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Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
An MSNBC new source where the author's name isn't even mentioned? MSNBC that has never -posted an article that wasn't critical of Trump even before he took the office? Why would I ever give pause and reflect on articles from such a highly partisan site like that???

Are you just trolling or are you seriously attempting to change minds here???
Dale changing minds ?? You think I want to smash my head against a brick wall? I know of this lyin pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Biden is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of trump who would steal from his mother

Trump isn't without fault, he isn't a saint by any stretch of the imagination but who is? He did exactly what he said he would do within his ability to do so. He was being attacked before he ever took the position. He was spied on, lied about...lies that the lamestream media reported and had to retract....fake investigations from the swamp turned up nothing. Biden is part of the protected class of this two tiered justice system and if one of Trump's sons were busted for taking money from money laundering corporations like Burmisa or was making back door deals with the CCP and being a conduit for funneling money back to Trump? It would be recycled news 24/7. Biden is a 47 year veteran of the D.C Beltway that has become a millionaire a hundred times over for being a career politician with a salary of around 176K a year. No one can explain that nor do they want to put the same magnifying glass to him that they have to Trump. You can deny it all you want...but that is the gospel truth.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
This isn't hate Ice
Trump was MURDERED in the popular vote
Lost the popular vote by at least 7M votes. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3M votes or so.

He's the worst President in US history, and has never been elected by the majority. The only reason he can try to BS about cheating is the electoral college. Note that the only person who consistently cheats and lies is Trump, but he can't cheat enough in this beat down.

The truth is very clear: this election isn't even close. Trump was MURDERED because of his disgusting personality, narcissism and complete incompetence. There is no question who actually won the popular vote and the electoral college.

This points to one critical issue: the electoral college must go. The majority view cannot be suppressed by a tyranny of the minority. Especially given that the minority produces next to nothing by comparison with the majority.

The electoral college must go one way or the other.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
This isn't hate Ice
Trump was MURDERED in the popular vote
Lost the popular vote by at least 7M votes. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3M votes or so.

He's the worst President in US history, and has never been elected by the majority. The only reason he can try to BS about cheating is the electoral college. Note that the only person who consistently cheats and lies is Trump, but he can't cheat enough in this beat down.

The truth is very clear: this election isn't even close. Trump was MURDERED because of his disgusting personality, narcissism and complete incompetence. There is no question who actually won the popular vote and the electoral college.

This points to one critical issue: the electoral college must go. The majority view cannot be suppressed by a tyranny of the minority. Especially given that the minority produces next to nothing by comparison with the majority.

The electoral college must go one way or the other.
Slick Willy was never elected by a majority either.

Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
An MSNBC new source where the author's name isn't even mentioned? MSNBC that has never -posted an article that wasn't critical of Trump even before he took the office? Why would I ever give pause and reflect on articles from such a highly partisan site like that???

Are you just trolling or are you seriously attempting to change minds here???
Dale changing minds ?? You think I want to smash my head against a brick wall? I know of this lyin pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Biden is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of trump who would steal from his mother

Trump isn't without fault, he isn't a saint by any stretch of the imagination but who is? He did exactly what he said he would do within his ability to do so. He was being attacked before he ever took the position. He was spied on, lied about...lies that the lamestream media reported and had to retract....fake investigations from the swamp turned up nothing. Biden is part of the protected class of this two tiered justice system and if one of Trump's sons were busted for taking money from money laundering corporations like Burmisa or was making back door deals with the CCP and being a conduit for funneling money back to Trump? It would be recycled news 24/7. Biden is a 47 year veteran of the D.C Beltway that has become a millionaire a hundred times over for being a career politician with a salary of around 176K a year. No one can explain that nor do they want to put the same magnifying glass to him that they have to Trump. You can deny it all you want...but that is the gospel truth.
Dale he and his wife are worth 22 million last time I saw it and most of that were in book revenue AND he's shown all his taxes?? Where's Trumps??
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
This isn't hate Ice
Trump was MURDERED in the popular vote
Lost the popular vote by at least 7M votes. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3M votes or so.

He's the worst President in US history, and has never been elected by the majority. The only reason he can try to BS about cheating is the electoral college. Note that the only person who consistently cheats and lies is Trump, but he can't cheat enough in this beat down.

The truth is very clear: this election isn't even close. Trump was MURDERED because of his disgusting personality, narcissism and complete incompetence. There is no question who actually won the popular vote and the electoral college.

This points to one critical issue: the electoral college must go. The majority view cannot be suppressed by a tyranny of the minority. Especially given that the minority produces next to nothing by comparison with the majority.

The electoral college must go one way or the other.
Slick Willy was never elected by a majority either.

No majority but did kick butt
Due in part to Perot's fairly strong third party performance, Clinton did not win a majority of the popular vote, but his popular margin of 8.5 percentage points remains largest popular vote margin won by either party since the 1984 presidential election.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
This isn't hate Ice
Trump was MURDERED in the popular vote
Lost the popular vote by at least 7M votes. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3M votes or so.

He's the worst President in US history, and has never been elected by the majority. The only reason he can try to BS about cheating is the electoral college. Note that the only person who consistently cheats and lies is Trump, but he can't cheat enough in this beat down.

The truth is very clear: this election isn't even close. Trump was MURDERED because of his disgusting personality, narcissism and complete incompetence. There is no question who actually won the popular vote and the electoral college.

This points to one critical issue: the electoral college must go. The majority view cannot be suppressed by a tyranny of the minority. Especially given that the minority produces next to nothing by comparison with the majority.

The electoral college must go one way or the other.
no, he wasn't the worst--he was one of the best POTUSs
...no, the people that voted against him are idiots--they LOVE criminals and HATE law/order.....his personality/etc are fine .....
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
This isn't hate Ice
Trump was MURDERED in the popular vote
Lost the popular vote by at least 7M votes. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3M votes or so.

He's the worst President in US history, and has never been elected by the majority. The only reason he can try to BS about cheating is the electoral college. Note that the only person who consistently cheats and lies is Trump, but he can't cheat enough in this beat down.

The truth is very clear: this election isn't even close. Trump was MURDERED because of his disgusting personality, narcissism and complete incompetence. There is no question who actually won the popular vote and the electoral college.

This points to one critical issue: the electoral college must go. The majority view cannot be suppressed by a tyranny of the minority. Especially given that the minority produces next to nothing by comparison with the majority.

The electoral college must go one way or the other.
..hitler won his election also because of idiots --just like Biden
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
This isn't hate Ice
Trump was MURDERED in the popular vote
Lost the popular vote by at least 7M votes. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3M votes or so.

He's the worst President in US history, and has never been elected by the majority. The only reason he can try to BS about cheating is the electoral college. Note that the only person who consistently cheats and lies is Trump, but he can't cheat enough in this beat down.

The truth is very clear: this election isn't even close. Trump was MURDERED because of his disgusting personality, narcissism and complete incompetence. There is no question who actually won the popular vote and the electoral college.

This points to one critical issue: the electoral college must go. The majority view cannot be suppressed by a tyranny of the minority. Especially given that the minority produces next to nothing by comparison with the majority.

The electoral college must go one way or the other.
Slick Willy was never elected by a majority either.

No majority but did kick butt
Due in part to Perot's fairly strong third party performance, Clinton did not win a majority of the popular vote, but his popular margin of 8.5 percentage points remains largest popular vote margin won by either party since the 1984 presidential election.
43% and 47% :abgg2q.jpg:

How do you win the popular vote when you don't even get close to 50%?
Harmonica Nostra and Trump

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Republicans are helping Trump destroy the country before Biden takes office

rumpā€˜s treason extends far beyond his efforts to damage Americans belief in our form of government, our elected democratic republic, that Trumpā€™s oligarch buddies in Saudi Arabia, Russia and China also regularly disparage.
Trumpā€™s also actively damaging the ability of the incoming Biden administration to aid Americans during the Trump Depression, and to get the virus in check. In this, he has help from Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell.
While McConnell is refusing to even allow a conversation in the Senate about the HEROS Act that already passed the House and would put money in unemployed Americansā€™ pockets, Mnuchin wants the Fed to return the CARES Act money that theyā€™re leveraging to sustain the stock market.

As Senator Ron Wyden said, ā€œAs the economy backslides amid skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, Secretary Mnuchin is engaged in economic sabotage, and trying to tie the Biden administrationā€™s hands.ā€
This will mean that any effort to revive the economy once Biden takes office will have to pass through Mitch McConnell, and heā€™ll extract more money and deregulation for his billionaire buddies as the price of even modest help for average Americans. But it gets worse.
Trump is also shutting down the ā€œOpen Skiesā€ program where American spy planes help Europe keep track of Russian troop and weapons movements, and is ordering the spy planes destroyed before he leaves office so it will take years to rebuild Americaā€™s European intelligence capabilities.
Trump is installing his anti-American toadies in Civil Service positions across multiple agencies that regulate polluting industries and protect Americans from unscrupulous bankers, so civil-service protections will make it almost impossible for Biden to fire them.
Heā€™s already devastated the science capabilities of the Environmental Protection Agency, getting rid of about half their scientists, and done everything he can to destroy the reputations of the CDC and the FDA. Heā€™s trashed Americanā€™s trust in the FBI and Justice Department.
When the Ottoman Empire was overwhelming the Balkans, Vlad the Impaler poisoned the wells of his community to deny them the spoils of war. When Emperor Frederick Barbarosa conquered Italy in 1155, he put human corpses in rebel community wells to render the areas unlivable for a generation.
Trump is doing something similar right now by sabotaging the Fed, our courts, and Americaā€™s working people. And he has enthusiastic domestic helpers, including McConnell, Mnuchin, and Miller, along with international promoters of neofascism and oligarchy around the world.
Thereā€™s also growing speculation, leaks, and alarm that the White House is destroying records of Trumpā€™s other crimes and efforts to kneecap America. Meanwhile, heā€™s set us up for a competent Republican authoritarian to finally destroy this country if that Party can win the presidency in 2024.
Donald Trump has brought America to her knees. He let a quarter million Americans die, shredded our intelligence and national security apparatus, devastated our protections against predatory billionaires and corporations, and smeared the reputation of democracy itself.
Every American who believes in the ideals and hopes at the core of the American experiment must repudiate and fight any effort by this corrupted Republican Oligarchy to continue its complicity in Trumpā€™s treason.
An MSNBC new source where the author's name isn't even mentioned? MSNBC that has never -posted an article that wasn't critical of Trump even before he took the office? Why would I ever give pause and reflect on articles from such a highly partisan site like that???

Are you just trolling or are you seriously attempting to change minds here???
Dale changing minds ?? You think I want to smash my head against a brick wall? I know of this lyin pos from well before his presidency He should be detested not worshiped And Biden is as honest as the day is old Quite the opposite of trump who would steal from his mother

Trump isn't without fault, he isn't a saint by any stretch of the imagination but who is? He did exactly what he said he would do within his ability to do so. He was being attacked before he ever took the position. He was spied on, lied about...lies that the lamestream media reported and had to retract....fake investigations from the swamp turned up nothing. Biden is part of the protected class of this two tiered justice system and if one of Trump's sons were busted for taking money from money laundering corporations like Burmisa or was making back door deals with the CCP and being a conduit for funneling money back to Trump? It would be recycled news 24/7. Biden is a 47 year veteran of the D.C Beltway that has become a millionaire a hundred times over for being a career politician with a salary of around 176K a year. No one can explain that nor do they want to put the same magnifying glass to him that they have to Trump. You can deny it all you want...but that is the gospel truth.
Dale he and his wife are worth 22 million last time I saw it and most of that were in book revenue AND he's shown all his taxes?? Where's Trumps??

You do know that book sales are a clever way to usurp election laws and pay for influence under the table, correct? Have we seen Biden's Cayman Island accounts? What book did Biden write that rated even a million dollars in royalties after the publisher and ghost writer took their cuts? I personally know accredited authors that have sold over 500,000 books but they are not multi-millionaires. Pat Toomay is a friend of mine, he wrote "The Crunch" and his book "On Any Given Sunday" was made into a movie but he isn't sitting on millions of dollars. Do you know that career politicians like Biden know in advance as to which corporations are going to get a huge government contract thus they are able to buy shares in advance which is "insider trading" and even though it was allegedly made "illegal" in 2012? Why did they have to do that? It certainly wasn't made retro-active. I seriously doubt that these career politicians adhere to the mandate as they continue to feed at the trough.

Trump's income tax returns are no doubt under constant scrutiny and as a private citizen, it is no one's business. Trump was the first private citizen to ever become elected. All past candidates were politicians for years. Please don't insult my intelligence by trying to sell me on how pristine Biden is. He is the quintessential "swamp rat" and he has plenty of company on the other side of the political aisle lest you believe I am being partisan. I KNOW of what I speak of.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
I challenged him on his assumptions.

He more or less said I should be dead.

Why the pass on his, personal shit he lobs, out calling 70 mil voters, 1 toothed assholes?

You get what you give.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
.....I will not stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting Mr Trump's character --like Eddie does
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
.....I will not stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting Mr Trump's character --like Eddie does
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
.....I will not stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting Mr Trump's character --like Eddie does
Harmonica There was a Kracken to be released Where is it ? And let me ask you You think trump is a man of fine character ?? A pussy grabbing liar? Why did he fire the cyber security guy Because the man told the truth about no fraud in election??
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
.....I will not stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting Mr Trump's character --like Eddie does
Harmonica ,,,Old saying is if you can't take the heat get out of the fire I have no problems with fire
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
.....I will not stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting Mr Trump's character --like Eddie does
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.

How exactly does that reflect on his politics?
Bust on Edds to your heart's content but I take exception to the attacks on his character. I know the man and if it cost me the support of those that like what I post? So be it....I have no control over that. What I will not do is stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting his character. I prefer to challenge him on his assumptions. I stand up for those that have proven themselves to be a true friend and Edds is that. Have I not defended you and supported you as well? I believe I have and you have done so for me. Attack the content of what he posts but the personal bullshit attacks doesn't make anyone's case.
.....I will not stay silent or join in on the dog-piling of insulting Mr Trump's character --like Eddie does
Harmonica There was a Kracken to be released Where is it ? And let me ask you You think trump is a man of fine character ?? A pussy grabbing liar? Why did he fire the cyber security guy Because the man told the truth about no fraud in election??

You should be watching the pennsylvania senate hearing instead of flapping your gums.
And now tho POS trump will attend a fraud meeting?? Could be held in his lying cheating ass kissing WH
TDS will never go away--but Covid will
Yes never You elected an all time moron His name will go down in history as the AH who 70 million toothless ah's voted for
Lord you are a piece of work.

He's a piece of something alright....
Eddie ( or as I call him "Edds") is one of the kindest and nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I have known him for nearly 20 years and I can vouch for his character. He would be too modest to admit this but his acts of kindness and generosity to people in need are too many for me to list. When edds found out I broke my wrist, he sent me a very generous check. I told him I would happily pay it back but he simply said "Pass it on when you can and don't break the chain" which I have done and do so ten fold and with a glad heart that I can. The ones that I help know all about what Edds told me to do in lieu of paying him back and that the only condition is to "pay it forward" when you can. Edds is opinionated and he likes to tweak noses on forums like this just like we all do....but Edds is a difference maker. I have a very debilitating nerve disease that when it's active? I wish God would just take me home. I thought I had friends that cared about me enough to simply "check in on me" from time to time...friends that I have always been there for. Edds is one of the very few that will either call me or send me an instant message. That is really all I need to continue through this living hell. I don't need nor want anything else. Edds has been there for me through thick and thin.

P.S edds, sorry if I ruined your reputation as a hard ass....but I think people really need to know what you represent.
the good people do doesn't give a pass to hate.
This isn't hate Ice
Trump was MURDERED in the popular vote
Lost the popular vote by at least 7M votes. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3M votes or so.

He's the worst President in US history, and has never been elected by the majority. The only reason he can try to BS about cheating is the electoral college. Note that the only person who consistently cheats and lies is Trump, but he can't cheat enough in this beat down.

The truth is very clear: this election isn't even close. Trump was MURDERED because of his disgusting personality, narcissism and complete incompetence. There is no question who actually won the popular vote and the electoral college.

This points to one critical issue: the electoral college must go. The majority view cannot be suppressed by a tyranny of the minority. Especially given that the minority produces next to nothing by comparison with the majority.

The electoral college must go one way or the other.
Slick Willy was never elected by a majority either.

No majority but did kick butt
Due in part to Perot's fairly strong third party performance, Clinton did not win a majority of the popular vote, but his popular margin of 8.5 percentage points remains largest popular vote margin won by either party since the 1984 presidential election.
43% and 47% :abgg2q.jpg:

How do you win the popular vote when you don't even get close to 50%?
How ?? When the other guy get 40+ % Close to 6 million more voted for trump and you &^%^&^%'s want to overturn that?? No fraud Live with it
If there was any justice these gd traitors would be in jail Starting with the moron who lost 2 popular vote

Will you do anything beside post your rambling Chronic Clinical TDS / Trump OCD drivel?

We know better.

Will you take THE TRUMP VACCINE one YOUR POTUS and Commander-In-Chief Trump has it ready for your sweetheart?
What tRump vaccine?

Can we really get vaccinated against tRumps?

Does it work for all tRumps or just the orange one?

Can we make it a mandatory nation wide vaccination program to ensure tRumps do not infect our nation again?

I agree Your POTUS Trump has already saved us from one dreaded and lethal virus sugar:
View attachment 421307
With a little help from his Russian handlers.

And what is a "virus sugar"?

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