S.F. gay rights advocate sentenced for child porn

Weren't you one of the assholes that labeled all Republicans the same as Todd Akin? (rhetorical)

No flaw in your logic though....... :cuckoo:

Liberals are nothing but hypocrites who stand for nothing. Just another example

I don't even know who Todd Akin is, so, no, I was not one of 'assholes' who labeled all Republicans the same as Todd Akin.

Riggghhhtttt, never heard of the fake war on women either...... :eusa_hand:
CaféAuLait;8742379 said:
Sil only propagandizes and fulminates, nothing more.

anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing hetero-fascists miss the flaw in their logic

Anti-Gay Christian Activist anti-gay activist sentenced for child porn - Bing

Arrested for Child PornographyA New Hampshire lawyer who works with a "virulently anti-gay" Christian organization has been convicted of multiple federal child pornography charges for transporting her young daughter from the U.S. to Canada, and filming her having sex with various men, numerous times.

Another piece of scum.

Wasn't it you who stated on the "Debo Adegbile thread" just because he defended a cop killer does not mean he agreed with it? IDK maybe it was someone else. Just because they hired her to do legal work does not make her anti-gay, she may be I really don't know, I never heard of her. The place the article states she had ties to denies she ever worked there and is now called a "Anti-Gay Christian Activist" with some pretty questionable ties to be honest. (With that said there are plenty of Christians who are guilty of pedophilia. ) I don't recall seeing her in the news prior. But lets suppose she was anti-gay and was outspoken about it. Why is she an issue on this thread?

Why it is I see this constantly on threads. BY ALL SIDES? Why do we do this? Hell, I may have been guilty in the past at some point in time.

Instead of condemning the issue at hand, one brings up a completely different issue to defend(?) or what is it?

Obama went on a another vacation
Bush went on one billion!

Bush lied!!
Obama did too!

Bush said blah blah blah,
Obama said blah blah blah too!!!!

Why is it the scum sucking man in the op is not being condemned but some person non-related is? I've seen a lot of people defending this scum bag in the OP, can't find a whole lot criticizing him tho.

But to comment on your article, I do find it interesting the woman got 40 plus years in jail, while the man only got 6 months for some pretty sick shit.

Both hetero and homo are scum is the point.

Yet Sil-ly somehow believes her nonsense that marriage equality will lead to a huge onset of pedophilia is fraught with fraud and film. Such is not the case.

I agree they both are scum, and gay marriage will not lead to such.

But, does it seem strange given the articles I linked to where those who claim to be or even are Rights activists and or are gay state they support him 100 percent or they have to support him because gays are 'moral people and not just sexual".

Those articles really surprised me and to be quite frank, upset me.
This cat found a vehicle to carry his sickness around for him or he found it to empower his sickness, and he used it until he was caught. When will the vehicle (i-net and e-mail as was mentioned) stop carrying these peoples sicknesses around for them or when will it stop giving them a stage to operate from ? They are always involved with the internet these criminals are when mentioned, so why can't the internet stop these sorts of things that are giving these perps a platform so to speak or the ability to project their evilness ? Is it impossible ?

It would be best that he tie a talent around his neck now, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea, because he is done forever.
This cat found a vehicle to carry his sickness around for him or he found it to empower his sickness, and he used it until he was caught. When will the vehicle (i-net and e-mail as was mentioned) stop carrying these peoples sicknesses around for them or when will it stop giving them a stage to operate from ? They are always involved with the internet these criminals are when mentioned, so why can't the internet stop these sorts of things that are giving these perps a platform so to speak or the ability to project their evilness ? Is it impossible ?

Dude, the entire point is that they ALREADY KNOW THEY ARE CREEPS AND EMBRACE THEM ANYWAY. And the REASON they embrace them is for their *drum roll* "alternative sexuality". This occurs after the fact of discovery of what they were up to. So this isn't about the predators and which camp they come from but instead, which camp celebrates this sexuality anyway... Heteros do not have postage stamps made of Jerry Sandusky after discovery. LGBTs have postage stamps of Harvey Milk after discovery. NOTE THE DIFFERENCE.
And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

Pretty much the same flaw liberals have against gun owners.

Gun owners must be criminals.
And, of course, the logic is:

Larry Brinkin is a homosexual.
Larry Brinkin is a pedophile.
Therefore, all homosexuals are pedophiles.

Anybody see a flaw in this logic?

Pretty much the same flaw liberals have against gun owners.

Gun owners must be criminals.

Agg.. Please try to stay on topic?

This cat found a vehicle to carry his sickness around for him or he found it to empower his sickness, and he used it until he was caught. When will the vehicle (i-net and e-mail as was mentioned) stop carrying these peoples sicknesses around for them or when will it stop giving them a stage to operate from ? They are always involved with the internet these criminals are when mentioned, so why can't the internet stop these sorts of things that are giving these perps a platform so to speak or the ability to project their evilness ? Is it impossible ?

Dude, the entire point is that they ALREADY KNOW THEY ARE CREEPS AND EMBRACE THEM ANYWAY. And the REASON they embrace them is for their *drum roll* "alternative sexuality". This occurs after the fact of discovery of what they were up to. So this isn't about the predators and which camp they come from but instead, which camp celebrates this sexuality anyway... Heteros do not have postage stamps made of Jerry Sandusky after discovery. LGBTs have postage stamps of Harvey Milk after discovery. NOTE THE DIFFERENCE.

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