Safe to say this is controversial?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Comes from a common database..........


Comes from a common database..........



The Da Vinci Code type of thing.

First I don't know how the info. was loaded, but I suspect it was automatic, there's so much of it. To the major extent the names and dates seem accurate, supported by other data, flows in surnames etc. As for Jesus, the only questions are why and what's the agenda?

If you go by the data:

Kings descended from Jesus. Not all of them, just the line from son Yeshuah. Tamar may have had children too, I'll double check, Anna may have been one.

Royalty kept things very close. The line(s) run down to Kings and Queens, and the data would confirm royalty married royalty, often from various countries and tribes, including the Kings of England, Scotland, and if memory serves me France as well. On a different path, with some connections to Jesus's decent, Rome is in the mix as well, beginning with a guy name Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus, somewhere around 0050 AD. His offspring would become kings themselves or perhaps more likely married into it.
Worth mentioning the line from Jesus runs WAY back. According to the data there were kings & queens before him. At the moment I'm looking at his supposed heritage since 740 BC and beyond, which stems from Joseph. Mary may have had some royalty herself, I'd have to look.

How rich are Kings when Joseph was supposedly poor? Perhaps the bloodline had been washed down by then? I'm no historian, but I have to say this is interesting. You can see trends where Kings swapped family members with other Kings. Matter of fact it shows marriage between family of King of Jerusalem and Henry 1. Course that's assuming the info. is accurate.

Takes a very long time to get to Jesus man. I created a cheat sequence so I don't have to guess. Somewhat a fluke I found it to begin with.
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Besides controversy of Jesus' having kids, the data appears to be wrong in both instances.

According to sources, the daughter's name is Sarah-Damaris Princesse de Juda pré-mérovingien [Bat Yeshuah]. It's not Tamar. YOB is correct.

According to sources the son was born 0033, not 0044. Jesus was crucified 0030-0035, generally speaking 0033 is used.

1. Yeshuah Ben Yossef (AKA JESUS) was born 1 MAR in Bethléem and died in 33 in Jérusalem. He married Mariamne La Tour du Troupeau (Migdal-Eder) Princesse de la Tribu de Be Migdal-eder in 26 in Tabgha, Galilée. Mariamne La Tour du Troupeau (Migdal-Eder) Princesse de la Tribu de Be , daughter of Hérode I Le Grand Roi d'Israël, Iduméen Le Grand and Mariamné Princesse de Benjamin, Nazaréenne Le Grand [Bat Ménahem] , was born in Béthanie and died in 63 in Ste Beaume, Provence. Children of Yeshuah Ben Yossef and Mariamne La Tour du Troupeau (Migdal-Eder) Princesse de la Tribu de Be Migdal-eder i. 2. Sarah-Damaris Princesse de Juda pré-mérovingien [Bat Yeshuah] was born in 27 and died on an unknown date. ii. 3. Yeshuah-Joseph Yuz Asaf Jésus le cadet, Joseph Harama Théo du Graal Ben Yeshuah was born in 33 in Judée and died in 120 in Srinagar, Cachemire.

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