Ryan budegt eliminates loopholes for wealthy, leaves middle-class write-offs in place

Does the Ryan plan result in a net tax increase, cut, or no change for high income Americans?

You tell me. What do YOU think will happen if you remove tax loopholes & deductions for the wealthy, take away the shelters and subject ALL income to taxation?

Do you actually think the wealthy will set still and have their loopholes and shelters taken away?

PT Barnum was sure correct.

And Britt Hume was already blaming the Dems for it's failure. "The democrats will block it".

This is all just a dog and pony show folks.

I am all for a pure flat tax on ALL income with NO deductions for anyone.
But it will never happen.

what exactly can they do about it? If congress gets its shit together and eliminates the loopholes, shelters, etc. for the upper wag earners, and the president signs off... what will the wealthy be able to do about it? Tell me.
Point out those horrors.

Besides trying to be fiscally responsible. Then when you are running your yap poijnt out all the savings in the DNC budget.

Seems you have little to add.

You mean beyond effectively destroying Medicare? Putting our seniors on a coupon system for the health care isn't enough? Okay...

Why you have to follow Ryan’s numbers

Ezra Klein :rolleyes:

Paul Ryan :rolleyes: (two can play this game)
Ryan talks about doing the right thing, even if it's politically unpopular, and all sorts of other supposedly highminded nonsense of that sort, and yet,

the Ryan budget is nothing more than a big wet kiss to at least three of the GOP's most important benefactors,

the Rich, the Corporations, and the Defense Lobby.

The Rich and the Corporations get a tax CUT. Defense is exempted from the spending axe.

In a budget whose theme is the necessity for sacrifice and austerity, those 3 big GOP bankrollers get a pass.

Business as usual.

Yep that is what will survive in this proposal, not the closing loopholes and tax shelters.
You tell me. What do YOU think will happen if you remove tax loopholes & deductions for the wealthy, take away the shelters and subject ALL income to taxation?

Do you actually think the wealthy will set still and have their loopholes and shelters taken away?

PT Barnum was sure correct.

And Britt Hume was already blaming the Dems for it's failure. "The democrats will block it".

This is all just a dog and pony show folks.

I am all for a pure flat tax on ALL income with NO deductions for anyone.
But it will never happen.

what exactly can they do about it? If congress gets its shit together and eliminates the loopholes, shelters, etc. for the upper wag earners, and the president signs off... what will the wealthy be able to do about it? Tell me.

HUH? Is that a for real post? Who do you think rents congress?
Who gives them campaign money? Hires their relatives in cushy jobs? Hires them after they leave office?

I thought you had a better grasp of how politics worked than you appear to have.

Rest assured if congress eliminates 1 loophole they will slide 2 more in.
And this is in no way a partisan post, it is reality for both partys.
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Point out those horrors.

Besides trying to be fiscally responsible. Then when you are running your yap poijnt out all the savings in the DNC budget.

Seems you have little to add.

You mean beyond effectively destroying Medicare? Putting our seniors on a coupon system for the health care isn't enough? Okay...

Why you have to follow Ryan’s numbers

LOL Medicare is broke. What is the DNCs plan? Die on the vine? Reducing payouts so no one takes the insurance? What exactly?

The Peoples Budget

the People's Budget would cut the budget deficit to zero by 2021, but would do so in an efficient and fair way. It would close the budget deficit by raising tax rates on the rich and giant corporations, while also curbing military spending and wrestling health care costs under control, partly by introducing a public option.
What "good in the rest of the budget"?

Are you referring to seniors who have care now, that WON'T have it if your "budget" takes effect? Proof please.

Good in the sense that they'll be paying ever rising insurance premiums out of their fixed incomes?nonsense.

Good in the sense that super rich people like Paul Ryan himself will be able to keep more of their money instead of paying his fair share? If the loopholes are closed, shelters removed, and ALL income is taxed, please explain how that makes the rich richer, you half-wit.

And might I remind the OP that it was a REPUBLICON who posited...."Reagan PROVED deficits don't matter"
THAT might account for the WILD SPENDING SPREE you so called "conservatives" went on while you were in power. A spending spree that STILL has bills coming due. And that is miniscule, when compared with the bill my children and grand children will have, thanks to obama.
my comments in BLUE above.
Does the Ryan plan result in a net tax increase, cut, or no change for high income Americans?

You tell me. What do YOU think will happen if you remove tax loopholes & deductions for the wealthy, take away the shelters and subject ALL income to taxation?

Do you actually think the wealthy will set still and have their loopholes and shelters taken away?

PT Barnum was sure correct.

And Britt Hume was already blaming the Dems for it's failure. "The democrats will block it".

This is all just a dog and pony show folks.

This is 1980-81 all over again. The Reagan crowd was going to balance the budget with big tax cuts, big spending cuts, and increased defense spending,

and the American people believed them. We shouldn't get fooled again.

You're right. What would happen with the Ryan plan is this:

1. They'll get most of tax cuts because they're easy to pass

2. They protect defense spending because that's easy to justify

3. The big spending cuts elsewhere will never occur because politicians in both parties know how unpopular many of them are, and all politicians have their own special interest spending to protect.

Net result, more tax cuts not matched by spending cuts, more deficits and debt, and a few years down the road the GOP will be blaming the failure of the Ryan plan on the Democrats.
Paul Ryan voted for the unfunded budget busting Medicare part D when Bush was president.

We don't need to guess what kind of fiscal policy we'd get by putting the GOP back in power.
How is this budget any different than his "Path to Destroy Medicare" from before? Defense...untouched. Tax cuts for the wealthy...still in place. Oh, they didn't try to destroy SS this time...that must be the difference.
You mean beyond effectively destroying Medicare? Putting our seniors on a coupon system for the health care isn't enough? Okay...

Why you have to follow Ryan’s numbers

LOL Medicare is broke. What is the DNCs plan? Die on the vine? Reducing payouts so no one takes the insurance? What exactly?

The Peoples Budget

the People's Budget would cut the budget deficit to zero by 2021, but would do so in an efficient and fair way. It would close the budget deficit by raising tax rates on the rich and giant corporations, while also curbing military spending and wrestling health care costs under control, partly by introducing a public option.

Who has introduced it? What is the bill number? Or is this fantasy just kept on the shelve for the stalin-grads to pull out on message boards?
More vaporware like Bush's talk to fix SS.
Never came up with any details nor submitted one thing to congress did he?
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Way to 'accentuate the negative' there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how good the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on the stuff the Democrats don't like. Brilliant!

See? I can type meaningless drivel too, just like you.

And you do with regularity.

I can only guess, but since I don't believe all conservatives are evil, that the goal of Ryan and his followers is to move our nation into a pure plutocracy.

Simply put, everyone of us will face a major medical crisis - death. Some sooner, some later, but it will come. If Ryan gets his way, every mom and dad who hope to pass on to their children some of what they earned will see those assets disappear once the "health savings account" is exhausted.

Of course the 1% with their windfall of an extra s$150,000 in tax savings will be able to afford comprehensive major medical with a small deductible and no cap. Much like the members of Congress, those Tea Party Patriots who choose to cut the benefits to the hoi polloi yet accept the largess of government largess in salary and benefits as members of Congress.

Add to the Ryan 'reform' the conservatives goal of ending the death tax, the R's are creating a New Nobility to rule our once proud Republic and we will see an actual redistribution of wealth in America. Evil are some, but most are simply callous conservatives myopic at best and ignorant of history.

Americans are armed to the teeth; as expectations for the future for middle income Americans dim, a leader will emerge in defense of their children, and lead the masses in a nationwide OWS movement:

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”

The Great Irony is today's conservative is very scared of communism and seem to be doing everything wrong in terms of defending America from the far left. The further right they go, the greater their avarice, bigotry and efforts to censor opinion which differ from their own, the more they feed the monster which they most fear.
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The budget Munster, Paul Ryan, introduced a plan to transfer MORE wealth upwards. That's exactly what are struggling middle class needs, for the rich to get even richer. That's what the American people want, right?

Oops...no it isn't.

Poll: Tax the rich, corporations
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!
What budget?

The Dems left without one- not doing their job - and they keep blocking one. It's been years now.
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!
What budget?

The Dems left without one- not doing their job - and they keep blocking one. It's been years now.

Are you having difficulty reading the thread. I was responding to the question about Ryan's budget...the OPs question. You, on the other hand, are just deflecting.

Oh, the Dems in the house DID pass a budget, it languished in the Senate as usual.

The "Democrat majority in the Senate has failed to submit [a] budget in the past 1,000 days."

Politifact rated: Mostly False

There is also the People's Budget passed by the Progressive Caucus I linked to earlier.
Way to "accentuate the positive" there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how incredibly horrible the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on that one little thing. Brilliant!

Way to 'accentuate the negative' there, Pollyanna. We should just ignore how good the rest of the budget is and just concentrate on the stuff the Democrats don't like. Brilliant!

See? I can type meaningless drivel too, just like you.

And you do with regularity.

I can only guess, but since I don't believe all conservatives are evil, that the goal of Ryan and his followers is to move our nation into a pure plutocracy.

Simply put, everyone of us will face a major medical crisis - death. Some sooner, some later, but it will come. If Ryan gets his way, every mom and dad who hope to pass on to their children some of what they earned will see those assets disappear once the "health savings account" is exhausted.

Of course the 1% with their windfall of an extra s$150,000 in tax savings will be able to afford comprehensive major medical with a small deductible and no cap. Much like the members of Congress, those Tea Party Patriots who choose to cut the benefits to the hoi polloi yet accept the largess of government largess in salary and benefits as members of Congress.

Add to the Ryan 'reform' the conservatives goal of ending the death tax, the R's are creating a New Nobility to rule our once proud Republic and we will see an actual redistribution of wealth in America. Evil are some, but most are simply callous conservatives myopic at best and ignorant of history.

Americans are armed to the teeth; as expectations for the future for middle income Americans dim, a leader will emerge in defense of their children, and lead the masses in a nationwide OWS movement:

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”

The Great Irony is today's conservative is very scared of communism and seem to be doing everything wrong in terms of defending America from the far left. The further right they go, the greater their avarice, bigotry and efforts to censor opinion which differ from their own, the more they feed the monster which they most fear.

please... show me the part of Ryan's budget that gives 'the 1%-ers' $150,000 in tax savings.

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