Salk vaccine


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Um, lets talk about health issues. Polio for instance. It was a real issue, our 32nd and most endearing president had it, F. D. R. , Let's segue into Jonas Salk, father of the polio vaccine, WHAT IF had just inoculated FDR? That WAS science fiction Well, the polio vaccine worked way better than this bullshit covid19 does NOW in real time that needs many inoculations and boosters in less than a year's time? So why should anybody be forced to take it?
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I've been inoculated for polio, and measles and god knows what else and it never required new inoculations and boosters in less than a year, ever... Explain 60 years, that's my perspective here.
They are looking for something. It's just one big lab experiment and we are all Fauci's beagles.
The inventor of the polio vaccine gave the patent and rights away for free.


There was no profit motive in getting folks inoculated to create herd immunity with that one. . . folks really believed it was for the greater good.

. . . if the folks behind these Covid jabs really believed in them, and didn't care about the profit, do you think they would be charging the government and the taxpayer for each jab?

The Salk vaccine was not available to the public until 1957, after the 1948 Polio epidemic was almost over.
Never has a vaccine been made available quickly enough to ever end any epidemic in progress.
Vaccines are only good for preventing the next one.

Herd immunity has always been the main way epidemics have been ended.
The exceptions are the really lethal ones, like Ebola, where full quarantine is used instead.
You NEVER "flatten the curve".
That just prevents herd immunity and makes the epidemic last forever.
Not caring about vaccine is youth privilege.

Best hopes for all Senior Citizens -- may G-d protect you.
I am vaccinated.

My point was that vaccinating the elderly is not the best solution.
The vaccine will kill more of the elderly than it will young people, for the same reason the immune system reaction to the virus kills more elderly than young.
So it is better if the young get vaccinated and the elderly do not.
Vaccinating the young also lasts longer.

And even better is if the young get recovery immunity instead.
That lasts even longer, and avoids the unknowns from fake vaccines that do not contain an actual virus.
The inventor of mRNA vaccine worked at Salk Institute. This is not a concise video.

Malone and Bossche on C-19

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