Sacrificing Africa for Climate Change

You mean the malaria policies that banned DDT and consigned millions to death?

Dave, the shame and rage you feel over your shortcomings does not give you justification to murder millions by way of malaria.

You, Dave, also illustrate the banality of evil. Instead of simply admitting how you've been played for a fool by your political cult, you instead choose to still push policies of mass death. Just how many thousands of corpses is your pride worth?

Now, you can cry about you're not allowed to implement your genocidal policies, and you will. But nobody has to pay any attention. You've been relegated to the shithole of history. Proud of yourself?

You're a pathological liar. I SUPPORT the use of DDT. It's a safe and effective means of mosquito control.

You and your fellow leftists oppose it, based on junk science and emotionalism. You don't care how many African kids die, as long as bird eggs don't crack.

Progressivism is a death cult. No question about it.
No, I'm saying that he wants to kill millions, by implementing policies that would cause such deaths. Fortunately, the sane people won't go along with him.
What policies?

Oh, and do me a favor -- don't list progressive policies, and don't list things I've already said I oppose.

Now, hop to it, kid!
You're a pathological liar. I SUPPORT the use of DDT. It's a safe and effective means of mosquito control.

Since DDT was never banned for Malaria control, one wonders why Dave chose to lie like that. I'm a little insulted at the poor quality of Dave's lies. He could at least try to put a little effort into them, and not spout such transparent bullshit.

Dave-types wanted to continue the mass use of DDT for agriculture. Not only did that poison the food chain, it resulted in DDT-resistant mosquitoes. That made DDT useless for malaria control, meaning more malaria deaths.

Fortunately, the world followed the advice of global heroine Rachel Carlson and saved millions. And for saving millions in Africa, Dave-types have sworn to hate her forever. They will never forgive the dirty liberals for not allowing them to kill.
You're a pathological liar. I SUPPORT the use of DDT. It's a safe and effective means of mosquito control.

Since DDT was never banned for Malaria control, one wonders why Dave chose to lie like that. I'm a little insulted at the poor quality of Dave's lies. He could at least try to put a little effort into them, and not spout such transparent bullshit.

Dave-types wanted to continue the mass use of DDT for agriculture. Not only did that poison the food chain, it resulted in DDT-resistant mosquitoes. That made DDT useless for malaria control, meaning more malaria deaths.

Fortunately, the world followed the advice of global heroine Rachel Carlson and saved millions. And for saving millions in Africa, Dave-types have sworn to hate her forever. They will never forgive the dirty liberals for not allowing them to kill.
Your projection schtick is getting really boring. Seriously, you can't be stupid enough to believe the crap you post and still remember to inhale and exhale without Post-It Notes everywhere reminding you.

You'd best start entertaining me. That's what you're here for. Hop to it, kid.
Dave, I'm not the one regarded as a fringe kook by most of the world. You are. You can scream here all you want, but the world is still ignoring you.

Does that bother you? You don't need to answer; it was a rhetorical question. I can see from your sulking it bothers you a great deal. If you want the world to take you seriously, you'll have to come up with more than hysterics and conspiracy theories.
Dave, I'm not the one regarded as a fringe kook by most of the world. You are. You can scream here all you want, but the world is still ignoring you.

Does that bother you? You don't need to answer; it was a rhetorical question. I can see from your sulking it bothers you a great deal. If you want the world to take you seriously, you'll have to come up with more than hysterics and conspiracy theories.
Did you ever get that CAT scan I recommended? What'd they find growing in there?

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