Saint Greta Thunberg's speech to UN Strangely Resembles a 1992 UN Speech by Another 12-year-old

This isn't complicated. Someone has to lead. China and India won't join in unless they see we're doing it.
When did China and India cease to be located on planet earth? Since when did they stop receiving news from the rest of the planet?

Thunberg's emotionally laden screeds would carry more authority and seem more like a scientifically based call to action and less like an IPCC pep talk if she at least referenced India and China, mostly, once in awhile.
Especially considering China is still building two coal powered plants per week as they try to get power to their vast growing populace.
I insult people. I'm good at. So do you. Difference is, I don't start blubbering like a little bitch when I get it back. If you're going to be as free with the insults as you are, you need to develop a thicker skin. Otherwise, you're in for a rough ride.
Thanks. I've managed to survive here despite insults so far.
I don't mind insults if they are clever and they are not the main point of a post.

You are like a cook who pours salt into everything indiscriminately. Insults are most effective when they augment points on topic and do not become all one sees.

You might want to remember that.
This isn't complicated. Someone has to lead. China and India won't join in unless they see we're doing it.
When did China and India cease to be located on planet earth? Since when did they stop receiving news from the rest of the planet?

Thunberg's emotionally laden screeds would carry more authority and seem more like a scientifically based call to action and less like an IPCC pep talk if she at least referenced India and China, mostly, once in awhile.
Especially considering China is still building two coal powered plants per week as they try to get power to their vast growing populace.
I insult people. I'm good at. So do you. Difference is, I don't start blubbering like a little bitch when I get it back. If you're going to be as free with the insults as you are, you need to develop a thicker skin. Otherwise, you're in for a rough ride.
Thanks. I've managed to survive here despite insults so far.
I don't mind insults if they are clever and they are not the main point of a post.

You are like a cook who pours salt into everything indiscriminately. Insults are most effective when they augment points on topic and do not become all one sees.

You might want to remember that.
The Lefts only goal is to destroy Western Civilization.
When did China and India cease to be located on planet earth? Since when did they stop receiving news from the rest of the planet? Thunberg's pleadings would carry more authority and seem more like a scientifically based call to action and less like an IPCC pep talk if she at least referenced India and China, mostly, once in awhile

Logical fallacy. A moral and logical person works on cleaning up their own backyard first, otherwise they lack any moral authority to lecture anyone else.

By your plan, nothing would ever happen. If nobody will move until someone else moves, and nobody moves first, then nobody moves, ever.

Especially considering China is still building two coal powered plants per week as they try to get power to their vast

No, that's what the provinces want. If the central government says no, they can't do it. And the central government won't say no unless they see other nations making efforts as well.

I don't mind insults if they are clever and they are not the main point of a post.

Let's look at some of your recent contributions.

"you fucking moron drunk"
"Get that through your thick shit filled head"
"mentally challenged people like yourself."
"this moronic goon"
"brain damaged alcoholics"
"angry mentally ill alcoholics"

Well, that settles it. Clearly, you have the most clever insults of all, so everyone else should learn to appreciate them more.
I get it. More populous countries have to emit less. So the people living in those country have to do most of the work to reduce emissions while your fst ass does nothing because your country is only in the top three.
You don't have to prove to me you don't get it. It's obvious.
China pollutes more than any nation on earth yet Thunberg studiously avoids even mentioning their name.
How serious is she about global warming? Not very serious at all. Greta Thunberg accuses everyone, minus China and India
The Tragedy Of Greta Thunberg

Get your mom to read this to you because you don't seem very interested in learning.

Science is not a cult. Deniers clinging to a few denier science people is a cult. A cult willing to condemn their own children.
Science is not a cult but St. Greta's unscientific prophesies of doom are. There are no scientists of any repute backing up and confirming what she is telling people.

Yes, global warming is a thing. No, it isn't nearly as imminent or bad as she makes it seem with her Chicken Little-isms.
Not even Barack Obama believes in it to any substantial degree despite the lip service he must give it.

Look what Thunberg says about rising ocean levels...look where Obama just bought a mansion. Clearly there is a disconnect between what Thunberg says and what Obama has done.
I get it. More populous countries have to emit less. So the people living in those country have to do most of the work to reduce emissions while your fst ass does nothing because your country is only in the top three.
You don't have to prove to me you don't get it. It's obvious.
China pollutes more than any nation on earth yet Thunberg studiously avoids even mentioning their name.
How serious is she about global warming? Not very serious at all. Greta Thunberg accuses everyone, minus China and India
The Tragedy Of Greta Thunberg

Get your mom to read this to you because you don't seem very interested in learning.

Science is not a cult. Deniers clinging to a few denier science people is a cult. A cult willing to condemn their own children.
Science is not a cult but St. Greta's unscientific prophesies of doom are. There are no scientists of any repute backing up and confirming what she is telling people.

Yes, global warming is a thing. No, it isn't nearly as imminent or bad as she makes it seem with her Chicken Little-isms.
Not even Barack Obama believes in it to any substantial degree despite the lip service he must give it.

Look what Thunberg says about rising ocean levels...look where Obama just bought a mansion. Clearly there is a disconnect between what Thunberg says and what Obama has done.
Jesus fuck you are stupid. You morons run screaming down the street waving your arms about " OMG OMG China!!!! China!!!" as some sort of an excuse to be ignorant assholes to do nothing on climate change.

Everyone's carbon foot print matters.. You blaming China because they have more people & they are still developing proves how ignorant you are.

Then you are so fucking stupid you think ocean front means sea level/. You do realize that ocean front properties can be on a knoll hundreds of feet from the ocean. Of course not. Because you are a fucking moron.
This isn't complicated. Someone has to lead. China and India won't join in unless they see we're doing it.
When did China and India cease to be located on planet earth? Since when did they stop receiving news from the rest of the planet?

Thunberg's emotionally laden screeds would carry more authority and seem more like a scientifically based call to action and less like an IPCC pep talk if she at least referenced India and China, mostly, once in awhile.
Especially considering China is still building two coal powered plants per week as they try to get power to their vast growing populace.
I insult people. I'm good at. So do you. Difference is, I don't start blubbering like a little bitch when I get it back. If you're going to be as free with the insults as you are, you need to develop a thicker skin. Otherwise, you're in for a rough ride.
Thanks. I've managed to survive here despite insults so far.
I don't mind insults if they are clever and they are not the main point of a post.

You are like a cook who pours salt into everything indiscriminately. Insults are most effective when they augment points on topic and do not become all one sees.

You might want to remember that.
The Lefts only goal is to destroy Western Civilization.

Trump is already doing it.
This isn't complicated. Someone has to lead. China and India won't join in unless they see we're doing it.
When did China and India cease to be located on planet earth? Since when did they stop receiving news from the rest of the planet?

Thunberg's emotionally laden screeds would carry more authority and seem more like a scientifically based call to action and less like an IPCC pep talk if she at least referenced India and China, mostly, once in awhile.
Especially considering China is still building two coal powered plants per week as they try to get power to their vast growing populace.
I insult people. I'm good at. So do you. Difference is, I don't start blubbering like a little bitch when I get it back. If you're going to be as free with the insults as you are, you need to develop a thicker skin. Otherwise, you're in for a rough ride.
Thanks. I've managed to survive here despite insults so far.
I don't mind insults if they are clever and they are not the main point of a post.

You are like a cook who pours salt into everything indiscriminately. Insults are most effective when they augment points on topic and do not become all one sees.

You might want to remember that.
The Lefts only goal is to destroy Western Civilization.

Trump is already doing it.
the US emits more per person.

I'm doing my best ... but I'm just one guy.

Wow, you must have a really small penis.
Logical fallacy. A moral and logical person works on cleaning up their own backyard first, otherwise they lack any moral authority to lecture anyone else.

By your plan, nothing would ever happen. If nobody will move until someone else moves, and nobody moves first, then nobody moves, ever.
Are you really trying to say the United States and other Western nations haven't done anything to curb CO2 emissions?
That's stunningly out of touch with reality. I don't even know how to respond to such ignorance, such denial, such out of touch
refusal to acknowledge what's going on all around you (presuming you haven't been in a coma and your posts suggest you haven't been). Wow! Incredible. Anything to deny a political reality you'd rather not acknowledge.
No, that's what the provinces want. If the central government says no, they can't do it. And the central government won't say no unless they see other nations making efforts as well.
Save your bullshit for your flowers. China is centrally run authoritarian nation. Where you aware of that?
China has instituted a plan to greatly increase their power plants all throughout their vast growing nation.
You are frankly full of crap if you claim again that China isn't going to fight AGW until they see other countries doing that too.
News flash....the West has all put in ambitious programs to limit fossil fuel emissions and are actively pursuing that goal.

Lying to my face, denying reality and insulting my intelligence gets you put on permanent ignore. Keep it up.
Let's look at some of your recent contributions.

"you fucking moron drunk"
"Get that through your thick shit filled head"
"mentally challenged people like yourself."
"this moronic goon"
"brain damaged alcoholics"
"angry mentally ill alcoholics"

Well, that settles it. Clearly, you have the most clever insults of all, so everyone else should learn to appreciate them more.
These are all remarks directed at one particular poster who calls for comments in kind based on his own style of vile and obscene insults. You'll have to do better than that though clearly you don't have it in you. Look at recent posts #110 and 111, for example.

If you only look at the actions of one army in a war it looks just like some nations just like to attack and shoot at other nations when their actions are isolated and taken out of context..Try to be less disingenuous if you are able.
Again, since you are such an assfuck, the US emits more per person.
You know China has about 70% more people than we do, right? And you know that China emits more CO2 that the US and EU combined right?

So if you know this, having been told a dozen times by me alone, why are you still such an ignorant prick? Do you spend all your waking hours with a Jim Beam IV drip?
I get it. More populous countries have to emit less. So the people living in those country have to do most of the work to reduce emissions while your fst ass does nothing because your country is only in the top three.
You don't have to prove to me you don't get it. It's obvious.
China pollutes more than any nation on earth yet Thunberg studiously avoids even mentioning their name.
How serious is she about global warming? Not very serious at all. Greta Thunberg accuses everyone, minus China and India
The Tragedy Of Greta Thunberg

Get your mom to read this to you because you don't seem very interested in learning.

Science is not a cult. Deniers clinging to a few denier science people is a cult. A cult willing to condemn their own children.
Science is not a cult but St. Greta's unscientific prophesies of doom are. There are no scientists of any repute backing up and confirming what she is telling people.

Yes, global warming is a thing. No, it isn't nearly as imminent or bad as she makes it seem with her Chicken Little-isms.
Not even Barack Obama believes in it to any substantial degree despite the lip service he must give it.

Look what Thunberg says about rising ocean levels...look where Obama just bought a mansion. Clearly there is a disconnect between what Thunberg says and what Obama has done.
Jesus fuck you are stupid. You morons run screaming down the street waving your arms about " OMG OMG China!!!! China!!!" as some sort of an excuse to be ignorant assholes to do nothing on climate change.

Everyone's carbon foot print matters.. You blaming China because they have more people & they are still developing proves how ignorant you are.

Then you are so fucking stupid you think ocean front means sea level/. You do realize that ocean front properties can be on a knoll hundreds of feet from the ocean. Of course not. Because you are a fucking moron.
If people did not have the talent of stealing from others, I would have more interest. I have been aware of this scam since 1970. I am sorry. To many people steal in so many ways from others. It builds up. You get jaded and cynical and it is harder to believe. It is a self defense mechanism. These big scams are all or nothing types of things. Obamacare was and is like that. If you are the one who benefitted it is great. But if you paid in any way it was not so great. On one part of the climate issue, the barrier islands are really not meant to be built on. But we do. That is why they are called the barrier islands. They take the brunt of the weather and erosion if it occurs. So say, showing a photo of a motel with water close to it on a barrier island really means nothing. This part of the scam is human intensive living, perhaps to close to the water. Humans wouldn't do it if they did not like it.
Are you really trying to say the United States and other Western nations haven't done anything to curb CO2 emissions?

No. Now are you trying to say China hasn't? Because that would be stunningly out of touch with reality, being China is spending 3 times as much as the USA.

Remember, there's a whole world outside of your cult. You should look at it sometime.

China has instituted a plan to greatly increase their power plants all throughout their vast growing nation.

Remember, you're not talking to one of your fellow cultists. You're talking to a liberal, so you'll have to back up your wild claims.

Lying to my face, denying reality and insulting my intelligence gets you put on permanent ignore. Keep it up.

When normal people want to ignore someone, they just ignore them. They don't feel the need to announce it to the world. You obviously need to be the center of attention. So, you've got the histrionic personality disorder, along with the standard denier narcissism.

Looks like time to carve another notch in my cultist-smacking stick. I do that whenever a cultist loudly announces they'll put me on ignore. That stick is about to fall apart, it's got so many notches. I am kind of disappointed in you. None of my other pout-stalkers have surrendered after only 3 posts. Even by denier standards, you're a lightweight, and that's saying something.
If you St Greta groupies are really serious about her gospel then you will stop giving India and China a pass as if their pollution doesn't count. One world with one climate that we all share cannot be fought in a piecemeal sort of way.

If you people won't be serious about this issue don't expect anyone else to take you seriously.
Your patron saint is a fraud if she puts cleaning up the earth's environment all on the West.

Your mewling and whining is comic because you ask us to venerate and respect a fraud.

Maybe St. Greta should get a bit of a pass because she doesn't know any better and she's been lied to. But when you lecture the world you are responsible for
everything you say and demand of others.

We demand the truth from St. Greta and so far all we see is a fraud.
No. Now are you trying to say China hasn't? Because that would be stunningly out of touch with reality, being China is spending 3 times as much as the USA.

Remember, there's a whole world outside of your cult. You should look at it sometime.
So should you, ignorant hypocrite. Chinese companies to build 700 coal plants in and outside China
Read the link and then tell me again how China is trying to clean up their filthy act. I don't need to say another word.
Remember, you're not talking to one of your fellow cultists. You're talking to a liberal, so you'll have to back up your wild claims.
No wild claims at all and I've cited such material before. It's ironic you love to address others as "cultists" when the evidence shows you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
When normal people want to ignore someone, they just ignore them. They don't feel the need to announce it to the world. You obviously need to be the center of attention. So, you've got the histrionic personality disorder, along with the standard denier narcissism.
I'm just giving you fair warning because I've warned some trolls and they have cleaned up their acts, to a degree.
You keep contacting me so I have to assume you are getting something from my posts that I find distinctly lacking in your own dishonest posts. Fell free to stop if you want.

If you want more you will stop claiming China is waiting for us to take global warming
seriously because that's a fucking lie and you insult my intelligence every time you
repeat your lie. Your own sense of intelligence, if you have any, may not mind being disrespected but I can't say the same of mine.

Only one of our two nations is trying to limit greenhouse gases and it's not China!

Looks like time to carve another notch in my cultist-smacking stick. I do that whenever a cultist loudly announces they'll put me on ignore. That stick is about to fall apart, it's got so many notches. I am kind of disappointed in you. None of my other pout-stalkers have surrendered after only 3 posts. Even by denier standards, you're a lightweight, and that's saying something.
Go ahead and declare your superiority. It's certainly easier than earning any sort of preeminence which you are highly unlikely to ever achieve.

Winners do. Losers claim they have done.
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I'm getting so tired of seeing Greta's face all over the place. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that she's a political tool, being used to create fear and panic, which is what corrupt powers always do, in order to bring about their agendas.

These two quotes sum it up:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary."

"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it."

– H. L. Mencken

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