Ryan budegt eliminates loopholes for wealthy, leaves middle-class write-offs in place


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Democrats should love this. why don't they? Because a Republican proposed it.

GOP Budget Would Strip Loopholes For Top Earners, Rep. Paul Ryan Says | Fox News
The Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee said Sunday that his controversial budget proposal would target high-income Americans, by specifically eliminating deductions and loopholes for the wealthy while leaving "middle-income tax writeoffs" in place.

"Take away the tax shelter, subject all of their income to taxation, and get more revenue -- and we can lower everybody's tax rate in return," Ryan, R-Wis., said.
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!
Using this logic, the RW should love Obamacare...they proposed the mandate after all...
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Way to 'accentuate the negative' there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how good the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on the stuff the Democrats don't like. Brilliant!

See? I can type meaningless drivel too, just like you.
There are sadly very few politicos who actually care about the economic future of America- Less so during a presidential election year.

Very few- an exception is Paul Ryan- He is a visionary who cares.
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Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Any word on when the Dem controlled Senate is going to do it's Constitutional job and pass a budget?

Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Point out those horrors.

Besides trying to be fiscally responsible. Then when you are running your yap poijnt out all the savings in the DNC budget.

Seems you have little to add.
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Point out those horrors.

Besides trying to be fiscally responsible. Then when you are running your yap poijnt out all the savings in the DNC budget.

Seems you have little to add.

You mean beyond effectively destroying Medicare? Putting our seniors on a coupon system for the health care isn't enough? Okay...

Why you have to follow Ryan’s numbers
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Point out those horrors.

Besides trying to be fiscally responsible. Then when you are running your yap poijnt out all the savings in the DNC budget.

Seems you have little to add.

You mean beyond effectively destroying Medicare? Putting our seniors on a coupon system for the health care isn't enough? Okay...

Why you have to follow Ryan’s numbers

LOL Medicare is broke. What is the DNCs plan? Die on the vine? Reducing payouts so no one takes the insurance? What exactly?
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Point out those horrors.

Besides trying to be fiscally responsible. Then when you are running your yap poijnt out all the savings in the DNC budget.

Seems you have little to add.

You mean beyond effectively destroying Medicare? Putting our seniors on a coupon system for the health care isn't enough? Okay...

Why you have to follow Ryan’s numbers
the medicare changes are an OPTION. Seniors are not REQUIRED to take advantage of them.

Democrats should love this. why don't they? Because a Republican proposed it.

GOP Budget Would Strip Loopholes For Top Earners, Rep. Paul Ryan Says | Fox News
The Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee said Sunday that his controversial budget proposal would target high-income Americans, by specifically eliminating deductions and loopholes for the wealthy while leaving "middle-income tax writeoffs" in place.

"Take away the tax shelter, subject all of their income to taxation, and get more revenue -- and we can lower everybody's tax rate in return," Ryan, R-Wis., said.

Does the Ryan plan result in a net tax increase, cut, or no change for high income Americans?
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Point out those horrors.

Besides trying to be fiscally responsible. Then when you are running your yap poijnt out all the savings in the DNC budget.

Seems you have little to add.

You mean beyond effectively destroying Medicare? Putting our seniors on a coupon system for the health care isn't enough? Okay...

Why you have to follow Ryan’s numbers

Ezra Klein :rolleyes:
Democrats should love this. why don't they? Because a Republican proposed it.

GOP Budget Would Strip Loopholes For Top Earners, Rep. Paul Ryan Says | Fox News
The Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee said Sunday that his controversial budget proposal would target high-income Americans, by specifically eliminating deductions and loopholes for the wealthy while leaving "middle-income tax writeoffs" in place.

"Take away the tax shelter, subject all of their income to taxation, and get more revenue -- and we can lower everybody's tax rate in return," Ryan, R-Wis., said.

Which loopholes?

All just vague hooplah so far and what would emerge from congress would bear little resemblance to what is being said now.
Democrats should love this. why don't they? Because a Republican proposed it.

GOP Budget Would Strip Loopholes For Top Earners, Rep. Paul Ryan Says | Fox News
The Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee said Sunday that his controversial budget proposal would target high-income Americans, by specifically eliminating deductions and loopholes for the wealthy while leaving "middle-income tax writeoffs" in place.

"Take away the tax shelter, subject all of their income to taxation, and get more revenue -- and we can lower everybody's tax rate in return," Ryan, R-Wis., said.

Does the Ryan plan result in a net tax increase, cut, or no change for high income Americans?

You tell me. What do YOU think will happen if you remove tax loopholes & deductions for the wealthy, take away the shelters and subject ALL income to taxation?
What "good in the rest of the budget"?

Are you referring to seniors who have care now, that WON'T have it if your "budget" takes effect?
Good in the sense that they'll be paying ever rising insurance premiums out of their fixed incomes?
Good in the sense that super rich people like Paul Ryan himself will be able to keep more of their money instead of paying his fair share?

And might I remind the OP that it was a REPUBLICON who posited...."Reagan PROVED deficits don't matter"
THAT might account for the WILD SPENDING SPREE you so called "conservatives" went on while you were in power. A spending spree that STILL has bills coming due.
The amount of money obama and this administration has spent of unnecessary things, and sending money to other countries would have been better put in every americans bank acct. Then we might see the economy recover.
Democrats should love this. why don't they? Because a Republican proposed it.

GOP Budget Would Strip Loopholes For Top Earners, Rep. Paul Ryan Says | Fox News

Does the Ryan plan result in a net tax increase, cut, or no change for high income Americans?

You tell me. What do YOU think will happen if you remove tax loopholes & deductions for the wealthy, take away the shelters and subject ALL income to taxation?

Do you actually think the wealthy will set still and have their loopholes and shelters taken away?

PT Barnum was sure correct.

And Britt Hume was already blaming the Dems for it's failure. "The democrats will block it".

This is all just a dog and pony show folks.

I am all for a pure flat tax on ALL income with NO deductions for anyone.
But it will never happen.
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Ryan talks about doing the right thing, even if it's politically unpopular, and all sorts of other supposedly highminded nonsense of that sort, and yet,

the Ryan budget is nothing more than a big wet kiss to at least three of the GOP's most important benefactors,

the Rich, the Corporations, and the Defense Lobby.

The Rich and the Corporations get a tax CUT. Defense is exempted from the spending axe.

In a budget whose theme is the necessity for sacrifice and austerity, those 3 big GOP bankrollers get a pass.

Business as usual.
Ryan talks about doing the right thing, even if it's politically unpopular, and all sorts of other supposedly highminded nonsense of that sort, and yet,

the Ryan budget is nothing more than a big wet kiss to at least three of the GOP's most important benefactors,

the Rich, the Corporations, and the Defense Lobby.

The Rich and the Corporations get a tax CUT. Defense is exempted from the spending axe.

In a budget whose theme is the necessity for sacrifice and austerity, those 3 big GOP bankrollers get a pass.

Business as usual.

LOL Decidedly partisan bull shit as the DNC has their hands in all three also.

I know I know but but but... Yes we have heard that too.

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