Saint Greta Thunberg's speech to UN Strangely Resembles a 1992 UN Speech by Another 12-year-old

This is nothing new ... when the Dominican Monk Savonarola terrorized Florence in the 15th Century, the instrument of his terror was gangs of young children who went door-to-door threatening people with vandalism or worse if they didn't give up their 'vanities' for his bonfires.

It's an old tactic.
This is nothing new ... when the Dominican Monk Savonarola terrorized Florence in the 15th Century, the instrument of his terror was gangs of young children who went door-to-door threatening people with vandalism or worse if they didn't give up their 'vanities' for his bonfires.

It's an old tactic.
Khmer Rouge used children to round up and execute adults.
The mere idea you think she is wrong is proof of your ignorance.
That you passionately defend everything about her is yours. It looks like you love her as much as your bottle of Wild Turkey. And that's a lot!

China??????? China's per capita emissions are far far far below ours. See, you are this fucking stupid.
We've been through this many times, moron. China produces more CO2 then the US and the EU combined!
You keep going on about "per capita" pollution which is so fucking idiotic! A nation of over a billion people with a per capita income of just $3, 180 dollars (as of 2008 China Income, China National Income ) is not going to pollute much individually because most can't afford a car, take airplane flights, etc.
But in aggregate, you fucking moron drunk, the nation of China is the biggest carbon polluter on earth!
Get that through your thick shit filled head. I'm certain you don't even know what a per capita measurement is.

Then you are so fucking stupid you think Greta days the planet ends in a few years whern the message is that we need to act.
She DOES say the planet will be doomed if we don't do a 180 by 2030 and no scientist in the world backs up her Chicken Little-ism.
She's an alarmist, a fear monger, dishonest and she does her message much harm by crying wolf. She repels as much as she attracts with her tales of apocalyptic doom that no scientist will back up. Her emotionally driven screeds appeal to children and mentally challenged people like yourself.
But among informed rational adults who study the issue she is a curiosity and a side show.
Her performances are hilarious in a Nazi youth rally sort of way

Keep picking on 16 year olds. Especially those far smarter & far better informed than you.
You have to
actually know yourself what the issue is in order make a statement like that. But you aren't bright enough to do that.
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The mere idea you think she is wrong is proof of your ignorance.
That you passionately defend everything about her is yours. It looks like you love her as much as your bottle of Wild Turkey. And that's a lot!

China??????? China's per capita emissions are far far far below ours. See, you are this fucking stupid.
We've been through this many times, moron. China produces more CO2 then the US and the EU combined!
You keep going on about "per capita" pollution which is so fucking idiotic! A nation of over a billion people with a per capita income of just $3, 180 dollars (as of 2008 China Income, China National Income ) is not going to pollute much individually because most can't afford a car, take airplane flights, etc.
But in aggregate, you fucking moron drunk, the nation of China is the biggest carbon polluter on earth!
Get that through your thick shit filled head. I'm certain you don't even know what a per capita measurement is.

Then you are so fucking stupid you think Greta days the planet ends in a few years whern the message is that we need to act.
She DOES say the planet will be doomed if we don't do a 180 by 2030 and no scientist in the world backs up her Chicken Little-ism.
She's an alarmist, a fear monger, dishonest and she does her message much harm by crying wolf. She repels as much as she attracts with her tales of apocalyptic doom that no scientist will back up. Her emotionally driven screeds appeal to children and mentally challenged people like yourself.
But among informed rational adults who study the issue she is a curiosity and a side show.
Her performances are hilarious in a Nazi youth rally sort of way

Keep picking on 16 year olds. Especially those far smarter & far better informed than you.
You have to
actually know yourself what the issue is in order make a statement like that. But you aren't bright enough to do that.

I know what the issue is, it is you picking on a young girl instead of being better informed enough to know she is right to be concerned.
This is nothing new ... when the Dominican Monk Savonarola terrorized Florence in the 15th Century, the instrument of his terror was gangs of young children who went door-to-door threatening people with vandalism or worse if they didn't give up their 'vanities' for his bonfires.

It's an old tactic.
Khmer Rouge used children to round up and execute adults.
Trump uses children as a deterrent. You love Trump.
This is nothing new ... when the Dominican Monk Savonarola terrorized Florence in the 15th Century, the instrument of his terror was gangs of young children who went door-to-door threatening people with vandalism or worse if they didn't give up their 'vanities' for his bonfires.

It's an old tactic.
Khmer Rouge used children to round up and execute adults.
Trump uses children as a deterrent. You love Trump.
Ah. Trump is guilty of doing what Obamamessiah did.
The Fascists love using children to do their political BS.

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Well one of them is sincere than the other. Greta is just plagiarizing Severn's speech. Since it had some affect with Severn at the U.N.. That George Soros feel that it may work with Greta to push his Climate danger propaganda. But Severn's father is against George Soros' crops that is destroying the world. Severn's father is the real deal, who brought up his daughter to know about the environment. But Greta's parents are actors. Which they has taught their daughter how to perform "B" movies performances..

And they’re both full of propaganda shit.
The mere idea you think she is wrong is proof of your ignorance.
That you passionately defend everything about her is yours. It looks like you love her as much as your bottle of Wild Turkey. And that's a lot!

China??????? China's per capita emissions are far far far below ours. See, you are this fucking stupid.
We've been through this many times, moron. China produces more CO2 then the US and the EU combined!
You keep going on about "per capita" pollution which is so fucking idiotic! A nation of over a billion people with a per capita income of just $3, 180 dollars (as of 2008 China Income, China National Income ) is not going to pollute much individually because most can't afford a car, take airplane flights, etc.
But in aggregate, you fucking moron drunk, the nation of China is the biggest carbon polluter on earth!
Get that through your thick shit filled head. I'm certain you don't even know what a per capita measurement is.

Then you are so fucking stupid you think Greta days the planet ends in a few years whern the message is that we need to act.
She DOES say the planet will be doomed if we don't do a 180 by 2030 and no scientist in the world backs up her Chicken Little-ism.
She's an alarmist, a fear monger, dishonest and she does her message much harm by crying wolf. She repels as much as she attracts with her tales of apocalyptic doom that no scientist will back up. Her emotionally driven screeds appeal to children and mentally challenged people like yourself.
But among informed rational adults who study the issue she is a curiosity and a side show.
Her performances are hilarious in a Nazi youth rally sort of way

Keep picking on 16 year olds. Especially those far smarter & far better informed than you.
You have to
actually know yourself what the issue is in order make a statement like that. But you aren't bright enough to do that.

I know what the issue is, it is you picking on a young girl instead of being better informed enough to know she is right to be concerned.
There you have. Leftard uses a 16 year old high school dropout as his scientific source and gets all pissed when her BS is called.
Personally, I consider all these new-fangled syndromes convenient excuses for things we dealt with previously without the aid of mental health "experts" and drugs. A good, quick kick in the ass healed a lot of "disorders".
Sure we 'dealt with it', but not very well.

All my life I thought everyone else were being ass holes toward me, but I found out that I was the 'ass hole' in effect because I was misreading peoples facial cues due to my Aspergers. I also give off misleading facial cues to people, unintentionally, but it has caused me a great deal of strife. I got marriage counseling in the early 2000's and the counselor suggested I look into it, and my daughter supported that idea, and a dear co-worker friend told me I was the 'walking Poster child for Aspergers Syndrome'.

So I got some counseling and the shrink said normally he would not give a diagnosis until at least the end of the third meeting, but he felt 100% confident in telling me at the end of my first meeting that I had Aspergers Syndrome. People with Aspergers have something called 'mind blindness' which means that we cannot empathize well because other people dont think like we do. Aspergers people tend to be Spock-like mentally and not get emotional social reactions from people. I have always had a problem with touchy feely issues while accelling at scholastics. But the counseling really helped me. My wife said she wished I had gotten the counseling years ago. I had always compensated adequately, but the marriage and teen age kids were bringing out my shortcomings in human empathy. The counselor taught me how to compensate for the disorder and I am a much happier person for it.

Aspergers is a real thing, not just a fad or some psychobable, but if you feel better thinking that then by all means continue along.
While I have no doubt that many of these syndromes do exist, I also believe that they are over-diagnosed and often used as a cop-out for poor behavior or poor parenting. It is still pretty heinous to use a child as this girl is being used, regardless of her disability.
There you have. Leftard uses a 16 year old high school dropout as his scientific source and gets all pissed when her BS is called.
I've posted the same scientific facts to this moronic goon about four or five times now and it all has zero effect on his
Thunberg is using scare mongering and non scientifically based claims in order to reach her brainwashed audience, which comes mostly from media driven propaganda.
Her Chicken Little-ism has great emotional appeal to school children and brain damaged alcoholics such as we see on these boards but little to no scientific credence when she talks about the end of the world in ten short years.

And yeah, her message is not given to, or listened to, in India and China, two massive nations that have no interest in ending their growth to accommodate global warming doom sayers like St. Greta Thunberg.
This is nothing new ... when the Dominican Monk Savonarola terrorized Florence in the 15th Century, the instrument of his terror was gangs of young children who went door-to-door threatening people with vandalism or worse if they didn't give up their 'vanities' for his bonfires.

It's an old tactic.
Khmer Rouge used children to round up and execute adults.
Trump uses children as a deterrent. You love Trump.
Ah. Trump is guilty of doing what Obamamessiah did.
The NAZI Prog Youth. They are so adorable.
I've posted the same scientific facts to this moronic goon about four or five times now and it all has zero effect on his "thinking".

You do understand that screaming like a triggered cultist isn't "posting scientific facts", right?

You're kind of a moron. I understand how you and the other cultists don't grasp that. After all, your authoritarian cult keeps telling you what precious snowflakes you are for repeating cult propaganda so reliably. You all crave that emotional affirmation. It's why you were sucked into the cult, and it's why you'll never leave. Liberals with their stupid cold facts and hard data don't provide you with emotional warm fuzzies, except when your cult tells you to scream hate at them.

Thunberg is using scare mongering and non scientifically based claims in order to reach her brainwashed audience, which comes mostly from media driven propaganda.
Her Chicken Little-ism has great emotional appeal to school children and brain damaged alcoholics such as we see on these boards but little to no scientific credence when she talks about the end of the world in ten short years.

Okay, you can go change your diaper now.

And yeah, her message is not given to, or listened to, in India and China, two massive nations that have no interest in ending their growth to accommodate global warming doom sayers like St. Greta Thunberg.

So why did you think that statement wasn't retarded? And why is it always up to me to stage these interventions?

Here's a clue, little cultist. Someone has to lead. Is that really too much for you to grasp?
You're kind of a moron. I understand how you and the other cultists don't grasp that. After all, your authoritarian cult keeps telling you what precious snowflakes you are for repeating cult propaganda so reliably. You all crave that emotional affirmation. It's why you were sucked into the cult, and it's why you'll never leave. Liberals with their stupid cold facts and hard data don't provide you with emotional warm fuzzies, except when your cult tells you to scream hate at them.
The scientific facts of how much CO2 China emits...more than the US and the EU combined but your comrade doesn't seem to get it. And you are too busy throwing out ad homs to address the issue or care either.
And that's what makes you as big an a-hole as your friend is (if that's possible).

"Diapers", "cultist", "moron" etc. Are those your cold facts and hard data? Or did you totally forget to include any because you were having such a great time throwing out hate filled insults? It's more likely you aren't interested in facts to begin with.

You just got triggered and turned on your troll machine because you can't help yourself.
You are weak minded like your pals.
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And they’re both full of propaganda shit.
The main reason why that this Global warming agenda is being push is? It is to push the sales of GMO's. And banned conventional or organic plants and animals. Because they produce too much Greenhouse gases. They are creating GMO plants and cattle that produces less CO2. And ranchers will have to buy their GMO cattle at a very high price, and will not be able to breed them, because these cattle are going to be patented. And which if the ranchers tries to breed them with other cattle and sell them? That they will be infringing on their product. And so the Globalist will have total control of the food market, fuel market and medicine market. Because they will create laws that these GMO's will save the world and only can be used. Like when they created GMO crops, that their slogan had said. That GMO's will feed the world and trying to make sure that all countries can only use these seeds . But if you get rid of the GMO's. The Elites will stop this Climate warming lie.
They are going to make trillions from off this climate hoax. But we will be broke from buying their expensive $45 burgers from McDonalds.
Suzuki is trying to stop the Global Elites from pushing this lie that says that GMO's are safe for the environment. And which he thinks that it might be one of the cause of this climate change.

And they’re both full of propaganda shit.
The main reason why that this Global warming agenda is being push is? It is to push the sales of GMO's. And banned conventional or organic plants and animals. Because they produce too much Greenhouse gases. They are creating GMO plants and cattle that produces less CO2. And ranchers will have to buy their GMO cattle at a very high price, and will not be able to breed them, because these cattle are going to be patented. And which if the ranchers tries to breed them with other cattle and sell them? That they will be infringing on their product. And so the Globalist will have total control of the food market, fuel market and medicine market. Because they will create laws that these GMO's will save the world and only can be used. Like when they created GMO crops, that their slogan had said. That GMO's will feed the world and trying to make sure that all countries can only use these seeds . But if you get rid of the GMO's. The Elites will stop this Climate warming lie.
They are going to make trillions from off this climate hoax. But we will be broke from buying their expensive $45 burgers from McDonalds.
Suzuki is trying to stop the Global Elites from pushing this lie that says that GMO's are safe for the environment. And which he thinks that it might be one of the cause of this climate change.

GMOs are total crap. There are so many unknowns involved and anyone who wishes to study the possibilities and potential consequences of introducing GMOs into the food chain are usually shut down.
GMOs are total crap. There are so many unknowns involved and anyone who wishes to study the possibilities and potential consequences of introducing GMOs into the food chain are usually shut down.
That is the Globalist's M.O. To shut down those who doesn't goes along with their program. They temporarily stopped attacking Anti-Gmo advocates since Pres.Trump became the President. but before, they has spent billions to censored Anti-GMO advocates. And St. Louis was their headquarters at the time.


The scientific facts of how much CO2 China emits...more than the US and the EU combined

This isn't complicated. Someone has to lead. China and India won't join in unless they see we're doing it.

but your comrade doesn't seem to get it. And you are too busy throwing out ad homs to address the issue or care either.
And that's what makes you as big an a-hole as your friend is (if that's possible).

"Diapers", "cultist", "moron" etc. Are those your cold facts and hard data?

I insult people. I'm good at. So do you. Difference is, I don't start blubbering like a little bitch when I get it back. If you're going to be as free with the insults as you are, you need to develop a thicker skin. Otherwise, you're in for a rough ride.
This is nothing new ... when the Dominican Monk Savonarola terrorized Florence in the 15th Century, the instrument of his terror was gangs of young children who went door-to-door threatening people with vandalism or worse if they didn't give up their 'vanities' for his bonfires.

It's an old tactic.
Khmer Rouge used children to round up and execute adults.
Trump uses children as a deterrent. You love Trump.
Ah. Trump is guilty of doing what Obamamessiah did.
Obama had unaccompanied children. Trump stole children as a deterrent. His border people said so.

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