RW media what is wrong with you?

Policing moral crimes is a waste of time and takes away.from serious crimes such as bribery, kidnapping, murder etc. People.need education and sometimes help, not prison and criminal records.
You've been talking to too many social workers for the homeless.
You've been talking to too many social workers for the homeless.
It is logic, based on individual freedom. If someone wants to get high in the privacy of their home, why is that anyones business? Any more than it was anyones business if two men engaged in wild, kinky sex. It isn't our business what is done in private.
It is logic, based on individual freedom. If someone wants to get high in the privacy of their home, why is that anyones business? Any more than it was anyones business if two men engaged in wild, kinky sex. It isn't our business what is done in private.

Except that hardly ever happens; the freaks go public and stick their vices in everybody's faces, for one, and then there are the murdering violent criminals they do business with, 'legal' or no. You want 6 years olds smoking crack? Because that is exactly where that silly libertarian credulousness will go. And, it already has; all the 'pot legalization' has been mostly a giant flop.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained."

Stirling S. Newberry
You used to stand for law and order. You used to support the passage of laws keeping us a moral nation. And now you side with the liberal Democrats.

---Why Republicans Should Start Supporting Marijuana Decriminalization---

Again, the problem with you right wingers is that eventually, you are always on the wrong side of history.

You were on segregation, you were on gay marriage, and you were on Pot.

There's no real good reason why pot should be illegal. It's not addictive. It's not good for you exactly, (which is why I don't use it) but it's no worse than Alcohol, which is perfectly legal.
You'll find fewer Americans more conservative than I am, but I happen to believe the pot should be legal for medicinal use. It's a LOT safer than most of the crap approved by the FDA (that have pages of harmful side effects). It's safer than booze and less apt to get a person in trouble. It's a natural pain reliever and muscle relaxer. As "medicine," it can be grown in your own backyard, thus saving people tons of money each year. And it's much safer than the Covid jab.
The War on Some Drugs should shift its focus from the supply side (which has been a complete failure) to the demand side.

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