Sacrificing Africa for Climate Change

How to sustain a massive agriculture program without hydrocarbons?

If they had power they would stop cutting down their trees for charcol . cutting down their trees is causing more drought in East Africa, thus making it harder to farm. I spent a little time in East Africa they sell charcol everywhere from cut trees... its also a way for a lot of them to make a living

In the U.S. we commit 39 million acres of land for the sole purpose of growing ethanol-bound corn. IF we planted those same acres in trees the benefit to the environment would reap exponential dividends.

Look up the Moringa Tree.... and its uses you will be amazed. I was recently ... slightly involved in assisting a private mission to help plant 7,000 of them in the northern part of haiti. It is called the miracle tree and everything you read about it is true.
Denier kooks pretending to care about Africa? Nobody is dumb enough to believe that, or fall for the idiot logic. That is, that there's some nefarious plot to stop Africa from modernizing.

I know this,, in some cases the farming relief efforts end up becoming scams and people
abandon some of their traditional foods which carry much more nutrition than corn that is dry
milled then eaten like porridge

Traditionally for instance in some parts of Kenya i have seen, they like to plant native beans
and other green vegetables you have never heard of in between the corn stalks where they can get enough shade to grow. But the western seed projects sometimes require them to
abandon this if they want to use their hybrid seeds. I only had one experience in this and I dont know what goes on everywhere else in Africa, but I cam only imagine.

Also after the first two years of this seed projects existence, in the locality I was in, I was told by local farmers that all the foreign workers left because they demanded to much pay.
they hired locals to run the seed project and it soon fell into favoritism and corruption. Meanwhile the foundation itself was still collecting money from foreign donors while not being truthful aboutthe service they were supposed to be providing.

While our kids are running laptops , somebodys kid over there in a mud hut it trying to read by a yellow oil lamp.... but if they cant afford oil, their trying to read by the light of a charcol burning stove and breathing in all that smoke.

I agree with the original poster lets give Africa a Carbon Exemption.... I would say their
Carbon Credit bank is extremely full right now.... if Al Gore is really counting that is.
What makes you think the corruption can't be stopped? I think what Africa needs is more democracy.
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You're right. They need infrastructure! Lets build them a landline network! Oh wait. That's not necessary. Cell phones.

But let's build a vast fossil fuel infrastructure just as the fossil fuels run out! Yeah, that's an intelligent use of resources. Just as smart as building landlines.

Westwall, are you still in favor of the malaria policies that would have killed millions in Africa, or has your lust for genocide finally subsided? Did you embrace that evil just out of a general love of killing, or did you specifically wish to kill Africans? Anyways, it's truly fortunate that the powers that be weren't influenced by butchers such as Westwall, and instead chose to save lives in Africa.

Westwall, I don't have patience with those so proudly stupid that they'd kill millions just because they're emotionally stunted manchildren who can't admit being wrong. Look up "banality of evil" in the dictionary, and you see Westwall's picture. Taken to destructive extremes, ignorance crosses the line into evil, and Westwall's policies qualify.
You mean the malaria policies that banned DDT and consigned millions to death?

That was progressives, you dolt.

Progressivism is a death cult.
I agree, food aid is destroying that continent. Solar aid? What's wrong with hydrocarbons again?

And don't fucking teach them OUR farming practices. Agriculture is the single largest polluter and raper of environments.... PERIOD.

How to feed a billion people without agriculture?

How to sustain a massive agriculture program without hydrocarbons?

Solar-powered tractors. :lol:
I agree and the same people who would deny Africa fossil fuels for power are flying around on their private jets instead of commercial like everyone else and you can bet they dont drive smart cars.

Of course not. Changing the way you live is only for the little people. Progressive elitists insist they're too valuable to the human race to change the way they live.
of course they justify that because they think they are saving the world, but the bottom line about those people is they pass laws and restrictions that will affect every one else but them.
Or if it does affect them, they can well afford it.

I sure as hell can't afford an electric car.
You mean the malaria policies that banned DDT and consigned millions to death?

Dave, the shame and rage you feel over your shortcomings does not give you justification to murder millions by way of malaria.

You, Dave, also illustrate the banality of evil. Instead of simply admitting how you've been played for a fool by your political cult, you instead choose to still push policies of mass death. Just how many thousands of corpses is your pride worth?

Now, you can cry about you're not allowed to implement your genocidal policies, and you will. But nobody has to pay any attention. You've been relegated to the shithole of history. Proud of yourself?
You mean the malaria policies that banned DDT and consigned millions to death?

Dave, the shame and rage you feel over your shortcomings does not give you justification to murder millions by way of malaria.

You, Dave, also illustrate the banality of evil. Instead of simply admitting how you've been played for a fool by your political cult, you instead choose to still push policies of mass death. Just how many thousands of corpses is your pride worth?

Now, you can cry about you're not allowed to implement your genocidal policies, and you will. But nobody has to pay any attention. You've been relegated to the shithole of history. Proud of yourself?

Whoaa back up a minute. Did you just say Dave murdered millions by malaria?
No, I'm saying that he wants to kill millions, by implementing policies that would cause such deaths. Fortunately, the sane people won't go along with him.
If you really believe in Evolution you do nothing for them..

The far left has destroyed the planet with their religion it is time to let evolution take it's course.
What makes you think the corruption can't be stopped? I think what Africa needs is more democracy.

The way you get more democracy is by having cheap energy, that everyone can afford, education, food, clean water, sanitation systems that work, a road system that allows easy travel between countries and of course elevating the Third World to First World status.

By keeping the poor brown people, poor and ignorant, you merely perpetuate what has been going on for millennia.
You mean the malaria policies that banned DDT and consigned millions to death?

Dave, the shame and rage you feel over your shortcomings does not give you justification to murder millions by way of malaria.

You, Dave, also illustrate the banality of evil. Instead of simply admitting how you've been played for a fool by your political cult, you instead choose to still push policies of mass death. Just how many thousands of corpses is your pride worth?

Now, you can cry about you're not allowed to implement your genocidal policies, and you will. But nobody has to pay any attention. You've been relegated to the shithole of history. Proud of yourself?

Nice attempt there admiral, but it was the policies of you and your fellow progressives that has led to the deaths of at least 50 million due to malaria because you outlawed DDT.
No, I'm saying that he wants to kill millions, by implementing policies that would cause such deaths. Fortunately, the sane people won't go along with him.

No, that would be you and yours. You think that no one should have easy access to inexpensive energy which is provably the single greatest achievement that man has ever wrought. Cheap energy allows poor people to eat well, be treated for dread diseases....and live, and of course educate themselves.

All things YOU want to do away with. Racist prick!
Sacrificing Africa for Climate Change
I've spent my life on the foreign-policy left. I opposed the Vietnam War, U.S. intervention in Central America in the 1980s and our invasion of Iraq. I have headed a group trying to block U.S. arms and training for "friendly" dictators, and I have written books about how U.S. policy in the developing world is neocolonial.

But I oppose my allies' well-meaning campaign for "climate justice." More than 230 organizations, including Africa Action and Oxfam, want industrialized countries to pay "reparations" to African governments for droughts, rising sea levels and other alleged results of what Ugandan strongman Yoweri Museveni calls "climate aggression." And I oppose the campaign even more for trying to deny to Africans the reliable electricity—and thus the economic development and extended years of life—that fossil fuels can bring.

The left wants to stop industrialization—even if the hypothesis of catastrophic, man-made global warming is false. John Feffer, my colleague at the Institute for Policy Studies, wrote in the Dec. 8, 2009, Huffington Post that "even if the mercury weren't rising" we should bring "the developing world into the postindustrial age in a sustainable manner." He sees the "climate crisis [as] precisely the giant lever with which we can, following Archimedes, move the world in a greener, more equitable direction."

I started to suspect that the climate-change data were dubious a decade ago while teaching statistics. Computer models used by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to determine the cause of the six-tenths of one degree Fahrenheit rise in global temperature from 1980 to 2000 could not statistically separate fossil-fueled and natural trends.

Then, as now, the computer models simply built in the assumption that fossil fuels are the culprit when temperatures rise, even though a similar warming took place from 1900 to 1940, before fossil fuels could have caused it. The IPCC also claims that the warming, whatever its cause, has slightly increased the length of droughts, the frequency of floods, the intensity of storms, and the rising of sea levels, projecting that these impacts will accelerate disastrously. Yet even the IPCC acknowledges that the average global temperature today remains unchanged since 2000, and did not rise one degree as the models predicted.

But it is as an Africanist, rather than a statistician, that I object most strongly to "climate justice." Where is the justice for Africans when universities divest from energy companies and thus weaken their ability to explore for resources in Africa? Where is the justice when the U.S. discourages World Bank funding for electricity-generation projects in Africa that involve fossil fuels, and when the European Union places a "global warming" tax on cargo flights importing perishable African goods? Even if the wildest claims about the current impact of fossil fuels on the environment and the models predicting the future impact all prove true and accurate, Africa should be exempted from global restraints as it seeks to modernize.


According to the World Bank, 24% of Africans have access to electricity and the typical business loses power for 56 days each year. Faced with unreliable power, businesses turn to diesel generators, which are three times as expensive as the electricity grid. Diesel also produces black soot, a respiratory health hazard. By comparison, bringing more-reliable electricity to more Africans would power the cleaning of water in villages, where much of the population still lives, and replace wood and dung fires as the source of heat and lighting in shacks and huts, removing major sources of disease and death. In the cities, reliable electricity would encourage businesses to invest and reinvest rather than send their profits abroad.

Mindful of the benefits, the Obama administration's Power Africa proposal and the World Bank are trying to double African access to electricity. But they have been hamstrung by the opposition of their political base to fossil fuels—even though off-grid and renewable power from the sun, tides and wind is still too unreliable, too hard to transmit, and way too expensive for Africa to build and maintain as its primary source of power.

In 2010 the left tried to block a World Bank loan for a new coal-fired plant in South Africa. Fortunately, the loan was approved (with the U.S. abstaining). The drive to provide electricity for the poor has been perhaps the greatest achievement of South Africa's post-apartheid governments.​

You know how the left says they care about people?

They're lying. They don't want Africans to enjoy the same benefits of technology they do -- like clean water.

I agree and the same people who would deny Africa fossil fuels for power are flying around on their private jets instead of commercial like everyone else and you can bet they dont drive smart cars.

Our efforts to use Africa as a "Sustainability Proving Ground" is nothing more than 21st Centrury economic imperialism.. By badgering them into sub-standard infrastructure and putting conditions on their development, this Prog Admin is no better than the Colonialists that Obama's father despised..
Oh, Caleb Rossiter! Now I remember. He's the guy who got dropped from a think tank for spouting wacky pseudoscience, which resulted in him going on about how he was being censored. Because he's such a poor oppressed victim, he's a conservative hero now.

Rossiter recently posted to WUWT how he could reduce his students to tears by telling them the truth. Students cry about him alright, but not due to his brilliance. His ratings are not good.

Caleb*Rossiter at American University -
How to sustain a massive agriculture program without hydrocarbons?

If they had power they would stop cutting down their trees for charcol . cutting down their trees is causing more drought in East Africa, thus making it harder to farm. I spent a little time in East Africa they sell charcol everywhere from cut trees... its also a way for a lot of them to make a living

In the U.S. we commit 39 million acres of land for the sole purpose of growing ethanol-bound corn. IF we planted those same acres in trees the benefit to the environment would reap exponential dividends.
No can do. The eco-nazis demand we turn food into fuel (at a net energy loss). Poisoning the Gulf of Mexico is just breaking eggs to make an omelet.

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