progressivism and democratic socialism to the autocratic systems that destroyed other countries like Cuba and The USSR is just fucking as stupid as stupid gets. The days of dealing with your lying bullshit with niceties are over.

Yes, a government for the people. Try to understand what that really means and calm the fuck down.

There's no nice way to say it, you're totally fucked in the head and think that government comes first and should run everything. Even after whole countries fall to ruin as recently as TODAY! in Venezuela. You still believe it
I'm fucked in the head? That is the best that you can do in response to my attempt to put progressivism and the role of government into historical perspective? Who here is really fucked in the head? You're a god damned idiot who can't actually have an adult conversation, but rather , has to get defensive and attack with insults and childish taunts. I win..
Thank you for proving my point. You (stupidly - but that is beside the point) agree with Citizens United, so that is not "legislating from the bench-or judicial activism, and if it is, it's ok in this case.

I support freedom of speech, so naturally I support Citizens United.

It's funny, you Communists had no problem with Michael Moore creating a film about Bush, but the idea that mere peasants would DARE produce a film about Hillary had you fucking Stalinists losing your shit. How DARE these peasants engage in political speech that questions a ruler like Hillary? You'll have none of it - the proles will be SILENT in front of their masters.

I get it dude, you seek to crush free speech.

CU upheld the First Amendment right of the people to engage in political speech. You Stalinist scum had outlawed speech by the Proles. but that violated the Constitution, which you're down with, but luckily we had enough honest SCOTUS justices to defend the Bill of Rights.

Citizens United, a political action committee using small donations from individuals produced "HIllary, the Movie" detailing the criminal acts of Hillary Clinton. The FEC dropped trou and took a shit all over the first amendment, outlawing the movie as banned political speech - you fucking scum totalitarians cheered.

But LIBERTY prevailed in that case.

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