Ryan: We'll Spell Out Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' – After The Election

Ryan made it quite clear that the House plan was irrelevant to this campaign.

he doesn't get to make that decision. Devoid of other plan details, the only plan the Romney / Ayn Ryan has put forth with any details is a plan Ryan wrote and Romney endorsed.

SO they can either come out with a specific, detailed plan or wear the Ryan plan. That's their choice. If that's a problem Romney should have picked someone else.
Nonsense.. Romney's plan is out there and has been out there.
oh, you mean the one that couldn't be scored...because it lacked specifics? The Ryan plan suffers no such problem.

Ryan clearly states that his plan isn't relevant if Obama is no longer robbing Medicare. The plan he and Romney are working with is one that will promote economic growth by not choking business to death with regulations and uncertainty. Obama has shown he doesn't have a clue as to what makes the economy grow.

Listen, you can hope they'll be able to run on a plan they won't discuss in detail until after the election. You can hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster.

hint: it's the shitting hand. And the shitting hand will be 88 days of talk about the Ayn Ryan plan.
Ryan made it quite clear that the House plan was irrelevant to this campaign.

he doesn't get to make that decision. Devoid of other plan details, the only plan the Romney / Ayn Ryan has put forth with any details is a plan Ryan wrote and Romney endorsed.

SO they can either come out with a specific, detailed plan or wear the Ryan plan. That's their choice. If that's a problem Romney should have picked someone else.
Nonsense.. Romney's plan is out there and has been out there. If you don't know his plan it's because you've chosen not to. Ryan clearly states that his plan isn't relevant if Obama is no longer robbing Medicare. The plan he and Romney are working with is one that will promote economic growth by not choking business to death with regulations and uncertainty. Obama has shown he doesn't have a clue as to what makes the economy grow.

Yeah, we've heard that before. Cut regulation, cut taxes on the wealthy, cut the social safety net , let Wall Street get "creative" and wait. TARP II coming your way.

If The Governor wants to cut taxes, does he support the tax cut provision that is before the House right now...to cut taxes on those making less than $250K? If he does support the passage of the bill...he isn't showing it.:eusa_shifty:
he doesn't get to make that decision. Devoid of other plan details, the only plan the Romney / Ayn Ryan has put forth with any details is a plan Ryan wrote and Romney endorsed.

SO they can either come out with a specific, detailed plan or wear the Ryan plan. That's their choice. If that's a problem Romney should have picked someone else.
Nonsense.. Romney's plan is out there and has been out there.
oh, you mean the one that couldn't be scored...because it lacked specifics? The Ryan plan suffers no such problem.

Ryan clearly states that his plan isn't relevant if Obama is no longer robbing Medicare. The plan he and Romney are working with is one that will promote economic growth by not choking business to death with regulations and uncertainty. Obama has shown he doesn't have a clue as to what makes the economy grow.

Listen, you can hope they'll be able to run on a plan they won't discuss in detail until after the election. You can hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster.

hint: it's the shitting hand. And the shitting hand will be 88 days of talk about the Ayn Ryan plan.

Hmmm.. let's see what door we should choose on life's version of Let's Make A Deal.

Behind door #1 we have seen the whole Obama plan, which is rob the rich to buy votes from the poor.

Behind door #2..?

I'll take door #2 :)
Good grief. Google. Google has it "spelled out for you" already. There is no time to get into details about it now, however google is available, but after the election, and before the bill passes, we will make sure everyone, even those who can't google, understands exactly what it means. How fucking hard is that to understand? Would you like it in Spanish?

It's not like they pulled a Pelosi and said "pass it, then we'll tell you what's in it."

Hey Seuss, democrats are dumb.
he doesn't get to make that decision. Devoid of other plan details, the only plan the Romney / Ayn Ryan has put forth with any details is a plan Ryan wrote and Romney endorsed.

SO they can either come out with a specific, detailed plan or wear the Ryan plan. That's their choice. If that's a problem Romney should have picked someone else.
Nonsense.. Romney's plan is out there and has been out there. If you don't know his plan it's because you've chosen not to. Ryan clearly states that his plan isn't relevant if Obama is no longer robbing Medicare. The plan he and Romney are working with is one that will promote economic growth by not choking business to death with regulations and uncertainty. Obama has shown he doesn't have a clue as to what makes the economy grow.

Yeah, we've heard that before. Cut regulation, cut taxes on the wealthy, cut the social safety net , let Wall Street get "creative" and wait. TARP II coming your way.

If The Governor wants to cut taxes, does he support the tax cut provision that is before the House right now...to cut taxes on those making less than $250K? If he does support the passage of the bill...he isn't showing it.:eusa_shifty:

No... He doesn't play Obama's class warfare game. He knows that you don't grow an economy by raising taxes. Too bad Obama couldn't figure that out.
WASHINGTON - The Romney campaign is willing to discuss its proposals on taxes "in the light of day," vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said Tuesday evening -- just not until after the election.

Uh huh. Well, isn’t that’s very republican of him: no open forum, no discussion, no dissent – Ryan’s the classic conservative authoritarian.
Good grief. Google. Google has it "spelled out for you" already. There is no time to get into details about it now, however google is available, but after the election, and before the bill passes, we will make sure everyone, even those who can't google, understands exactly what it means. How fucking hard is that to understand? Would you like it in Spanish?

It's not like they pulled a Pelosi and said "pass it, then we'll tell you what's in it."

Hey Seuss, democrats are dumb.

I posted the video and even told them what time to find their info. They don't want to do anything but try to deflect. It would seem that they've finally gotten their new talking points from the DNC.
Behind door #1 we have seen the whole Obama plan, which is rob the rich to buy votes from the poor.

Behind door #2..?

Rob the middle class and poor to buy the love of the rich?

Nice choice.

No.. Unlike some, I was smart enough to peek behind the curtain. Plan details are out there if you want to know. Go to Romney's website. There is a wealth of information for people who choose to be informed.
Good grief. Google. Google has it "spelled out for you" already. There is no time to get into details about it now, however google is available, but after the election, and before the bill passes, we will make sure everyone, even those who can't google, understands exactly what it means. How fucking hard is that to understand? Would you like it in Spanish?

It's not like they pulled a Pelosi and said "pass it, then we'll tell you what's in it."

Hey Seuss, democrats are dumb.

I posted the video and even told them what time to find their info. They don't want to do anything but try to deflect. It would seem that they've finally gotten their new talking points from the DNC.

I think reality has set in. They realize Obama sucks. He's not what they thought he'd be. Now it's simply ego. And all rationale and logic is gone with them. Pure emotion.
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Ryan: We'll Spell Out Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' – After The Election

Do you really think that the Romney and his PACs are awash with political contributions from the wealth so that he can raise their taxes!
Dupes won't know what health reform is until they actually start USING it....dumbazzes.

Oblivious Greedy Idiot Lying Millionnaires 2012!! Toast!

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.
Dupes won't know what health reform is until they actually start USING it....dumbazzes.

Oblivious Greedy Idiot Lying Millionnaires 2012!! Toast!

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.


The left is scared of Ryan. They have dropped all pretense of Obama's plan to bring together. They are now just scared of losing power.

Obama isn't real.

Ryan is real.

You are an asshole who has no idea of what he talks about.

Why don't you move to Cuba...or better yet....move to Chicago. Obama will enjoy your company.
but wait, Ryan voted for the bailout so he too has a failed policy.

The hits keep on coming. You really have to wonder what the Governor was thinking.

They sure dropped the Ryan Budget like a hot rock, didn't they?
Ryan: We'll Spell Out Tax Policy 'In The Light Of Day' – After The Election

Do you really think that the Romney and his PACs are awash with political contributions from the wealth so that he can raise their taxes!


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