RW’s: because children have freedom of speech, does that mean kids should own guns too?

Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

Shall Not Be Infringed suck it!
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

Children don't have freedom of speech, numskull.
Yes, they do. No child in the history of the US has ever been charged with a crime for simply saying something. Yeah, there are consequences to what they say, but adults have that same problem. Just see what happens if you call that black guy the N-word while being at work.

They have been expelled from school or punished in other ways. Going to prison isn't the only way government can infringe on your freedoms.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

The worst I've had is someone who said they didn't support gun control. Then when asked whether the insane or prisoners should have guns in prisons said "no", then I pointed out that this was gun control, they flatly refused to accept this. Their ideology comes first. So brainwashed that they can't accept deviations from their brainwashing.
The institutionalized and detained have forfeited their Constitutional rights by default, moron.

It is not “gun control” to take away guns from prisoners any more than it is “gun control” to lock them away in a facility where it is impossible for them to legally purchase guns.

Your “ideology” was just obliterated btw.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
Absolutely, gun safety classes as early as middle school

Why wait that long, 1st or 2nd grade, they are getting old enough to understand consequences.

Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

The Second Amendment is not ‘absolute.’

“It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” DC v. Heller

Government is at liberty to enact regulatory measures with regard to firearms, provided those restrictions are consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

And all firearm regulatory measures are considered to be Constitutional and lawful until such time as the Supreme Court rules otherwise, regardless the subjective, wrongheaded opinion of conservatives.

Prohibiting children from purchasing firearms is an example of a lawful restriction.
Constitutional rights don't apply until age 18. Children don't have freedom of speech or a right to own guns.

The right of children to engage in free speech and expression is entitled to Constitutional protections (Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969)).
What about the Second Amendment pisses you off so much?

Kills tens of thousands of people every year.

Would end up killing even more if children could have guns.

The second amendment never killed anyone. It is merely words on paper. Just as the first amendment never offended anyone. It is a freedom, a right.

How people use those rights is the issue.

A gun has never killed anyone. It is an inanimate object incapable of thought or choice. It is not forged with evil spirits or ill will. It is a tool. I can leave a weapon cocked and loaded on the table. It will not jump up and chase me down determined to end my life.

They aren’t even particularly deadly anymore. It used to be that one gunshot anywhere in the chest area was fatal. Now that one gunshot is a wound unless it hits the heart or a major artery. Our understanding of trauma has increased dramatically because of urban violence and war. Even head wounds are survivable. See Gabby Giffords. No not every time, but a hell of a lot more than they used to be.

A belt is not intended to harm someone. It is intended to hold your pants up. Do we demand belts be banned because someone batters their child with one? A plank of wood is not intended as a weapon. But the plank can be made into a paddle.

The problem. The real problem is that you believe that guns are dangerous. The only way for a gun to be dangerous is if it is poorly made or maintained. Otherwise there is no such thing as a dangerous gun. There are dangerous people.
Yes, they do. No child in the history of the US has ever been charged with a crime for simply saying something. Yeah, there are consequences to what they say, but adults have that same problem. Just see what happens if you call that black guy the N-word while being at work.

Children have "first amendment rights"? When they are in school and being indoctrinated?????.... without consequences?
No, the second amendment is pretty fucking clear and is in the order of importance for a reason.

Commie fucks like you don't like the second amendment because it's a HUGE roadblock as it pertains to the end game the commies seek. Want our guns? You will get the ammo and spent shells first......
You are so fucking dumb. You can’t address the actual points in my thread and you’re too much of a pussy to admit it.

You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.
Constitutional rights don't apply until age 18. Children don't have freedom of speech or a right to own guns.

The right of children to engage in free speech and expression is entitled to Constitutional protections (Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969)).

Sorry, turd, but it's obviously not. The court has ruled numerous times that schools and parents can restrict a child's freedom of speech. There have been numerous recent cases where schools wouldn't allow students to wear T-shirts with certain things printed on them.

You are just plain wrong.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

Children don't have freedom of speech, numskull.
Yes, they do. No child in the history of the US has ever been charged with a crime for simply saying something. Yeah, there are consequences to what they say, but adults have that same problem. Just see what happens if you call that black guy the N-word while being at work.

They have been expelled from school or punished in other ways. Going to prison isn't the only way government can infringe on your freedoms.
None of those consequences matter because they are never charged with a crime. Again, adults face punitive consequences for the things they say in some situations just as children.
Children have "first amendment rights"? When they are in school and being indoctrinated?????.... without consequences?
No, the second amendment is pretty fucking clear and is in the order of importance for a reason.

Commie fucks like you don't like the second amendment because it's a HUGE roadblock as it pertains to the end game the commies seek. Want our guns? You will get the ammo and spent shells first......
You are so fucking dumb. You can’t address the actual points in my thread and you’re too much of a pussy to admit it.

You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.

They don't have the same freedom of speech as adults. Public schools restrict their freedom of speech all the time. In fact, public universities have "speech codes" that restrict their students' freedom of speech.

You're just plain wrong.
You are so fucking dumb. You can’t address the actual points in my thread and you’re too much of a pussy to admit it.

You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.

They don't have the same freedom of speech as adults. Public schools restrict their freedom of speech all the time. In fact, public universities have "speech codes" that restrict their students' freedom of speech.

You're just plain wrong.
Um no I’m not because they are never charged with a crime. The same logic applies to adults who are punished for any dumb shit they say that violate the standards of their employment.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

Children don't have freedom of speech, numskull.
Yes, they do. No child in the history of the US has ever been charged with a crime for simply saying something. Yeah, there are consequences to what they say, but adults have that same problem. Just see what happens if you call that black guy the N-word while being at work.

They have been expelled from school or punished in other ways. Going to prison isn't the only way government can infringe on your freedoms.
None of those consequences matter because they are never charged with a crime. Again, adults face punitive consequences for the things they say in some situations just as children.

Of course they matter. Any punishement the government imposes on you for saying something it doesn't approve of is a violation freedom of speech, period. If the government gave you a ticket for posting stuff on Facebook that it didn't like, would you claim that wasn't a violation of the First Amendment? What if it forced Facebook to close your account? You would have to be brain damaged to claim it wasn't.
You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.

They don't have the same freedom of speech as adults. Public schools restrict their freedom of speech all the time. In fact, public universities have "speech codes" that restrict their students' freedom of speech.

You're just plain wrong.
Um no I’m not because they are never charged with a crime. The same logic applies to adults who are punished for any dumb shit they say that violate the standards of their employment.

Your employer isn't the government. Your employer can make what you say a condition of your employment. However, a public school is the government. Public schools cannot punish parents or their children for anything the parents say, but it can punish their kids for stuff the kids say or that they wear on a T-shirt. It's been doen many times, and the fact that the punishment doesn't reach the level of a felony isn't the reason it's allowed. It's not allowed if you are an adult.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.

They don't have the same freedom of speech as adults. Public schools restrict their freedom of speech all the time. In fact, public universities have "speech codes" that restrict their students' freedom of speech.

You're just plain wrong.
Um no I’m not because they are never charged with a crime. The same logic applies to adults who are punished for any dumb shit they say that violate the standards of their employment.

Your employer isn't the government. Your employer can make what you say a condition of your employment. However, a public school is the government. Public schools cannot punish parents or their children for anything the parents say, but it can punish their kids for stuff the kids say or that they wear on a T-shirt. It's been doen many times, and the fact that the punishment doesn't reach the level of a felony isn't the reason it's allowed. It's not allowed if you are an adult.
I don’t know how else to explain this to you. Kids are NEVER charged with a crime for saying anything. That’s the point. When kids register to a school, they are bound by the rules of the school but that contract isn’t legally binding. If a kid got detention saying something, the kid still has the legal right to not go. They will not be legally punished for doing this.
The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.

They don't have the same freedom of speech as adults. Public schools restrict their freedom of speech all the time. In fact, public universities have "speech codes" that restrict their students' freedom of speech.

You're just plain wrong.
Um no I’m not because they are never charged with a crime. The same logic applies to adults who are punished for any dumb shit they say that violate the standards of their employment.

Your employer isn't the government. Your employer can make what you say a condition of your employment. However, a public school is the government. Public schools cannot punish parents or their children for anything the parents say, but it can punish their kids for stuff the kids say or that they wear on a T-shirt. It's been doen many times, and the fact that the punishment doesn't reach the level of a felony isn't the reason it's allowed. It's not allowed if you are an adult.
I don’t know how else to explain this to you. Kids are NEVER charged with a crime for saying anything. That’s the point. When kids register to a school, they are bound by the rules of the school but that contract isn’t legally binding. If a kid got detention saying something, the kid still has the legal right to not go. They will not be legally punished for doing this.

No, eventually the kid will get suspended from that school.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.

They don't have the same freedom of speech as adults. Public schools restrict their freedom of speech all the time. In fact, public universities have "speech codes" that restrict their students' freedom of speech.

You're just plain wrong.
Um no I’m not because they are never charged with a crime. The same logic applies to adults who are punished for any dumb shit they say that violate the standards of their employment.

Your employer isn't the government. Your employer can make what you say a condition of your employment. However, a public school is the government. Public schools cannot punish parents or their children for anything the parents say, but it can punish their kids for stuff the kids say or that they wear on a T-shirt. It's been doen many times, and the fact that the punishment doesn't reach the level of a felony isn't the reason it's allowed. It's not allowed if you are an adult.
I don’t know how else to explain this to you. Kids are NEVER charged with a crime for saying anything. That’s the point. When kids register to a school, they are bound by the rules of the school but that contract isn’t legally binding. If a kid got detention saying something, the kid still has the legal right to not go. They will not be legally punished for doing this.

No, eventually the kid will get suspended from that school.
Just as an adult will get fired from their job.
Children have "first amendment rights"? When they are in school and being indoctrinated?????.... without consequences?
No, the second amendment is pretty fucking clear and is in the order of importance for a reason.

Commie fucks like you don't like the second amendment because it's a HUGE roadblock as it pertains to the end game the commies seek. Want our guns? You will get the ammo and spent shells first......
You are so fucking dumb. You can’t address the actual points in my thread and you’re too much of a pussy to admit it.

You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
What this boils down to is what the 1st and 2nd amendments say and do not say. Children have the same freedom of speech protections as adults. Just because there are consequences to what kids say, it doesn’t mean it is ever illegal for them to say them. They’ll never be charged with a crime for saying anything. Adults have the same problem. Just see what happens to your job if you tell that hot new intern she has a nice ass right in front of your boss.

Common sense law prevents kids from purchasing guns despite the fact that the amendment says nothing about children. If you gun nuts have the mentality that any current gun control laws proposed by lawmakers are unconstitutional, then your logic would have to apply to kids being legallly able to purchase and own firearms.

That's ridiculous. It's like saying a child has the right to vote. They do not. What the Constitution doesn't say--the courts do. That's why we have courts.
They don't have the same freedom of speech as adults. Public schools restrict their freedom of speech all the time. In fact, public universities have "speech codes" that restrict their students' freedom of speech.

You're just plain wrong.
Um no I’m not because they are never charged with a crime. The same logic applies to adults who are punished for any dumb shit they say that violate the standards of their employment.

Your employer isn't the government. Your employer can make what you say a condition of your employment. However, a public school is the government. Public schools cannot punish parents or their children for anything the parents say, but it can punish their kids for stuff the kids say or that they wear on a T-shirt. It's been doen many times, and the fact that the punishment doesn't reach the level of a felony isn't the reason it's allowed. It's not allowed if you are an adult.
I don’t know how else to explain this to you. Kids are NEVER charged with a crime for saying anything. That’s the point. When kids register to a school, they are bound by the rules of the school but that contract isn’t legally binding. If a kid got detention saying something, the kid still has the legal right to not go. They will not be legally punished for doing this.

No, eventually the kid will get suspended from that school.
Just as an adult will get fired from their job.

Your employer is not the government, numskull. A public school is the government.

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