Saint Greta Thunberg's speech to UN Strangely Resembles a 1992 UN Speech by Another 12-year-old

I used to be quite a Mencken fan. He had a lot of useful comments. I doubt he would be impressed by a mentally impaired 16 year old who has been packaged and promoted like a can of chili.
Trump is already doing it.
Who can take such idiocy seriously? Not any thinking person.
We are no longer world leaders but a laughing stock.
Our environment is going downhill.
Deficits are skyrocketing
Manufacturing is bottoming out
Farmers are going bankrupt
Trade war is hurting Americans
Our Constitution is being shredded
Violence and bigotry are spewing from our President
So many people like you too fucking stupid to know what a POS Trump is.
I used to be quite a Mencken fan. He had a lot of useful comments. I doubt he would be impressed by a mentally impaired 16 year old who has been packaged and promoted like a can of chili.

A young leader of young people. Why does she scare you so much.

I doubt he would be such a panty waist like you to demean a girl because of a condition that has nothing to do with her ability to think.
A young leader of young people. Why does she scare you so much.

I doubt he would be such a panty waist like you to demean a girl because of a condition that has nothing to do with her ability to think.
You aren't bright or discerning enough to tell fear from rejection of a fraud and I'm not surprised.
You aren't the brightest penny in the jar...far from it.

Her ability to think is not in question. It's here inability to separate scientific reality from paranoid fear and tales made up to frighten gullible children. She obviously believes things that simply are not true.

What's your excuse for being such a stupid dupe?
And I never denied it. I just added the truth that you deliberately left out. I gave the whole story, while you tried to hide it. You're still claiming China is not investing big in renewables. That's a bald-faced lie, and you know it.

So, both the USA and China have work to do. I accept that. You faked a story that only China is at fault.

Your central propaganda point is intellectually dishonest. You know it, but you're still going to stick with it. After all, it's the only talking point you have. If you're taken off-script, you're completely helpless. Cult parrots are like that. The cult told you to push a certain lie, so you're going to obey.

I'm just giving you fair warning because I've warned some trolls and they have cleaned up their acts, to a degree

Pointing out your intellectual dishonesty is trolling? That's an interesting definition.

You keep contacting me so I have to assume you are getting something from my posts that I find distinctly lacking in your own dishonest posts. Fell free to stop if you want.

Snowflake, this is a message board. If you don't want people to respond to your posts, then don't post. Crying at me and making vague threats will not convince me to stop pointing out your dishonesty.
And I never denied it. I just added the truth that you deliberately left out. I gave the whole story, while you tried to hide it. You're still claiming China is not investing big in renewables. That's a bald-faced lie, and you know it.
I've never claimed that at all. Prove otherwise, troll.

My one overriding comment has been the fact that China pumps out more CO2 than the US and EU combined.
That you have to lie about this says everything one needs to know about you.
And btw, how "big" could China be putting resources into renewable power if they are the largest source of CO2 of any nation on earth?

So, both the USA and China have work to do. I accept that. You faked a story that only China is at fault.
Nope. Never said such a thing and I've never "faked" a story that says that, as if I could, somehow.
You just got caught making crap up again. I challenge you again to show anywhere I've said only China is at fault. Go ahead and show me up.

Maybe you aren't smart or honest enough to correctly characterize
my position: The US and the West has a lot of work to do, if you believe carbon dioxide is harmful,. China has much much more work to do.
And Greta Thunberg and her dog and pony show hasn't mentioned this fact even once, as she's busy calling out world governments. Not very ethical is she? Or more likely her handlers have never told her this news.

Your central propaganda point is intellectually dishonest. You know it, but you're still going to stick with it. After all, it's the only talking point you have. If you're taken off-script, you're completely helpless. Cult parrots are like that. The cult told you to push a certain lie, so you're going to obey.
Don't take your stupid uninformed views and try to tie them to me. It makes you look like even a bigger fool than you are.
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Maybe you aren't smart or honest enough to correctly characterize my position: The US and the West has a lot of work to do, if you believe carbon dioxide is harmful,. China has much much more work to do.

Nice to see that I've changed you mind. I was wrong. You can be educated.

As you've stopped using your faulty logic, my work here appears to be done.
Oh there we go, the classic Liberal fall back position: Yes we know she's full of shit but how can you attack a little child?

It is beyond the pale.

Criticizing her positions is fine.

You're not doing that. You're all viciously attacking her personally. That's disgusting.
Nice to see that I've changed you mind. I was wrong. You can be educated.

As you've stopped using your faulty logic, my work here appears to be done.
Great satire and cowardly as fuck!
Too chicken shit to admit you are full of it so you pretend I am the one who has switched my story. Incredible.
I haven't changed my views or statements one bit. My posts are a record of what I've said on the issue.

And you? Not so much. Fuck off, loser!
And you? Not so much. Fuck off, loser!

Triggered. Hilarious. You can almost see his bulging eyes.

Take a lesson for the future.

If you don't write stupid things, I won't point it out.

If you don't lie, I won't point it out.

If you don't act like a whiny hypocrite, I won't point it out.

Triggered. Hilarious. You can almost see his bulging eyes.

Take a lesson for the future.

If you don't write stupid things, I won't point it out.

If you don't lie, I won't point it out.

If you don't act like a whiny hypocrite, I won't point it out.

I don't need to cut a deal because I can stand behind everything I've posted and documented.
I challenge each and every worshiper of the great climate hoax to put their money where their mouth is. Stop emitting CO2. Go ahead, convince me of your sincerity.

Yup! I though so.
a mentally impaired 16 year old

Nasty little sucker, aren't you?

It appears that maligning children gives you a tingle up the leg.
Oh there we go, the classic Liberal fall back position: Yes we know she's full of shit but how can you attack a little child? :206:

The little child is you.

All you assfucks here keep claiming Greta is wrong and how you assfucks are the smarty ones.

What the fuck do you know? NOTHING! You are stupid fucking people duped by the likes of Trump, Limbaugh & Fox News.

Here is one who agrees with Greta. A Harvard SCIENTIST. ( Ummm a SCIENTIST VS USMB know-it-all deniers - who should we believe ....)
We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says

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