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rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting - The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.
rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting
The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.

When policymakers approved the CARES Act in March, the massive federal response to the coronavirus pandemic included several emergency lending programs to prevent deeper economic losses. With the economy still struggling, common sense suggests those programs should continue in the coming months, taking advantage of money that hasn't yet been spent.
The Trump administration, however, disagrees. Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve explicitly requested that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin extend the lending programs beyond Dec. 31 -- a legal option under the CARES Act -- but the cabinet secretary refused, insisting instead on pulling the plug.

As Neil Barofsky, the former special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, explained this week, "The decision appears intended to limit the incoming Biden administration's options to deal with the continuing crisis."
Yesterday, as Bloomberg News reported, Donald Trump's outgoing economic team made matters just a little worse.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will put $455 billion in unspent Cares Act funding into an account that his presumed successor, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, will need authorization from Congress to use. Mnuchin plans to place the money into the agency's General Fund, a Treasury Department spokesperson said Tuesday. That fund can only be tapped with "authority based on congressionally issued legislation," according to the Treasury's website. The money includes $429 billion that Mnuchin is clawing back from the Federal Reserve -- which backed some of the central bank's emergency lending facilities -- and $26 billion that Treasury received for direct loans to companies.
If Janet Yellen is confirmed as Treasury secretary, she'll able to put just under $80 billion in the department's Exchange Stabilization Fund to bolster the economy. Were it not for Mnuchin's latest actions, Yellen would have access to a pot of resources nearly six times larger to work with.
The outgoing Treasury secretary doesn't have to do this. As Bloomberg News' report added, "Mnuchin isn't required to move the money into the General Fund -- the Cares Act states that the Treasury Department can maintain access to the money by keeping it in its Exchange Stabilization Fund until 2026."
But Trump's cabinet secretary is doing it anyway.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes yesterday described this as "flat out sabotage." Paul Krugman stressed the same point, adding that the Trump administration's move is "sabotage, pure and simple."
In case this isn't obvious, recent history shows how horribly unnecessary this is. When the Bush/Cheney administration prepared for the incoming Obama administration's arrival, then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson made every effort to make crisis-era resources available to the new team. When the Obama administration prepared for Donald Trump's arrival, the outgoing Democratic team made the Republican's success their "number-one priority."
But on their way out the door, Trump and his team appear a little too eager to salt the earth behind them.
We'll probably never get a straight answer, but I'd love to ask Mnuchin, "Who, exactly, told you to do this? Was it your idea, or did someone give you direction?"

They are making it harder fo Xiden, if the brainless toadie is even installed, to do harm to America for his chinese masters.
But Trumps Russian master doesn't bother you ,hypocrite??

Trump has no master. Pootin is the shrilary master. Her and obummer. Xiden sold us out to China, he was thinking more long term than that lazy bastard obummer.

That is why Kremlin was celebrating after the 2016 election? Of Course!
Trump concession speech
Trump's concession speech, as if he'd actually give one
Here is a parody of Trump's concession speech if he decides he's had enough presidenting.

Sexual objects and gentlemen, Diamond, Silk, and distinguished guesses:
I want to thank myself for being here. It takes a lot of courage to appear on national television, which I have done many, many times very strongly. I am here today because I have an announcement I want to announce.
It is my honor to congratulate me on graduating first in my class in the Electoral College. Not the first time. Iā€™ve always been a terrific student. I was the valedictorian in 2016, when I beat Crooked Hillary very strongly. This time I beat Sleepy Joe, who slept through all his classes.
Now Iā€™m conceiting to him.
I got 72 million votes. Biden only got 306!
I WON and I won
I won 100% of legally cast votes ā€” and probably some other ones, too. So many that I gave them away to charity, because I love our vets, our brave suckers and losers. And the veterinarians love me. Because they love a winner.

Many people are saying Iā€™m a winner. Iā€™m one of those people. As you may have seen on my Twitter feed, I said ā€œI WON THE ELECTION!ā€ and ā€œI won the Election!ā€ Let me rephrase that: I both WON and won the election. That means I won twice. Two times! No oneā€™s ever won one thing so many times, believe me.

And I scored big in this election. Did I mention I got 720 million votes and Biden got 36?
I never thought Iā€™d say this, but Iā€™m getting tired of winning.
Iā€™m tired of executive time. I need some me time. I need to focus on TRUMP. Iā€™m tired of making America focus on me. Itā€™s time for me to focus on me. After all, thereā€™d be no America without me. Thereā€™d just be Arica.
Everything I'm going to do post-presidenting
Iā€™m going to be doing a lot of things, beautiful things. Iā€™m going to build my presidential library at Trump TV. Youā€™ve heard of audiobooks? Theyā€™re like books you listen to. Iā€™m going to do videobooks. Theyā€™re books you watch. Terrific videobooks, the best youā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™ve already started one. Iā€™m on chapter 11. Stay tuned!
George Washington made a mistake by not getting things named after him. Like Mount Vernon. He should have named it George Washington. Iā€™m not going to make that mistake, because I donā€™t make mistakes. I make money, buildings, and America great. Iā€™m going to make America greater by calling it Trump Territory. And Iā€™m going to rename Reagan National Airport ā€œTrump Nationalist Airport.ā€ Youā€™ll love my TNA! Instead of the usual lights on the runways, weā€™ll have TIKI torches. And no more male flight attendants. Theyā€™ll all be hot babes. When Iā€™m your post-president, youā€™ll finally get to say ā€œstewardessā€ again!
I received a QAnonymous tip about election fraud. Please send all gratuities to me personally. We will win the election that I already WON and won!
Windsor Mann is the editor of "The Quotable Hitchens: From Alcohol to Zionism" and a senior adviser to the Lincoln Project. Harass him on Twitter @WindsorMann
Trump's concession speech, as if he'd actually give one
Windsor Mann is a joke and anyone that touts the works of Christopher Hitchens ( the neocon and Trotskyite that supported the Iraq war folly) doesn't even come on the radar of "credible source"
Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
LOL....Barry left behind a bunch of loyalist to sabotage Trump at every turn.
Cry me a river ya little bitch.
Thats BS I heard Obama give Trump a warm welcome with all his people to help Trump in anyway AND trump thanked him So can your shit and sell it to some one who cares
you can start by eating your shit. then stop and wonder why you are so fucking stupid. get back to us when , wait-you wont figure it out.....
Eat shit you prk?? What'll I do with your bones
play the drums.... commie
Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
you are 1 deranged, delusional, brain washed pos....period
Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
An MSNBC new source where the author's name isn't even mentioned? MSNBC that has never -posted an article that wasn't critical of Trump even before he took the office? Why would I ever give pause and reflect on articles from such a highly partisan site like that???

Are you just trolling or are you seriously attempting to change minds here???
Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
An MSNBC new source where the author's name isn't even mentioned? MSNBC that has never -posted an article that wasn't critical of Trump even before he took the office? Why would I ever give pause and reflect on articles from such a highly partisan site like that???

Are you just trolling or are you seriously attempting to change minds here???
Dale changing minds ?? You think I want to smash my head against a brick wall? I know of this lyin pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Biden is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of trump who would steal from his mother
Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
An MSNBC new source where the author's name isn't even mentioned? MSNBC that has never -posted an article that wasn't critical of Trump even before he took the office? Why would I ever give pause and reflect on articles from such a highly partisan site like that???

Are you just trolling or are you seriously attempting to change minds here???
Dale changing minds ?? You think I want to smash my head against a brick wall? I know of this lyin pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Biden is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of trump who would steal from his mother
I know of this lyin Biden pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Mr Trump is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of Biden who would steal from his mother
Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
An MSNBC new source where the author's name isn't even mentioned? MSNBC that has never -posted an article that wasn't critical of Trump even before he took the office? Why would I ever give pause and reflect on articles from such a highly partisan site like that???

Are you just trolling or are you seriously attempting to change minds here???
Dale changing minds ?? You think I want to smash my head against a brick wall? I know of this lyin pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Biden is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of trump who would steal from his mother
I know of this lyin Biden pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Mr Trump is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of Biden who would steal from his mother
LOL So what you're saying ,,,you got nothing LOL How's that Biden U coming along ??
rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting - The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.
rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting
The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.

When policymakers approved the CARES Act in March, the massive federal response to the coronavirus pandemic included several emergency lending programs to prevent deeper economic losses. With the economy still struggling, common sense suggests those programs should continue in the coming months, taking advantage of money that hasn't yet been spent.
The Trump administration, however, disagrees. Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve explicitly requested that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin extend the lending programs beyond Dec. 31 -- a legal option under the CARES Act -- but the cabinet secretary refused, insisting instead on pulling the plug.

As Neil Barofsky, the former special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, explained this week, "The decision appears intended to limit the incoming Biden administration's options to deal with the continuing crisis."
Yesterday, as Bloomberg News reported, Donald Trump's outgoing economic team made matters just a little worse.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will put $455 billion in unspent Cares Act funding into an account that his presumed successor, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, will need authorization from Congress to use. Mnuchin plans to place the money into the agency's General Fund, a Treasury Department spokesperson said Tuesday. That fund can only be tapped with "authority based on congressionally issued legislation," according to the Treasury's website. The money includes $429 billion that Mnuchin is clawing back from the Federal Reserve -- which backed some of the central bank's emergency lending facilities -- and $26 billion that Treasury received for direct loans to companies.
If Janet Yellen is confirmed as Treasury secretary, she'll able to put just under $80 billion in the department's Exchange Stabilization Fund to bolster the economy. Were it not for Mnuchin's latest actions, Yellen would have access to a pot of resources nearly six times larger to work with.
The outgoing Treasury secretary doesn't have to do this. As Bloomberg News' report added, "Mnuchin isn't required to move the money into the General Fund -- the Cares Act states that the Treasury Department can maintain access to the money by keeping it in its Exchange Stabilization Fund until 2026."
But Trump's cabinet secretary is doing it anyway.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes yesterday described this as "flat out sabotage." Paul Krugman stressed the same point, adding that the Trump administration's move is "sabotage, pure and simple."
In case this isn't obvious, recent history shows how horribly unnecessary this is. When the Bush/Cheney administration prepared for the incoming Obama administration's arrival, then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson made every effort to make crisis-era resources available to the new team. When the Obama administration prepared for Donald Trump's arrival, the outgoing Democratic team made the Republican's success their "number-one priority."
But on their way out the door, Trump and his team appear a little too eager to salt the earth behind them.
We'll probably never get a straight answer, but I'd love to ask Mnuchin, "Who, exactly, told you to do this? Was it your idea, or did someone give you direction?"

Here's the problem, ed.

Trump has taken a lot of grief for running up the deficit during this year of pestilence.

He doesn't want to give the libs any more fuel about it.

If Sleepy Joe wants to do it, he will presumably have his chance, no?
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting - The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.
rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting
The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.

When policymakers approved the CARES Act in March, the massive federal response to the coronavirus pandemic included several emergency lending programs to prevent deeper economic losses. With the economy still struggling, common sense suggests those programs should continue in the coming months, taking advantage of money that hasn't yet been spent.
The Trump administration, however, disagrees. Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve explicitly requested that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin extend the lending programs beyond Dec. 31 -- a legal option under the CARES Act -- but the cabinet secretary refused, insisting instead on pulling the plug.

As Neil Barofsky, the former special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, explained this week, "The decision appears intended to limit the incoming Biden administration's options to deal with the continuing crisis."
Yesterday, as Bloomberg News reported, Donald Trump's outgoing economic team made matters just a little worse.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will put $455 billion in unspent Cares Act funding into an account that his presumed successor, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, will need authorization from Congress to use. Mnuchin plans to place the money into the agency's General Fund, a Treasury Department spokesperson said Tuesday. That fund can only be tapped with "authority based on congressionally issued legislation," according to the Treasury's website. The money includes $429 billion that Mnuchin is clawing back from the Federal Reserve -- which backed some of the central bank's emergency lending facilities -- and $26 billion that Treasury received for direct loans to companies.
If Janet Yellen is confirmed as Treasury secretary, she'll able to put just under $80 billion in the department's Exchange Stabilization Fund to bolster the economy. Were it not for Mnuchin's latest actions, Yellen would have access to a pot of resources nearly six times larger to work with.
The outgoing Treasury secretary doesn't have to do this. As Bloomberg News' report added, "Mnuchin isn't required to move the money into the General Fund -- the Cares Act states that the Treasury Department can maintain access to the money by keeping it in its Exchange Stabilization Fund until 2026."
But Trump's cabinet secretary is doing it anyway.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes yesterday described this as "flat out sabotage." Paul Krugman stressed the same point, adding that the Trump administration's move is "sabotage, pure and simple."
In case this isn't obvious, recent history shows how horribly unnecessary this is. When the Bush/Cheney administration prepared for the incoming Obama administration's arrival, then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson made every effort to make crisis-era resources available to the new team. When the Obama administration prepared for Donald Trump's arrival, the outgoing Democratic team made the Republican's success their "number-one priority."
But on their way out the door, Trump and his team appear a little too eager to salt the earth behind them.
We'll probably never get a straight answer, but I'd love to ask Mnuchin, "Who, exactly, told you to do this? Was it your idea, or did someone give you direction?"
Fake news.
rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting - The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.
rump's economic team accused of 'sabotaging' Biden before exiting
The outgoing Trump administration doesn't have to make it harder for the Biden administration to boost the economy. But they're doing it anyway.

When policymakers approved the CARES Act in March, the massive federal response to the coronavirus pandemic included several emergency lending programs to prevent deeper economic losses. With the economy still struggling, common sense suggests those programs should continue in the coming months, taking advantage of money that hasn't yet been spent.
The Trump administration, however, disagrees. Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve explicitly requested that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin extend the lending programs beyond Dec. 31 -- a legal option under the CARES Act -- but the cabinet secretary refused, insisting instead on pulling the plug.

As Neil Barofsky, the former special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, explained this week, "The decision appears intended to limit the incoming Biden administration's options to deal with the continuing crisis."
Yesterday, as Bloomberg News reported, Donald Trump's outgoing economic team made matters just a little worse.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will put $455 billion in unspent Cares Act funding into an account that his presumed successor, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, will need authorization from Congress to use. Mnuchin plans to place the money into the agency's General Fund, a Treasury Department spokesperson said Tuesday. That fund can only be tapped with "authority based on congressionally issued legislation," according to the Treasury's website. The money includes $429 billion that Mnuchin is clawing back from the Federal Reserve -- which backed some of the central bank's emergency lending facilities -- and $26 billion that Treasury received for direct loans to companies.
If Janet Yellen is confirmed as Treasury secretary, she'll able to put just under $80 billion in the department's Exchange Stabilization Fund to bolster the economy. Were it not for Mnuchin's latest actions, Yellen would have access to a pot of resources nearly six times larger to work with.
The outgoing Treasury secretary doesn't have to do this. As Bloomberg News' report added, "Mnuchin isn't required to move the money into the General Fund -- the Cares Act states that the Treasury Department can maintain access to the money by keeping it in its Exchange Stabilization Fund until 2026."
But Trump's cabinet secretary is doing it anyway.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes yesterday described this as "flat out sabotage." Paul Krugman stressed the same point, adding that the Trump administration's move is "sabotage, pure and simple."
In case this isn't obvious, recent history shows how horribly unnecessary this is. When the Bush/Cheney administration prepared for the incoming Obama administration's arrival, then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson made every effort to make crisis-era resources available to the new team. When the Obama administration prepared for Donald Trump's arrival, the outgoing Democratic team made the Republican's success their "number-one priority."
But on their way out the door, Trump and his team appear a little too eager to salt the earth behind them.
We'll probably never get a straight answer, but I'd love to ask Mnuchin, "Who, exactly, told you to do this? Was it your idea, or did someone give you direction?"

As long as the pervert elect is opposed and then investigated for the next four years and then impeached in 2023, then we're good.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
Dale,you're more than kind I have no question about your heart or courage Be well and have a great tomorrow and Xmas

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