S.F. gay rights advocate sentenced for child porn

Child Sexual Abuse and more generalized Sex Crimes are a massive and underreported problem of late. MSNBC's late-night documentaries include some about the issues. Forced prostitution often involving minors is rampant throughout the US. Until we decide to combat the problem with the same zeal we do the drug and terror wars, it'll continue and only get worse.
Why didn't Fox News report it? Google 'possession of child pornography arrests."

Where to start? There's thousands of such arrests annually in just the US.

Playing Devil's Advocate, now that cgi/3d porn is often superior in quality to real porn photos, why not make due with that instead of encouraging the production of more real-child involved porn? 'Hentai/Anime' content is legal (at least federally, some jurisdictions make it illegal.)

18 U.S. Code § 2256 - Definitions for chapter | LII / Legal Information Institute

(11) the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.

In other words, it's "art." Which of course it is, just because it's really good art doesn't mean it's more objectionable than a stick figure - they're just drawings.

When porn is legal, sex crimes go down as people 'make due' with fantasy instead of seeking reality.

Legalizing pornography: Lower sex crime rates? Study carried out in Czech Republic shows results similar to those in Japan and Denmark -- ScienceDaily

"Could legalizing pornography legal lead to lower rates of sex crimes? A new study tackles this controversial question. Results from the Czech Republic showed that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study finds that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible.

Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study found that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible -- a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan.

The research results are published online in Springer's journal Archives of Sexual Behavior."

WTF???!!!! What little kids/toddlers would you offer up for your photo sessions of them being raped for your utopia of accessible kiddy porn for all? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Not all of the thousands of these arrests are a kingpin for the LGBT [deviant sexuals] "civil rights movement". That is newsworthy. The most newsworthy of all. And Fox didn't cover it! That's enabling in my book.
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And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?
And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

Is that a permeating syllogism?
Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.
And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

Weren't you one of the assholes that labeled all Republicans the same as Todd Akin? (rhetorical)

No flaw in your logic though....... :cuckoo:
And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

Weren't you one of the assholes that labeled all Republicans the same as Todd Akin? (rhetorical)

No flaw in your logic though....... :cuckoo:

Liberals are nothing but hypocrites who stand for nothing. Just another example
And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

You left some parts out in your linear reasoning up there. Here, let me help you...

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Larry Brinkin headed up the LGBT "civil rights" movement for decades in SF
Larry Brinkin after being convicted is still supported by/not denounced by LGBT activists in SF
Larry Brinkin gets to keep his city pension because SF doesn't consider sodomizing babies and toddlers a crime of moral perpetude.
Harvey Milk sodomized many homeless teen boys on drugs
Harvey Milk had this logged down in a biography about him, availible to anyone to read.
Harvey Milk was and is still chosen as the LGBT sexuality icon.
LGBTs , 60+ groups of them across the US, Mexico and Canada just had a rainbow USA postage stamp commissioned to celebrate their connection with him.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

Maybe the only flaw I see now is that there may be the random exception to the rule in LGBT. And that the rule is very disturbing indeed in the church of LGBT's dogma...
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Why didn't Fox News report it? Google 'possession of child pornography arrests."

Where to start? There's thousands of such arrests annually in just the US.

Playing Devil's Advocate, now that cgi/3d porn is often superior in quality to real porn photos, why not make due with that instead of encouraging the production of more real-child involved porn? 'Hentai/Anime' content is legal (at least federally, some jurisdictions make it illegal.)

18 U.S. Code § 2256 - Definitions for chapter | LII / Legal Information Institute

(11) the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.

In other words, it's "art." Which of course it is, just because it's really good art doesn't mean it's more objectionable than a stick figure - they're just drawings.

When porn is legal, sex crimes go down as people 'make due' with fantasy instead of seeking reality.

Legalizing pornography: Lower sex crime rates? Study carried out in Czech Republic shows results similar to those in Japan and Denmark -- ScienceDaily

"Could legalizing pornography legal lead to lower rates of sex crimes? A new study tackles this controversial question. Results from the Czech Republic showed that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study finds that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible.

Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study found that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible -- a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan.

The research results are published online in Springer's journal Archives of Sexual Behavior."

You started by asking why Fox News did not report it, and then you asked...."where to start"

You started by asking a seemingly rhetorical question.

Can anyone tell me why that is?
And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

I never thought that at all, its articles like this that piss me off:

Even if the charges are true and the state is able to establish the burden of proof, does a man not have the right to make a mistake? One arrest does not diminish or erase the achievement and work Larry Brinkin has accomplished in the name of the LGBT community. Support and loyalty are two areas the rest of the nation believe the LGBT community is the weakest in displaying.

Supporting Larry Brinkin will show that being gay is more than sexual and we have morale, morals and rights that will not be trampled on.

Arrest of Larry Brinkin shows that sexual stigma of gay males remains - Atlanta Gay Issues | Examiner.com

He is a racist piece of crap pedophile, jerking off to poor babies being raped and then calling those black 2 year old baby's the "N word" and chanting "white power, white dick" while calling the white girl baby a 'bitch". Pedophiles don't happen over night...it is usually a life long issue.
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And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

Weren't you one of the assholes that labeled all Republicans the same as Todd Akin? (rhetorical)

No flaw in your logic though....... :cuckoo:

Liberals are nothing but hypocrites who stand for nothing. Just another example

I don't even know who Todd Akin is, so, no, I was not one of 'assholes' who labeled all Republicans the same as Todd Akin.
Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.

Yes, the truth, the facts, and all available studies and statistics show that the vast majority of pedophiles are not homosexuals, and there is no evidence whatsoever that they are not any more liberals than they are conservatives.
Sil only propagandizes and fulminates, nothing more.

anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing hetero-fascists miss the flaw in their logic

Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.
Sil only propagandizes and fulminates, nothing more.

anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing hetero-fascists miss the flaw in their logic

Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.

Don't forget the rest Jakey:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Larry Brinkin headed up the LGBT "civil rights" movement for decades in SF
Larry Brinkin after being convicted is still supported by/not denounced by LGBT activists in SF
Larry Brinkin gets to keep his city pension because SF doesn't consider sodomizing babies and toddlers a crime of moral perpetude.
Harvey Milk sodomized many homeless teen boys on drugs
Harvey Milk had this logged down in a biography about him, availible to anyone to read.
Harvey Milk was and is still chosen as the LGBT sexuality icon.
LGBTs , 60+ groups of them across the US, Mexico and Canada just had a rainbow USA postage stamp commissioned to celebrate their connection with him.
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Sil only propagandizes and fulminates, nothing more.

anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing hetero-fascists miss the flaw in their logic

Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.

Another piece of scum.

Wasn't it you who stated on the "Debo Adegbile thread" just because he defended a cop killer does not mean he agreed with it? IDK maybe it was someone else. Just because they hired her to do legal work does not make her anti-gay, she may be I really don't know, I never heard of her. The place the article states she had ties to denies she ever worked there and is now called a "Anti-Gay Christian Activist" with some pretty questionable ties to be honest. (With that said there are plenty of Christians who are guilty of pedophilia. ) I don't recall seeing her in the news prior. But lets suppose she was anti-gay and was outspoken about it. Why is she an issue on this thread?

Why it is I see this constantly on threads. BY ALL SIDES? Why do we do this? Hell, I may have been guilty in the past at some point in time.

Instead of condemning the issue at hand, one brings up a completely different issue to defend(?) or what is it?

Obama went on a another vacation
Bush went on one billion!

Bush lied!!
Obama did too!

Bush said blah blah blah,
Obama said blah blah blah too!!!!

Why is it the scum sucking man in the op is not being condemned but some person non-related is? I've seen a lot of people defending this scum bag in the OP, can't find a whole lot criticizing him tho.

But to comment on your article, I do find it interesting the woman got 40 plus years in jail, while the man only got 6 months for some pretty sick shit.
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I don't give a crap what anyone says. If you're a homo then a blanket party is in order for you. However, if your a smokin hot chick- can I watch?

CaféAuLait;8742379 said:
Sil only propagandizes and fulminates, nothing more.

anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing hetero-fascists miss the flaw in their logic

Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.

Another piece of scum.

Wasn't it you who stated on the "Debo Adegbile thread" just because he defended a cop killer does not mean he agreed with it? IDK maybe it was someone else. Just because they hired her to do legal work does not make her anti-gay, she may be I really don't know, I never heard of her. The place the article states she had ties to denies she ever worked there and is now called a "Anti-Gay Christian Activist" with some pretty questionable ties to be honest. (With that said there are plenty of Christians who are guilty of pedophilia. ) I don't recall seeing her in the news prior. But lets suppose she was anti-gay and was outspoken about it. Why is she an issue on this thread?

Why it is I see this constantly on threads. BY ALL SIDES? Why do we do this? Hell, I may have been guilty in the past at some point in time.

Instead of condemning the issue at hand, one brings up a completely different issue to defend(?) or what is it?

Obama went on a another vacation
Bush went on one billion!

Bush lied!!
Obama did too!

Bush said blah blah blah,
Obama said blah blah blah too!!!!

Why is it the scum sucking man in the op is not being condemned but some person non-related is? I've seen a lot of people defending this scum bag in the OP, can't find a whole lot criticizing him tho.

But to comment on your article, I do find it interesting the woman got 40 plus years in jail, while the man only got 6 months for some pretty sick shit.

Both hetero and homo are scum is the point.

Yet Sil-ly somehow believes her nonsense that marriage equality will lead to a huge onset of pedophilia is fraught with fraud and film. Such is not the case.
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Sil only propagandizes and fulminates, nothing more.

anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing hetero-fascists miss the flaw in their logic

Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.

Don't forget the rest Jakey:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Larry Brinkin headed up the LGBT "civil rights" movement for decades in SF
Larry Brinkin after being convicted is still supported by/not denounced by LGBT activists in SF
Larry Brinkin gets to keep his city pension because SF doesn't consider sodomizing babies and toddlers a crime of moral perpetude.
Harvey Milk sodomized many homeless teen boys on drugs
Harvey Milk had this logged down in a biography about him, availible to anyone to read.
Harvey Milk was and is still chosen as the LGBT sexuality icon.
LGBTs , 60+ groups of them across the US, Mexico and Canada just had a rainbow USA postage stamp commissioned to celebrate their connection with him.

None of which means anything, Sil-ly, other than you have no case.

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