Safe areas should be set up in the Middle east for refugees they should not brought here


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
That's the best solution for the refugee problem. They certainly shouldn't be brought here, or Europe for that matter. Refugee camps should be set up in the middle east. 1 of the 9 terrorist in France was one of these so-called "refugees" who are mostly young, fighting aged, men. How many terrorist have flowed into Europe? Obama wants a couple hundred thousand here?:wtf:
You know what? If these people want "safe areas" they can get the hell out if this country. It's stupid and a cry for attention, anyone buying into this crap is as stupid as the ones whining about. Man up America, we are becoming a nation of sniveling, whining cry babies
That's the best solution for the refugee problem. They certainly shouldn't be brought here, or Europe for that matter. Refugee camps should be set up in the middle east. 1 of the 9 terrorist in France was one of these so-called "refugees" who are mostly young, fighting aged, men. How many terrorist have flowed into Europe? Obama wants a couple hundred thousand here?:wtf:
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable. The European people must become united in their demand to send the refugees who are presently in Europe over to the Arab States until the conflict in Syria is over with. Why has the U.N. refused to insist that SA and the Arab States take in their own brethren? Is it because they are creating a crisis which would hasten their agenda to become a One World Gorverment, legal system, religion, etc.? The European people need to wake up and demand their leaders say no to the U.N. immigration plans (first they create the war, then they create the mass immigration plan and finally they execute the solution - theirs!) and find the exit door now to a failed League - a greater failed League of Nations than the former. The writing is on the wall. Get out while you can!
At least when saddam hussein, qaddafi were in power they controlled this crap. Since the area was destabilized it's a wild west show. At least Egypt did the right thing but shutting down their muslim brotherhood and "taking care of them"
That's the best solution for the refugee problem. They certainly shouldn't be brought here, or Europe for that matter. Refugee camps should be set up in the middle east. 1 of the 9 terrorist in France was one of these so-called "refugees" who are mostly young, fighting aged, men. How many terrorist have flowed into Europe? Obama wants a couple hundred thousand here?

Uh, guy, we don't know who the terrorist are, yet. I suspect when they are identified, we are going to find out most of them are French-born Islamic teenagers and young men who couldn't find jobs.

But you might be on to something. Let's move all the refugees to a nice safe area in Palestine,and then move all the Zionist Scum back to Europe where they came from. That will solve everyone's problem.
Why should the Arab countries be forced to take in the refuges? ....... :dunno:

Europe and the U.S. created the problem.......let them be responsible for the results of their boneheaded actions. ....... :cool:
Why should the Arab countries be forced to take in the refuges? ....... :dunno:

Europe and the U.S. created the problem.......let them be responsible for the results of their boneheaded actions. ....... :cool:

Oh c'mon. Muslims have been warring for long before America came on the fact they have never managed to get along with anyone. Pretty telling
"Safe areas should be set up in the Middle east for refugees they should not brought here"


This fails as a guilt by association fallacy.

War refugees from Syria and Iraq are in no way associated with the attacks in Paris, they are not responsible for the attacks in Paris, and they may not be subject to punitive measures as a consequence of the attacks in Paris.

Moreover, the notion of creating 'safe places' in the ME is ignorant idiocy, completely devoid of merit.

The fact is those who harbor an unwarranted hostility and bigotry toward Muslims are attempting to exploit the tragedy in Paris as 'justification' to pursue their agenda of hate and bigotry concerning Muslims, to disadvantage Muslims and keep them out of the United States for no other reason than being Muslim.
"Safe areas should be set up in the Middle east for refugees they should not brought here"


This fails as a guilt by association fallacy.

War refugees from Syria and Iraq are in no way associated with the attacks in Paris, they are not responsible for the attacks in Paris, and they may not be subject to punitive measures as a consequence of the attacks in Paris.


You don't watch the news? Your statement is yet ANOTHER lie. Gawd you're stupid
That's the best solution for the refugee problem. They certainly shouldn't be brought here, or Europe for that matter. Refugee camps should be set up in the middle east. 1 of the 9 terrorist in France was one of these so-called "refugees" who are mostly young, fighting aged, men. How many terrorist have flowed into Europe? Obama wants a couple hundred thousand here?:wtf:
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable. The European people must become united in their demand to send the refugees who are presently in Europe over to the Arab States until the conflict in Syria is over with. Why has the U.N. refused to insist that SA and the Arab States take in their own brethren? Is it because they are creating a crisis which would hasten their agenda to become a One World Gorverment, legal system, religion, etc.? The European people need to wake up and demand their leaders say no to the U.N. immigration plans (first they create the war, then they create the mass immigration plan and finally they execute the solution - theirs!) and find the exit door now to a failed League - a greater failed League of Nations than the former. The writing is on the wall. Get out while you can!
This is comprehensively ignorant, wrong, and ridiculous.
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable.

It's also not true.

In fact, MOST of the people being displaced by the Syrian Civil War have ended up in Islamic countries.

100,000 to 500,000 Syrians have ended up in Saudi Arabia. the Saudis don't call them "Refugees", but "Arab Brothers in distress". 1.4 Million are in Jordan, 2 million are in Turkey, and there are six figure numbers in Kuwait, the UAR, and Egypt.

BY COMPARISON- as much as you are hearing European whining about it, they really haven't taken in that many. Germany has taken the most- anywhere from 150,000 to 200,000. The next biggest recipiant is Sweden with 78,000.

And despite JewRoids hysterical ranting, France has only taken in 500. Most of their unhappy Muslims are people they brought over from Algeria and MOrroco decades ago as cheap labor and they can't find jobs for them now.

Refugees of the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Safe areas should be set up in the Middle east for refugees they should not brought here"


This fails as a guilt by association fallacy.

War refugees from Syria and Iraq are in no way associated with the attacks in Paris, they are not responsible for the attacks in Paris, and they may not be subject to punitive measures as a consequence of the attacks in Paris.

Moreover, the notion of creating 'safe places' in the ME is ignorant idiocy, completely devoid of merit.

The fact is those who harbor an unwarranted hostility and bigotry toward Muslims are attempting to exploit the tragedy in Paris as 'justification' to pursue their agenda of hate and bigotry concerning Muslims, to disadvantage Muslims and keep them out of the United States for no other reason than being Muslim.
Isis is pursuing an agenda, try and control the bad brain cells,you must have a couple left,by all indications you have a heart beat
Oh c'mon. Muslims have been warring for long before America came on the fact they have never managed to get along with anyone. Pretty telling

The same could be said of Christians. when they weren't killing each other over whether or not Naked Dude on a Stick was made of wafers or not, they were busy killing anyone who worshipped Artemis or Odin or Quezacoatl.
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable.

It's also not true.

In fact, MOST of the people being displaced by the Syrian Civil War have ended up in Islamic countries.

100,000 to 500,000 Syrians have ended up in Saudi Arabia. the Saudis don't call them "Refugees", but "Arab Brothers in distress". 1.4 Million are in Jordan, 2 million are in Turkey, and there are six figure numbers in Kuwait, the UAR, and Egypt.

BY COMPARISON- as much as you are hearing European whining about it, they really haven't taken in that many. Germany has taken the most- anywhere from 150,000 to 200,000. The next biggest recipiant is Sweden with 78,000.

And despite JewRoids hysterical ranting, France has only taken in 500. Most of their unhappy Muslims are people they brought over from Algeria and MOrroco decades ago as cheap labor and they can't find jobs for them now.

Refugees of the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joe it appears there is a conflict between what the Saudi's are claiming and what BBC reported and what Al Jazeera and Arab news are claiming. All three news sources appear to have conflicting reports about the refugee status in Saudi Arabia and the Arab states according to your link. This is from your link:

The BBC reported that "despite their proximity to Syria, no Syrians claiming asylum have been taken in by Saudi Arabia or other wealthy Gulf countries."[181]

The BBC also reported that "most successful cases are Syrians already in Gulf states extending their stays, or those entering because they have family there."

[182] There are conflicting reports of Saudi Arabia's version. According to the The Guardian, "Saudi Arabia has said reports about its response to the Syrian refugee crisis are "false and misleading" and it has in fact given residency to 100,000 people as war rages in their country.

No Gulf country has signed the UN Convention on Refugees, which sets standards for the treatment and rights of those fleeing to a new country.

"[8] According to the UNHCR's representative for the Gulf region, there are 500,000 Syrians in Saudi Arabia, but in "official documentation they are referred to as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress"" and not as Syrian nationals.[183] While Al Jazeera and Arab News, on 12 September 2015, reported that Saudi Foreign ministry official says nation has received nearly 2.5 million Syrians since 2011.[184][185] Though there were no evidence to authenticate this statement or prove it.

So evidently there is no evidence that has been provided to authenticate their statement or prove it.
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable.

It's also not true.

In fact, MOST of the people being displaced by the Syrian Civil War have ended up in Islamic countries.

100,000 to 500,000 Syrians have ended up in Saudi Arabia. the Saudis don't call them "Refugees", but "Arab Brothers in distress". 1.4 Million are in Jordan, 2 million are in Turkey, and there are six figure numbers in Kuwait, the UAR, and Egypt.

BY COMPARISON- as much as you are hearing European whining about it, they really haven't taken in that many. Germany has taken the most- anywhere from 150,000 to 200,000. The next biggest recipiant is Sweden with 78,000.

And despite JewRoids hysterical ranting, France has only taken in 500. Most of their unhappy Muslims are people they brought over from Algeria and MOrroco decades ago as cheap labor and they can't find jobs for them now.

Refugees of the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At the bottom of your link are the actual countries listed and again - it is possible the numbers are not right because anyone can alter a free Wikipedia page as I understand it. I wouldn't count your link as the most reliable source for fact checking, Joe.

– Qatar is sponsoring 42 Syrian refugees as 'guests of the Emir'.[242]

– The European Commission asked Romania to accept 6,351 refugees under an EU quota scheme.[243] The Bloomberg reported that "Romania’s government will call on the European Union to grant its citizens equal access to the visa-free Schengen area if the bloc’s leaders impose mandatory quotas on its members to shelter refugees."[244]

– gave $24 million for Syrian refugees.[245] Russia also granted over 1,000 Syrian refugees asylum.[246][247][248] About 5,000 Syrian refugees have settled in Russia since 2012.[249] Five hundred Christian refugees arrived in Sochi and settled there.

Saudi Arabia
– Saudi Arabia has offered resettlement only to for Syrian migrants that had a family in the kingdom, and has an estimated number of Syrian migrants and foreign workers that reaches 100,000 living with their families[8] and has sent aid worth $280 million to help Syrian refugees.[250] Saudi Arabia, like all of the Gulf states, is not a signatory to the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention.[9] According to the Saudi official, Saudi Arabia had issued residency permits to 100,000 Syrians.[8] The BBC reported that "most successful cases are Syrians already in Gulf states extending their stays, or those entering because they have family there."[182]

I do have two questions for you, Joe. Why isn't Saudi Arabia and all of the Gulf States a signatory to the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention? Why did they all opt out? And why does the BBC report conflict with Saudi Arabia's claims?
That's the best solution for the refugee problem. They certainly shouldn't be brought here, or Europe for that matter. Refugee camps should be set up in the middle east. 1 of the 9 terrorist in France was one of these so-called "refugees" who are mostly young, fighting aged, men. How many terrorist have flowed into Europe? Obama wants a couple hundred thousand here?:wtf:
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable. The European people must become united in their demand to send the refugees who are presently in Europe over to the Arab States until the conflict in Syria is over with. Why has the U.N. refused to insist that SA and the Arab States take in their own brethren? Is it because they are creating a crisis which would hasten their agenda to become a One World Gorverment, legal system, religion, etc.? The European people need to wake up and demand their leaders say no to the U.N. immigration plans (first they create the war, then they create the mass immigration plan and finally they execute the solution - theirs!) and find the exit door now to a failed League - a greater failed League of Nations than the former. The writing is on the wall. Get out while you can!
This is comprehensively ignorant, wrong, and ridiculous.

Then post legitimate sources and numbers proving the information is wrong. Don't use emotional outbursts and personal attacks, Clayton. Address what you disagree with and use facts to back up your claims.
That's the best solution for the refugee problem. They certainly shouldn't be brought here, or Europe for that matter. Refugee camps should be set up in the middle east. 1 of the 9 terrorist in France was one of these so-called "refugees" who are mostly young, fighting aged, men. How many terrorist have flowed into Europe? Obama wants a couple hundred thousand here?:wtf:
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable. The European people must become united in their demand to send the refugees who are presently in Europe over to the Arab States until the conflict in Syria is over with. Why has the U.N. refused to insist that SA and the Arab States take in their own brethren? Is it because they are creating a crisis which would hasten their agenda to become a One World Gorverment, legal system, religion, etc.? The European people need to wake up and demand their leaders say no to the U.N. immigration plans (first they create the war, then they create the mass immigration plan and finally they execute the solution - theirs!) and find the exit door now to a failed League - a greater failed League of Nations than the former. The writing is on the wall. Get out while you can!
This is comprehensively ignorant, wrong, and ridiculous.
Have a look at this CNN report, Clayton :

Refugee crisis: Europe takes many; Gulf states take none -

CNN)They've risked their lives to escape war in Syria. Most of Europe has struggled to deal with their masses, and has at least tried to answer a humanitarian call of a magnitude not seen since World War II.

But no Syrian refugees have been resettled in Persian Gulf nations like Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, countries with significant financial and political interest in Syria.

"Other countries need to do more," tweeted Nadim Houry, Human Rights Watch deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa. He called those wealthy countries' inaction on the Syrian refugee crisis "shameful."
I thought Saudi Arabia had taken a little over 500 with other Arab states taking less than that number. I read another report that claims Saudi Arabia has taken 0 - the same as the other Arab states. Either is unacceptable.

It's also not true.

In fact, MOST of the people being displaced by the Syrian Civil War have ended up in Islamic countries.

100,000 to 500,000 Syrians have ended up in Saudi Arabia. the Saudis don't call them "Refugees", but "Arab Brothers in distress". 1.4 Million are in Jordan, 2 million are in Turkey, and there are six figure numbers in Kuwait, the UAR, and Egypt.

BY COMPARISON- as much as you are hearing European whining about it, they really haven't taken in that many. Germany has taken the most- anywhere from 150,000 to 200,000. The next biggest recipiant is Sweden with 78,000.

And despite JewRoids hysterical ranting, France has only taken in 500. Most of their unhappy Muslims are people they brought over from Algeria and MOrroco decades ago as cheap labor and they can't find jobs for them now.

Refugees of the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This report from CNN disagrees with your Wikipedia page:

Refugee crisis: Europe takes many; Gulf states take none -
Refugee crisis: Why aren't Gulf states taking them in?

By Ashley Fantz, Becky Anderson and Schams Elwazer, CNN

Officials in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the UAE defend themselves by noting that each has given millions of dollars to the United Nations to help the refugees. The UAE says it's given more than $530 million in relief aid. They stress that Syrians have entered Gulf states on visas, and stayed.

And they also employ a "What about them?" defense, noting that the Gulf states aren't the only nations not helping give homes to victims of war. Amnesty International points out that other high-income countries like Russia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea have offered zero resettlement options.

No concept of refugee in Gulf states

The U.N. has been direct. It wants all nations which are developed to open their borders.

It's more than a matter of generosity; it's also practical, some argue. Gulf citizens have much in common with Syrians. They speak Arabic, like most Syrians. And those states are wealthier than many countries, such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, that have accepted refugees.

Some say Saudi Arabia and Qatar have an obligation to help victims of a war in which those nations have been involved through their financial support of rebel groups that have fought Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

I'm wondering, Joe, why your wikipedia page notes the United States of America as the largest contributors to the U.N. for the Syrian refugees while Saudi Arabia and the Arab States have claimed they have already given over 1/2 billion to the U.N. there is no record of it. Does the U.N. know that this half billion dollars has been contributed already? If so, where is it and why doesn't the U.N. know about it? Again - on the books according to your link, Joe, America is the largest contributors for the Syrian refugee crisis. Thanks for reading.
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Joe it appears there is a conflict between what the Saudi's are claiming and what BBC reported and what Al Jazeera and Arab news are claiming. All three news sources appear to have conflicting reports about the refugee status in Saudi Arabia and the Arab states according to your link. This is from your link:

Irrelvent to any point. so they aren't calling them Asylum Seekers. The point is, that is where they are ending up.

You see, all this Christian pissing themselves, but most of the refugees are in fact still in the Middle East.
Joe it appears there is a conflict between what the Saudi's are claiming and what BBC reported and what Al Jazeera and Arab news are claiming. All three news sources appear to have conflicting reports about the refugee status in Saudi Arabia and the Arab states according to your link. This is from your link:

Irrelvent to any point. so they aren't calling them Asylum Seekers. The point is, that is where they are ending up.

You see, all this Christian pissing themselves, but most of the refugees are in fact still in the Middle East.

Turkey and Iraq share a border with Syria - that is where they end up but not where they are going - they are in transit - to Europe - not the Middle East. That is the point of the question, Joe. Why won't Saudi Arabia and the Arab States take in their own people? The Israelis take in Jews from all over the world - any who desire to come are welcome. Why doesn't Mecca open their doors for their own Muslim people? I find it to be a fair question. Don't you?

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