S.E. Cupp Says Trump Needs An Intervention

The President is getting called out by S.E.
Does anyone agree with her? Trump has got quite the audience and of course, his detractors.

"“Imagine learning your teenager, for example, had been yelling demeaning slurs at the girls in his class, harassing them and calling them names,” she explained. “And that he’d been secretly using his social media accounts to go on late-night rants against perceived enemies, attacking their looks, and again, calling them names in unending, seething, rambling posts. Or that he’d been increasingly susceptible to bizarre and otherwise implausible conspiracy theories, and was spreading them unprompted to anyone who would listen.”

“Presumably, you’d be very, very concerned. These aren’t normal behaviors, nor are they signs of a well-adjusted, healthy and happy person. They are, rather, signs of a person who has lost the ability to manage their emotions,” she noted."

Trumpsters allow their hero to get away with behaviors we would not allow from our children.

They don't just allow them, they celebrate them. To them, it's Trump "fighting back".

This is a group psychosis, and we've seen these before in world history.
There is no doubt Donnie’s childish behavior is different from his predecessors, but his policies are nearly identical to those of W and O. As they did very well in enriching the rich, supporting the Empire, and screwing the poor and working class, Donnie is doing his part.

That may or may not be true to the extent he has any policies at all. But again, that's got nothing to do with the point of psychology and mental incapacity. It's like that five-year-old driving on the highway the other day -- he was performing the same actions as the other drivers but nobody wants him out there.
He has policies and he has gotten them through Congress. One can argue whether these policies are his own or provided by his advisors.

Now he is demanding a payroll tax and capital gains tax moratorium. How does this help the unemployed? It certainly helps the wealthy in a big way. It could also greatly harm funding for social programs such as social security and Medicare. It appears even the so called progressive Ds in Congress are cool with this.

As W and O did, dumb Don is enriching the rich at the expense of the rest of us.

See, that's what I mean. Same Old Shit can't be called a "policy".

The fact remains, this topic has nothing to do with policies, or with politics. It's all about psychology and character. You can't be a continuous gaslighter and be taken seriously.
What did I gas light?

I’ll post what I wish no matter the topic of the thread. You are a moderator want-a-be. This is why no one likes you. You’re a little bitch tattle tail. Grow up.
The President is getting called out by S.E.
Does anyone agree with her? Trump has got quite the audience and of course, his detractors.

"“Imagine learning your teenager, for example, had been yelling demeaning slurs at the girls in his class, harassing them and calling them names,” she explained. “And that he’d been secretly using his social media accounts to go on late-night rants against perceived enemies, attacking their looks, and again, calling them names in unending, seething, rambling posts. Or that he’d been increasingly susceptible to bizarre and otherwise implausible conspiracy theories, and was spreading them unprompted to anyone who would listen.”

“Presumably, you’d be very, very concerned. These aren’t normal behaviors, nor are they signs of a well-adjusted, healthy and happy person. They are, rather, signs of a person who has lost the ability to manage their emotions,” she noted."

Trumpsters allow their hero to get away with behaviors we would not allow from our children.

They don't just allow them, they celebrate them. To them, it's Trump "fighting back".

This is a group psychosis, and we've seen these before in world history.
There is no doubt Donnie’s childish behavior is different from his predecessors, but his policies are nearly identical to those of W and O. As they did very well in enriching the rich, supporting the Empire, and screwing the poor and working class, Donnie is doing his part.
That's BS Gip. Nobody could be further away from W and O on immigration, borders, free trade, globalism and our relationships with China and NoKo than Trumpy.
The President is getting called out by S.E.
Does anyone agree with her? Trump has got quite the audience and of course, his detractors.

"“Imagine learning your teenager, for example, had been yelling demeaning slurs at the girls in his class, harassing them and calling them names,” she explained. “And that he’d been secretly using his social media accounts to go on late-night rants against perceived enemies, attacking their looks, and again, calling them names in unending, seething, rambling posts. Or that he’d been increasingly susceptible to bizarre and otherwise implausible conspiracy theories, and was spreading them unprompted to anyone who would listen.”

“Presumably, you’d be very, very concerned. These aren’t normal behaviors, nor are they signs of a well-adjusted, healthy and happy person. They are, rather, signs of a person who has lost the ability to manage their emotions,” she noted."

Trumpsters allow their hero to get away with behaviors we would not allow from our children.

They don't just allow them, they celebrate them. To them, it's Trump "fighting back".

This is a group psychosis, and we've seen these before in world history.
There is no doubt Donnie’s childish behavior is different from his predecessors, but his policies are nearly identical to those of W and O. As they did very well in enriching the rich, supporting the Empire, and screwing the poor and working class, Donnie is doing his part.
That's BS Gip. Nobody could be further away from W and O on immigration, borders, free trade, globalism and our relationships with China and NoKo than Trumpy.
I can’t agree completely. Yes he has some slight differences, they all do. However on the big issues, he’s the same.

What has he accomplished on trade, immigration, and borders? Very little other than talk. He did try for peace with NK and deserves kudos for that, but has been very confrontational with China, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. The only nations not willing to accept rule from DC.

Has he done anything to help the 90%? He has done exactly as W and O did, he enriches the rich. Massive deficit spending, but still no HC plan. Huge spending on the MIC, just like W and O.
The President is getting called out by S.E.
Does anyone agree with her? Trump has got quite the audience and of course, his detractors.

"“Imagine learning your teenager, for example, had been yelling demeaning slurs at the girls in his class, harassing them and calling them names,” she explained. “And that he’d been secretly using his social media accounts to go on late-night rants against perceived enemies, attacking their looks, and again, calling them names in unending, seething, rambling posts. Or that he’d been increasingly susceptible to bizarre and otherwise implausible conspiracy theories, and was spreading them unprompted to anyone who would listen.”

“Presumably, you’d be very, very concerned. These aren’t normal behaviors, nor are they signs of a well-adjusted, healthy and happy person. They are, rather, signs of a person who has lost the ability to manage their emotions,” she noted."

Trumpsters allow their hero to get away with behaviors we would not allow from our children.

They don't just allow them, they celebrate them. To them, it's Trump "fighting back".

This is a group psychosis, and we've seen these before in world history.
There is no doubt Donnie’s childish behavior is different from his predecessors, but his policies are nearly identical to those of W and O. As they did very well in enriching the rich, supporting the Empire, and screwing the poor and working class, Donnie is doing his part.

That may or may not be true to the extent he has any policies at all. But again, that's got nothing to do with the point of psychology and mental incapacity. It's like that five-year-old driving on the highway the other day -- he was performing the same actions as the other drivers but nobody wants him out there.
He has policies and he has gotten them through Congress. One can argue whether these policies are his own or provided by his advisors.

Now he is demanding a payroll tax and capital gains tax moratorium. How does this help the unemployed? It certainly helps the wealthy in a big way. It could also greatly harm funding for social programs such as social security and Medicare. It appears even the so called progressive Ds in Congress are cool with this.

As W and O did, dumb Don is enriching the rich at the expense of the rest of us.

See, that's what I mean. Same Old Shit can't be called a "policy".

The fact remains, this topic has nothing to do with policies, or with politics. It's all about psychology and character. You can't be a continuous gaslighter and be taken seriously.
What did I gas light?

I’ll post what I wish no matter the topic of the thread. You are a moderator want-a-be. This is why no one likes you. You’re a little bitch tattle tail. Grow up.

This is why you need to learn how to read. "Gaslighting" refers to Rump. Why would it refer to you?
Forty one year old Sarah Cupp who never ran for anything in her pathetic liberal life thinks the President "needs an intervention" at a time when Americans need to pull together. No surprises here.
Forty one year old Sarah Cupp who never ran for anything in her pathetic liberal life thinks the President "needs an intervention" at a time when Americans need to pull together. No surprises here.

You have to "run for somethign" to be relevant??

What have you run for, other than the bathroom?

This will come as an astounding revelation but everybody's entitled to an opinion, even if they don't "run for" something. And once you pick your jaw up off the floor about that, here's another --- when you have an orange freak running around picking fights all the time dividing people up, you're damn straight he needs an intervention. For fuck's sake Rump has been gaslighting the medical establishment, imaginary "hoaxes", the FDA, the CDC, his own advisors, Dr Fauci, Dr Birx, governors, his own statements, so-called "nasty" questions ABOUT those statements, he's even called for armed insurrections in three states. This is in no way rational behavior, for anybody. WHAT DON'T YOU GET ABOUT THIS?

Check this out. On average (in polling from a month ago. likely higher now) most Americans approve of how their governor is handling C19 by 69% to 31 while at the same time DISapprove of Rump's behaviour by 51% to 44 approving.


When Shrub had a 9/11 national emergency his approval was in the high 80s. Rump is at HALF that.

Shrub had some fuckups, some major fuckups, but he didn't waddle around going "I alone can fix it" and "nasty question, why don't you people be nice" when confronted about his own words. He didn't eject reporters or sit out debates because mean ol' Megyn Kelly might be there and he didn't stand at a podium telling people to self-medicate with fucking bleach just because he wanted to look like some genius with the best words who knew more than the generals, the doctors , the scientists, the football players and anyone on earth because his fragile widdle ego was out of control.
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