Saboteurs set on bringing down a president


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
A lot of dept. cleaning needs to be done, put these thugs on the unemployment line or prison...
Intelligence Community Leaking
Saboteurs set on bringing down a president.
February 23, 2017
Matthew Vadum

Saboteurs in the U.S. intelligence community posing as patriots have been working hard to drive President Donald Trump from the White House.

Former National Security Agency intelligence analyst and former War College professor John R. Schindler bragged on Twitter last week about the spy-led plot his friends are conducting against the president.

“Now we go nuclear,” he tweeted. “IC [intelligence community] war [is] going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior IC friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.”

In a column Feb. 12, Schindler cited wild, unproven, conspiratorial theories about Trump’s ties to Russia to justify his comrades’ seditious push to remove Trump from power.


People like Schindler think they know what’s best for America in terms of national security and foreign policy. Allowing an outsider like Donald Trump to do the job Americans elected him to do is unthinkable to them. So Trump must go.

People of Schindler’s ilk are using government resources in an effort to overthrow the nation’s duly elected government. While smiling on TV and assuring the public his administration was fully cooperating with the Trump transition team, President Obama gave members of the intelligence community permission to wage war against then-incoming President Trump.

Before leaving office President Obama cleared the way for his confederates in the intel world to ramp up their use of dirty tricks to kick the legs out from under the incoming Trump administration by changing intelligence-sharing rules. The goal is to prevent Trump from rolling back Obama’s poisonous legacy.

The most famous victim so far of what could be called Obama’s shadow government is National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, an anti-Islamofascist hardliner who was forced out of his post Feb. 13 by what appears to be a deep state cabal centered around the sleazy former Obama advisor Ben Rhodes. As Flynn’s replacement, Trump has appointed “warrior-scholar” U.S. Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster.

Rhodes and other former Obama administration officials were part of an intrigue that led to the downfall of Flynn, investigative journalist Adam Kredo reported at the Washington Free Beacon.


These deep-state dwellers leapt into action in the final weeks of Obama’s presidency.

As the clock ticked, Obama green-lighted a disturbing relaxation of the rules regulating the National Security Agency’s ability to circulate globally intercepted personal communications among the other 16 intelligence agencies, some of which are more politicized than the NSA, before applying important longstanding privacy-protection protocols. Before the policy was altered, the NSA screened out the identities of innocent people and irrelevant personal information before passing intercepted communications along to other agencies like the CIA or the FBI’s intelligence units.


New rules were issued under section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333 (Dec. 4, 1981) after Obama administration officials Loretta Lynch, then the attorney general, and James Clapper, then the national intelligence director, signed off on them on Jan. 3 this year and Dec. 15 last year, respectively. These rules came in the form of an unclassified document titled “Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency.”


Faceless operatives whose highest loyalty is to their jobs and their twisted realpolitik ideology don’t care what American voters think.

This, too, is part of the Obama legacy.

Intelligence Community Leaking
Let's have an agreement: whatever means and measures are going to be applied to researching Donald Trump's leaks and conflicts of interests,
let's apply the same to the Clintons.

Go after all of them equally, instead of targeting people politically and selectively.
Otherwise this is discrimination to only defend the interests of one party at a time.
Why not defend ALL the public's interests and REDRESS ALL GRIEVANCES.

if we need a better grand jury system to go after EACH AND EVERY abuse of govt, let it be equally accessible by people of ALL parties. And let the focus be on CORRECTIONS not just hit and run lynching for political points.

let's set up an AGREED process how to check the govt and demand CORRECTIONS and RESTITUTION for abuses of public resources and power.

This nitpicky political bullying isn't solving any problems but becomes a game, a competition to cover up one own's party and politicians while outting and bringing down the other's first. This isn't about correcting or paying back taxpayers.

But what if we could make that the goal, to credit back whatever money is wasted on abuses? That's what I would push for, and enlist the support of leaders and members of all parties with a vested interest in stopping abuse and corruption.
How would you clean house, and roll back something designed to spy on our own leaders for the purpose of controlling the outcomes of elections or destroying the outcomes of said elections ?? Can Trump look into such matters immediately, and order a swift review with recommendations to erase any anti-constitutional laws that have been put in place in this nation ??
How would you clean house, and roll back something designed to spy on our own leaders for the purpose of controlling the outcomes of elections or destroying the outcomes of said elections ?? Can Trump look into such matters immediately, and order a swift review with recommendations to erase any anti-constitutional laws that have been put in place in this nation ??

I would start by empowering the people to represent our interests and solve our own conflicts. Once the people write the laws and run the process, then govt answers to us not the other way around. We've got to turn the tables first, then the process will follow. The people have to take back authority; we can't do that when we are divided against each other where the middle man plays us against each other, and people become dependent on that middle man third party. WE need to take back that position of power to oversee solutions to these problems, not hand that authority to some bigger bully we expect to fight our battles for us.

That's the first step, the rest will follow once we agree to work together to fix these messes instead of working at odds with each other, where we just get exploited.
How would you clean house, and roll back something designed to spy on our own leaders for the purpose of controlling the outcomes of elections or destroying the outcomes of said elections ?? Can Trump look into such matters immediately, and order a swift review with recommendations to erase any anti-constitutional laws that have been put in place in this nation ??

The short answer would be that anything created by the pen can be undone by the pen. If this EO is what it seems to be, there is not legislation to back it up. Therefore, Trump can rescind it with an EO of his own. (Which is what Trump SHOULD HAVE done will all of BHO's stand alone executive orders).
The longer answer would be for Trump to purge the Obamaists from the government. This will be a longer process as first the miscreants will have to be identified from the ones that really are there to do their jobs. I am sure that Trump would rather arrest the ones doing the damage, but, getting them out of the positions of power will go a long way to correcting the problem.
How would you clean house, and roll back something designed to spy on our own leaders for the purpose of controlling the outcomes of elections or destroying the outcomes of said elections ?? Can Trump look into such matters immediately, and order a swift review with recommendations to erase any anti-constitutional laws that have been put in place in this nation ??

The short answer would be that anything created by the pen can be undone by the pen. If this EO is what it seems to be, there is not legislation to back it up. Therefore, Trump can rescind it with an EO of his own. (Which is what Trump SHOULD HAVE done will all of BHO's stand alone executive orders).
The longer answer would be for Trump to purge the Obamaists from the government. This will be a longer process as first the miscreants will have to be identified from the ones that really are there to do their jobs. I am sure that Trump would rather arrest the ones doing the damage, but, getting them out of the positions of power will go a long way to correcting the problem.

Dear Stasha_Sz can all the Obamacare and mandates that follow BELIEFS of Democratic Party members in the "right to health care" be put on those taxpayers to pay for and manage? Can the govt or states set up an OPTIONAL system of taxpayers ALLOCATING which "plan" they want to fund with their taxes
A. the govt single payer where they agree to be under the ACA mandates and exchanges set up by the previous administration and just charge those people with the responsibility to set up the terms of management and enrollment
B. the free market and health care accounts plan where people accept financial responsibility for paying their medical costs without mandating how that is done
Another pro Russian/soviet connected propaganda article from frontpage mag/Horowitz
Dear Stasha_Sz can all the Obamacare and mandates that follow BELIEFS of Democratic Party members in the "right to health care" be put on those taxpayers to pay for and manage? Can the govt or states set up an OPTIONAL system of taxpayers ALLOCATING which "plan" they want to fund with their taxes
A. the govt single payer where they agree to be under the ACA mandates and exchanges set up by the previous administration and just charge those people with the responsibility to set up the terms of management and enrollment
B. the free market and health care accounts plan where people accept financial responsibility for paying their medical costs without mandating how that is done

Hi emilynghiem. Your question is a bit off-topic, but worthy of an answer.
My take on the ACA is it should be repealed. Period. Its ultimate goal is to drive all healthcare to a single payer system where it can be rationed. This is not in the spirit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness guaranteed in the COTUS. Despite the SCOTUS' flawed rulings, it is not constitutional.
A) That being said, there are quite a few people out there who now depend on ACA, for all its flaws, for healthcare. And yes, since the Democrats supported it in lockstep, and still seem enamored with it despite its costs, they should belly up to the bar and provide the subsidies to make it work, (if possible), for those that wish to continue under it. The current administration should not do an Obama redux should it be replaced or out right repealed.
B) Definitely, those that wish to seek other methods of health care should be able to get that which is best for their needs at a competitive price, be it traditional insurance or a cooperative or even none at all if they so choose. A competitive market will drive down costs, it has been proven time after time, for any commodity.
My take always has been that whenever the government gets involved in anything, costs go up and quality goes down.
Thank you for your inquiry... :beer:
How would you clean house, and roll back something designed to spy on our own leaders for the purpose of controlling the outcomes of elections or destroying the outcomes of said elections ?? Can Trump look into such matters immediately, and order a swift review with recommendations to erase any anti-constitutional laws that have been put in place in this nation ??

I would start by empowering the people to represent our interests and solve our own conflicts. Once the people write the laws and run the process, then govt answers to us not the other way around. We've got to turn the tables first, then the process will follow. The people have to take back authority; we can't do that when we are divided against each other where the middle man plays us against each other, and people become dependent on that middle man third party. WE need to take back that position of power to oversee solutions to these problems, not hand that authority to some bigger bully we expect to fight our battles for us.

That's the first step, the rest will follow once we agree to work together to fix these messes instead of working at odds with each other, where we just get exploited.
. Well did empower the people by putting Trump in the position, and now we are seeing the push back. They're are groups and forces whom by keeping us divided keeps us weak, and they know that the weaker we are the more they can mold this nation into what they want with no resistance. Trump is our only hope to battle these forces or groups, so I say it best to stick with the one who is showing, and has shown, that he is there to work for us.
How would you clean house, and roll back something designed to spy on our own leaders for the purpose of controlling the outcomes of elections or destroying the outcomes of said elections ?? Can Trump look into such matters immediately, and order a swift review with recommendations to erase any anti-constitutional laws that have been put in place in this nation ??

The short answer would be that anything created by the pen can be undone by the pen. If this EO is what it seems to be, there is not legislation to back it up. Therefore, Trump can rescind it with an EO of his own. (Which is what Trump SHOULD HAVE done will all of BHO's stand alone executive orders).
The longer answer would be for Trump to purge the Obamaists from the government. This will be a longer process as first the miscreants will have to be identified from the ones that really are there to do their jobs. I am sure that Trump would rather arrest the ones doing the damage, but, getting them out of the positions of power will go a long way to correcting the problem.
. He needs to take action immediately, even if a few of the good ones get caught up in the net also. Then let the good ones convince him they were good by outing the others in a bid to get their jobs back. "PROBLEM SOLVED".
Dear Stasha_Sz can all the Obamacare and mandates that follow BELIEFS of Democratic Party members in the "right to health care" be put on those taxpayers to pay for and manage? Can the govt or states set up an OPTIONAL system of taxpayers ALLOCATING which "plan" they want to fund with their taxes
A. the govt single payer where they agree to be under the ACA mandates and exchanges set up by the previous administration and just charge those people with the responsibility to set up the terms of management and enrollment
B. the free market and health care accounts plan where people accept financial responsibility for paying their medical costs without mandating how that is done

Hi emilynghiem. Your question is a bit off-topic, but worthy of an answer.
My take on the ACA is it should be repealed. Period. Its ultimate goal is to drive all healthcare to a single payer system where it can be rationed. This is not in the spirit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness guaranteed in the COTUS. Despite the SCOTUS' flawed rulings, it is not constitutional.
A) That being said, there are quite a few people out there who now depend on ACA, for all its flaws, for healthcare. And yes, since the Democrats supported it in lockstep, and still seem enamored with it despite its costs, they should belly up to the bar and provide the subsidies to make it work, (if possible), for those that wish to continue under it. The current administration should not do an Obama redux should it be replaced or out right repealed.
B) Definitely, those that wish to seek other methods of health care should be able to get that which is best for their needs at a competitive price, be it traditional insurance or a cooperative or even none at all if they so choose. A competitive market will drive down costs, it has been proven time after time, for any commodity.
My take always has been that whenever the government gets involved in anything, costs go up and quality goes down.
Thank you for your inquiry... :beer:
. Healthcare pricing is the huge problem, where as we pay way, way, way to much for medical services provided. Basically we are being gouged to death. Back to the topic I guess.. lol
Let's have an agreement: whatever means and measures are going to be applied to researching Donald Trump's leaks and conflicts of interests,
let's apply the same to the Clintons.

Go after all of them equally, instead of targeting people politically and selectively.
Otherwise this is discrimination to only defend the interests of one party at a time.
Why not defend ALL the public's interests and REDRESS ALL GRIEVANCES.

if we need a better grand jury system to go after EACH AND EVERY abuse of govt, let it be equally accessible by people of ALL parties. And let the focus be on CORRECTIONS not just hit and run lynching for political points.

let's set up an AGREED process how to check the govt and demand CORRECTIONS and RESTITUTION for abuses of public resources and power.

This nitpicky political bullying isn't solving any problems but becomes a game, a competition to cover up one own's party and politicians while outting and bringing down the other's first. This isn't about correcting or paying back taxpayers.

But what if we could make that the goal, to credit back whatever money is wasted on abuses? That's what I would push for, and enlist the support of leaders and members of all parties with a vested interest in stopping abuse and corruption.

They already investigated Hillary for years and never found anything actionable. Trump has been there a month, and thy already have stacks of provable crap on him. To apply the same efforts against Trump as were applied to Hillary would be unnecessary
Let's have an agreement: whatever means and measures are going to be applied to researching Donald Trump's leaks and conflicts of interests,
let's apply the same to the Clintons.

Go after all of them equally, instead of targeting people politically and selectively.
Otherwise this is discrimination to only defend the interests of one party at a time.
Why not defend ALL the public's interests and REDRESS ALL GRIEVANCES.

if we need a better grand jury system to go after EACH AND EVERY abuse of govt, let it be equally accessible by people of ALL parties. And let the focus be on CORRECTIONS not just hit and run lynching for political points.

let's set up an AGREED process how to check the govt and demand CORRECTIONS and RESTITUTION for abuses of public resources and power.

This nitpicky political bullying isn't solving any problems but becomes a game, a competition to cover up one own's party and politicians while outting and bringing down the other's first. This isn't about correcting or paying back taxpayers.

But what if we could make that the goal, to credit back whatever money is wasted on abuses? That's what I would push for, and enlist the support of leaders and members of all parties with a vested interest in stopping abuse and corruption.

They already investigated Hillary for years and never found anything actionable. Trump has been there a month, and thy already have stacks of provable crap on him. To apply the same efforts against Trump as were applied to Hillary would be unnecessary
. You leftist will never get away with what you've gotten away with ever again, because everyone see's exactly how you people are now, and the HAMMER is gonna fall, and it's gonna fall hard on your CRIMES. No more getting away with your bull crap, and it's great that you all are resetting the standard now. Becareful what you ask for, because you just might get it, then what ??? That's why we haven't heard a flippin peep out of you all about Trump signing all these EO's, and you know why ? Because you let Obama get away with it all, and now the standard has been set. You people are trying to apply a different standard to Trump than you did with Obama, and the people won't let you get away with it.

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