Sabbath Calm Disturbed by Rocket Attacks


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
The calm of Shabbat was interrupted in southern Israel on Friday evening, as terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza fired a Kassam rocket at the region.

The rocket, fired shortly after 9:00 p.m. local time, exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. There were no physical injuries or damages.

Only an hour earlier, a Gaza rocket exploded in an open area in the Hof Ashkelon Region. There were no physical injuries or damages in this attack as well.

In both cases, the “Red Alert” siren was heard in surrounding communities before the explosion, forcing local residents into shelters.

Sabbath Calm Disturbed by Rocket Attacks - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

For every rocket fired Israel should bomb the terrorist tunnels. They know where they are. Never mind if people are in them.
For every rocket fired Israel should bomb the terrorist tunnels. They know where they are. Never mind if people are in them.

I am sorta in favor of a QUICK response to just about all acts of aggression-----timing
seems to me to be important-----the RESPONSE---should be clearly tied to the act of
aggression----rather than some delayed collective response months later. But so
far I have not been declared Queen
For every rocket fired Israel should bomb the terrorist tunnels. They know where they are. Never mind if people are in them.

I am sorta in favor of a QUICK response to just about all acts of aggression-----timing
seems to me to be important-----the RESPONSE---should be clearly tied to the act of
aggression----rather than some delayed collective response months later. But so
far I have not been declared Queen

Me too. Trouble is Israel waits for several rockets over a few days, then goes in.
For every rocket fired Israel should bomb the terrorist tunnels. They know where they are. Never mind if people are in them.

I'd carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank and kick all those motherfucking Arab assholes into Jordan, then bomb Jordan.
Big deal.........

The Hamas freedom fighters shoot a small hobby rocket into a vacant field.

No doubt Israel will use this as an excuse to beg the U.S. for another billion dollars to fight terrorism. .. :cool:

Big deal.........

The Hamas freedom fighters shoot a small hobby rocket into a vacant field.

No doubt Israel will use this as an excuse to beg the U.S. for another billion dollars to fight terrorism. .. :cool:


It just shows what a bunch of wankers Hamas are, they can't even attack with proper weapons, they shoot science project missiles as though they're on America's Funniest Videos.:lol:
Big deal.........

The Hamas freedom fighters shoot a small hobby rocket into a vacant field.

No doubt Israel will use this as an excuse to beg the U.S. for another billion dollars to fight terrorism. .. :cool:


thanks sunni----a very interesting description of the poison nail bombs that the
wroshippers of the filthy rapist pig of mecca use to murder children thruout the world.

Ironically-----the pig and dog worshippers are, lately, knocking each other off
at an accelerated rate-------kinda like caged rats in distress

In fact the filth of used similar bombs in Boston to prove their love of the
disgusting rapist and their depraved "god"-----and they used them to murder
in English trains and in Madrid -----and even in india to murder children
celebrating the hindu holiday Divali. ----all over the world the stench of the disgusting
pig----- the pig makes his mark------like a dog marks his "domain" with feces. and
his own STENCH

the depraved worshippers of the pig even tie nail bombs to the stinking asses of
their whorish daughters ----PROUDLY to please the cosmic dog of jannah.

1400 years of filth-------some things take a LONG TIME in changing
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Big deal.........

The Hamas freedom fighters shoot a small hobby rocket into a vacant field.

No doubt Israel will use this as an excuse to beg the U.S. for another billion dollars to fight terrorism. .. :cool:


And that is why Hamas are so damned stupid. What are they getting for their rockets into fields, eh?

It is not as if they are 'achieving' anything so once they stop firing rockets they won't get target-bombed by Israel. Simple.
Big deal.........

The Hamas freedom fighters shoot a small hobby rocket into a vacant field.

No doubt Israel will use this as an excuse to beg the U.S. for another billion dollars to fight terrorism. .. :cool:


And that is why Hamas are so damned stupid. What are they getting for their rockets into fields, eh?

It is not as if they are 'achieving' anything so once they stop firing rockets they won't get target-bombed by Israel. Simple.

Caroline-----they achieve lots. Incessant terrorism has been the M.O. of meccaist
filth for the past 1400 years -------a slit throat here,, a head there. etc etc-----
it is their way of wearing populations down ----eventually forcing whole populations
to finally "give in" It is how the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST"
was accomplished. In order to defeat the filth ---it is important to understand it and
not underestimate it. An interesting factoid of history is that the method is quite
similar to methods used to subdue populations by THE MAFIA -----That the mafia
uses meccaist modes is no accident. Sicily was occupied by the filth------and it was
during THAT PERIOD OF TIME that the Mafia (originally called "BLACK HAND")
came into being. It is quite a shock to the ummah ----that people have devised
ways to ---RETURN FIRE-------they resent that fact VERY MUCH
I hope the Stones show is aimed right at Mecca. Then ROCK IT LOUD!!!! :D

Long long long ago-----when I was a kid----I had the task for one of
my classes ------- of reading
newspapers to glean out articles on a conflict going on
between china and india. ----at some common border (I guess
tibet?) I read that the chinese soldiers----to tease the Indian
soldiers----would march up to the border----turn about and MOON
the Indian boys. ------one day-----the Indians responded-----they
unfurled HUGE PICTURES OF MAO ---facing the exposed hinter
quarters of the chinese soldiers. There is a lesson somewhere----
in that incident in NON VIOLENCE (of course Gandhi was dead
by that time-----but one could detect his influence)
Big deal.........

The Hamas freedom fighters shoot a small hobby rocket into a vacant field.

No doubt Israel will use this as an excuse to beg the U.S. for another billion dollars to fight terrorism. .. :cool:


thanks sunni----a very interesting description of the poison nail bombs that the
wroshippers of the filthy rapist pig of mecca use to murder children thruout the world.

Ironically-----the pig and dog worshippers are, lately, knocking each other off
at an accelerated rate-------kinda like caged rats in distress

In fact the filth of used similar bombs in Boston to prove their love of the
disgusting rapist and their depraved "god"-----and they used them to murder
in English trains and in Madrid -----and even in india to murder children
celebrating the hindu holiday Divali. ----all over the world the stench of the disgusting
pig----- the pig makes his mark------like a dog marks his "domain" with feces. and
his own STENCH

the depraved worshippers of the pig even tie nail bombs to the stinking asses of
their whorish daughters ----PROUDLY to please the cosmic dog of jannah.

1400 years of filth-------some things take a LONG TIME in changing

Their " religion" isn't going to change; Filth and destruction never does. :clap2:
For every rocket fired Israel should bomb the terrorist tunnels. They know where they are. Never mind if people are in them.

I'd carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank and kick all those motherfucking Arab assholes into Jordan, then bomb Jordan.

What did the innocent Jordanians do to us?

They're the only sane ones left.
For every rocket fired Israel should bomb the terrorist tunnels. They know where they are. Never mind if people are in them.

For every rocket launched we should bomb the terrorists themselves.

Bombing tunnles doesn't do much, anymore.

I think the convoys of luxury goods ought to be curtailed through the crossings into Gaza. Yes, let essential goods through, but not luxury goods. Let them do without their 50 inch plasma tvs, luxury sound systems, brand new cars etc. Hit them where it hurts.
For every rocket fired Israel should bomb the terrorist tunnels. They know where they are. Never mind if people are in them.

I'd carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank and kick all those motherfucking Arab assholes into Jordan, then bomb Jordan.

What did the innocent Jordanians do to us?

They're the only sane ones left.

Rename Jordan as Palestine, boot all the unhappy Arabs there, then close the door.

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